shazdraws-blog · 9 years
He didn’t miss one beat
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
pitviperofdoom asked you:
Dragons. Do you have any useful links on dragons? Different types from different mythologies, different designs and features and abilities, that sort of thing?
What is a Dragon?
Dragon Theories
Dragons and Dragon Lore
Dragon Abilities
List of Dragons in Mythology
Dragons of Greek Mythology
Dinosaurs and Dragons
Dragon Anatomy
Dragon Anatomy and Physiology
Advanced Dragon Description
Comparing Dragons
Dragon Physiology and Powers
Eastern Dragons
Chinese Dragons
Japanese Dragons
Korean Dragons
Vietnamese Dragons
Types of Dragons
8 Types of Dragons You’ve Never Heard Of
Dragon Types
Dragon Species
Middle Eastern Dragons
Western Dragons
History of Western Dragons
Dragons By Region
In Search of British Dragons
Chinese Dragon
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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Ugh, they’re so cute it’s making me sick…
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
What if I was able to read in my dream?
Hey to my peeps who have a hard times with reality, remember that:
Mirrors dont work while youre dreaming
Phones/TV/computer screens dont work  while youre dreaming
books dont work while youre dreaming (the letters will keep moving)
 If you ever feel like youre dreaming remember this
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
alterego9114replied to yourpost:Every RC9GN character is problematic except for…
Can you list how everyone is problematic, please? It would be very interesting to see.
Your Fav is Problematic RC9GN version:
Randy Cunningham
Thought about leaving two people to be killed by a giant shark.
Slacks on his duty
Wastes smokebombs
Howard Weinerman
Thinks lying is ok.
Always angry.
Doesn’t want to be smart.
The NinjaNomicon
Is a book
Doesn’t give straight answers
Hannibal McFist
Wants to destroy the Ninja.
Killed an 800 year old tree Yells at Viceroy.
Willem Viceroy
Too sassy
Has too much power
Went to evil genius school
Wants to destroy the Ninja
Wants to cause chaos
Likes misery
The Ninja
Causes property damage
Makes lame puns and jokes
Once yelled at a student saying he hated his song.
Heidi Weinerman
Spreads gossip
Interrupted the Rorg marathon.
Indirectly gives news to McFist.
Theresa Fowler
Likes Randy who is problematic
Took a picture of Randy without full permission.
Almost hurt Heidi because she was jealous and a monster.
Stole from Randy’s purse.
Thinks “death is cool”
Uses a doctor note to get out of gym when he really isn’t sick.
Debbie Kang
Gets into people’s business
Too confident in chess
Made fun of Randy and Howard’s poor Spanish skills.
Catfish Booray
Mind-controlled animals
Stuffed Randy in a cage
Wanted to cook Howard.
Mac Antfee
Corrupted from power
Fought a 14 year old
Didn’t listen to the Nomicon.
Wants to destroy the Ninja
Cause chaos
Wants to free the Sorcerer
Evil Julian
Evil Julian
Wants to turn you “inside out”
Cowboy guy/Bruce McCheese
Broke into Randy’s room
Doesn’t tell us who he is.
Carries around her husband’s skeleton
Ninja Prime
Gave up when hope was lost.
Forced Plop Plop to be a guardian.
Plop Plop
His first name is Plop, his last name was already Plop.
Left from his duty.
Bucky Hensletter
Gets stanked every other week
Show boats.
Sad trombones too much.
Norisu 9
Incapacitated the Tengu
Possessed Howard.
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
“u kno what, bro?” “what?” “if i were a cat, i’d spend all 9 lives with u” *clutches heart* “… bro”
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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Author John Scalzi was on a roll this morning (currently 7:14 AM, 26 Sept. 2014) with a tweet he found from some guy sending out an “ultimatum” to women to “make a choice” between feminism and, well, men like him. So Scalzi launched into a truly magnificent set of scorchers, which I’m posting here for the delectation of people everywhere.
Also: I would like to thank that guy for setting the ultimatum. It makes finding a boyfriend so much easier when the undesirable ones wear a placard identifying themselves.
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
everyone who reblogs this will receive a picture of spencer shay in their inbox 
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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This is a map of Asia. North Americans, you may notice this map is not solely comprised of Japan, Korea, China and Thailand. People in the UK, you may notice India is not  a continent. That is, if those of you who generalize entire continents can even pinpoint India on a map. Indians are Asian, gasp! And not all brown skinned people are Indian, also, gasp! There are an alarming amount of people, of all ages, from all backgrounds, who seem to be unable to process this.
I’m ethnically Asian. Since Asia is an extremely large continent, I could be from any number of countries. I am neither from India, China, Korea, Japan or Pakistan, yet not so surprisingly, I am still Asian. 
Yes, there are commonalities across regions, through the conflation of cultures, colonialism, globalization, transnationalism and movement of diasporas. Sometimes these are all the same thing. Rickshaws, rice and curry can be found across the continent. But let’s not overgeneralize. You can also find Buddhists, Catholics, Muslims and Hindus across Asia. Cantonese Speaking Chinese Muslims! English Speaking Indian Jews! 
No, we are not all the same. Orientalism? (Please look up Edward Said for basic concepts) No thank you. 
Geography, people. It’s important. 
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
finishing the main pokemon storyline and then running into level 5 trainers that you accidentally skipped
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
That awkward moment when...
Danny Phantom has better hair than you. 
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
hagrid: [points to friendly domestic pet dog]
hagrid: FANG
hagrid: [points to mythical three-headed canine beast creature most well known for guarding the entrance to the Greek underworld but which now guards a magical stone with the potential to grant literal immortality]
hagrid: fluffy :)
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
To Steven Universe fans that want to start collecting rocks!
Rocks are rad as hell and im happy to see everyone get so interested in them with this show. Ive never seen so many rocks on my dash! However there are some important things you need to know about these rocks if you want to start collecting them!!!
Amethyst, Rose quartz, any type of translucent crystal (as a rule of thumb, not necessarily all but A LOT) WILL FADE IN SUNLIGHT.
Malachite is TOXIC if its not tumbled/polished (abd even then you should wash your hands after handling) and CAN RELEASE TOXIC FUMES IF PUT IN THE WATER.
happy rock hounding!!!
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shazdraws-blog · 9 years
when u fake broke cause you’re saving for something
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