shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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Chibi Crime Sorcière
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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Κράτα με στις πιο βαθιές σου επιθυμίες.
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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Never ending struggle
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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I’m tired of all the bull shit
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
always check yourself for unnecessary negativity and bitterness
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
" don't tell the others i told ya this, or i'll poison ya in yer sleep . . . but i guess––––, " he paused after jabbing him a few times in the chest with his finger. gritting his teeth subtly, he dreaded the words to leave him next but didn't stop them regardless. " but i'm glad . . . that y' came along––––and introduced us to yer guild. y' guys are . . . the closest thing i ever had to a family. " // HELLLO 8')
How could someone recognize a drunk Erik?
     ── This question had multiple answers: he might start eating rats, look      around for a missing eyeball, drink the content of a janitor closet or mention      Cubellios at least three times in the evening.
( those were the RUMORS )
If you asked Jellal, however, he’d tell you ( from experience ) thata drunk Erik is surprisingly honest.
And the one currently in front of him, poking him on the sternum, seemed very, very drunk.
The next words that his guildmate spoke — after threatening to murder him if word was to get out ( a threat he knew better than to take lightly ) — took him by surprise and… made him feel things he simply couldn’t describe. His mind brought him back to the first days spent in the old Seis members’s company, to the nights spent around a burning firecamp and getting to know each other, to the times they’d spent fighting side by side, as comrades instead of enemies.
And suddenly, a word popped in his mind:                                                                        PRIDE.
Jellal was… proud. He was surprised, taken aback — but he was proud nonetheless.
───── They’d come so far.                                                    Erik had come so far.
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His lips curved up in a warm smile. “The feeling is mutual”, he finally declared after a few seconds, awkwardly patting Erik’s shoulder.
                                                ...Life wouldn’t be the same without them all.
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
Jellal: Hey Erza, I just want to apologize for falling onto your...ahem, breasts.
Erza: *quitly* I'm not.
Jellal: What?
Erza: I said I am hot!
Jellal: Ehm...yes you are?
Wendy: You two are horrible at flirting
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
To the lucky girl who gets to love her, be with her and win her heart over; Please take care of her, make sure she knows how much she’s worth, she tends to take care of everyone else around her and always forget to put herself first, so take care of her. Love her unconditionally as if there’s no tomorrow anymore, always remind her how much you love her, how lucky you are to be able to love her and be loved back by her, never let her go to sleep without letting her know you love her. Always make her feel special, put her first before anyone or anything else, she’s the most important person in your life so don’t forget to act like it, she’s your number one priority and don’t forget that. Give her space, let her have her own time, she loves to just be left alone sometimes, and that’s not a bad thing, let her breathe, let her think and rest, if she wants to be alone, don’t take it personally, just understand her and give her the time and space that she needs. Always listen to her. When she tells you things, pay attention, remember everything, even the small details, especially the smallest details. Listen to what she’s telling you, show her that you understand and that you’re all ears. If she wants to rant, let her rant, if she wants to tell you a story let her tell you a story. Never interrupt her, always show that you’re interested, don’t make her feel worthless. Don’t let her go to bed mad. No matter what you’re fighting or arguing about, or no matter who’s wrong or right, never let her go to bed mad. Talk to her. Tell her you’re sorry. Tell her you love her. Even if its not your fault act like it is, just don’t let her go to bed mad. She hates hanging out with a big group of people that she’s not close with, so don’t force her to go to parties if she doesn’t want to. But don’t leave her either even if she says its ok for you to go, instead choose to stay with her. Watch her favourite movies with her. Watch the TV shows that she loves, even if you don’t really get why she loves them. Put on her favourite music, and lay there under the covers. Spend time with her. Hug her tight and let her know how lucky you are. She loves animals. She probably loves them more than you and you shouldn’t be offended by that, don’t take it personally. If she wants to spend time with them and not you let her, they mean the world to her. Learn to love them too. She’s got the biggest heart. She fights for what is right, and you should support her, never say that what she believes in is crap, respect her beliefs and respect her.  Always cook her something. She loves food. Always make sure there’s potatoes, chicken and watermelon around, she absolutely love those. No matter how much you love her though, never let her near the kitchen!  After work, she’s going to be hella tired, so cook her food, put on her favourite shows or music, run a hot bath for her, and let her rest and sleep. Take care of her. Don’t take her out on really expensive and/or loud dates, take her out to somewhere she loves, or stay in. Give her a list of options. Always prepare more than one date idea. Dates should just be about the two of you, so make sure its somewhere the two of you can just talk. Communicate with her. Always talk to her. She hates small talks, ask her about her day, talk to her about everything, don’t keep secrets, be honest to her. Always say good morning and good night to her. Always ask her how was her day. Ask her if she’s eaten. Ask her if she’s okay. Always tell her to drive safe. Tell her you miss her. Tell her you love her. Take care of her please. Love her more than anyone or anything.  You’re lucky to have her. You’re lucky to be with her. She’s the type of girl anyone would be lucky to be with. She’s kind, honest, loyal, down to earth, kind hearted, genuine, sweet (the sweetest), caring, amazing, witty, dirty minded, charming, big hearted, and she’s perfect, she’s perfect despite her past, despite her flaws, so love her. Take care of her. Love her. She chose you.
(love her because i can only love her from afar.)
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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         INDIE ERZA SCARLET  && GRAY FULLBUSTER                                  LOVED BY CAT && ENDY.
                      PERSONALS DO NOT REBLOG !!!
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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come, hell or high water. ♆ percy jackson — a child of poseidon’s better nature: powerful, but gentle and helpful, the kind of sea that sped ships safely to distant lands. 
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shcklesofsin-a-blog · 6 years
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