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         “You said not go to the house. But I went, and you were not there. What is wrong? Why are you always away? Why do you not love Neta?”
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“Reverend Odgers? Blood and bones——I reckon it may be a bit late for him also.” He paused——shifted, seeming to sober somewhat, glancing down at her after a moment.
“But——seriously, m’dear. Don’t trouble yourself. After all, it’s in God’s hands, isn’t it?”
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She frowned, seeming uncertain, lashes flickering several times. “---Neta is not sure. Maybe---yes, that is probably so. But---if Vally does not visit where God lives, God might not know when he needs help. And it is proper to say thank you, sometimes.”
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“Oh——probably.” He blew out a breath, reaching to tweak her nose. “Probably, probably. Though, I reckon it may be a bit late for all of that, eh?”
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“Oh no---she does not believe so, or---she does not think.” Her expression became a little troubled. “---she is mostly sure it would not be, but---she will ask Reverend Odgers next time she sees him.”
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His mouth twitched again, dryly, more ironically.
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“More’s the pity, m’love. I’ve not been to church in years.”
“Oh---that is very long.”
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“Probably---it would be best, if he came again sometime.”
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His eyes narrowed more, the curve of his mouth tugging wider.
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“Oh——this way and that, y’know. This way and that.” He paused——glanced across at her, giving her side a little pinch. “But one thing remains the same about all of them——you aren’t wearing any clothes.”
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She made a small sound of protest, squirming---though in no particular direction, when he pinched her; features flushing a little. “Oh---but---perhaps he does not have so very many memories of her clothes at all. Yes---she is not sure if he has ever seen her nicest dresses. She does not wear them very often---sometimes to church, but he is never there.” 
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“From the moment I saw you, I knew you’d be the closest I’d get to being.. close. I didn’t know what to do with that feeling: happiness”
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His lips twinged.
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“You are far too sweet for your own good, m’dear. But——as it happens, I have my favorite ways of recalling you as well.”
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She tilted her head against the pillow, his words appearing to gladden her, lips parting to form another smile. She shimmied a little closer to him. “He does? What do they look like?”
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He cracked open an eye, glancing at her from out of the corner of it, brows lifting as he spoke.
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“That’s how you’ll remember me, is it? By my jokes?”
“Why not---? His jokes are very clever.” 
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“But---she remembers him by many things, all sorts of things. Yes. But---she will think about those, when she wants to laugh the most.” 
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He arched an eyebrow, lips curling slowly in return. “There——you see?” He shifted, adjusting the placement of his arm so that it fit around her better, eyes narrowing as he gave her middle a little squeeze.
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“I knew you would find it amusing.”
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She glanced at him and giggled again, her smile brightening. “Yes---she will remember and think of it when he is not here.” 
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cont. from (x)
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“Ah——indeed, my dear. But that is just the thing. The wind was blowing——had blown. The wind blew, as it were. Blew and the color blue——they sound the same, d’you see? So, when I say that the man went out to find the wind blew…”
She hesitated, mouth closing as she listened, her frown slowly turning to consideration. “He found it---blew---” Her expression changed again, lips forming a small circle, and then she giggled, shaking her head. 
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“The wind blew. Oh---that is funny, that is very clever of him.” She was smiling very much now, and continued to laugh.
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"An observing man claims to have discovered the color of the wind. He says he went out and found it blew."
“---how can the wind be blue? How did he see the wind at all---?”
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“---perhaps he looked up and saw the sky above, where the wind was blowing.”
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Kaya Scodelario in  Wuthering Heights (2011)
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