she-ra-gay-of-power · 1 month
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Help Dr. Shadi and his family in Gaza
Dr. Shadi is the head of the Bronchoscopic Department in Al-Shifa hospital.
From his GoFundMe:
My name is Dr. Shady Awad from Gaza (Palestine), I´m a doctor , I am writing this after lots of thoughts and hesitation. But the urgency and need to rescue my family is greater than my resilience. I am desperately seeking your generous support to help me evacuate my family (my wife and 6 children) from Gaza.
I worked in Al-Shifa Hospital as a mergency doctor and I was among the last ones to evacuate it, I’ve been volunteering in the different remaining hospitals since then in Khan Yunis and Rafah. I am dedicated to stay here and save lives in Gaza, but now I’ve come to a point where I’m desperate and I URGENTLY and humbly ask you to help me save my family’s life by getting them out of Gaza since there’s no SAFE place in Gaza due to slow deaths by hunger, dehydration, displacement, the spreading of illnesses and and the ongoing bombings. Choosing to leave is a very painful decision to make, but the situation has become untenable.
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on October 7, the escalation of hostilities and subsequent Israeli military directives forced my family and me into multiple relocations, resulting in the loss of our home and displacement from the north to the south of Gaza. Each move has been marked by life-threatening experiences and heart-wrenching losses in our community.
Our once peaceful home has been reduced to rubble, taking away not only our shelter but also the cherished possessions and memories we held dear, including those of our. The loss is immeasurable, and the daily struggle for survival has become increasingly difficult.
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my neighborhood after October 7.
We are desperately seeking financial assistance to evacuate from the dangerous situation in Gaza. Our immediate goal is to flees to a safe place for our family, away from the ongoing conflict, where we can begin the process of rebuilding our shattered lives. The funds will be used for essential needs such as temporary housing, food, medical care, and for urgent travel through the Rafah border crossing to Egypt, requiring a hefty $8,000-10000 travel fee per individual.
I am reaching out to you, dear friends, family, and compassionate strangers, to ask for your support in funding our evacuation. The funds raised will be used to cover transportation costs, temporary shelter, and basic necessities for our family until we can establish a more stable situation.
Here's a breakdown of the estimated costs:
-Passport fees: 120 euro per person (a total of 600 euro for five family members).
-Evacuation Fee/Egyptian Coordination: 8000 euro per adult person and 4000 for one child (Considering current evacuation fees and coordination expenses at the Egyptian border).
-Transportation to Rafah Crossing: 1000 euro.
Your support, no matter how small, can make a significant difference in helping us escape the cycle of violence and uncertainty. By contributing to this campaign, you are providing a lifeline for my family to rebuild, heal, and start anew.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for considering our plea. Your kindness and generosity will make a profound difference in our lives.
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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everyone has their own Catra as She-Ra take, and this is mine!
[image description: Catra, as She-Ra, carefully holding Adora's face. Her hands are lifting Adora's chin as though anticipating a kiss. Adora is roughed up, and while rising willingly to Catra's touch, is held back by a pair of shackles with green lights fastening down at the bottom of the image (a metaphor for Horde Prime's control). She has several wounds from battle, including four rips in her shirt that cut through the Horde insignia on her back, implying a similar fight to the canon scene in Save the Cat. Catra's outfit is similar to her season 4 outfit, but is gilded in gold, with a tall, soaring headpiece with wings erupting out of the sides. Her mane is long and flowing, and a long dark cape flows beneath it. Their faces are earnest and gentle. They are framed against a simple starscape. End ID.]
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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the only heartbreaker
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
“Some of you just make up a guy then get mad at him” ok cool I’m making up a woman and taking her on a romantic date to the aquarium
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
When Catra said, “Adora doesn’t want me—not like I want her,” because she was willing to sacrifice the world for someone she loved while Adora was the type to sacrifice her relationships for the better of the world. And when Adora said, “You were just going to leave?” because she didn’t understand that putting herself in a dangerous situation after Catra begged her not to was sending a signal that she would leave her again in a heartbeat, and Catra would rather leave first than be rejected. And when Mara said, “You’re worth more than what you can do for other people,” because Adora didn’t understand that she could be loved unconditionally. And when Catra reached out her hand and said, “Please—just this once—stay.” And when Adora took her hand, finally accepting love and help, and said, “I love you, too.” And when Adora learned that your loved ones are your greatest asset and that separating yourself from them only makes shit harder. And when—
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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Glimmer getting some punching training from Itadori Yuji from Jujutsu Kaisen for a ko-fi request!
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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Nice, Horse girl~
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
Noelle isn't a very good showrunner or world builder.Tell me something about Salineas beside that it has a monarchy, run by Mermista and has the sea gate thing. Does Etheria have a single justice system? What currency? What about elections? Can the citizens get rid of the crown? Did the people want a monarchy in the first place? How different is each kingdom for citizen. Benefits and drawbacks for each one? There might as well not be any citizens given how unimportant they are.
i know u plagiarised this from somewhere bc i’ve seen these exact words before but fine i’ll bite. try at least paraphrasing next time. there’s a lot of flaws in she ra yes but for the relative lack of experience noelle has, i think she did just fine. whether she’s a good showrunner or not is not something i care about having an opinion on. the world building of she ra sucks yeah but it also?? doesn’t matter?? i don’t understand why ur so horny for the world building what do u gain from knowing anything else about salineas? how would that enhance ur viewing experience in any way? do u want to know if bright moon actually has a parliamentary system too? do u really care about the nameless citizens in every kingdom?? the world of she ra is boring as hell, it’s a typical fantasy setting and it serves its purpose as just being a backdrop for the story. and that’s all it needs to be. it literally doesn’t have to get any deeper than that
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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…I’m late… = , =‘ But happy Mom’s day anyway! ♡
BONUS: A gift for ancle too…
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I know most of people prefer the idea Finn is Adora’s and Catra’s kid only, born from She-ra magic, but there are a loooooot of beautyful fan-comics about that.
I think the way of “donor” or the “extended family” are fields still unexplored that moreover lend themselves to gags and tender scenes. 6 V 6
I hope you’ll give it a chance (and maybe like it) even if it doesn’t corresponds to your idea of “She-ra’s future”. 9,9
I also hope no one will mind if Double Trouble gets a gift for Mom’s Day (of course they will get another one for Dad’s Day too! XP). I wanted to play on “Finn makes a gift, but the real gift is themselves”, something like that. 9o9 So I needed a festival to deal with parents, and Mom’s day comes sooner than Dad’s.
Well…brush your theet after you eat, especially bugs. O v <’ 
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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Happy Anniversary, Catradora!
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
Save the cat... respect the boundaries of the cat..... but also confront mistakes of the cat.......... believe in the goodness of the cat........... cherish the cat............... cuddle the cat................ realise you were always in love with the cat................ live for the cat.................... have a world saving make out session with the cat.....................
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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“We’ll be okay.”
More old art - this was a post-canon comic I did dealing with my feelings about the Catra and Angella situation in canon and how I thought maybe they could all finally talk about and work it out ;v; It was a massive amount of work back in the day and I’m still rly proud of it! 
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
a big reason why a lot of these fandom “elders” are white is because they pushed all of the people of color out of their circles in their teens and twenties send tweet
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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y’all heard her
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she-ra-gay-of-power · 3 years
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just adopted this cat today and I’m in love💓
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