sheep-stockings · 9 months
i dont wana care anymore about him not eating ill just fucking let him what else can i do.
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sheep-stockings · 1 year
I think about killing you sometimes It isn't that violent, really. Aggressive is a better word maybe It wasn't aggressive But it was Gorey Messy Slow Painful Don't let this make you think, though That I don't love you Because when I'm above you And you're all bloody I'm looking you in the eyes with love And admire your insides And let the blood set in my mouth Like fine wine tasting You're so beautiful Inside. Out.
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sheep-stockings · 1 year
i dont know whats wrong with me im such an idiot all the fucking time i never get anything right. i dont fit in anywhere anymore. nothing is working out. im starting to hate the person i used to love the most because im so upset with his behavior i just cant stand it anymore.
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sheep-stockings · 1 year
i hope i die fr
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
i dont wana like you anymore, it hurts so much
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
suicidal people be like "ugh im so suicidal im such a burden" yeah well you're burdening me by wasting my time on this. if you dont want to be a burden dont tell people lol !! just go die im so serious. annoying ass
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
you all fucking want me dead i know it you want me out of your fucking life. stop fucking lying. you hate me you ALL do you all fucking hate me and want to see me six feet under rotting away. you hate me
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
i dont think you understand how much i love you and care about you. i dont think you see everything i do for you. i dont think you know how much i think of you every second. i want you to understand. i want you to love me back. even if just for a moment i want you to give back what all i give you
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
need a bitch thatll motivate me better to starve myself. i also want nicotine to also help me starve myself. amen
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
youll be mine...youll be mine forever, i tell you. you know its true, surely. you may not want to accept it now but youll want to eventually, i know you will. you'll realize im all you ever need, you must.
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
ill fucking kill myself so when you hear i die you say you loved me and will miss me and youll cry for me
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
i need you to say you love me. i need you to show you love me. i dont even care if you like other people, i dont care anymore. just say you love me, please. you've given me a taste and now im desperate. ive given you things. i need you to tell me you love me or i dont know what ill do with myself
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
the world is really starting to fucking suck like literally every single time i look anywhere its something shitty happening. its things that hardly affect my day to day but will and its getting progressively worse. the only thing keeping me from killing myself is that immense fear of death and there being nothing after. endless nothingness that i will not be aware of. every time i think of it it makes me panic and wonder whats even real. why must my mind obsess over death so much in such a way. i wish i could have the same mind as those genuinely suicidal, those who care not for the nothingness that awaits them
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
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Idk felt cute
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
even you, my love, annoy me a bit with how you act. you're perfect aside from the fact you choose to ignore your issues. don't you know? it's safe to come to me with whatever is bothering you, with how your brain is working. you can tell me anything and we'll work through it and you can stop acting like that
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
everyone around me is just. broken. i dont fucking get it. why would you act like that willingly? why do you see this and just let yourself crumble with no realization? whys it so hard for you to see whats happening, to acknowledge your current state, to act on that in one way or another. you all just sit there and rot and let your thoughts strangle you and mangle your mind. you're fucking sickening. you're a selfish, selfish piece of rancid meat. its not that fucking hard. maybe you should just kill yourself so you stop subjecting others to this
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sheep-stockings · 2 years
wow i dont know how to feel. i almost feel gross but . i dont? i dont feel gross. it felt gross when the other person touched me. but this was nice i think. but what am i going to do about the scratches on my neck? shits gonna scab up and ive gotta wait for it to pass. fuck me man
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