sheepishfreeloader · 3 months
I am soooo looking forward to finally getting out of this house!! I CANNOT STAND the way they live!! Filling every surface with shit, buying things they don’t need/already have knowing FULL WELL we have no room for them, leaving the air on so cold that the husband wears WINTER CLOTHES inside when it’s the start of a blistering summer… and the constant noise! Playing TikTok’s and podcasts out loud, music I hate on repeat, loud blender noises at 9am.
Just fuck this shit! I’m looking forward to our own place, even if it’s just a mid-sized apartment. Where we can decorate it how we like, keep things neat (not pristine, but I want COUNTER SPACE DAMN IT), and not have to hear random fucking TikTok’s at all hours of the day.
They can stay in this shitty house and rot. I’m ready to move on. I’ve been told they’re shitty friends- while they been good friends financially and let us live here and pay rent, they’re shitty friends when it comes to emotional intelligence and communication. Letting me pay rent because your mortgage and utilities is really high does not a good friend make. A landlord could do that.
We used to go on trips together and sing in the car. We uses to sit on the generally clean porch and talk during the night, when it finally got cool. We used to walk the dogs together. My wife says that our housemate, like myself, wonders why our friendship isn’t how it used to be. I wonder fucking why?? Girl, wife and I buy 1 bag i chips max per every 2 weeks and can barely fit it in the cabinet because despite paying $800 per month we can’t even use the damn space we pay for. We use the slim amount of counter to place our bread loafs and you came home with 3 more bags of chips (despite two full shelves in the shared snack cabinet stuffed with your uneaten stale shit) and shoved out bread to the side so you could use OUR ONLY FUCKING SPACE for your chips. “Why aren’t we close anymore” BECAUSE YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. And everytime we’ve tried to talk to you you flip the hell out and get aggressive, slamming shit, acting like a toddler. Blaming things on other people. You leave tons of your food to rot in the fridge and then if I mention it you whine and show me the 1 (one) thing I have that’s molded, as if that’s a gotcha. SHELVES OF ROTTEN FOOD ARE NOT EQUIVALENT TO ONE BOWL OF MOLDED BEANS YOY FUCKING WALNUT
God I can’t wait for our own space and privacy. And I know I shouldn’t wish a bad life on others, but I can’t wait to visit them later and see what a damn mess the house is in, so I can tell my wife “I told you so” that they couldn’t survive alone. She always looked down on us and infantilized us ever since college, but fucking look at yourself you snob. You want to treat somebody like a baby? Treat yourself like the baby, because you haven’t paid your own mortgage in years (I have, my wife has, your husband has, not you), you leave your cats litter box to fester for weeks, you don’t know how to share a space like a normal roommate. Such a damn bulldozer. Live in your house alone with your doormat or a husband and pretend you’ll totally have a kid in the future. Damn, you can’t even take care of a fucking pet. You think you should have a kid? Please do not.
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sheepishfreeloader · 8 months
Ah, to be popular enough to get 68 notes on a doodle after only being up for 15 minutes….
I’m feeling generally sensitive rn and it’s just making me to upset about everything. About having difficulty finding adults/adults with the same interests in V/RC, about being proud of these awesome artisty pieces I’ve been making but them getting no likes, about having to work on a snow day because WFH.
I’ve made a 16 year old trans friend in the game who added me on my family friendly discord, and while she’s great, sometimes making friends I can’t fully talk to (because of age) hurts. It’s just a reminder of the fact that I can never fully connect with this person because of their age, we could never be intimate, they could never enjoy the NSFW stuff I make, hell even a virtual cuddle could be inappropriate or uncomfortable even if innocent.
And yet I can’t seem to lure in any adults to fill that niche for adult friends. Worse yet, the reminder of the one adult I DID find turned out to be a total asshole and anti LG/BTQ+. It’s hard to trust. I go into more adult worlds and find yet still more minors, or huge, loud furry cliques that are too intimidating to butt into. It’s going to take a while to find someone to become a long term adult friend, hell it’s taken 3 months just to make a handful of regular underage friends. Sigh…. I long for the deep connections I had as a kid. But digging past surface level friendship as an adult, even online is proving to be nearly impossible for me…..
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sheepishfreeloader · 9 months
I've added a handful of people to my V/RC friends list, some I hang out with more than others, and otherwise I just instance hop in the Sup/erstar Da/ycare a lot since it's pretty popular and full of fandom people...
Sooo one day while playing with one of the regulars I goof off with someone new shows up, and after having a chill goofy time he asks for my Discord. He's an adult so I'm like, yeah alright. First time adding someone from V/RC on Dis/cord so I didn't know what to expect... and I mean, it started out pretty nice cause he seemed like he wanted my attention, buuut my irl friends were uncomfortable that he would spam me for attention all the time. But I'm just delighted that someone seems to have had a fun enough time around me to want to talk and hang out more ya know. So I shrug it off, being needy isn't exactly a crime and I just ignore it when I don't feel like socializing.
I try to be a little more tolerant and open in VR/C... he was nice to my kid friend, but I noticed in one-on-one worlds he made some off color jokes. I expressed discomfort with them and he was cool about it and stopped making them around me, so I was appreciative. I tolerated knowing he made the jokes because he didn't seem to do it in front of anyone but me, and making ass jokes doesn't automatically make someone evil, and he was otherwise nice. Figured he just had a lot of growing to do. I mean, I made ass jokes when I was a teen, and I learned and grew up and stopped being like that, afterall.
We have a few good chats, both in Dis/cord text and in V/RC. It was great! But I can't be around every time he's needy for attention (I think I was like. His only AFAB friend) so he expresses trying to find more cuddle buddies, but he's just too anxious about public worlds. So I'm like okay. I got you. I make a plan to make him unintimidating and easy to sit next to and cuddle with, and with my presence in a large avatar hope to be comforting to him in a public world while we try and attract him someone else to hang with.
Maaan. Here I was, so excited to help out, and then when we do it he just. I don't even know what went wrong. He picks an annoying avatar that he knows might crash people and decides to behave in the most vile way I've seen from him, so much so it shocked the Hell out of me. I'm talking rape jokes, groping girl's jiggle-physics breasts without permission, explicit NSFW jokes in front of minors, threatening to dox a minor's IP address for a small silly annoyance, jokes about women being dumb, being a-ok with a stranger touching my avatar after laughing at his rape jokes, and he tops it off by insulting my fiancé's gender identity (and therefore, mine) while also assuming they're AMAB (and therefore, assuming I'm het). All this in a public world. I was so embarrassed that I brought him there and was being associated with him. Being a bit mean.... even my kid friends know better than to behave the way he did.
I get so uncomfortable and sad that I awkwardly stand up and say my friend is asking me to join her. Not a lie, but I was technically the one who sent the request. He says okay. I see he logs off about 15-20 minutes (unusual, he usually begs me for attention 24/7) after I leave him and then a couple hours later has the balls to message me hi and spam my username at me for attention. What the hell??? Like, that's it? You're a total ass and I leave out of sheer discomfort and that's all I get? Man, whatever. >n>
In hindsight, without giving details about things he shared with me (it would be wrong to share private things even if he was an ass), he only ever acted like he wanted me around to give him attention, not because he was actually interested in me as a person. My attention, genuineness, and openness made him feel emotionally heard and comfortable. But he didn't show any regard for my own emotional or physical wellbeing, he just wanted to spam and beg me to come online to make him feel better about himself, even if it was 1am and I was exhausted. I get it that it's hard to think about other people when you're not in the right mind for it, but you have to if you want to make and keep friends. I may be nice and attentive but I have my limits. I'm too old to have to explain to some guy I've only known for 2 weeks why he shouldn't grope womens' boobs in V/RC or threaten to dox a child over a fucking virtual barrel.
I haven't exactly broken it to him yet that I really don't feel comfortable hanging out with him or having him on my Dis/cord after his nasty behavior and insulting my fiance/me. But woof, lesson learned... just because someone seems really nice the first time you hang out, that doesn't mean they aren't hiding showing off their true colors. So... maybe don't add them on Dis/cord until you know they're not a total prick 😓 you may just end up feeling sad and heartbroken that damnit another adult friend was shitty.
I wouldn't say it was a total waste of two weeks, I mean it was fun until... that. And after I left him in that world I did get to hang with someone else I knew and added two other people, who I'm crossing my fingers are cool. They all cheered me up. But it also always sucks when you have to drop yet another person that you thought was friendly, you know? :^P
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sheepishfreeloader · 1 year
“It’s okay to make a scene sometimes”
Girl my fiancé just sobbed due to not being in depression meds for a week while *you* slam stomp break things and scream
My fiancés “scene” is not the same
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sheepishfreeloader · 1 year
Housemate traumatized us so badly last time she slammed and broke stuff that her being passive aggressive, nagging, glaring, making noise in the kitchen, are all blaring off warning signs she’s gonna blow again.
I wonder how much like shit she’d feel if she knew that the mother she hated, who traumatized her the same way, is exactly what she’s like.
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sheepishfreeloader · 1 year
Roomies make tons of leftovers they never eat and buy fruits and cut veggies they also don’t eat which rot in the fridge
It’s all their food but they made it so it’s my partners “chore” to deal with their leftovers even though it’s literally all theirs
I try and discuss how maybe they can just do it since it’s all their food and we already take care of our own leftovers, I don’t see why we have to do theirs too since we make so little and they make so much
Instead of a waiting for a normal discussion after work, the one roomie who doesn’t work decides to get up early and stomp downstairs and slam doors and slam the garbage lid tossing out her and her partners nasty leftovers 😑
Girl no one told you you had to get up at 8am to stomp your butt downstairs and clean. We were literally just discussing changing the chore because it’s not working and our cooking situation changed earlier this year. If you wanna be mad be mad, it’s your own problem. Your going on your second vacation this year that your partner is 100% paying for and driving you to. Get over it. It’s a chore you should have been doing anyway instead of shoving it off on my partner 😑
I’ve been doing great this year not letting her bad attitude, inability to small talk normally with friends, and general crabbiness not get me too worked up like it did all the time last year. Pretending she doesn’t exist usually helps lmao, and since she pretty much just lives in the living room watching TV all day and we stopped eating her cooking several months ago she usually just blends in like she’s barely there. But god dang. Stomping and slamming shit like a child when someone asks her to take care of her rotten food? Incomprehensible. But I need to remember most of the time anger isn’t about you, it’s about things they’re going through being misdirected. My request and discussion is reasonable, but her explosive reaction is due to stress from her mother, having to pack, and doctors appointments, and doesn’t make what I asked any less normal. It’s a her problem.
“Can you take care of your rotten food, and maybe discuss changing the chore because you make a ton of leftovers and shouldn’t expect my fiancé to take care of our food AND your food” is NOT unreasonable. Her anger is not my problem. It is not my issue. I don’t have to let her emotional issues bleed into me or keep me from my own peace of mind.
If she wants to push off all the major chores on her already overworked husband, fine. They can suffer together.
If she wants to sit on the couch and binge watch TV and movies for 8 hours straight everyday in a windowless room, fine. She can let her brain rot and it’s not my business.
If she wants to make necklaces and clothes that she shows nobody but my fiancé and which sit in an already bursting closet because she doesn’t go anywhere, fine. It’s her husband’s money and his side of the closet thats bursting with her shit, and he doesn’t care.
If she wants to avoid all social contact with people and old friends in a discord because she didn’t get a joke 1 time and so “the server just isn’t for her,” fine. She can sit alone in her windowless room and forget how to talk like a normal human being, that's her prerogative.
I’m doing really well this year and she continues to flounder in her own pity. She used to be a great friend, I still lament our dead relationship where we would go to the store together and have really good long talks, back when she used to say she really admired and looked up to me.
And I know this all started when her father passed away nearly two years ago, but does that make her treatment of us any better? Does that make her continued disregard for her future self any healthier? Grief can really destroy a person. But no matter how much empathy or patience we’ve given her she continues to be this stubborn mass of nothingness. Either blending into the couch or exploding when push comes to shove because she’s gotten so out of practice with the world that she can barely function. But we are not therapists, and being her friend has also not helped her, so there’s nothing to do but prioritize ourselves now. We can’t stop our own lives for hers, even if we care… we cannot be doormats.
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sheepishfreeloader · 2 years
> kid destressed in Discord because of cyberbullying and alleged grooming/pedophilia by a leader in their other community
> be responsible adult and offer to look into it so i can report it to the FBI’s cybertip website, since child has no trusted adult to help them
> message only other adult (an ex-mod of the community) that i know is attached to the issue to request info to include in potential report
> ex-mod blows up and chews me out, reads “18+” in my bio, clicks on profile anyways, and is disturbed that the images are (surprise) 18+, chews out more
> well shit, cheers mate
bruh.. who really sees a DM saying “I’m trying to help a scared child, do you have any info for me to give to the cybertip report website because your Google Doc was too vague” and decides to chew them out -.-’ like
Really going to be a moderator for a game super saturated with very young children, and then.. still can’t empathize with why I might be reaching out based on one of those young children’s request for help. The adult Roblox and Roblox Twitch community is such a cesspool that even they could take a request for help like that and make shit all about themself.
I still don’t know why they clicked my profile to open it and look at my art if they didn’t want to see the 18+ content (again yes they are an adult). 18+ is, er, in the bio for a reason my friend. We can chat in DMs without you eeever ever ever having to look at nsfw art, and no giving me information in a private place is not “being associated with an 18+ account” because who the Hell is going to know?
I want to say why did I even bother, but putting myself in that uncomfortable situation to potentially help a kid or kids- feels like it says better about my character and worse about theirs for reacting that way. I try not to feel petty but I wonder how their “small Twitch community” would feel about how they acted >.>’
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sheepishfreeloader · 2 years
weird and shitty ass customers
1. A woman calling about how her address was incorrect on her account. I asked her if she’d like me to update it. She says “you don’t understand, that address you have doesn’t exist.” I politely inform her again that I’d be more than happy to update it. She tells me she want’s a manager because I “don’t speak English.” I am a native born English speaker in America with little to no accent while at work. Customer was transferred to manager... who helped her update her address. Go figure.
2. Man calls in wondering why we haven’t gotten his payment yet. I inform him the “electronic bank payments” his bank has been sending were all checks, which can take several days to arrive. He informs me that no, the reason payment is late is because he “hasn’t gotten his statement in several months.” I happily tell him I would escalate the issue to our compliance team and inquired when was the last month he got a statement. He says “that’s not my main priority right now.” Confused, as it was just indeed his priority two second ago, I ask to confirm that he doesn’t actually want the issue escalated. He says vaguely “you asked a question and I answered it.” Having not answered my question in the slightest, I admitted that I was a little confused, as he wasn’t asking me a question nor answering my previous ones. He says “obviously, bye, fucking useless,” and hangs up on me. To this day I have no idea what he wanted. I discovered later he was an unattractive and balding CEO of an investment company.
3. Not my customer, but a co-workers. The customer apparently claimed that one of our employees stole her debit card, and then promptly used the debit card to... pay the customer’s bill. Her proof was that she didn’t remember paying her bill. When informed that the payments were all scheduled online and not with an employee over the phone, she told co-worker that the attorney general had been contacted and was adamant that someone from the company stole her card number. It’s important to note that we cannot even save debit cards to our systems, and neither can customers. Debit cards have to be typed in every time, so every time she paid a payment online she had to type it in by hand. She was apparently very rude, but it’s also a little sad because she was also apparently very old and likely had issues with poor memory.
4. A lady who wasn’t inherently very rude, but clearly not doing herself (nor us) any favors. I set up a payment for her, and we must read a payment disclosure first, verbatim, for legal reasons. I keep trying to get through it but she keeps interrupting me to complain that this “wasn’t the first time she got a late fee” due to her checks not reaching us by the due date, and how she was “just going to close the card” later because of it. Finally got her payment scheduled and customer off the phone. I review the notes from all of the previous year. She has been told about ten times that checks may take up to 14 days to arrive, but has continued to send checks 7 days before her due date, resulting in many fees. She has also been threatening to close the account for several months as well. Lo and behold, as with 99% of our customers who threaten closure, it has remained open.
5. Before discussing private financial information we are required legally to confirm who we are speaking to by verifying the last 4 of their SSN and date of birth. I received an incoming call from a very southern young woman saying “mother trucker” as a curse word at first. She was complaining about getting calls from us and late fees and complaining that we’ve been hanging up on her yadda yadda. So I go to try and confirm her last 4 of the SSN and date of birth. It’s understandable not everyone is comfortable with this- there are online options for those people. But her response, being the classy woman she was, was to begin declaring loudly into my ear how it was her right as an American not to give us that information, and how she’d give us her mother’s name and her address before the last 4 of her SSN. For reference, it’s more dangerous to give your address. Searching a name and the last 4 of a SSN won’t pull up shit, but a name and address 100% will. Well, after being told I can’t discuss private info without it, she starts cursing at a volume that nearly blew my ear drums out. It was quite satisfying hanging up on her (as was policy) and reading the tons of notes saying several agents had done the same, all on the same day. We got a rude email from her later, and she reported us to the BBB. Whoppie.
6. A fella with a slow, languid Russian accent. He clearly had me on speaker and was walking through a parking lot. I had to have him repeat the last 4 of his SSN due to the back ground noise. Dude goes on a full minute rant about how by the time I input his info correct he won’t have time to talk anymore. He misses the irony of his of course, because the whole rant I was sitting and and ready to continue the call as I’d finally gotten his SSN imputed correctly, so by ranting he was wasting his own time. Well, we get into the bread and butter of his account and I ask why he got a little behind (as we are required to ask everybody late). He sarcastically asks me if we are still in the middle of a pandemic or of anything had changed. So dumbfound by this stupid ass smart alek response I just said no, but afterwards I wish I had said “oh no, what pandemic?” Later, looking through his older account notes, I spotted where several months ago he called us monkeys. How pleasant.
7. An older lady who had broken her back a few months ago and was just starting on disability. I would have had no need to know such personal information, except when I asked her if she wanted a late fee waiver request, she got angry and began ranting about how some people (I assume she meant me) thought they were invincible and above everyone else. Perplexed, I informed her I was certainly not invincible . Moved on to helping her set up a debit card payment. We have a legal script to state that the card must be a personal card issued in the customer’s name. After saying that she ranted for 2 minutes about how I apparently thought she was stupid and to stop treating her like she was stupid or else she’d “have to report me.” I told her she wasn’t stupid and that it was a mandatory legal statement. Went in one ear and out the other, she continued saying she wasn’t stupid and to “hurry up.” So I taker her debit card, then we have another legal disclosure (a script that would also show up even if you paid it yourself online) where at the end you have to say “I agree.” After she said I agree, she said “YOU KNOW WHAT,” sputtered a bit, “HAVE A NICE DAY” and hung up. I went back on the account a week later and saw where she’d called back and claimed that the “previous rep” (me) had been “nasty,” and that apparently i had “been too scared to get her a supervisor” because I was “afraid she’d report me.” She had not asked for a supervisor... lol.
8. Guy calls in about 10 minutes before close, I give the “Hi I’m (name) thanks for calling (company) how can I help you?” Which I didn’t know at the time would be the only thing I could get out my mouth. He starts with “I’m about to be very angry at you, not at you but the company.” And then he rants, calling our card a piece of shit because it “declines every time he uses it.” He said he was going to cut it in 3 pieces and never wanted to hear from us again, called me an asshole, then hung up. I look at his account. The last time his card declined was October of 2020 (It’s Feb 2021 now) and that was due to fraud suspicion, which was quickly rectified. But now, in Feb 2021, his card was declined... because he hadn’t paid his bill in 2 months. But he of course wouldn’t even let me speak to secure the call and give him such crucial information. I guess he didn’t give a shit about his credit score. But otherwise, if he DID know he was late, did he really think he’d be allowed to use it? In what world do businesses let you use a service before paying your bill (save for free trials)? 
9. One of the few southern people with an attitude. Guy calls in to tell me he scheduled a payment back on feb 27th, but it actually scheduled it for mar 27th. Now, idk if you’ve ever paid a bill online, but credit cards give you the ability to schedule payments for a future date. It opens a calendar. This man was the FIRST MAN in all the thooousands of customers I’ve serviced to report such a “system glitch,” so what does that mean? The simplest solution is the most likely one... mr. thick fingers opened up the calendar, accidentally touched the arrow that moved it out from feb to mar, didn’t notice, and hit accept. Yet, he repeated to be about 6 times how it was our system. Over and over and over. It felt like purgatory. He said he “did everything right,” because of course a man can do no wrong now can he? By the end I asked if he had any other questions, and this dude says “I guess not because you haven’t done shit to help me.” Dumb founded, I said “...okay,” and the dude laughed. It’s funny how uppity he clearly is, yet he’s the one who, out of thousands, made such a mistake. Yikes. If you’re literally the only person who’s had this supposed “issue” and then can’t even take responsibility for what was clearly a simple mistake on your part- then you’re not the brightest (or nicest) crayon in the box. Get a grip on reality.
10. Aaand we’re at 10! Today I get a transfer, and as the transferring agent was asking if he had any final question he starts screaming over her. I sighed. I take the customer and start the mini miranda- the legal disclosure we’re required by law to state for late customers. He talks over me and curses. I warn him not to use such language or I would disconnect, so he just rants about wanting me to hurry up cause he’s heard it before blah blah blah. Skip ahead where I tell him his past due and he gets pissed that the payment isn’t $50, but $56, due to interest, and calls it extorsion and continues curses. Warning #2. Technically we’re supposed to hang up on the second warning, but I keep going. I start setting up the payment, and only get to the page to set a payment date before he curses again. Warning #3. He starts screaming, I tell him to lower his voice and I would disconnect now. Before I hit the button I hear “fuck you bitch!” And I laugh after hanging up. He called back maybe 5 minutes later with a diff agent who took his payment. Seems he was smart enough to keep his dirty mouth shut with her because she didn’t have to hang up. And what was he mad about? He had two “canceled” debit card payments- i.e. his card’s issuing bank declined his payments. I see it allll the time. Nothing we can do. But apparently it was “our fault” and pissed him off so bad that he felt the need to swear at me. A grade A loser. And somehow a grown ass man. I understand his frustration, but that’s no way to talk to someone at all, let alone a stranger.
11. Lady born in the 50s calls in immediately snappy and raising her voice because she says she paid her bill months ago and was still getting charged. I look at her account. She paid her full balance, and her trailing interest charge was like $13 bucks. She paid $6, leaving a remainder. She then did not pay the remainder, resulting in more interest and a late fee. Ultimately though she only had to pay $6.58 to finish out her interest remainder. Through the 17 minute long shit show of a call, I realize this woman has been reading the line of her statement displaying her past due and only paying that. A line right below the past due is her actual minimum total due. If she had nudged her eyes down an inch she’d have actually seen her full payment due. Explaining this to her did nothing and I had to explain that and interest to her like, 6 times. By the end she called “us” (i’m just a glorified cashier lady, get real, i’m not an “us”) criminals and hung up. At least she finally paid her full bill. Geez. Older folk wanna act like they know everything about finances and money and saving but then can’t even understand the difference between “past due” and “total minimum due.” Yelling at someone over nearly $7 bucks. Girl. You like, 70 years old... grow up...
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sheepishfreeloader · 3 years
there’s this person on this wiki who i dislike and who had been gone for several months, and they suddenly returned... just to start making pages about a bunch of sex acts (i do nsfw stuff but do we really need a WHOLE PAGE for cock warming and shower sex) and pedophilia ships. of course all ships need to be documented for knowledge’s sake but must you REALLY upload explicit underage drawings to the fucking pages.... grosses and pisses me off
and then on this person’s profile they have a whole section of code for trigger warnings they can places on pages, and this mf idiot decided instead of using full words that they would censor letters. so instead of “suicide” it’s “s-icide” yeah wow thats totally helpful. YOU DON’T MARK OUT LETTERS UNLESS YOU WANT TO BE UNSEEN, WHICH IS NOT THE POINT OF TWs OR CWs... 
I wish this person would just go back to their own community and stop making unfished page after unfinished page of weirdly elicit underage fan content... they NEVER finish their damn pages anyways and create HUNDREDS of them...
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
Working with customers, particularly customers with debt, for so long makes you realize just how many people do not want to be helped.
And it's not people specifically refusing help most of the time, it's the people who get so mad at you that they won't even LET you help. Won't even let you talk or try to explain financial terms to them.
The amount of people who deny a re-age payment plans out of "principle" because they don't like that re-age still accumulates late fees while on the plan... and then they send the nastiest emails, and curse at our agents over it.
Here's the thing about re-age plans, so you get the context. Imagine someone is $300 in debt; that includes late fees, interest, and their next month's payment. We have to report that to the credit bureaus by law even if it's negative (and no, complaining about how upset you are, or are trying to buy a house, won't change that). So they're getting negative score after negative score. A re-age plan says hey, instead of having to pay $300, just pay $150, either in three smaller payments or one large payment to equal the amount. Imagine it takes them 3 months to finish the plan. So while they pay small pieces to equal $150, they get three more late fees, each $39, for a total of $117, not counting interest. By the end of re-age, their past due totals $267 because of the new late fees, again not including interest. BUT. Because they just finished re-age, the remaining past due debt is forgiven. Their past due is changed to $0. They are shown as current, but their balance won't change. Basically the past due is considered current, but their balance continues to include the fees. The re-age plan has graciously given them an out to their terrible credit reporting, and as long as they are able to pay the MUCH SMALLER monthly payment (because a $25 monthly minimum is clearly better than a $300 past due), they will remain current and be reported as such. (All this isn't a secret or company thing btw, re-age plans aren't uncommon for companies that handle debts)
But good lord does this plan piss people off. They act so concerned about their credit scores, but when given an out to have their debt forgiven they REFUSE the help. Sure, in that example they got an extra $117 in late fees. But the rest of their $267 debt was forgiven, bringing them back to the regular monthly $25 payment and a nice clean current account to begin raising that credit score again. But nooo. On principle, if they get any sort of fee, suddenly we're the devil and have to deal with two nasty emails per day and at least one rude call per day from the same person, everyday. At the end of the day they would rather take the credit hits then pay on late fees.
Another, somewhat unrelated, example is how some people legitimately REFUSE to take responsibility for their late fees, to a point they dig themselves into huge holes of debt. People who spent their card once or twice, pay it off, but due to their lack of reading comprehension never read the terms of their card, and get a trailing interest charge. They don't pay the charge because they didn't know they had it. They get a late fee. They call, yell at us, and refuse to pay. A few months and several submitted complaints go by and that little $2 interest charge and $25 late fee snow ball into several more late fees and interest. Congratulations, you now owe $100 and have been reported badly to the beuros for about four months! Wanna pay your debt now? No? Still refusing out of some misguided "principle?" Okay. I'll submit another complaint, and oh, don't forget after 180 days of being late you could be charged off, and at that point there will be nooo saving that credit report. :)
Don't be stupid out of "principle." If you have the means pay your debt. It doesn't matter who you think is at fault, or if you think it's a bad deal, or if you blame us (some how) for your bad report. It's your debt. Yours. No one is crying and losing profit because a handful of financially illiterate bastards are mad and won't pay. The only one suffering is YOU. Pay. Your. Debt. And be done with it.
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
roomie getting on my nerves, she keeps letting my dog piss and crap all over the carpets because she won’t let him out enough. he’s 15 yrs old and smaller than her giant hound dog, he can’t always hold it for 4-5 hours!!! and the WORST part is that she is DOWNSTAIRS with him all hours of the day (except when she naps- don’t know why she naps so much she barely does anything). she also doesn’t ever full up their two water bowls OR the ca’s food bowl. few months ago they carelessly stuck cat’s food on top of a high cabinet so the hound wouldn’t eat it, and i came to found out NO ONE HAD BEEN CHECKING ON IT and the cat had no food!! for who knows how long!? and i’m the shortest here, i’m the only one who couldn’t see the food just by standing on a chair, i had to take the whole bowl down to look at it....
anyways so she, since she doesn’t work and hasn’t for almost two years now, goes on a week long christmas vacation with her fiance. her fiance of course has to work, he just brings his computer with him on the vacation. so she gets a nice long cushy vacation from her vacation while he keeps working. while gone the house was soooo clean and the dogs only had 1 accident inside (early morning before they’re let outside after their breakfast, that’s understandable). then they come back, showered in christmas gifts, and within 4 days they dogs shit inside twice and the kitchen again became a disgusting wreck with nasty pots everywhere and old food (because she insists on cooking huge meals like every day, or else she orders fast food). then two days ago my dog pisses inside, and this morning i hear he again shit. 
every time i go down i ask “when has he had a pee?” and she thinks she’s so funny cause last 4 times she responds “i don’t know, ask him.” i told her she needs to let him out every 2 hours instead of 4 so he doesn’t mess in the house and that’s her response? to make a sarcastic joke of it? har har har, you sit on your ass like you’re retired like you can’t be bothered to consider the well being of the animals you’re supposed to care for? everyone in this damned house works except for her but she neglects the dogs all day. how would she feel if she was restricted to peeing and pooping once every 4-5 hours? she’s probably have accidents too!!
my fiance says just telling her once isn’t good enough and that i need to sit down and have a “serious” talk with her. but shit she’s a grown ass adult one yr my senior! AND she’s had animals forever! she should already know how cruel she’s being to the animals! she let’s her hound sit in a hot room all day without fucking water because she won’t refill their water bowl. and know what? she didn’t have these issues until she was told she may have ADHD. then suddenly, like a self fulfilling prophecy, all her issues get worse? they weren’t that bad before, and if she has ADHD now she had it before. so what changed? her perception of how she should act? why does she act so ditzy all of a sudden when she didn’t act like that last year? it boggles my mind!
people my whole life wanna chide me like i’m childish. so it’s gotta be bad when someone like me thinks maybe she needs to grow up.
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
after having some bills and a credit card it really makes me hate credit card customers even more. because keeping up with how to handle your credit card is SOOOO EASY so now all the stupid shit customers do and say to me about their cards makes me cringe so bad
“i can only schedule the payment for tomorrow” “WHAT WHY!? TODAYS THE DUE DATE” “because of the 5pm central cut off time for the banks” “WHAT BUT I DIDN”T KNOW THAT ITS NOT MY FAULT” BITCH what you want me to do? hold your hand and explain to you how closing times work? THE BANK IS CLOSED BITCH. THEY CAN’T PROCESS A PAYMENT WHEN THEY’RE CLOSED BITCH. tf!
“WHY DID I GET A LATE FEE I PAID!!” “well looks like you made a payment a few hours before your new bill actually came out... since there was no new bill yet the payment counted as a double payment on your previous bill... you have to wait for your new cycle before paying on your new cycle...” “THAT’S NOT FAIR I PAID I’M GOING TO CLOSE THE CARD AND GO TO THE BBB THIS IS A SCAM” Cunt!! How you gonna be mad that you tried to pay a bill that didn’t exist yet! THAT’S YOUR FAULT! It’s literally not that hard a concept to grasp i swear to god.. we’re a credit card not a fucking loan, when you double pay it goes to your balance, not next months bill!! WAIT FOR A NEW BILL BEFORE PAYING ON A NEW BILL CUNT!! it’s like getting to the train station 3 hours early and complaining that the train hasn’t arrived yet!
“can you help me reset my password” WHY!? literally RIGHT BELOW THE LOG IN BUTTON is a FORGOT PASSWORD BUTTON.. can you follow basic instructions? yes? THEN CLICK IT AND FOLLOW BASIC INSTRUCTIONS for god sake you dont even have to be computer/internet literate to do that!
“I SENT MY CHECK ON THE 1ST WHY DID I GET A LATE FEE!!” “well due date is the 3rd and it takes 14 days for mail to get it here” “BUT I SENT IT ON THE 1ST I SHOULD GET CREDIT FOR THAT!!” you SMELLY BALLSACK idk about you but i don’t just think ‘oh, you say you have the money on the way? hahah okay well even tho we don’t have it and thus can’t spend it on our business, i’ll credit you based on your word!’ like what the HELL NO you do not get credit for money we DON”T ACTUALLY HAVE IN OUR POSESSION!! wtf are you thinking?? brain fried from sucking trump’s cock too long? got a lil cock asphyxiation? 
“can i verify the last 4 of ur social?” “WHAT NO YOU CALLED ME SO YOU TELL ME WHAT THE LAST 4 OF MY SSN IS” “uhh we can’t do that...” “WELL YOU SHOULD HAVE MY INFO SO TELL ME” MOTHERFUCKER who i their right fucking MIND would ask a stranger to tell another stranger the last 4 of your SSN? for all we fucking know you could be the customer’s sketchy brother!! you REALLY want us to do that huh? really want us to tell a random mf your last 4 of your ssn? stupid assholes
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
Customers be like
[gets a bill in the mail] [gets a bill in the email] [has the same due date every single month for a year] [has their statements generated and sent on the same day every single month for a year] I DIDNT KNOW WHEN IT WAS DUE I DIDNT LOOK AT THE STATEMENT AND THATS YOUR FAULT NOT MINE REMOVE MY LATE FEE OR ILL CANCEL YOU GUYS ARE A SCAM DONT REPORT ME AS LATE TO THE BEAUROS OR ELSE
[gets a bill in the mail which tells them explicitly how to mail a check or else face delays] [is told on their personal banking website that our company doesn't take ACH through a bank unless called in or set up via autopay, and will thus only mail a check via their billpay system] WHYS IT TAKE SO LONG TO PROCESS A PAYMENT MY BANK SENT IT 3 SAYS AGO ITS SUPPOSES TO BE ELECTRONIC (no it's not) ITS NOT MY FAULT THE MAIL IS SLOW YOU GUYS ARE A SCAM I HATE YOU SPECIFICALLY SHEEPISHFREELOADER
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
roleplay just isn’t how it used to be, and neither are the roleplayers :(
everyone talks up plot ideas like they’re a dime a dozen but when someone agrees to finally RP with you... they’re such flakes! whether its you or them starting the RP and initiating it they’re still flakes. and while i want to give people the benefit of the doubt since we’re all adults... at the same time i’m a working adult, too! i work 40 hours a week and i still find 15 minutes to respond with a paragraph of rp! 
this is the THIRD TIME IN A ROW this has happened to me! i set up an rp with someone, we get a few paragraphs into it, then suddenly they ghost me! but i can SEE them chatting in the discord, i can SEE them posting art into the DA group! like, i know you’re there. are they doing this n purpose? is this some sort of secret conspiracies like ohhh haha let’s keep setting up RPs with sheepish and then ditch her hahahaha. as far as i can tell i’m one of the most open, generous, and diligent players as far as giving others my time goes. i offer to help their characters gain stats, special items, to even teach their baby characters IC myth/lore via an NPC role. i’ve made it where if they can’t do a long RP then they can just literally use my character as an NPC. does anyone take me up on it? nooooooo. everyone is in fucking GM jerking off to the fake royalty characters.
i’m just so TIRED of giving everyone my creativity and time and energy, being an adult working 40 hour weeks (plus going to doc visits), and them not even having the DECENCY to TELL ME when they’ll be delayed. and then the rp is left un-replied to for two months. and i’m left there like... hey, hey remember me? but NO i’m TIRED of having to remind people im there. i’m TIRED of having to wave my hand in front of their faces to get them to look away from their clique for long enough to respond to someone else for once. UGH
this arpg seemed so fun and it CAN be so fun! but it’s nearly impossible for me to get literally anyone to commit to playing with me! and it’s driving me nuts!!
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
man, idk what her problem is :( it’s super weird, cause it’s like we went from being friends to her nearly ignoring me for no reason
like sure i get that because i’m upstairs working from home 8 hours a day (and because i don’t want to watch bones with my dinner, so take my dinner upstairs) that it means we spend less time hanging out... but i don’t see why that would make her start acting like i’m not even there when i DO have time to hang out...
like me and my fiance will both be in the room but instead of addressing us both she’ll only address my fiance... if she has a funny video to show she asks my fiance to come look... if she made a smoothy she only offers it to my fiance to sip... when i’m RIGHT THERE... its so awkward and kinda hurts my feelings
my fiance suggested that maybe i should just try making more effort to talk to her since we don’t hang out as much. so that’s what i’ve been doing, i’ll ask her things or try to tell her a story or my plans for the weekend. but then... she walks off, doesn’t respond, or starts talking to her dog!! so now it’s starting to feel like she’s really ignoring me on purpose for some reason rather than us just not having time to chat, or her being awkward. 
on my birthday i asked her and her fiance if they wanted to go to the dog park with me and my fiance for a fun time, and they said yeah. i was really excited for us all to go out and hang out again since we can’t much due to pandemic. in the car all she wanted to do is look at pictures of houses for sale. we got to the park and me and my fiance got out and she and her fiance stayed in the car like 5 minutes looking at house pics. everyone is finally out and in the park, and instead of following and chatting with me she and her fiance stayed back to call the realtor to set up a showing of the house... :( instead of hanging out and having fun with me on my b day.
i just don’t understand what i did? maybe she just doesn’t like me anymore. but we were such good friends for years and i don’t think much has changed other than the pandemic. maybe she’s intimidated by me some how? since i have a job and she hasn’t worked in over a year?
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
being in debt and having late fees SUCK but when someone comes and yells at me for something i have no power over i just wanna put my hand on their should and be like... stop it... 
like nearly once a week i get someone chewing me out because they got a late fee, because they forgot what day their bill is or swear up and down they didn’t get the statements. but here i am, sitting with the info right in front of me that proves they got their statement via email and paper, that says they’ve made 6 on time payments in the past. i hate late fees too bud but take some responsibility! you are an adult just like me! you make a mistake you own up to it! it’s not my fault you misplaced your paper mail... it’s not my fault you forgot your email password. hell, if you’re nice to me instead of yelling at me, i’ll even offer genuine empathy to your plight! but rant and rave and say it’s all my fault, specifically, then all you’re getting from us is an email from compliance that tells you in the nicest possible way that yes, believe it or not, your late fee is your own fault and your own responsibility to pay and we are legally obligated to report it to the credit bureaus. “but that’s not fair!” but it is fair and it is the fucking law, pal.
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sheepishfreeloader · 4 years
Customers make me so mad sometimes, like no one likes collection calls but don't get angry at me because YOU didn't pay YOUR bill. If you're nice and tell us you're having hardship we're nice back and might even be able to help by getting you on a payment plan. If you yell and fuss and don't let us help you then man, I hate it, but guess what? Now we can't help you because YOU won't help YOU.
Idk how many times someone has spent all their cards money, then didn't use it for three months nor pay their bills, then when someone calls them... they're like "uhhhh I haven't naught anytbinf with the card in months so why would I pay you." Dude!! You spent $500 bucks and get a statement in the mail each month telling you what you owe! You KNOW what a credit card is and how it works. Either pay your bill or just own up to not being able to, because screaming your head off at someone who makes $10.75 an hour won't get you shit. Well, except for a long detailed note on your account about how you were so vulgar we had to hang up on you.
Boomers always talking about how young people don't understand the real world... when every single day I call/get calls from people who don't understand how a simple bill works. You borrow the money. You pay it back or accept your drop in credit. How hard is that to get in your head? You're adults. Come the fuck on.
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