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Someone’s a little bit too excited about watching the Dalek’s casing start to burn... Um, sweety. Once again, the others are all behind her so they can’t see her face here. Side note: Before this, when she opens the TARDIS door, she shouts, “Don’t shoot!” The second she’s shut the door, when it’s just her and the Dalek, she takes the briefest moment to let herself go, to let her darkness and anger creep in, as taunts the Dalek (“D’you think I’m daft enough to stand here without shields?”), before calling for her fam that it’s safe. With them as witnesses, she again reverts to “final final warning, ‘cause I’m nice, I really do try”.
At this point, the “she is intentionally hiding who she is from her fam in her efforts to live up to Twelve’s final requests” theory is basically canon, right? I still believe this is all intentional on Chibnall’s part.
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I stopped believing in mercy a long time ago
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she’s so babey
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Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
Dark thirteen
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I finally decided to take my “Thirteen as the Valeyard” idea out for a spin, with some inspiration help from one of @thirteenfanzine Thirtween Week prompts. Cringe worthy title, but. Thank you, Thirteen Fanzine, for all you do.
by fire_ice_rage
Running with the Doctor at her back was comforting; a welcome, quintessential part of life on board the TARDIS.
Running from the Doctor was altogether another matter: a horrific, harrowing experience she hoped never to repeat.
(Thirteen Week prompt: Run).
Words: 1470, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Doctor Who (2005)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F
Characters: Thirteenth Doctor, Yasmin Khan, The Valeyard (Doctor Who)
Relationships: Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Additional Tags: Dark Doctor (Doctor Who), Thirteen Week
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I want to see the Thirteenth Doctor flip an entire alien person wearing heavy armor over her shoulder like it’s nothing.
She pulled herself up onto a crane by herslef when shortly before she had been dangling several hundred feet in the air, with heavy winds buffeting against her and after a running leap across from another crane. Most people would be winded but not the Doctor; not Thirteen.
She pulled herself from chains, unlocked and escaped them while strapped down in a dunking chair. She did all this underwater, without breathing. 
TLDR; Thirteen is crazy strong and it’s been proven time and again but i also really just want to see her throw a dude across a room, just to hammer the point home.
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I wish more people understood that series 11 is a re-imagining of Classic Who through a contemporary lens.  It’s right there in the choice to make a rendition of the theme song that uses the original 1963 theme as its core.  Doctor Who was created to be an educational show by a diverse creative team (most especially Verity Lambert and Waris Hussein). Daleks are literally based on N.azis. This is why episodes like Rosa and Demons of the Punjab are not only important modern episodes, but are created and written with the same spirit of Classic Who. get outta here with your “too P,C” nonsense tbh. your show was made by a Canadian, a Jewish woman, and a gay British-Indian man. Daleks are literally naz.is. Doctor Who was and always has been intentionally highly political. As much as people complain about the lack of mention of Time Lords in series 11, the Doctor didn’t identify as such throughout the First and Second Doctor’s eras. The first mention of “Time Lords” wasn’t until the end of the Second Doctor’s era in the 1969 serial The War Games. I absolutely believe this was an intentional choice Chibnall made, because series 11 is was designed to bring New Who back to the show’s roots. Was it the right choice not to mention Time Lords? That’s a matter of opinion. There is precedence and thought behind the decision, however. (@people who claim the failure to mention Time Lords shows Chibs doesn’t understand Doctor Who).  Is series 11 perfect? No, of course not. (um. but can I once again direct your attention to the farting aliens of series 1...) Is it nevertheless a fantastic homage to the original educational sci-fi premise of the show and its diverse creative team in how it embraces the spirit of 1963 Doctor Who? Yes!  Chibnall understands the heart and soul of what Doctor Who was always created to be. Series 11 is reboot of Classic Who with a New Who lens and elements. There are flaws, yes. Nevertheless, I for one applaud Chibs’ choice to introduce the first woman to play the Doctor by going back to the very heart of the show, while updating it to fit contemporary issues and audiences.
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Every time I get to a post where it describes Thirteen as ‘looks like a cinnamon roll is a cinnamon roll’ and then mistakenly uses ‘looks like a cinnamon roll but can kill you’ to a different character I always remember these scenes: 
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Thirteen is bright and hopeful and she’s also kind but underneath her struggle for pacifism, is a capability of great violence. The Doctor hates that part of themselves that was brought into the forefront by the Time War. And their hatred for the Daleks is deep and abiding. 
Thirteen looks kind and childlike but she’s also a 2000 years old (and more) alien, who participated and won the bloodiest war of the whole universe. 
Yaz clung on tighter. ‘Why does everyone care about this stupid hill so much?’
‘High ground makes it harder for the enemy to outflank you.’ Just as the Doctor spoke, the Roman hordes swarmed over the top of the hill, three of their own Strava leading the charge. The Doctor had to shout over the pounding of hooves and claws and the shouts of the soldiers which left the whole world shaking around them. ‘Mounts and monsters move faster downhill, while arrows strike harder, so possession of the hill could prove decisive …’
‘For someone who hates war you know a lot about it!’
‘Never hate something until you understand it.”
- Combat Magicks, Steve Cole
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I take exception to the idea that there could be one single hottest look. But oh yeah, is this ever one of them.
Single hottest look in Series 11?
Thirteen shrugging her coat off and voluntarily getting strapped down with chains. Just saying.
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The juxtaposition
of the Thirteenth Doctor babbling awkwardly or insecurely in front of her companions vs. her focused iciness when she is negotiating or confronting villians/enemies without her companions...give me more of that. ☕️ that is THE STUFF!
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Honestly one of the main reasons why i love “The Witchfinders“ so much is because its probably the closest we got to dark!thirteen this season. This episode really showed some brilliant darker facets of her character.
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me: :(
jodie whittaker:
me: :)
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A concept: Thirteen as the Valeyard. y/y
With her menacing glee, she’d be so delightfully chilling as the Valeyard...
Bonus points if the Valeyard wears a suit. 
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mmhmm <3 good good meta!
it’s interesting because her solo confrontation with Krasko is probably one her darkest moments, even though it’s not as much a challenge. iirc, aside from “aw, mate. I’m the Doctor. Ring any bells?”, it’s the only time she faces an antagonist completely on her own. I think the reason that one is so chilling is because she is completely in control in that situation: no one to put on a face of kindness for, she gets him to send his own equipment back, overheats his gun, snatches and smashes his vortex manipulator, AND tricks him into hurting himself. whereas with the Dalek, there’s a measure of fear mixed in with her rage and malicious glee. Facing Krasko, she has both that quiet anger, and the menacing glee. she may not have the feral grin she wears when facing a foe she deems more formidable, but she has complete control of the situation, knows her power, and uh... rather relishes it. ;) I also still maintain that the longer she goes without a good fight, the more times the bad guys get away without facing HER idea of justice, the closer she gets to the edge, to just really letting rip... And her idea of justice seems to see her as the orchestrator and deliverer of punishment--as judge, jury, and executioner. like when Carl pushes Tim Shaw off the roof and she tells him, ‘you had no right to do that.’ meanwhile, she’s just straight up tricked Tim Shaw into planting and activating FIVE genetic bombs on himself. in spite of telling her new fam how despicable genetic bombs are, she’s angry he’s dared to threaten her humans, she’s given him a chance, so using his own weapon against him is fair game. But Carl kicking the alien who tried to kidnap him and turn him into a trophy? not acceptable, apparently.   hm, actually, i wonder at “using their own weapon against them” as being a common MO for Thirteen. That’s how she deals with Charlie, too. maybe that’s why she doesn’t get too upset at Ryan when he sends Krasko back in time and when Graham and Ryan lock Tim Shaw in stasis: in both cases, her fam is using the antagonists’ weapon against them, and that’s the sort of punishment she herself would dish out.  still say she definitely would prefer that punishment to come from her own hands though, both because she enjoys it and to save her fam from going down the same path as her. p.s. sorry for hijacking. this started as tags but... quickly became too long for that. 
Thoughts on 13 and how she expresses anger? :D
Oh! Also! Thoughts on Thirteen and her malicious glee around bad guys?
Thirteen and anger is such an interesting topic for me because I switch from one end to the other. On one end, I do think she expresses her anger and she does get angry it’s just in most cases she doesn’t get a chance to be truly angry.
In The Woman Who Fell to Earth I mentioned how Thirteen during that time seems to have a lowkey level ‘FIGHT ME’ going on around her, that she’s ready and willing to throw hands against gods if given a chance. 
On the other end though, post-TWWFE and post-TARDIS retrieval Thirteen’s managed to maintain an even keel. Her emotional level for getting to the anger takes a lot longer for her to reach. 
But she can still get there when certain circumstances are hit: if she’s forcibly torn away from the TARDIS again or she can get very harsh and cutting if her patience is tested, or Dalek. 
That doesn’t mean she still doesn’t have that ‘FIGHT ME’ thing going on, it’s just for series 11 Thirteen’s been seriously Villain Blocked. 
She wants a good fight. She wants a good fight but also she’s maintaining a certain image. A fun loving, quirky host to her friends.
Your friendly neighborhood alien but running underneath that is to paraphrase Mad Sweeney from American Gods: the Doctor has an unholy delight for a fight, for the sheer fucking fun of it. 
It’s why she has such a menacing glee whenever she finds an opponent she thinks is worthy of her. I mean, look at her grin at the idea of battling with the legendary Thijarians!
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What was that quote? Oh, yeah, only smiling to show teeth. 
She’s enjoying this challenge.
At that moment, I don’t think Thirteen minded Ryan saw. She’s just so into this moment.
Thijarians are finally worthy opponents, not a human racist easily dispatched, not a Earth politician she can’t meddle with (learned that from meddling with Harriet Jones and Harold Saxon), not a boring office junior, a proper villain. 
Except they weren’t. And I think while Thirteen commiserated with them there’s a part of her that’s disappointed she was thwarted again. 
Taunting Krasko and Tim Shaw were a bit of fun for Thirteen but not really challenging, and honestly Tim Shaw isn’t her villain, he was Graham and Ryan’s. In fact, I’d go as far to say in Tim Shaw’s mind the Doctor is his villain. And for the Doctor Tim Shaw was… a mild annoyance with access to power he shouldn’t have. 
Compare and contrast that with Thirteen dealing with the Dalek, both times with Lin!Dalek and Dalek in its proper casing.
Let’s transition too, to Thirteen’s other mode, the ‘threaten my friends again and I’ll end you’. No bravado just quiet and deadly.
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Also, has anyone noticed that if red lighting is around Thirteen it’s usually a precursor to her unleashing her glee and/or doing something questionable in anger? 
I think that’s something I’m going to keep an eye on coming into series 12. 
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