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Saw a small look out point and I’m glad I pulled over, South Lake Tahoe [OC] [1920x1080] - katiekickskites
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“She was very near hating him now; yet the sound of his voice, the way the light fell on his thin, dark hair, the way he sat and moved and wore his clothes—she was conscious that even these trivial things were in woven with her deepest life.”
— Edith Wharton
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“Eventually you’ll end up where you need to be, with who you’re meant to be with, and doing what you should be doing. Patience is the key.”
— Unknown
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“I can’t exactly describe how I feel but it’s not quite right. And it leaves me cold.”
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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Our Memories
This is the last football game for my best friend before she heads off to start the rest of her life. She leaves fairly soon and just like that you’ve come into her life. Through everything that has happened this last school year I never expected a guy like you to appear. You seemed so distant and so guarded in the beginning but I’ve seen the way you’ve opened up over the last few weeks. After meeting her your shell has been opened up and you’ve shown her how sensitive and respectful and down to earth you are. You are the exact opposite of what you portrayed in high school. And I’m glad that she has been able to see that side of you. The night of the football game I got to witness just how sweet and caring you were to her. It was just like any other game night. The Friday night lights were beaming as the players marched onto the field. You wore your Colony letterman jacket to the game and smirked at the stares from the Palmer kids. Shelby reacted by smiling and lightly tugging on your jacket for your attention and you replied with a bigger smirk while shaking your head. We all took our seats and you two shared a blanket while watching the players tackle one another. There was a pure moment that I’ll never forget between you two. Palmer had scored a touchdown and won the extra point. Shelby started cheering for her school and you just simply starred at her with your ocean green eyes in awe of her happiness. I could tell that seeing her happy brought you the most joy. And with that simple stare I realized how much emotion you have but rarely let people see. And I’m glad that you choose to let it shine when you’re with her. As the night drug on Shelby started to shiver and within seconds you had already given her your jacket. Even thought you were wearing a shirt sleeve t-shirt in the Autumn weather. You confirmed chivalry is not dead, but has just simply been forgotten. Through the night I saw how much you looked at her, admiring her beauty. And that made me so happy because she deserves the world. To see her happy is the greatest joy in the world. And you contribute to that and I love that so very much. As the clock runs out the score remains 20- 17 in favor of the Plamer moose. Shelby and I of course cheer our school as they run into the locker rooms shouting the fight song. You laugh and we start walking back to the car. As we’re walking back you slide your hand into hers and she blushes pretending that there isn’t a million butterflies in her stomach. You open the door for her and me and we ride home to the sound of musical playlists. You are swaying back and forth because you can’t help but feel the rhythm. You drop us off back at home and you both lay in your rooms taking in everything from tonight. And I know for sure that you’ve changed for the better and have created something quite memorable.
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Long time no see
In so many ways, I wanted to see her happy after everything she’d been through, I wanted for this relationship out of all the others to prove to her that she could be loved.
On their first date I got the privilege to go and kinda spy on them with my friend, Ashton. We both were rooting for Kari and we both wanted what was best for her. And we liked Noah he was kind, kinda awkward but just enough that you didn’t want to punch him; Thoughtful, and encouraging, all around a good guy. Perfect first boyfriend material.
I was there when he dropped off to get her, and you should have seen the smile on his face as he walked up to her door, he was already a cute kid but just go see the excitement written all over his face for what was to come made everything after that beautifully special. He was very polite with her mom and brother and as she came out he said how beautiful she was. This just touched my heart and I could silently hear Ashton ‘Awww’ as he said it. We both laughed and peeled out of her room to see her cheeks dark pink. It was super adorable. As they said goodbye we saw them walk to his car and as he opened the door there was such fondness between the two of them, you could feel it.
We met them at the play, that Noah’s best friend was acting in and he had been so proud of him that he just had to be in the audience on opening night; even if he was supposed to be on his first date with his girl. Kari didn’t mind I know she didn’t, she liked him too much to care where they went or even when they went as long as they were together. The play started and I just sat and watched as he made the awkward stretch to put his arm around her and as she slowly laid into him, the young and awkwardness of it all made me smile. As I elbowed Ashton he gave me a puffy liped look directed at them and we both just smiled.
After the play we met up and went to the VHO together I watched them laugh and joke around their was pure child like wonder in each of their eyes and that’s when I knew it was over and he was definitely the best choice for her at this stage in each of their lives the needed someone like each other to help them grow and mature as people. Yes he was Mormon and that didn’t matter to her nor anyone else really.
That night ended with me getting home and seeing a text on my phone from Kari
‘He walked me to the door and kissed me on the cheek after he hugged me AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!’
I just smiled and screenshotted it for Ashton, he thought it was hilarious. And we both knew she was gonna be okay.
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“You have loved too much and have not been loved enough.”
— N.M.Sanchez, from Initial Meeting
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I feel like I’m cheating on reputation whenever I listen to anything else
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all i ever wanted from him was some sort of closure. i wanted to know why he left, i wanted to know what drove him to slam the door shut behind us and everything we had been. even if the truth killed me i just wanted to know so badly. it consumed my thoughts for months until i accepted that i was never going to hear his knock on the door.
breakups - a.l.m (via ashleymacleanblog)
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I’m at a point where everyone I meet looks like a version of someone I already know.
Jennifer K. Sweeney, Fragments For The End Of The Year
Read more on wordsnquotes
(via wnq-writers)
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Ya MCM said ew when you told him you were on your period. He’s 27.
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I only want to be a princess if the dress comes with a matching sword and pen both sharp as my tongue.
Kristen Costello (via kristensnotebook)
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I don’t want to hear that I’m hot, I’m not a kitchen appliance. Pretty is fine but pretty is for flowers and flowy dresses. I’m a woman. Tell me my soul is beautiful. Whisper that my mind is breathtaking. You don’t need to say I’m perfect, just perfect for you.
J.L. Wyman (via lovelustquotes)
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Untouched Love
I would argue is the worst kind
It settles in your bones, move up your spine to your brain and when someone mentions a forever person?
You think of him
His dark hair that has mimicked itself through others
His eyes brown but embedded
His jaw square but strong
I think of him as he was...
But then you poke the mass and that grows and crawls down into your heart again
You see him as he is now and oh how he’s changed for the better
You pray that time has changed his mind
But you to him were nothing special
He says all that you saw was a lie
That there is no piece of him for you
And you stay silent...
No matter what this world has taught you, people lie
They run
He might’ve told you what he wanted you to hear
But his eyes told you a different story
His stares brought questions
His lingering steps...
After 17 years on this earth
Words were never meant to satisfy if actions were not present.
But he denies and you have to believe that if he wanted you he’d have you but for whatever reasons big or small
God does not want you with him...
And you argue and fight because he’s always been present in your mind but you have never meant a cent to him.
Even now he treats you like dirt.
While he respects everyone else.
Again you have been singled out as being different
For having something these boys are afraid of:
Or maybe you’re just not very pretty
Whatever it is they run and chase girls who have no sense in staying
Their presence is temporary
But yours would be forever
Their love is weak and predictable
As you have learned to never stop caring and learning about them....
You are different
Untouched love.
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