shelbslouir · 5 months
WHATTTT. Am I the only person who is freaking out over the fact that Colin is finally gonna be a charmer? Like he KISSED a girls hand. THAT MAN IS A WHOREEE!!! It seems like he’s no longer forsworn women…so at least he’s emotionally ready for the train wreck that’s gonna hit him later. 🤭
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shelbslouir · 7 months
Okay, not me losing my mind because I just listened to an interview of Nic & Newts and Luke said that Colin was going to be angry when he finds out Pen is Lady Whistledown... We are getting angry Colin and I'm so curious now to know what extent/how mad Colin will truly be at Penelope.
I've been driving myself crazy with how the show intends to reveal Penelope as Lady Whistledown to Colin. There are just so many different ways it could be revealed, and what Colin's reaction to it might be. I have a feeling it will somewhat differ from Colin's reaction in RMB but every time I try to think of what his reaction could be, it still never seems right.
On one hand, Penelope wrote about Marina being pregnant, which didn't negatively affect Colin besides being thoroughly embarrassed. She also wrote about how Daphne had no suitors and could've been chosen wrong as the diamond. She also wrote about Anthony's failed wedding and called him a Capital R Rake (rightly so, as he was one). And we can't forget when she wrote about Eloise consorting with radicals. On the other hand, Penelope saved Colin from a loveless marriage, saved Daphne from marrying Nigel Burbrooke, and saved Eloise from the queen's wrath. I wonder if Colin will think that Penelope was using her friendship with Eloise to get Bridgerton gossip, or that she was doing it for the money, or even just to be evil. There are just so many routes that they could choose to go down in season 3. I personally think that Colin is going to end up feeling betrayed and used, but I wanna know what do y'all think his reaction is gonna be?
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shelbslouir · 7 months
Colin Bridgerton is stronger than me because there's no way I could low-key be in love with my best friend, say something horrible about them behind their back at a public event, and then find out they heard me and haven't talked to me for months because of it. Like how did he not break down? I mean, Colin deserved to be dragged, and Pen DRAGGED him. I don't know how he made it out of that convo alive.
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shelbslouir · 7 months
Bro Polin right now is altering my brain chemistry. Like the way Pen is completely done with Colin in the first episode but then an episode or two later she's saying, "Your eyes..." HARDCORE flirting with Colin. Even in freaking photos of them, you can see the crazy tension. Also, the way that both of the sneak peeks and photos are giving fanfic vibes... Miss ma'am, I'm SEATED for this season especially since the Pen haters have gone SILENT.
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Guys why does the bton fandom have to have so much more internal conflicts between fans than any other fandom I’ve been in? Every week it’s a different problem where the polin fans are fighting the kanthony fans or the philoise fans are fight the Benophie fans. Like it’s tiring! I haven’t dealt with drama this petty since high school. If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say it, because all that will do is ruin someone’s day. Let’s not give this fandom a bad rep because we have to be right or cause we have to prove one ship is better than the other. Stop bring people in your own fandom down, you should be lifting them up!
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Okay, time for another rant 😃. So I did some digging (It took me less than two mins) and looked back on when we got the first look at Bridgerton S2 and QC. For S2 it came out in Sept of 2021 and the show was released in March of 2022, that's about 6 months, the QC first look was released in Sept of 2022 and the show was released in May 2023, that's about 9 months. If the date that Netflix accidentally revealed for season 3 is correct, Dec 14 which is currently less than 4 MONTHS AWAY we should have gotten our first look any day now over the past 2 months. Now, because of the strikes going on right now in the entertainment industry many streaming services like Netflix are spreading out upcoming shows and movies to last through the strike. So if they have moved back the release date of Bridgerton S3 they’d do it by a couple of months. Now, many people speculate that if it is moved, it will be moved to April 2024 (for various reasons I don’t have the energy to list). So 6 to 9 months before then is between August and October. And in conclusion, if we don’t get anything by the end of October I’m going to lose my mind🙂, but maybe all my speculation is crazy. Maybe because this is the driest polin drought, and we’re getting excited over Netflix posting polin clips we’ve already seen a hundred times. WHO KNOWS?!
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Okay, seriously I NEED an angry Polin dance scene. Think about the tension and the secret mean looks they would give each other. There are also so many things they could fight about, like LW, Penelope's suitors, what Colin said, what happened in the carriage-👀 They are so mad that all they want is to yell at one another but are forced to argue through whispers while they dance. Colin is so close to losing his temper in front of the whole ton (despite no one knowing that he even had one, to begin with), but he is even closer to kissing Penelope in front of every one of her suitors so he can claim her as his. Meanwhile, Penelope is fighting the urge to leave Colin in the middle of the dance (but won't because all of her suitors are watching her). And the whole time Colin and Pen are dancing way closer than propriety allows, but no one bats an eye because it's Colin and Penelope. (Honestly y'all... I can't take this drought right now if you couldn't tell from this unhinged post)
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Still baffled by the fact that Penelope Featherington is gonna be MARRIED to Colin Bridgerton and then she is gonna be PENELOPE BRIDGERTON by the end of season 3. Like… AHHHAAH
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shelbslouir · 1 year
I know I've basically already said this but I have to repeat it. I am so excited for season 3 of Bridgerton because we will see Colin and Penelope be themselves and be comfortable around each other. I feel like in the show you can tell that in most of their interactions they are holding back or staying more surface level when they see each other because the times when we do see more of themselves revealed to the other, you can see that Colin and Pen have a deeper connection. I think that we’re gonna get a lot more scenes of that until they are finally honest with each other. And when they are it’s gonna be like opening the flood gates. And then when they’re married they are just going to be the cutest couple ever and I can’t wait.
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Please excuse the lousy grammar, currently delulu hours for me while writing this; IMAGINE the carriage scene happens. Then Colin says the famous line from RMB, "Are you gonna marry me or not?" and Penelope rejects him telling him something angsty/reasonable explanation about how he would regret it. She brings up the things he said last season, that he'd be embarrassed to be married to her, the fact that she is Lady Whistledown, and they argue about it blah blah blah. After an episode of Colin proposing and being rejected by Penelope, he gets her to dance with her at a ball. He says he would not be embarrassed to be married to her. Then she still doesn't believe it until he's like, "Fine, I guess I have no choice but to prove it" and before Penelope has a chance to reply, Colin KISSES HER in front of the entire ton AND THEN loudly declares his love for her and proposes. Colin only does this publicly because he knows she can't say no and that he knows Penelope is only rejecting him because of what she said earlier. (Colin also comes prepared with a ring😉)
Just thought this would be a perfect way to include some book lines and for Colin to still have the grand declaration of love to Pen without revealing her as LW, show how clever Colin is, and add some more scandal (cause it's not Bridgerton without it🤩)
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Okay, so y’all know how in the first episode of each season of Bridgerton it is shown how much the male lead is seen as a catch and sought out by many debutantes? Well, I was thinking, how are they planning to do that for Colin? In the books, the ton all saw him as a charmer. So, I think that they will have to make him seem wanted by many women of the ton in the first place. But they obviously can’t do it the way they did for Simon because Colin doesn’t have a title, and cannot do it the way Anthony did cause Colin has still forsworn women (as far as we know). So how will the show do it? I think that one way that could be fun (especially for the first ep) is Penelope writes in LW what Colin has said about Penelope at the Featherington ball and the fact that he has forsworn women and challenges the debutantes of the ton to ROMANCE MISTER BRIDGERTON. This will also occupy Colin at every ball he goes to when he tries to talk to Penelope. This way, Penelope isn’t forced to avoid him because he'll be too busy. It’s just a clever idea and a cheeky way to throw the book title in there, but lmk what y’all think the show will do to make Colin seem like a catch😏(I honestly think that they could just let the debutantes see how good he looks as pirate Colin and they’d all be falling cause I was🥵)
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Pt.3 of more things I would BEG to see in S3 of Bridgerton:(that we probably won't get but a girl can dream)
-a polin tickle fight, JUST THINK ABOUT IT
-Colin making fun of or mocking Pen’s suitors (the potential comedy GOLD they have here is insane)
-Colin saying out of pocket things just left and right all season
-Colin singing or humming thinking that he's alone for Penelope to then show up and scare him
-Colin thinking that the Bridgertons won't like the fact that he's engaged to Pen (like they didn't with Marina) and being so confused when they are all so happy about it
-Colin calling himself Lord Whistledown😏
-Eloise avoiding Pen for a good half of the season for them to then have a huge fight with crying and screaming and yelling, but make up at the end of it
-Benedict jokingly says he's gonna court Penelope and Colin takes it seriously and only responds with "WHAT?" (I just want him to be so confused)
-More of Kate and Eloise's friendship🤩
-Colin saying a lot without saying much at all to Violet and Portia when trying to get the wedding moved up (another scene that would be hilarious)
-Colin charming a group of young ladies and Penelope just rolling her eyes like ‘I can’t believe that used to work on me’
-Colin getting mad and deciding to fence with his left hand like he prefers and absolutely dominates
-Agatha and Thomas being twins (I’ve seen the theories abt it and now I need it)
-Colin saying that Penelope is HIS PEN- (it's a need)
-Colin's love confession in the rain, but as it goes on the rain gets heavier until its a DOWNPOUR and they finally kiss (I know we won't get this but ill dream 🥲)
-Colin stopping himself from grabbing Pen’s hand in public before their married
-Colin being very affectionate in public with Pen once they are married to prove to the Ton that he loves her
-Colin singing a lullaby to baby Edmund and Penelope quietly watching and falling in love
-Colin visiting Penelope in the middle of the night (just like once or... twice... or 5 times)
-Cressida interrupting Colin and Pen in the middle of conversations throughout the season and Colin is more annoyed by her each time
-Colin having an “oh crap” moment when he realizes how badly of a situation he got himself in with Pen and saying he'll find her a husband
Y’all really love these and I can’t resist when it comes to writing them. And ofc lmk what y’all thought of them🫣
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shelbslouir · 1 year
I think it would be really good if we had a scene of Colin in season 3 being in a really grumpy mood because some of Penelope’s suitors are becoming more serious in their courting and a younger Bridgerton (like Hyacinth or Gregory) pokes fun at him/ banters with him, but then he YELLS at them and says something totally out of character (basically like that one scene in RMB between him and Eloise) but the whole family is there when it happens and they all look at Colin shocked because they’ve never really seen him speak like this before, meanwhile the hurt younger sibling asks to be excused and runs out the room, because they are hurt by what Colin says. I think this would be good to have in s3 to show just how much Colin is affected by Pen being courted by other men. Because I KNOW we are getting jealous Colin Bridgerton this season.
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shelbslouir · 1 year
AHHH I JUST THOUGHT OF THE CUTEST POLIN MOMENT EVER. Imagine something similar to RMB where Penelope is being blackmailed because of LW and is in distress and Colin finds her crying. Pen is getting more upset by the minute and is on the verge of a panic attack, so Colin tries to center her/calm her down by holding her tight and telling her to just listen to him as he begins to sing a song that is in some other language. Pen calms down but she also falls asleep and so does Colin. 🥺 BUT IT DOESN'T END THERE. Later, Penelope asks Colin where he learned that song and he tells her that he learned it whilst traveling in Italy because he would be up all night worried about Penelope because she wasn't replying to his letters, so a local Italian woman taught him a song to sing to help him fall asleep at night and forget to about his worries, and he thought that since it worked so well for him, it would help Pen too. (I just wanna hear Luke Newton sing okay?!) IM SPIRALING I NEED SEASON THREE SO BAD THIS ISN'T FAIR.
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Pt. 2 of More things that I would BEG to see in Season 3 of Bridgerton: (that we probably won't get but a girl can dream)
-Colin having to be chaperoned at all times by one of his family members after his and Pen’s engagement because they think he'll comprise pen (too little too late tho)
-Once Colin figures Pen isn't receiving his letters he starts a journal (AKA the journal from RMB)
-The "dead faint" that is mentioned in RMB happening in the 1st ep when a debutante sees Colin in his swagger
-Colin whispering in Pen's ear all the time
-Pen pulling down Colin into a kiss by the lapels of his jacket or his cravat
-Hugs all around, Bridgerton is a show that needs more hugs
-KATE AND PEN FRIENDSHIP. We didn't get any in S2 and I was really hoping we would
-Colin calling Penelope Wife just as much as he calls her Pen
-Colin staring at Pen, just totally in love with her, can’t even look anywhere else even if he wanted to
-Colin goes to one of Benedict's "parties" and realizes he is definitely not a Rake like Anthony and Simon were.
-Pen giggling when she discovers Colin's hair feels like Eloise's, I need this scene from RMB
-Penelope having all of Colin's letters, even the ones she didn't open or reply to
-Colin writing in his travel journal, but he addresses it to Pen 🥺
-Colin literally stumbling and almost falling over when he sees Pen's glow up
- Colin being compared to lord ledger (because he's the most similar to him imo)
-ABC trio "accidentally" scaring off some of Pen's suitors
-Colin just watching Pen read/write (it’s a need)
-Pen and Gen being besties that run their own business
-A polin version of the "Will! You! Stop! Eating!" scene from Harry Potter (honestly it gives Polin vibes)
-Over dramatic Colin Bridgerton (for the laughs ofc)
-Just a scene of the Bridgertons looking at Colin like he’s an exhibit and trying to figure out how he hasn’t realized he’s in love with Penelope
-Kate having her suspicions that Penelope is Whistledown like she did in the books
I gatekept these from y’all in the first one but since everyone rlly liked them I thought I’d post the rest🤪. Lmk what y’all thought of these
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shelbslouir · 1 year
No, because I just realized that the only men we’ve seen hold babies on Bridgerton are Simon and Colin… there’s something to that… I WANNA SEE AGATHA SO BAD PLEASE LET COLIN BE A FATHER THIS SEASON-
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shelbslouir · 1 year
Honestly, I'm really excited for Season 3 of Bridgerton for so many reasons, but a big one for me is the representation of bigger/plus-sized girls. Bridgerton is such a massive show with millions of people watching from across the world and I can't wait for people to see a bigger/plus-sized girl being the romantic lead and finding love. (correct me if I'm wrong but) I feel like this is the first time we'll see it so mainstream and it's not gonna be a plot point or something that must be mentioned/noted (not that I hate it when it is but it's annoying when referenced almost every time). Ofc we've seen movies where a "hot" guy falls in love with a plus-sized girl, but he's always the only one. In season 3, we will not only see Penelope and Colin fall in love but we'll see Penelope garner the attention of other gentlemen and be wanted by more than just Colin. Another thing I've seen with the guy who falls in love is he'll say something along the lines of he fell in love with her as a person and not what's on the outside, whereas, with Colin, he very much is attracted to Pen's mind and body (and for haters who say he isn't; read RMB there's PLENTY proof he is). In cases where a plus-sized girl did fall in love with a guy and get a HEA, it seemed surface level or that there should've been more to it, but I definitely think Polin will be different (cause it's Bridgerton ofc it's gonna be deep and we'll get all the details). All in all it's gonna be such a nice refresher to see Penelope getting multiple suitors, being seen as beautiful, and seeing her and Colin's relationship bloom and have such a beautiful love story being told; all the while nothing will need to be said about Penelope's body being different or seen traditionally as less beautiful than any other lady in the ton because she is just as beautiful. I'm so grateful for the representation that we will see in season 3 and can't wait
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