shelbsthoughts · 4 years
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Love. It’s a strong word most are afraid to use for the first time. It’s a word with many different meanings. A word that can be hard to find or hard to get rid of. I’m so thankful I have been lucky enough to be one who has found it.
When asked “Do you believe in love at first sight?” I would usually answer no; that was until I fell in love.
I, myself, did not “fall in love at first sight,” I did fall very hard and very fast though.
I was a freshman in high school. It was only the first couple of months of the school year. It had come to my attention that this certain boy (who was OLDER I may add) thought highly of me (said I was hot in the locker room :,)). This of course, sparked my interest one hundred percent because I was obviously “fresh meat” as they liked to call it and was very excited of this news.
I must’ve had quite the balls back then as I do not think I have them anymore, because I took it upon myself to not only add this boy on Snapchat, BUT also hit him up first (I brag about this now lol). We started snapchatting and it turned into October. One of the sophomores, which is what grade this boy happened to be in, was having a Halloween party. At the time, I was in the “right” group of friends and got myself an invite to this older kids party. I was so beyond pumped, but also shitting my pants to meet this boy at this party.
Keep in mind I am dressed as a red m&m for Halloween and wearing a tutu - great idea I know
So, we get to the party and I walk in and I see him - wearing all tan clothes oddly dressed as I have absolutely no idea what his costume is supposed to be. My first thought is: damn, his costume kinda suck but he cute though.
I meander over to where he is sitting we start talking and I post him on my snap story (again very bold shelby).
Later on, we go outside, sit in the bed of someone’s truck with a few other people and just talk. My friends took a couple of pictures of us and that’s most of what I remember.
From then on, we continued snap chatting, started texting, and started hanging out. He asked me out in December.
We have now been dating for three years and three months. I wouldn’t trade these last three plus years for anything. He is my sun, moon, and all my stars. He is my best friend, my partner in crime. He is my entire heart and soul.
Find someone you love. Look hard and fall fast. Everyone has a someone, you just have to find them.
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shelbsthoughts · 4 years
As I’m sitting in my room dying of boredom because I am forced to stay in my house during this “quarantine” from #covid-19, I have so many thoughts racing through my head:
What if I don’t get to dance at my last prom?
What if I don’t get to say goodbye to my friends from the last four years?
What if I don’t get my last walk down the hallways of my high school?
What if I don’t get to walk across the stage and accept my diploma followed by the cheering of my family?
As all of these thoughts collide inside my brain causing fear and panic, I begin to think.
Life is filled with so many “what if’s,” - if we spend all of our time only thinking of the things that could possibly happen, we are never going to pay attention to all of the wonderful things happening right in front of us.
We need to start living for each and every day or soon enough, we will run of out of days to live for before we know it.
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shelbsthoughts · 4 years
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