sheliabarley · 4 years
Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY
Creative ways to find Cheap Color Copies Buffalo NY
Now reach out to your customers using cheap color copies Buffalo NY. These color copies make it easier for your customers to read your messages and the company’s offers and services. This also generates a hassle-free of communication. With these cheap prints now set your business goals and achieve them easily. A well-designed color copy instantly creates a favorable impression on your customers.
You can choose from a vast number of sizes including legal and standard for printing your color copies. Now you can order as many color copies as you need. You can additionally choose from an array of binding and finishing options for them. These, of course, vary according to prices and their functions. You can print them online or from your nearest store.
Know Your Color Copies Well
However, before you invest in your color copies it is necessary to know how to keep them cheap and effective. Since these are your marketing tools you need to keep as affordable as possible. There are many factors that affect the overall price of these cheap prints. For your own cost-effective color copies Buffalo NY, take a look at these.
The paper quality- Actually, you will get a lot of variation in this field. The paper quality has a huge role to play in regulating your expenses. It is Opaque and Offset papers, Writing paper, coated papers, Text and Cover papers.
The design- In order to lower your printing prices, keep a simple design for your color copies. This will actually lend a very neat and professional outlook to your cheap color copies Buffalo NY.
Bulk printing- Bulk printing is actually a better option than printing in intervals. With bulk printing, you will actually get access to attractive discount and offers. Moreover, with bulk printing, you will never run out of color copies when in need. With bulk printing, you can, therefore, plan long term.
Benefits of Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY Today
Affordable color copies Buffalo have huge demand in the field of marketing and advertising. Take a look at some of the few.
Increase in Sales
In the first place, color copies can increase your number of sales on any day. But to achieve this you have to make sure you are printing them in the most unique way possible. You actually have to think out of the box when you are going to design them.
Well with affordable color copies Buffalo NY, you are generating brand awareness in your customers. The more you print about your business, the more it will grow. Like business cards and letterheads, color copies are also a potential source of branding. Make sure you are printing all the up-to-date details of your company. Repetitive printing of color copies will make your company or brand an easy choice for the customers.
Easy To Carry and Distribute
Inexpensive color copies Buffalo NY is portable and found in different sizes. Consequently, you will have easier mode of distribution with them. You can stick them in public places as well as distribute them in bulk. All these could be done without spending in huge on them.
The other essential features while printing a cost-effective color copies Buffalo NY is the designing. This includes the graphic, usages of colors, fonts and the information you are printing. You can also print your company URL or a QR code in your color copies. These are more or less the vital components to make sure that you are making the most of your cheap prints.
Important Facts about Color Copies
We live in a colorful world. It defines and accentuates everything around us. Color is associated with emotions and feelings. When we feel sad we call it feeling blue. Anger is expressed through the color red while white denotes tranquility. It is difficult to describe things without referring to color. That is why color plays a crucial role in business. Color is used in designs and other graphics which are used in print or digital advertisements.
Keeping that in mind, color copies are essential for businesses. No doubt black and white prints are made so that the overall costs remain low. However, they lack the same impact which is conveyed through color. Cheap color copies marketing are a tactic which is utilized by many businesses now.
Things to Note about Color Copies
It is best to know about color printing before rushing to the printer to start making copies. Otherwise, you run the risk of paying for a job that is either botched up or worse, unusable.
Intended Purpose of the Color Copies
Color Copies can be used for a variety of purposes one of which is marketing. However, knowing beforehand what you are going to use those copies can help you make better decisions. A color copy that is going to be used in marketing requires different materials than a copy which is going to be used as fliers. Generally, you do not require high-quality materials which are a must for business cards and official documents. You shoulda paper which is suited to your budget and the aim of the color copy.
Life Span of The Copies
As such, they need to last for a certain period of time. You should have an idea as to how long those copies should remain in excellent condition. The time period will influence the quality of paper you will be using for the color copies. If you are looking for something durable then papers with considerable weight will be your best bet. However, if the paper is too bulky then it will gain creases easily and may crack under a little pressure.
Laminated paper lasts longer but tends to be more expensive. You can, however, choose low weight papers to be laminated which may offset the costs somewhat. Apart from paper, there are other options when it comes to a printable material. A printing agency will be able to give you an idea about the materials they can handle.
Color Schemes
There is a crucial difference between the colors you see on the screen of a computer and the colors you see on paper. Screens display colors using the RGB scheme of colors. However, color printing is generally done with the CMYK scheme. This means that you may not get the same shades you see on the screen when you print the item on paper. You should specify to your printing agency the color mode you wish to use. They can print accordingly so that the finished product will be similar to the one you designed on screen.
Color starts to fade when placed in sunlight. This is caused due to the UV light present in sunlight. You can ask you printing agency to coat your finished product against the UV light. Although costlier, this will make your color copies more resistant to fading when exposed to the light.
Printing Time
Printing can be done by two procedures. Digital printing is faster and will be more affordable if you need to print a few copies. Offset printing is only used when the order to quite large but the quality will be high. Printing agencies will not use offset unless you place an order of a certain number of copies.
You should be able to estimate the time that will be needed for printing your order. The time will depend on what type of printing you are going for and also on the materials that will be used in printing. It is always better to consult a few printing agencies before coming to a decision.
Use Printing Agencies Online To Get the Best Results
However, that might not be the best decision for your needs. These days there are a number of websites online that allow you to place printing orders with them. These online agencies are a better choice over local printers for many reasons.
This means that they can provide a better-finished product than your local printer who may lack such resources. A high-quality color copy will create a better impression on your clients and customers. This, in turn, will lead to them coming back again to do business with you. In spite of the high-quality prints that you will receive, the cost will be minimal. Whatever you pay will seem like a sound investment because you will receive top quality work.
Local agencies will charge for overheads and other payments which the online agencies do not charge. It only takes a few minutes to place and pay for your order.
The high-quality products that you get will be matched by their innovative schemes in pricing. Online agencies are more open to accepting bigger orders. They will also make sure that you get you finished color copies at the earliest even if you place a huge order. They will pay attention to the fine details and ensure that your color copies are free from blemishes and mistakes.
Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY Search
These online agencies have another benefit which your local printer will not be able to provide. These agencies are open 24/7 and they will always be there to answer any questions that you might have. You will not face any headaches while dealing with them as they will be staffed with knowledgeable professionals. They might even be able to give you invaluable suggestions regarding your order.
Resources for Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY
55printing cheap color copies online services
Chimi printing
The post Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Cheap Color Copies Near Me in Buffalo NY published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
EDDM by USPS (Every Door Direct Mail by the USPS)
Importance of Every Door Direct Mail in the Digital Era | EDDM by USPS
Full research on what is the EDDM by USPS for the USA. The internet can guarantee you to provide all-round performance in launching marketing campaigns. It is fast, accurate and effective to create an impact immediately. The internet has revolutionized online marketing procedures in several ways. But certain barriers in this method can sometimes make you trust back the traditional marketing forms.
The excessive dependability of digital marketing procedures on technology is harmful. It can make things expensive and complicated. Talking about, every door direct mail system, in many ways this method is convenient to reach out to your customers.
Every Door Direct Mail by USPS
Every door direct mail system is simple and hassle-free. The advertisement or business information is presented in postcards. They are printed in bulk and distributed to every house in a given locality through the postal services. This means the postcard is the primary marketing piece. The mailers will generally reach the customer’s house within a few days. Moreover, the postal services tend to treat these mailers differently. They often allow these bulk emails to enjoy special discounted rates or by giving them special permits. Here are the main characteristics of this type of marketing:
They are printed individually in each postcard.
They can be printed in bulk and within a short time.
Bulk printing saves money as well as time.
The delivery speed is dependable and generally on time.
It suits best for the small and local businesses.
If designed creatively, they can work for other types of businesses too.
It is customizable and can be designed in endless varieties.
It is cost-effective and result-oriented.
Can successfully reach the target customers in their doorsteps.
Digital Marketing in Terms of Feedback
maps for EDDM local mailing options any business, feedback is a very important factor to drive it. But feedback also has the power to make or break your business. No matter what the consequences are, honest feedback can help businesses understand their flaws and rectify them. There is no option to develop the mindset of people. As per human psychology, when customers come across negative feedback, they turn away from the business. They do this without judging it for themselves.
In the digital world, this is more prevalent because almost all platforms come with an option for feedback. These feedbacks are mostly available in public. You cannot stop it; moreover, turning off comments is also not an option. This can develop doubt in the mind of customers. When it comes to every door direct mail system, this problem is not there. There is no immediate feedback and once people know about your business they develop the curiosity to try it.
Although the digital world can enjoy the advantage of immediate feedback or complaints, it may not always be positive. That means negative feedback can bring losses to the business easily and immediately. The EDDM, on the other hand, is a simple piece of information in the form of an advertisement. Of course, feedback is possible here too, but not immediately, it will take time.
EDDM eliminates the use of training or professional expertise
Digital marketing requires a good amount of training and expertise. Without adequate knowledge in the field, a campaign may not be successful. For this reason, businesses take help from agencies or media firms. Once a social media campaign is launched, the work does not end there. These campaigns need to be managed well on different platforms. This makes the digital marketing campaign a long term one.
But when it comes to EDDM USPS the necessity of too much expertise is not required. You need to plan and design the mailer well. For this, you can either do it with software or sketch it for yourself. Once the design is ready, check the scaling and sizing requirements with the postcard size and proceed with the printing. You may hire an agency to design the mailer too but that would mean additional cost.
No need to Update Strategies
Using every door direct mail system works in one simple rule. There is no use of modern strategies or advanced technologies. Moreover, it is not internet-based. The marketing campaigns that use digital technologies update from time to time. It’s done to provide people with better services. This means one strategy will not work for a long time. There is continuous competition to stay on top.
Of course, EDDM by USPS is of no match with the digital media based on the processes involved. But it is also true that changing plans and strategies from time to time may not always bring positive results. A new strategy will need a lot of research, effort and time. For a mailer, all you need to do is print a well-planned design. You can follow the latest trends in designing to make the postcard more attractive to the customers. This will not take up much time and save money too.
EDDM is not bound by the law
Creating and distributing an EDDM is easy and does not involve too many legal procedures. But when it comes to the digital marketing campaigns, the matter of privacy and security is the immediate concern. The internet is not a very secure place and involves too many sensitive data and personal information. Hence, the legal authorities in every country have set up laws, rules, and regulations to control cybercrimes. These rules also apply to the various forms of digital marketing on the web.
Mailers generally come under the guidelines of the postal services. But these guidelines are mainly related to the size and design of the advertisement on the postcard. The chances of any mishaps through EDDM are less likely. Hence, the method is known for its simplicity and convenience.
Mailers can Penetrate, Digital Marketing can spread
The biggest advantage of mailers is that it can reach almost all people in a given area. The area is small but it guarantees to penetrate the remotest places too. Here is how it can penetrate easily:
There is no need for a postal address. Every house in a given locality gets the mailers.
The postal services can reach into the deepest depths of the locality.
It is not word of mouth. Since every house in the locality gets them, they can go through the advertisement individually.
People get more time to read and understand the mailers as they have it permanently.
The reach of mailers is limited but it assures almost every house of the locality is personally aware of your existence.
Conversely, digital marketing is effective in spreading information at a faster speed. It can also create an impact successfully but this does not necessarily mean every house is aware of the information.
Digital marketing can spread information in a massive area.
It spreads only to those people or places that have access to technology.
Every device may not support a particular advertisement for device compatibility.
Plugin issues can also cause a problem in displaying the advertisements.
Many people who could be ideal customers of the business are often skipped as it cannot penetrate every house or place.
Rules of Marketing for Effectiveness
In many ways, designing a postcard for every door direct mail is easier than digital marketing. In this digitally obsessed era, designing the right postcard is a challenge. This is because you need to find effective ways to attract customers. That is through postcard designs that are better than digital campaigns. Many local businesses will also look to place campaigns in digital media platforms. It’s simply because they trust the digital media’s more. But if EDDMs at USPS are used efficiently, they can make big impact in a small area. Here are some effective rules for EDDM marketing.
Keep Track of the Results
As mentioned earlier Every Door Direct Mail program by USPS is a marketing process that will take time to yield results. As a business firm, campaigning is not your only responsibility; what is the use of a campaign that goes without the results measured? No matter how long it takes, keep track of the results and measure it too. This way you will understand the demands of your business in the market. You will also get an overview of the need for another set of EDDM campaign.
Consistency and frequency
Just like any other form of a marketing campaign, it is essential to maintain consistency and proper frequency in EDDM marketing. Always ensure a frequency in your mailer distribution. Too many mailers in one time can make people lose interest. Keeping consistency will help people to digest the information about your business slowly. They can relate their needs and how they can benefit from your business. Divide your frequency into segments for one year at a time.
Create an impression
Remember that your marketing campaign aims to gather the maximum number of customers possible. Hence, make an effort to create a lasting impression. If required, choose a better postcard quality. Take care of the print quality and also the content. All these factors will collaborate to create a successful postcard.
Choose a market with high-value
Not every locality in a particular area will generate the same revenue. If you are a local or small business, you should identify the locality that has a high value. This is the same locality that will generate the maximum revenue out of the mailers. This highlights the necessity of sending the EDDM to a group of people who can help to generate the maximum result. Things to keep in mind for choosing the right locality:
You can choose the locality where most people need your products or services.
If your business has already got the basic foundation and you are still planning to expand, target the areas of your past clients.
Post EDDM to the areas that are close to your business area.
You can also choose a place where you have gained recognition or reputation in the past. 
Keep the design simple!
This is one of the most obvious rules in EDDM printing marketing. Never forget to make your mailer simple. Have a clear idea about the best designing trends and the ways to attract more customers. Don’t add more than three different types of fonts in the EDDM layout. Make it easy to comprehend so that people develop interest naturally to go through it.
Determine your target audience
This is where most businesses get confused. It is mandatory to understand the target audience of your business. If you think that your product can benefit any age group, keep it generic. Make the EDDM in a way that anyone can find interesting. This way you can also understand how to design it for a particular segment of the audience. Since the design you make is customizable, understand the mindset of your customers well. Include information that proves how customers can benefit from your services
The Necessity of EDDM in the Digital Era
You might be convinced with the instant benefits provided by the digital technologies in marketing. Moreover, today you can control certain digital marketing campaigns all by yourself. With knowledge in this sector, you can go a long way in the digital world. So why do you still need every door direct mail service?
Using digital technologies can always go hand in hand with EDDM. This means you can use both forms of marketing if you wish to. With that, both methods will blanket each other’s imperfections. But in case you are low on your budget, you will always think of EDDM as your first choice. Every door direct mail system provides businesses with so many benefits to take advantage.
Many nations are not developed in modern technologies. They are not expected to benefit much from digital marketing. It’s because all people will not have access to the internet. Although several nations call them as digitally advanced, the sad reality is that many places still don’t have any access to the digital world. But when it comes to the postal services, they cover even the most remote places. In some places, mailers can be the only option for marketing. Thus, such situations prove the necessity of EDDM even in today’s world.
Resources on EDDM by USPS:
Chimi Printing
The post EDDM by USPS (Every Door Direct Mail by the USPS) appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ EDDM by USPS (Every Door Direct Mail by the USPS) published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How to Make a Vector Image in Photoshop?
Vectoring in Photoshop
There are many ways to draw lines for a new and fresh design in Photoshop, most popular methods are drawing it (dropping ink into the empty canvas) or just drawing a vectorized object. To draw with ink, just select the pencil tool, color and draw at free will, but to make a vector image in Photoshop, it’s a very different method. There are many benefits on creating vectorized objects in Photoshop and we will disclose these in the following paragraphs.
In this video, we will explain how to create a vector object vs creating a pixelated object. Also will increase and decrease the image resolution so you notice the clear advantages each of them has. Notice that both circles are created within the same boundaries, inside the same sized canvas. As soon as you start playing with the size of the image, the vector object keeps all its possible quality. Unfortunately, you will notice that the pixel circle will fade with every change. Thanks to Photoshop technology, the circle don’t lose out too much quality on each jump, but the difference is noticeable.
Step By Step for Windows Version of Photoshop
1st step, open Photoshop on your Windows computer. Remember that MAC and SmartPhone versions of Photoshop are not similar, functions vary from version to version. This is why we are dividing the instructions as per console.
2nd step, create a new image for testing vectoring, for this step, we rather create a very small image to start it off, so then we can enlarge it and see the vectoring importance. a 300×300 pixels image would be good enough for this testing.
3rd step, select the vectoring creation tool and make sure it has no border color, filled with black. create a small circle-shaped vector object. Leave enough space for another circle just as big as the one you just drew.
4th step, take the pencil and modify the size and strength of it to match the circle we just created. Strenght to the maximum and the circle size to match the vector circle we created first. Drop a point of drawing next to the other circle.
5th step, now we have 2 beautiful and perfect circles to play around. Increase the size of the canvas to 2,000 pixels by 2,000 pixels. Now zoom in to the edge of both of the circles to notice how they got optimized for the new size.
6th step, Now decrease the canvas size to 50×50 pixels (very small size). Zoom in to the edge of the circles and take another look.
7th step, Re enlarge the image to at least 500×500 pixels, zoom in and out to notice how pixels lost all their quality while the vector maintains the same aspect as the beginning.
The Final Results:
This was a very simple test just to prove how the vectoring works in Photoshop, how they maintain their quality, benefits and to confirm there are no downsides on creating a vector object against a pixelated image.
There is much other application that can do the same functions as Adobe Illustrator, tutorials might be found online for these applications as well. We decided to use Photoshop for vectoring as it is the most popular tool among designers and professionals. At the same time is also our favorite for the last decade.
Chimi Printing
The post How to Make a Vector Image in Photoshop? appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How to Make a Vector Image in Photoshop? published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Cheap Poster Printing Near Me + 24 Hours
Where to Buy Cheap Poster Printing Near Me?
There are many local and online providers, but if you need a cheap poster printing near me solution, keep reading. Among your local options for cheap posters, you will find a business like Staples, Kinkos, and FedEx. The bad part is they are very expensive, so we need to discard them immediately for the purpose of this article.
For the cheapest poster print solution, we need to move to the online world. Printers online compete globally, that being said, their pricing is subject to the worldwide competition. The cheaper your price, the better the chances you have to compete. So very often online poster prints providers offer way better pricing than local near you solutions.
Google search for cheap poster printing near me – 55printing.com
Things to Consider Before Designing a Cheap Poster Printing Near Me Project
The business world today is fast-paced and competitive and is showing no signs of slowing down. In this situation, it is important for local brands and small businesses to constantly advertise their products and services and make sure that people remember them.
Why Use Posters for Advertising?
Using Hot Printing USA posters is a great and effective way to maintain a continuous exposure to the people. Poster prints cheap are a popular advertising tool which is used to connect to the masses as well as direct your message to the target audience in an inexpensive manner.  In fact, a number of advertising agencies and small business owners are of the opinion that posters are one of the most effective way to advertise products and services. They are comparatively inexpensive, customizable according to the needs of the company at that particular time and offer constant exposure in the eyes of the audience. The design largely depends on personal choices and styles and any mistakes can be corrected before it is finally given to the printers.
Just like any other marketing tool. Posters must be designed in such a way that they grab immediate attention. To this effect, here are some things that must you must consider before starting any poster design:
What Is It For?
One of the very first things that you must be clear about is the objective that the poster is supposed to serve. Understanding this is of extreme importance to the cheap poster design. Therefore, for any designer, it is important to comprehend the purpose of the poster and create the design around it. The owner of the business and the designer must see eye to eye on this and must have an open line of communication.
Who Is It For?
This is another important question that the designer must look into when designing a poster. If you have a clear notion of who you are creating the poster for. Ideas that will appeal to that target audience starts to take shape and the design has a better chance of getting their attention. For example, if you know that the cheap printing poster must appeal. Children between the ages of 6-12, you can use a casual and childish approach to get noticed. If the target is the youth, you might have to use other elements and approaches. The better you know your audience, the better you can please them.
Although many designers might not think of asking this question before starting to sketch a design, it actually has great significance. The location of the poster decides the presence of certain element. For example, if the cheap poster prints is to be placed inside a school campus, the design will use bright colors and descriptive texts. On the other hand, if the poster is to be placed inside the college campus, it will be a bit on the mellow side and use lighter colors.
Tips for Making a Good Looking Poster
Posters have always been regarded as an effective marketing and advertising tool for small-scale and large-scale business houses. A striking poster can help to get the right amount of attention from the audience. That you might be looking for your business. If you have an in-house team of skilled graphic designers then you can easily come up with a cheap poster print. Or else you can definitely hire a printing company like Hot Prints USA. Who can help the customers in making a striking poster?
A poster is a platform that allows businesses to spread their message to the audience. Apart from containing useful information, it can also contain the business logo and a tag alone that can help the business house to get easily distinguished from the rest. For making a striking poster, you and the printing companies like Hot Printing need to be very careful. In this blog post, you will get plenty of tips that can help you to come up with a striking poster.
Fonts: Poster design is such a platform where you get to experiment with many things. Like mixing fonts, typography, colors, illustrations or graphics, etc.
Maintaining the Balance: Balance is needed everywhere and when you are composing a poster balance is very crucial. If a poster is not balanced with the right text size or color contrast will be conflicting to the eye and thereby the important message that you want to convey will go overlooked. Thus, printing companies like Hot Prints USA being familiar with the rules of 2-dimensional compositions will keep the composition balanced.
Offset Printing: Printing companies have come up with a unique printing process for printing posters of any sizes like large or small-sized posters. The use of cheap offset printing technology for movie posters. It dates back to the 1930S and since then this technology has been used for printing any type of posters.  With this technology, the prints are of high-quality and allow focusing on greater details. When you are hiring a printing company like Hot Prints it is always better to ask them whether they would be using state-of-the-art printing technology.
Simplicity: Less is more. So, when you are going for a cheap poster printing don’t be afraid of the white space. Design simplicity can go a long way and can stay in the mind of the people for a long time.  So, going for one word or one illustration can be the center of the focus of the cheap large poster printing.
Vary Text Size: Printing companies like HotPrinting USA should know the purpose of your offset poster printing. This can help them in printing the posters in such a way so that they can easily designate the important information with a bolder color.
Professional: A poster should be the work of art. This can help to easily grab the attention of the viewers. The cheap posters print should be beautifully designed so that it is not ignored by the viewer. Rather a catchy tagline or a call to action button can help them to get enticed into the poster.
Thus, in order to design a poster, careful planning needs to be made. Following the aforementioned tips can help you to get a good looking poster that is not only attractive but pleasing for the eyes.
Get To Know the Various Uses of Poster Printing
Posters have made a huge contribution to the world for ages. During World War II posters were used as a part of a promotional campaign like ‘Keep Calm and Carry On”. Even today, when the world depends on digital marketing for promoting or marketing a business. Cheap posters printing is still considered as effective marketing and advertising tool.
Posters can easily come into the notice of the audiences. It never fails to serve its purpose i.e. to inform the audience any kind of message or promote any kind of event. Business houses can use any kind of cheap posters in order to communicate their message. In fact, studies have shown that posters with creative concepts have the power to create a huge impact on the mind of the audience at first glance only. If your business house does not have a good designing team, then you can easily take the help of printing companies like HotPrinting to produce a great quality poster.
Posters have got many usages. If you want to know about them then you need to go through the rest of the post.
Medium of Announcement: Posters can be used to make important announcements. Like an announcement about a vaccination program or an upcoming offer. This kind of posters is a common sight at markets, malls, clinic, etc. If you want to print medical posters then printing companies like HotPrint USA can help you in that. This helps the people to remain aware of the current issues.
Decorative Piece: With offset poster printing technology, posters with graphics and pictures can be easily printed. Most of the teens place posters of their favorite bands on the walls of their room. Posters with educational materials like tree-diagrams are very common in schools.
Staff Information: When you are going to hire printing companies like Hot Prints. Then make sure they place emphasis on the important information of the poster. For example, a poster with the monthly targets highlighted.  Make sure the poster that you print is very colorful.
Promotion & Endorsement: In this competitive market, business houses still find that cheap posters prints with promotional pictures and slogans are a great way to advertise the business.  Posters can easily reach out to a wide number of audiences easily.
Express Opinions: Many people often express their opinions through posters. For example, lending support for child abuse cases through graphical posters. Thus, you must ensure the printing companies like HotPrintingUSA. Should use the right color contrast that can help to portray the subject easily.
Trade Show Marketing: At trade shows, business houses stands the chance of promoting their business. Hence, business houses need to have high-quality posters which can be displayed on the stands. So, you can ask the printing companies to provide you with offset poster printing for the posters as it allows professional-looking posters.
So, whether you are going to use your poster as a means of making. A social announcement or promote your business make sure you choose a reliable company that provides excellent poster printing services.
Credits and Resources:
55 printing
Chimi printing
The post Cheap Poster Printing Near Me + 24 Hours appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Cheap Poster Printing Near Me + 24 Hours published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
3 Fold Brochure Design Template (Download for Free)
Download Free 3 Fold Brochure Design Template
We have all the 3 Fold Brochure Design Template you would ever need. In many different sizes and all possible sort of fold. They are completely free to download at this link: https://www.55printing.com/cheap-brochure-printing/
best place to download free 3 fold brochure design templates
Cheap Brochure Cover Design
Things You Need to Avoid in Your Cheap Brochure Cover Design
Cheap brochure cover design for your business is the most effective marketing tool. This is an informative paper document that is often used for sharing important information with the customers. This can be folded into a pamphlet, template, or leaflet. In spite of the growth of online marketing tools, brochures are still known to be essential marketing collaterals. Usually, brochures are colored and are printed on both sides. With the help of this, you will be able to share information in a fashionable way. As a matter of fact, this is an integral part of the communication strategy.
However, when you decide on the cheap brochure cover design, there are a few things that you need you to avoid.
3 Fold Brochure Design Template Boring and Long Headlines
You should know that the headlines are the most captivating part of a brochure. Hence, make sure that you do not include long headlines when you plan the cheap brochure cover design. It is important to use as few words as possible. Thus, you will be able to make your reader take an interest in the brochure. Before you get the business brochure cheap printed, make sure that you show a sample to your colleagues. This way you will be able to learn about their reaction. You should print the brochure only if you get a positive reaction.
Excessive Information
The worst thing that you can do your low-cost brochure cover design is filled it with contents simply for the sake of it. You need to leave out some empty space instead of including some unnecessary details. In case you have made the brochure for promoting a new product then make sure that you have included the company name. Moreover, you have to include the price and important information about a product. Do not simply write long paragraphs praising the benefits of the product. Let the customers know that your product or service is capable of doing. It is a known fact that everyone is busy and thus, you need to create a brochure that provides quick information. Include the key points in the brochure so that the readers can easily read and digest it.
Excessive Colors
One of the important things that you need to consider is the color of the cost-effective brochure cover design. However, make sure that you choose the right colors. Do not use too many colors as it might make the brochure appear vibrant. Again, it can also confuse people, particularly when too many colors are used for the text. You need to ensure that you use color which will complement the design and the company logo. If you have to make the heading and the price stand out use different colors.
3 Fold Brochure Design Template Poor Quality Pictures
In case you want to include pictures in your design, you need to ensure that you are using high-quality pictures. A low-quality or pixelated images will have a negative impression on the promotional campaign. Moreover, make sure that you do not use images which have been copied from a website. They are poor quality photos and have a different resolution. Use your camera to click quality pictures. In fact, you can also use good quality stock images if you can. Keep in mind that a good quality picture will give you a good quality brochure.
Spelling Mistakes
In case you provide wrong information on the cheap brochure cover design, it will have a harmful effect on your business. Make sure that you get a proofreader to check the contents of the brochure. Moreover, you have to check sensitive information such as the contact details, price, and the date. It is important to check all information because printing the brochure for the second time will cost a lot of money. This includes some unnecessary expenses.
Small Texts
Texts are the most important part of a brochure. Thus, give it a considerable thought so that low cost brochure cover design appears appealing. The customer shouldn’t face any problem while reading the brochure. The key points and the subheading should be larger than the usual fonts.
When you print the brochure make sure that you think only about the good things that you have noticed in a brochure. This way you will be able to design more effectively.
How Will You Write the Content of Cheap Brochure Cover Design?
A cheap brochure cover design will help you gain more of your customers for your business. It can be used for various purposes. You can use it to explain the product and services of the company. You can also use it for promoting an event. Moreover, brochures can also be used if you have to introduce someone new to a group. Brochures are pretty useful. You can take the help of brochures to address the frequently asked questions of the customers. Even though brochures might not stop customers from asking questions, yet it is the quickest way to answer them. With the help of this, you coffer information to the customer.
There are three most common reactions when people get a cheap brochure cover design, they contact the company, hold on to it, or throw it in the dustbin. If you want the customers to read the brochure, you have to make sure that you have written effective content. One of the primary reasons that people throw away the brochure is that it is not properly written or doesn’t contain relevant information.
Keep an Attractive 3 Fold Brochure Design Template Headline
You need to make sure that the cost-effective brochure cover design has an appealing headline. If you do this you can be sure that the person who gets this will actually read it. When you have a captivating and unique headline, the information will stick to the reader’s mind for a longer period. The best way to design a brochure for your business is to include the details that the readers will prefer reading first. Keep snappy headlines to attract readers towards your business.
Again, you should also use as fewer words as you can. This way you will be able to attract the target customers. Make sure that the font is large enough so that the customers can read it easily. If you want you can use a condensed font. This will condense the letters on the brochures. Thus, the headline will fit into it.
Focus on the Brochure Design Benefits
When you have already decided to include flashy stuff in your cheap brochure cover design, you need to ensure if it’s compelling for the readers. Make sure that the content is about the readers and their interest. Keep in mind that large paragraphs can bore the customers. Hence, you should avoid including them. The font you use in the body should be different from the headline font. This doesn’t mean that you have to make it ornate. Thus, two fonts are simply enough to increase the readability.
Include Contact Details
One of the important aspects of the brochure is to tell the customer where exactly they will be able to find your business to obtain the benefit that you are offering. If you are using the brochure to promote sales, you have to include the store address. Moreover, make sure that you include the sale duration in the inexpensive brochure cover design. Cheap print the phone number so that the customers can get in touch with you whenever they want. If you have to offer too much to offer then you can include the web address if you have one.
Include Testimonials
You need to include the testimonials in the cheap brochure cover design wherever you can. One of the significant parts of the brochure is testimonials. Your potential customers will love to read the reviews of your existing customers to get to know about the kind of service that you offer. However, do not include too many of them. This is because it might look like you are boasting.
Keep Images
A low-cost 3 Fold Brochure Design Template cover design should offer important information about your company, product, or services. However, people will also look for visual effects. Thus, you should include images in your brochure design. Nonetheless, the images that you plan on cheap printing should be of high quality. Do not include too many of them as it might make it look tacky.
Brochures are the ideal tool for various kinds of business. When you cheap print the brochure, make sure that you do not include too much information. This is because it might bore the readers. Also, avoid using too many colors as it might make it look messy. Keep it simple but effective.
3 Fold Brochure Design Template (Download for Free)
Resources for Free Brochure Templates:
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The post 3 Fold Brochure Design Template (Download for Free) appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ 3 Fold Brochure Design Template (Download for Free) published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How To Make Your Own Stickers in House
Make Your Own Stickers
Planning on making some stickers? there are a few ways to accomplish this task. You may hire a printing company specialized in sticker printing or you can try to print them at home with a few tools. In this article, we will provide instructions on how to get it done for cheap and fast, both ways.
First, we will talk about how to make your own stickers at home, as not many people need thousands of stickers, and maybe you just need a few dozens. For short-run printing like this, we will always recommend in-house printing for a faster, easier and possible repeat in any near future.
Make Stickers at Home Considerations For Printer, Paper, and Software
Best Printers for Sticker Printing at Home
For in-house sticker printing, you will first need to locate a printing utility provider near you. Maybe home-depot, staples, office-max, search for option in your area and head there to get an Inkjet or Laser printer. Read the specifications on each printer on what is the thicker paper it can handle as the sticker paper is a very thick, multi-layer paper and usually very heavy for the cheaper printers available.
For the Printer selection, we would need to separate them by your needs. If the stickers you are planning to print are just black and white. A laser printer would be the best choice for you as the cost per page is way cheaper than inkjet, the printer is faster, toner burnt into the paper last longer and looks cuter. If you decide to do colored stickers, then the Epson inkjet printer would be the best solution as they come with waterproof functionality and will allow your stickers to be durable and retain form against possible water drop or humidity.
Best Paper Available for Sticker Printing
Sticker Shape and Size: In the USA, most of the printers come standard to print on letter-size paper (8.5″x11″). If you wish to print stickers, you should find pre-cut templated label sheets for stickers. This paper is kiss-cut with special machinery just to perforate enough so you can then peel off the extra part of the label that you will not use. The designs available for stickers are very wide in range and sizes, most popular shapes are the oval rounded corner shaped stickers for a final professional look over the square type of sticker.
Sticker Paper Finish in Matte or Glossy: For the most part, people love the glossy finish in all sort of printing, it’s shinier and looks cleaner, but for stickers and durability of the same, we would like to recommend the matte version of it. Holds better to the ink and works a lot easier with any cheap printer.
Sticker Paper Thickness: Most of the sticker paper come on a light 60lb paper for easy use in any printer and copier. Make sure not to buy anything thicker than this.
To buy this sticker specialty paper online you may refer to any of these sites: onlinelabels.com, sheet-labels.com, worldlabel.com. We recommend buying in person so you may have a better touch and feel to the paper beforehand.
Best Software (Easy to Use)
There are many online apps online that will allow you to design and print the stickers on the fly. Problem is you are subject to their not so cheap printing pricing. So we would rather recommend a home-based software that could be easy to use and at the same time you will be able to elaborate your stickers your own without a problem.
MS-Word: There are hundreds of available templates online for you to edit and play around with your MS-word app. They build it in a way that the text you type on the first label automatically repeats itself all over all the other labels so you don’t have to copy and paste every change you do to each sticker. All popular sticker paper provider will carry these templates at their website for you to download completely FREE.
Photoshop: If you are some sort of design pro, photoshop will be your best bet as the modification capabilities and bleed options for the sticker design, are endless. Just design 1 sticker and then replicate throughout the page with the pre-sorted downloaded template from sticker provider page.
Last-Minute Adjustments For Printing
So we downloaded the factory provided a template to fit the bought pack of sticker sheets. Awesome! But not so fast. Each printer has different side margins and we are never 100% sure that the template will fall in the paper perfectly the first time. A further modification to the template sheet must be done for testing before you load your final design into the template. This is very easy to do either in MS-Word or Photoshop or any other design application you are using to design your own stickers.
You may notice a slight difference in the printed guideline sticker borders, you might also notice an off-set position horizontally or vertically. All this can be re-sorted and must be taken into consideration before you drop your final design touches to the file.
Depending on how demanding is your sticker design, you might want to super-align the paper to the actually printed template guideline. If you are just printing some regular text for mailing stickers, just don’t worry much about this. If you are designing a nice sticker for promotional purposes, then keep reading.
A Photoshop user will know right away how to adjust the file, but for not so expertise MS-Word users, aligning a sticker page by your own, might not be so easy. Make sure you take a deep breath and get ready to move the page margins up and down, add some extra space on the right or left to push the entire page in some direction. Additional steps could be taken for a perfect fit.
Ready To Print Some Stickers?
Not much is left to say for preparation if you wish to print some custom stickers your own, now that you have the printer, the paper downloaded the templates, have some free application like ms-word and then completed the design with no difficulty. You are just ready to hit “PRINT”. Run any last-minute modification if needed to make the template fit to the actual page.
In the future, we will show you how to print on Roll-Labels for your own. It is easy to manage and very practical in diverse situations.
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-014
The post How To Make Your Own Stickers in House appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How To Make Your Own Stickers in House published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How to Print on Black / Dark Paper?
Looking on How to do Printing on Black / Dark Paper?
If you have a job that requires you to print it on a dark background or black paper as a printing surface, you have 2 ways to go for it. First way could be just adding a black background to the image and the printer will take care of the rest. On the other hand, you can use colored or white opaque ink to overlay a black empty canvas. Anyway, we will talk more about this in a few seconds.
Why People Want to Print on Black Paper?
A flyer, as it is, are boring and not everybody will stop to read a blank/white page with black text on it. This sort of simplicity is used for legal documents and boring documentation/archive intended printed goods.
If you need a flyer that will stand out from competitors, first start by adding some images to it, effects, color fades, bevels on the text, maybe some clip-arts so it becomes attractive and after potential customer attention is obtained, maybe they will read the content.
Printing Black as Image Background
As done on a daily basis, you may just adjust the design on any application that allows printable backgrounds. Some of the applications that allow a colored background (dark or black) are photoshop, illustrator, ms paint, ms word, among others. Just remember, for the text, images or vector lines to be readable, you need to use bright colors or just plain white to create a contrast against the black/dark background paper.
This is often seen on cheap club-flyers printed for local party events, with dark backgrounds and a lot of effects all over the postcard. For the text to be readable on top of all these effects, additional attributes have to be added to the text to make it bolder, add border, shadows or even bevel effects. In the end, all these together make a great presentation and calls for action to the eyes of the potential customer.
Note: On Microsoft Office, just changing the background color of the sheet will not make it print on the selected color, additional options must be met for this matter.
Using a Black Paper or Dark Grey Empty Canvas
When the paper or canvas used for printing is black or any dark color, you must take in consideration different printing methods that will contain white as part of the ink selection or that the ink dropped over the paper must be thick enough to avoid ink dissolved onto the dark paper and just disappearing. We all know that offset printing presses do this job perfectly when you need to print huge amounts of units like business cards, flyers, postcards or even brochures. 1 single plate for white color as the background for top layers of ink will do the job and they will look beautiful once finished.
Screen Printing On Black Materials For Low Quantities
But, if you are planning on just printing a few units like a T-shirt, mugs, pens, canvas or any material that is black. For this, you may use old-school screen printing when you manually apply the ink thru a pre-perforated screen to allow the ink to flow thru just on precise locations. This will allow you to mask out everywhere where any type of ink is supposed to go for letters or images base color if needed, or just to print white content directly.
Hand Made Design For Black/Dark Chalkboard Instead Of Printing
On many restaurants you see they get a chalkboard to the streets with the specials of the day written big in white chalk to attract the attention of local and walk-by potential customers. This works pretty good as it is extremely economical to just write and erase every day or every time the menu or special deals. This is so cheap to publish, re-do and just a great tool for every day use that the only extra cost for this is the white or colored chalk, most of the time. Remember creativity is a must to create a good looking and attractive black chalkboard ad or promotion.
Where to Buy Printable Dark or Black Canvas For Printing
You can buy chalkboard on any local Staples or Office Depot for your convenience, as there are so many black background chalkboard of many sizes, types, and forms. Also, chalk is available in many sizes and colors. The most convenient advantage of buying local is the fact that you can touch and feel the quality of the black background chalkboard before you buy.
Online stores like Amazon and eBay also provide options to buy individual blacked background chalkboards online with and without the colored chalks. Along with unlimited sizes and options, but the problem with ordering online is, you can’t make sure the texture of the chalkboard is as you require for your project.
Home Solution To Paint/Write on Black Background Surfaces (Paper, Chalkboard, Mugs, Gift-Box, More)
If you just need a fast solution for a gift, school presentation or even for a box that is going to be shipped and needs some text over it. A quick solution will always be to use a pen corrector that often comes on white ink. This pen corrector formula comes to become very sticky and durable over any surface, if needed to remove, later on, its also a possibility if you use care.
Is Black Background Chalkboard Waterproof?
Depending on your needs, where your ad is displaying or the type of cheap flyer you are printing, every material comes with different textures and resistance to weather and other elements. Please read material details for further details on each specific canvas.
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-013
The post How to Print on Black / Dark Paper? appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How to Print on Black / Dark Paper? published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Printing and Mailing Services Near Me For Cheap
Cheap Printing & Mailing Services Near Me
If you landed here looking for printing and mailing services near me for cheap. Then we could suggest you might be interested in the EDDM eligible postcards printing and mailing program. Printers near you and I will handle the confection of these flyers very easily. USPS near me and you will handle the mailing of these flyers. So for this search, we believe we got the perfect Match.
printing and mailing services near me
What is EDDM by the USPS?
EDDM  is an abbreviation for the full term Every Door Direct Mail. The abbreviation stands for a new mailing system by the USPS. By “new”, we mean it been available only for the past few years. This system helps regular mailing entities to send via local postal mail without the need of a recipient list, names either addresses. USPS provides all this information for the customer who is interested in mailing postcards to a designated zip code or area. Mailing costs are really cheap and you save a lot of money with the fact that no mailing list is required.
The actual printing of the postcards for mailing has to meet a few requirements to become EDDM eligible. We will disclose here what exactly is needed in a postcard to become eligible for the Every Door Direct Mail program by the USPS you could find near you.
The postcard for mailing should be over 5″ tall, and over 6″ wide.
The EDDM Indicia, consequently, your flyer must include/contain a symbol anywhere within the design (back and front).
Paper stock for the postcards for mailing must be 80lb cover paper or heavier.
Bundle flyers on packs of 50s of 100s with the Pre-designed printed slip provided by your local USPS.
You must provide the exact quantity of postcards required by your local USPS. This will vary from zip code to zip code.
Must select a destination for mailing. Business or Households are available thru this program.
For more choices on printing and mailing services near me. Find the full and official list of requirements for EDDM eligible postcards at https://www.55printing.com/cheap-every-door-direct-mail-eddm-printing/
Finding an EDDM USPS Office Near Me
If you haven’t done so yet, you could run a little search on Google and find what USPS is the nearest to your location. Usually, USPS stores are all over the place and at least, 1 per every small city or town. Searching for a local USPS store with EDDM Mailing capabilities might not be a hard task. Before you head to that local office, make sure to call and ask to see if they have availability to accept the EDDM eligible postcards first.
Also, some USPS stores have different requirements for the EDDM flyers, like size, indicia location or even paper stock weight. So be sure to ask about their specific requirements before you hire a local printer to accomplish your project.
Hiring An Affordable Printer Near You
You must be aware that old-school printer stores, mostly near you, might not be the best choice. The outdated price structure is king in most of these old printing places. Prices and printing quality is very far from what you could get with bigger companies. If you go beyond your local town or city, a better choice could become available. Remember these old businesses dedicated to printing, mostly still using hard to manage machinery. Low quality offset printing presses and many other factors. This old machinery requires a lot of time to set-up. Flyers printed in this old machinery won’t stand a chance in competing with the actual quality of flyers seeing every day.
So when looking for a place to print your postcards for mailing near you. Remember to look for modern looking print places. Young people as designers with fresh minds, ready to take your project to the eye of potential buyers. Designers capable of capturing your needs and creating a captivating piece of art out of the conventional, therefore, standing out of your competitor’s flyers.
Hiring a cheap printer by the name:
The name of a company tells you a lot about them. For example, if you see a business with the name of “Sings and Custom Printing” or “Digital Sign & Printing”, a red flag is turned on that this might not be the best choice for bulk postcards printing for mailing.  As by the name, therefore, these 2 previous companies might be focused on a different type of printing industry. Digital printing is mostly used for little quantity productions, as well as the signs, are just needed in units instead of thousands. So these 2 companies might be doing awesome signs and vinyl banners, but not the best choice for printing bulky amount of mailing pieces of flyers.
If instead of those printer company names, you now see something like “Express Printing”, “Henry Printing & Graphics, Inc” or “Printing Fly LLC”. Now we are talking of bigger possibilities of a best chance to find a proper printer for our mailing postcards. These are usually companies located near you and me, therefore, with enough capabilities to compete in quality and speed with international providers. Even though the price might not compete at all, but for a faster and person to person service, this is still among the best choices.
Hiring a cheap printer by their popularity:
Looking at the TV at night, you might find a lot of annoying ads between your favorite night shows. These ad segments can show about local choices for printing near you. Pay attention to what these ads have to offer for a few reasons. If a local printing company near you is investing money in TV ads. It shows a very serious focus on bringing customers in. That also means they will be taking good care of you once you arrive at their business. Also, gives you the impression that they are over ready for any new print project.
If a local printer is investing in TV ads, they should be promoting in many other media. That means its not just the old uncle printer business right there. This will give you a good idea of the size and popularity of the printing business.
Another way to look out for a business popularity level. Would be to search for online reviews on local business listings like Yelp, Google Business, ResellerRatings or YellowPages. These pages are very good at providing you with an idea of what people are saying online about local printers near you. Note: If you see a business with 2 o 3 reviews only, don’t take them into consideration. Look out for printer businesses with over at least 10 reviews online.
Hiring an ONLINE printer that will print cheap and fast
You shouldn’t stop at just looking at your local printer options near you. Looking online for international printers, consequently, could bring you better pricing, better service, and faster printing services. Unfortunately, shipping delays are inevitable as it will print and ship mostly from a state or city near you. Shipping delay might be worth the wait after you see the price you could get online. Most online printers are EDDM knowledgable, that being said, they are trained to inspect your design and product selection to comply with your local USPS mailing flyer requirements.
You could just make a simple search for “EDDM Printing”, as well as, “Cheap EDDM printing”. This way you will be able to compare top international printer sites, their prices, printing turnaround, and many other little details. Notice that at 55printing.com, the design file inspection is totally Free of charge and even before you place your order. This is always a good thing that a professional look at your art before you go for final printing.
Postcard Mailing and Printing Resources:
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Printing and mailing services near me article at printing sites.
The post Printing and Mailing Services Near Me For Cheap appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Printing and Mailing Services Near Me For Cheap published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Cheap Color Copies at Office Depot Near Me
What is the Quality on Cheap Color Copies at Office Depot Near Me
Thinking of getting some color copies at Office Depot? Are you asking yourself about these color copies quality compared with other providers? Are there any other good choices near me? We will talk about all these questions within the next few paragraphs.
Color Copies at Office Depot
Remember that Office Depot is a world-wide recognized office supply company, therefore, it provides basic products and services for the local businesses and anybody using these products. A little more about Office Depot:
Office Depot, Inc. is an American office supply retailing company headquartered in Boca Raton, Florida, United States. The company has combined annual sales of approximately $11 billion, and employs about 38,000 associates with businesses in the United States. Wikipedia
Color Copies at Office Depot
error dead page for color copies at office depot
We tried to Google search the page for color copies at office depot and we really had a hard time finding it. Many of the first few results ended up in a dead page (look at the images) and finally, we found a working link for Office Depot Color Copies: business.officedepot.com/a/content/copy-and-print/same-day-printing/.
cheap color copies at office depot
What are the prices?
We decided to stop the search for the online pricing for color copies at office depot as the website was malfunctioning. Unfortunately, they should give it some extra care to the website. Thousands of customers should be turning over to other providers just because of this problem.
Just assuming, therefore, the cost per color copy should anywhere around $0.49 to $0.69 per sheet. This is on color printing for a regular plain paper copy. If you need a black and white copy, after that, the price should be around $0.07 to $0.09 per sheet in plain paper too.
Some local Office Depot Stores near you may have some active discount offers for big quantities. If you need to print over 100 pages, you may qualify for a big printing run discount. Prices could go as low as half in some cases. Remember to ask for these sort of specials for long run printing orders.
Advantages of Going to Your Local Office Depot Near You
Selecting a local provider over an internet one has big advantages and disadvantages, we will tell you about the advantages first.
Turnaround Time: The biggest advantages of going to a local office depot near you are the speed factor. When ordering any product online, specifically color copies. You will find out that shipping transit time will affect the final turnaround time by a lot. Even if the printer provider offers 24 hours printing and ship services, consequently, additional days must be added for transit time. An example: For ground shipping from Florida to California its a minimum of 4 business days. For this reason, we would recommend ordering from online providers with printing warehouses near you. There are many options online, you just need to call get informed.
The List Just Keeps On Going
Paper Stock Selection: Another big advantage of local color copies providers near you is the fact that you can touch and feel the paper before ordering. The paper stock quality varies a lot from brand to brand. Thickness, glossiness among other factors may change your mind at the time of selecting the paper stock for your copy project.
Print Out Quality: If you know a thing or two about color copies, at the time of printing your project you may notice many printing defects or pre-production corrections that you need to be done. Color copy machines could be stopped from printing at any time. You will be charged for pages printed so far down, but if the mistake would ruin your whole project, then, its still a very good time to stop the printing.
Free Finishing Tools: At your local store, you will find so many useful tools for you to use totally free of charge. Everything from clips, staples, binding machinery, paper trimmers, among others. This is very helpful if the final product, consequently, it needs extra attention. These special type of request could not be done for free on many of the online providers for color copies.
Advantages When You Order Cheaper Color Copies Online
If you decide to go for an online color copy provider, you will not regret the experience. We will disclose here why buying this product online makes a huge improvement to your overall project.
Experts will print your order: Online providers usually print hundreds of color copy orders per day. Don’t expect a kid to hand you over paper clips or staplers, online you will be taken care by real experts. These are printer professionals take care of your order to its best. Compromised to deliver world-class print quality and finishing perfection. There are small details, toner dripping or ink dripping, off place letters and many other factors that the regular household designing a flyer might not notice right away. Hiring an online printer guarantees you (Sometimes) that your art will be revised for final corrections before printing. For example, 55printing offers free design proof for cheap color copies, this means, a professional will look closely to your art for over 10 possible reasons it might not print as you wish it could.
Delivery Turnaround: If you find a local color copy printer that has a strong presence online. You could also arrange to pick up your order once it has been completed. This way you avoid the shipping transit time, therefore, final turnaround of the color copies from the beginning. Anyway, if you don’t wish to go out of your office or house, therefore, once more online providers is a best choice for you. As the product gets printed and shipped right to your door.
Cheaper Prices with Online Providers?
Cheaper Printing Prices: Online color copy pricing must be cheaper than local stores prices. The reason is the volume of customers online stores manage nationwide and sometimes, internationally. The operational costs are divided among millions of possible customers. Instead of just a few hundreds for local businesses.
The difference is huge just for this reason. If you then add the fact that competing with the WORLD is a hard task, you might be right. Having prices competitive and good enough to compete world-wide, is just good enough to provide you with the best and lowest prices available for a product.
Are There Any Other Good Local Providers / Alternative?
Yes, the competition for cheap color copies locally and near you will be always pretty tight. No matter what part of the world you are, this is a high demand product and businesses know about it. Nowadays you see that any local business, even not related to printing. They carry copy services available for customers at the front desk. Even though these are not the best choices to get your copy print job done, still they are an option.
Among the best choices, we could find for local printing. We find the top Office Depot competitors or alternative as the following
Staples Copy and Print
Kinkos Printing
FedEx Copy Store
UPS Copy Center
MinuteMan 24 hours printing
Both local and online color copy providers are really good choices. Which is more convenient for you varies, consequently. It will depend on your personal needs and project requirements. After you have read this article you have now a better idea, therefore, on which way to go from here. We hope you enjoyed this article and share it with family and friends.
Chimi Printing
The post Cheap Color Copies at Office Depot Near Me appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Cheap Color Copies at Office Depot Near Me published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How to Change the Resolution of a Picture Without Photoshop
Image Resolution Change Without Photoshop (Warning)
The first thing we want to advise our readers, in other words, warn you about! Is that flat images (none vectorized) like JPG, PNG, BMP will not increase their quality. Just by increasing their resolution in a design app. You will just enlarge the canvas of the image and get the smaller pixels blurred out by the increase of size. If the application you are using is good enough. If you have a vectorize PDF or Editable file. The story changes drastically and you may change the resolution. The designs for bigger or smaller without losing quality at all.
That being said, there are many different and practical ways to change the resolution of an image file. Some easier than others. As we understand that not everybody uses vectorized files for resolution change. We will start up talking about regular flat images resolution increase and decrease options. In this article, we will talk first on the easiest way to change the resolution. To decrease the file size, then we will escalate on how to increase resolution without messing up the image.
Lower Picture Resolution with Whatsapp
Maybe you already noticed that your cellphone takes amazing high-resolution quality pictures. With extensive zoom capabilities without losing resolution quality. That high quality and broad zoom availability come thanks to bigger MegaPixels. That are becoming so popular these days. Even the Samsung Galaxy s5 (5 years old smartphone) came with an amazing 15 MP camera, by 2019, the new hype is going for 48+ MP.
But what happens when you take that same picture and send it to a friend thru chat/SMS application? The chat application automatically lowers the resolution/quality of the picture to a minimum acceptable size so the image can still look good, but it might carry just 1/16 of its original size. This is for great help to make our sending and receiving files a lot faster, even when loosing most of the resolution of the picture.
Whatsapp also has options on how much resolution you want to reduce at the time of sending an image or picture, that can be changed on local settings. There you decide how much compression for your picture you wish it to compress it.
So, the file that your recipient got, but at the same time, you also have that lowered resolution picture on your phone, you just need to open that picture directly from the conversation and hit “share”, send it to your email, then download it and you are done!
Lower Picture Resolution with CellPhone Screenshot
People use Screen Capture or Screenshot all the time on computers and smartphones, for many different reasons. This time we can use screen capture to reduce any picture or image quality. To the size of a SmartPhone screen resolution, maybe the simplest way available. The file with the reduced resolution picture is created right at the instant you hit the screenshot buttons. The file is saved on cellphone ScreenShot internal folder. The same situation happens here, the picture resolution gets reduced up to 95% allowing you to have a lighter version of the same picture. Ready to be sent anywhere without effort and big bandwidth data waste.
The downside of this method is that you are limited. The options you got on how much resolution you want the file to loose as it will all depend on the screen size. Still, if you want it to lose further resolution, just open the image first, zoom out a bit with your fingers, then with your other fingers shoot the screenshot. This will make the image even smaller. Now open the image out of the screenshot folder and crop it so you get rid of all the side blank spaces.
Lower Picture Resolution with Any Windows Computer
All windows computer since the 1990s came with a little integrated program called “Paint”. This tool became so popular for regular and easy picture editions and resolution changes that when they tried to discontinue the application. Later had to return it back to windows as people were asking for it like crazy.
To lower or increase a picture resolution with Paint, it is a very straight forward process. First, locate the Paint app on your Windows computer. Paint display may change on different versions of Windows but the resolution changer. It will always be called “Resize” and can be found on the top of the app or within the “TOOLS” menu. Here you may increase or reduce the picture resolution. This is done by percentage or by typing down the exact amount of pixels required.
As simple as it is, now you can just save the file with a different name to recognize the difference in resolution for your picture. Remember that you can increase the resolution of your picture but it will not increase the quality at all, just the size of it. If you want to increase the resolution and the quality, keep reading.
Change Picture Resolution With an Online Live Tool
Within a few seconds of searching in GOOGLE, we found a very simple but effective picture resolution changer website that offers this as an online tool for you to use on the fly without downloading anything. In this particular case, we found this site: Resizeimage.net that will not just allow you to change the resolution of your picture, but it will also allow you to crop and rotate it as well.
Additional options are available to edit your images, like making the background transparent, change the file type to PNG, JPG, among others. Last but not least, there is also a compression selector that will allow you to decide the final resolution for your picture before saving it.
Ask a Friend Near You to Change the Resolution For You
Another option that can not be taken for granted is asking a friend for help. Maybe you know someone that uses a computer often and know exactly the purpose and reason why you need to change the resolution on a picture and will do that for you free of cost and with precise results.
Increase Picture Resolution Without Lossing Quality (WHATTT?)
If your plan is to increment and the resolution of a picture but don’t want to lose quality or make it look blurry after the resize. There is an additional option that you will love. It is called AI (Artificial Intelligence) Image Enhance, after that, with this machine learning application you may increase an image resolution up to 600%. Without losing the sharpness and quality of the picture. This is thanks to regenerated and rearranged pixels by the AI software.
There are a few apps out there that will do the same work for you. Some in an efficient way some in very inefficient ways. We could not test all there are available. But for sure we found some good PAID and FREE options for AI image enlargement tools.
Paid option: Topazlabs.com
Enlarging your image without losing detail has always been impossible… until now. Upscale your photos by up to 600% while perfectly preserving image quality.
FREE option Letsenhance.io
Let’s Enhance is a Ukrainian start-up which develops an online service driven by artificial intelligence. Which allows improving images and zooming them without losing quality. According to the developers, they used the super-resolution technology of machine learning.
Any Good Printing Company Will Do It For Free If You Place An Order
There are printing companies like 55printing.com that will do this for you, consequently, really cheap or even for Free if you are planning on placing an order with them. Don’t be shy and ask around, there is an option called “Free Design Proof” that will get your design checkup before you even pay for it.
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-012
The post How to Change the Resolution of a Picture Without Photoshop appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How to Change the Resolution of a Picture Without Photoshop published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Offset Printing vs Digital Printing Comparison
Why Do We Compare Offset VS Digital Printing?
Offset and Digital printing methods are among the most popular techniques for printing world-wide. Offset and Digital prints are very different but in the end, they serve and accomplish the same purpose, dropping ink into a paper. There are hundreds of techniques for this matter, but some are slower, more expensive, unpractical, hard to get, old-school and not good enough, for now, a days competition.
Even though they are so different, people like to ask about the difference as they see almost all printer companies in the market now must carry both, digital and offset printing presses to fulfill customers needs in regards to marketing materials. We will now explain the main difference between each of these printing techniques.
Offset Printing
One of the oldest printing techniques, the offset printing consist of big. Hard to operate machinery that will transfer ink from container to paper thru pre-perforated color plates. Many of these old school offset presses required a separate machine for color plate perforation which isn’t cheap. In modern days these color plates are sometimes re-usable for a more affordable setup process but compromise the quality. The biggest advantage of offset printing is how cheap and fast it prints papers, just that.
Why Offset Prints So Cheap?
As the color printing plates are perforated in minuscular dots to allow a bit of the ink to go through. We can save a big amount of ink and at the same time a more precise quality and resolution. Other printers have to cover dozens of microscopical layers of ink or toner to build a propper surface of the ink.
Offset ink is more popular, often bought in bulk for additional savings. Prices vary depending on quantity, we all know that. So if you buy an ink-tank, you may have ¼ of the tank for free making your prints a lot cheaper.
The paper used for offset printing allows more precise injection of the ink, for a less swamped experience, needing less ink per square inch at the same time.
Digital Printers
All printers and copiers seen at home and office are mostly denominated as digital printers. The main reason why they are called digital is just because of the fact that this printers subcontract the images from the computer directly in a digital format, process the image in a digital environment and then print it.
These are practical as no further setup is required for the printing to begin, the printer does all the setup job for you. Ready to print in just a few seconds after you have turned it on.
No color plates, no screen printing plates, no manual preparation, just digital processing of the art directly to the paper.
Inkjet Printers
Inside the digital printing family, we find the most popular printer type seen in almost every home from the last half a century, the INKJET printers. You may see a huge variety of brands offering very cheap home printers solutions that will get you up and running within minutes with a home-based printing/scanning capable machine. These inkjet printers are often used for a few copies and emergency documents printing, maybe a few photos as well. But don’t try to run a huge printing spree with these little guys or you will burn them down as they only serve for a practical home unit and not for businesses purposes.
If you have a big amount of pages that you need to be printed. Rather go to the local staples or Kinkos to get these done cheaper, faster and won’t harm your in-house unit.
Which of These Printing Tecquines is Water-Proof?
Water-proof printing is a must nowadays, and why not have it if some brands include this special feature for free. All 3 type of printing mentioned before has a few providers. Brands that will make your life easier with the water-proof add-on.
For the home Inkjet Printers, we have noticed that the EPSON is the most popular ink-based waterproof printer available in the market. Ink cartridges are no cheap but will pay off with time. Another downside for the EPSON home inkjet printer is the speed, very slow compared to others.
For the Color Copy machines, each copy comes out less expensive when compared to home inkjet printers and will mostly be water-proof across all copiers brands. This is possible thanks to the Laser-Impregnation technology that allows for melted toner to become the final viewable print-out. Toner, after getting a huge heat and then drying down to the paper, creates a very nice pumped effect that people love out of the color copiers. At the same time, the melted toner will be water-proof as well.
For the Offset machines, the waterproof capabilities come at the time of ink building. Some additive should be added to the ink for it to be water-proof and should be taken into count at the time of printing as the cleaning process.  After printing with water-proof ink, will vary from printing without water-proof capabilities.
Possible uses for Inkjet Printers, Color Copiers and Offset Machines
Offset Machinery: Often used for long-run printing like a magazine, brochures, newspaper and any sort of mass distribution media.
Color Copies: Used mostly for short-run and lower quality printed media like printing emails, letters, simple flyers, and more.
Inkjet Printers: Commonly used at home, where you will be printing a few pages per week.
Each of them has a specific use. It is hard to choose which one is the best. For you when we don’t know anything about your project yet. But with this article, you will end up with a better idea on which printing technique. You should use and which should get you cheaper printing results.
As a little bonus, you may also watch this video on a Digital Offset Press invented a few years ago:
55printing offset vs digital
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-011
The post Offset Printing vs Digital Printing Comparison appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Offset Printing vs Digital Printing Comparison published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Making and Printing Cheap Business Cards Online
Step By Step – Making and Printing Business Cards
First Step – Designing a Business Card: Thinking about making and printing business cards cheap and fast? Maybe you think these are too many requirements. But we are here to tell you a few solutions to get printed business cards fast and cheap, as quick and fast a possible.
By the image above, therefore, you can have a feel where we are going for this article… We consider online apps as the easiest way of making business cards designs for cheap. Take advantage of hundreds of design apps online, and then, create your own business cards within minutes.
These applications are available for APP (Mac smartphones) as well as Android smartphones. Download, Install and use any of this application to create a great business card design or just modify any of the pre-designed templates loaded within the application. If you want to go PRO with the business card design. Then you should start looking toward some nice design applications like PhotoImpact of Photoshop. These are professional, yet, easy to use application that is available online for download into regular windows, mac or any smartphone device.
Original Post: https://www.55printing.com/news/app-helps-with-cheap-business-cards-design-and-printing/
Basic Steps for Making Business Cards Design Parameters
To build a business card, there are a few details that we need to take into consideration. One of them is the size. The business cards are offered in a huge variety of sizes and shapes. For the business card shapes, we find Standard, Square, Circle, Oval, Leaf, Slim, Half-Circle, Folded. For paper stock we find: Glossy, Uncoated, Matte, Recycled, NewMagnet, Triple – Layered Trifecta, Black, Red, Pearl, Green, consequently, NewBlue. And for the size we got 2″ x 3.5″ – Standard, 2.17″ x 3.35″ – European, 1.75″ x 3.5″ , after that, – Slim, 1.75″ x 3″, 2″ x 3″.
We would recommend discarding 99 percent of all of the options mentioned above. Just go for the premium style business card offered for cheap at any online business card printer provider. This involves the standard size 3.5″ x 2″ with standard thick paper “14pt cover with UV Coat” and square or rounded corner shape.
Now that you have the size for the card. Now you must look online, after that, for possible business card designs. This way you will get an idea on which way to go to build your design successfully.
Bleed Printing
bleed and no bleed design sample
Printing a business card with bleed (ink all over to the edge of the card) is nothing new. This is a style used for decades in the printing industry. The printer will not actually print the paper all the way to the edge, instead, they will print your card with an extra border and then cut it. This will create the bleed effect people love to see in all sort of printing. The white border could look good sometimes, but not always. Remember this at the time of building your design.
A background image with lines and splitting colors are often used to divide the design. If your design already shows a line split of color, after that, an extra white border (none bleed) will not look as good for your card. In this case, make sure your design goes all the way to the edge.
Business Card Design Style
There are many different styles of approach for your business card project. We will mention a few: Professional, Modern, Simple, Unique, Graphic Designer, among others. You could do a little google search for more details on how they look.
Usually, simplicity is always the best choice to create an easy to read and good to look design layout. Remember to include just essential information onto your card. Unnecessary data like a social network and others might be saved for the backside of the card or just not be used at all.
The backside of the business card should be reserved for none essential information. Logos, as well as, translucent images, related images or even a phrase for optimisms could be used on the backside. Keep all important data in the front.
After Making your Business Card, Comes Printing
Please avoid local FedEx, Staples and Kinkos units for business cards printing. If you are looking for international top-notch quality and price competitiveness, therefore, the way to go is ONLINE. There are so many excellent online business card printing providers, therefore, that will print your business card beautify and considerably fast.
By the end of this article, we have added a list of the first 100 businesses online that offer business cards online. Make sure to visit a few of them first, check for price, consequently, reviews and regular data that will make you sure where to order and place your money on.
Among the top 5 cheap business cards providers, we find VistaPrint, therefore, OvernightPrints, 55Printing, Uprinting, OvernightPrints.
55printing cheap business card product
Online APP store
The post Making and Printing Cheap Business Cards Online appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Making and Printing Cheap Business Cards Online published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How to Prepare Images For Large Format Printing
Prepare Images For Large Format Printing
A vast difference is involved in the preparation of images. Consider what printing method (digital or offset) and how big the final print out should be. These are 3 crucial details to take into consideration at the time of preparing a beautiful art. You should know how to go about it, preferably before you get started to avoid working twice. We will go thru on how to set up a large format printing design from the beginning. But first, let’s clarify some basic concepts.
What is Considered Large Format in Printing Industry Words?
By saying large format, we don’t mean a significant amount of printing material as if you order 5,000 business cards. 5000 Cards is definitely a large order, and a lot of paper and ink will be utilized to accomplish it. The excellent format printing technique is not intended for this sort of printing orders, instead. When we refer to the term “Large Format Printing,” we refer to the following printing products:
Signage/yard signs
Building/Vehicle Wraps
Window Signs
Static or LoTac
Wall Coverings
Large Format Printing mainly refers to any sort of printing that could be looked at from about a meter of distance and further on. If you cant read it form a meter of length, then this might not be a cheap large format printed material.
  Which is the Most Popular Large Format Printed Product?
We asked a few printers, and they all agreed that cheap Posters printing is among the most popular large format products sold daily. We will add a top to button list on the popularity of these products in regards to the information provided by the printers. In the first place, we find the posters, 2nd place the yard signs, 3rd windows signs, 4th vehicle wrapping, 5th wall covering, 6th vinyl banners.
Main Design Tips for Preparing a Large Format Design for Printing
When you are getting ready to design a large format design to print it later. We recommend you contact the printer who is going to be writing the large-format plan to request the information on their specific requirement for that project. Conditions for large format design varies for every type of large format printing product like the vinyl banners. This product carries wholes in the corners and the yard signs that are just flat design. Also, depending on the quantity, you are planning to order, and how many colors the design carries, you might be using CMYK or RGB color formats.
Design Resolution for Cheap Large Format Printing
There is a huge difference in printing a small marketing material with a lot of little details and printing a large format piece of marketing material that should be looked at from a certain distance. The resolution for printing a business cards, flyer, postcard or even a brochure which is considerably larger than the previous ones, is always recommended to 300 DPI (Dots Per Inch), that means that a big amount of dots has to fit a Square Inch, a good printing machine has to be used to print with that quality. For sings, that level of detail is not necessary as nobody will ever have to close up that much to appreciate little details within a sign, banner or car promotional wrap, so 72 DPI (Dots Per Inch) is used as the standard resolution for the signs.
Which is Cheaper, The Color Process VS Digital Large Format Printing?
It will always depend on how many repetitions of the sign is needed and how big it is. For example, if you are planning on getting 100 units of yard signs with a simple 2 color design layout. Then this job is going to result a lot cheaper to print than if you use a digital large format printing machine to do it. On the other hand, if you only need 1 single but huge vinyl banner, preparing a color process plates for a single unit would be a waste of money and effort. You should be going cheaper with the digital large format printers in this case.
– 1 or 2 Colors Design Preparation for Large Format Printing For Cheap
Many huge signs are elementary form and just use a few colors to avoid the use of a digital printing machine. These digital prints are costly and can cost hundreds of thousands to buy and then cost thousands to operate and maintain. So the old-school color transfer plates come into action when your design fits this requirement, saving you a lot of money. The design could be built in CMYK or RGB. Just make sure to use different layers for each color as they will later get separated to perforate the color process plates. For the final file, remember to carry only 1 design layer per color at 72 DPI of resolution as we already explained before.
– Full-Color Design Preparation for Large Format Printing
For the full-color printing process, it comes out a lot easier as there is no need to separate colors in layers. No need to use the famous CMYK that dulls the colors on your screen. This time you can use the beautiful looking RGB color format. And the resolution could be set to anywhere over 72 DPI to guarantee a good (from a distance) quality.
Reference code: Chimi-Printing-010
The post How to Prepare Images For Large Format Printing appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How to Prepare Images For Large Format Printing published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
5000 Cheap Business Cards for $59 (OR CHEAPER?)
Myth Or Real? 5000 Cheap Business Cards for Only $59
Google search for 5000 business cards online
Is it possible to find 5000 cheap business cards for only $59? Is it a myth or is it real? The answer to that question is YES, you can find 5000 business cards for $59 and even cheaper! Keep reading for more information about this topic.
First of all, when we talk about “5000 business cards” we are talking about premium business cards. Full color both sides on thick 14pt paper with UV coating both sides. That is the standard premium version of the business cards. There are popular additional options like rounded corners and spot-UV that adds up to the price.
As of right now, you can buy 5000 premium business cards as low as $59 by just visiting the cheap business cards printing product for 55printing.com. It used to sell for $49 for years until a few months ago. But as the dollar devalues, the prices for material, paper, ink, and many other factors increases. So we can not guarantee how long it will stay at that price.
Could I Buy 5000 Business Cards For Even Cheaper than $59?
Yes, many providers offer great deals once in a while, sometimes twice a month. Subscribe to these printers newsletter and be ready to take advantage of these special deals. We have seen deals for cheap business cards going as low as $49 with a $10 printing discount coupon code.
If you try to find similar deals on printers near you, it will be impossible. Only the top online printer companies are able to offer this pricing directly to the customers. Local printing companies carry with a lot of operational expenses for very little print volume. This increases their overall pricing exponentially. For locally printed premium business cards we have seen prices around $99 up to $250. Don’t be surprised if they want to charge you more than that. It will vary also on the print turnaround.
Things to Consider For Your Business Card Printing
A business card is one of the most important tools when it comes to performing business activities. A business card can help you to meet prospective clients and help them to know about you and your business. Gone are the days, of having rectangular business cards with the information provided in a plain typography. Nowadays, you have many things to get from your business cards.
From funky type cards to folded business cards are the recent trend. As business cards will represent you and your business, so you will have to make the best use of them. In fact, care should be taken to see that the card should not look like another scrap of paper. The paint finish is an important part of the business cards as it can enhance the design of the card.
Try out the following ways of perfect finish which can help you to make your card get a glossy and unique look.
Emboss/ Deboss: This printing technique can help to create relied designs, with a carved look and feel. With embossing, you can get the 3D effect, whereas with debossing you can get recessed one with hollowed inside.
Letterpress: This printing uses a typeset that is generally inked and then pressed into the paper surface. The effect that is obtained with this printing technique is that of a debossed texture. This printing offers a natural texture than digital printing. This printing provides a realistic look with a classic feel.
Foil Application: This printing technique uses a foil that is applied through a heating process to a specified area like the vector image or an outlined area. If you want to make your business card stand out, this technique is the best. The foil application can be used for the logo or the name area.
Die Cut: If you want to give your business card a distinguished look then this technique is the best.  You can get unique shaped cards like round-shape. As the paper stock is cut with the help of sharp blades on defined areas.
For your next batch of business cards, you can try any of this printing technique, so that your card itself speaks out about you and your company.
5 Tricks and Tips to get a Stunning Looking Business Card
With the emergence of digital communication and networking, some people are of the opinion that the paper business card is nothing but a disappearing relic of another generation. But this notion is a completely misleading. Your business card is the first physical contact that a potential customer will have with your business.
Follow these simple and amazing tricks to get a stunning, professional business card:
This may sound like an obvious decision but the information you provide on your business card is the very first thing you must consider and decide. Many business cards display either too much or too little information. To find the right balance make sure that your name, designation, company name, logo and contact details are visible at first glance.
Plain or Colorful
Many people choose to keep color out of their business card to make it look professional and sober. But rightly used colors can make your card look distinctive and make it stand out. However, if you want to simple colorless look, go ahead. A nicely designed black and white card can look as memorable as a colorful one.
To Emboss or Not To Emboss
If a simple black and white look too dull, consider embossing the words instead of getting a plain print. Embossing creates a 3D effect due to raised letters and adds style to an otherwise plain-looking card.
Visual Elements
Do you remember the old saying “A picture says a thousand words”?. While you cannot completely do away with printed content. Consider keeping one side of your business card for cleverly chosen illustrations is a good option. Whether you choose a product, service, or the logo of your company, do not leave the back of the card blank.
Paper Thickness Matters
Often, people do not pay much attention to the quality of the paper, concentrating more on the information, print quality, colors, among others.  A thick business card ensures quality and makes your business look professional. Try to avoid tacky and cheap looking papers.
Lastly, like all good things, a good business card should be kept simple and have a distinctive look.
Resouces on 5000 Cheap Business Cards for $59 found as follows:
Reference for chimi-printing-334
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Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ 5000 Cheap Business Cards for $59 (OR CHEAPER?) published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
16pt dull cover with matte finish paper
What is the 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper?
As a premium paper, the 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper is among top selection for regular daily printing orders. The 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper is loved by customers for many reasons. It is a very thick paper!
The “16pt” part of the paper name refers to the actual thickness. “Dull” makes reference to the visual finishing of the paper as a matte but still light shinned material.  “Cover” makes emphasis on the stiffness of the material, for cover, we mean the stiffer version of the paper. “Matte Finish” means that no additional coating has been applied to the paper. Sometimes customer request UV Coating on top of the printing for extra protection to their 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper printed project.
A Guide to Choose the Right Paper for Your Printed Poster
The recently emerging “print is dying” cry must have been propagated by someone wildly ignorant of the advertising and the business world. This is because not only has print been revived as an effective marketing method, but is also going through a massive transformation to have better relevance in the digital world that we live in. There have emerged a variety of new techniques and creative elements to have enhanced the effectiveness of printed advertising tools. In this respect, the mention of printed posters cheap is inevitable.
Some Factors to Consider
However, like any advertising campaign, certain elements and factors have to be considered when using cheap poster printing.  Firstly, you must have a clear idea of the message you want to send to the audience. What are you selling? This is another important question. You may provide a variety of products and services but the audience will want to know your niche. This is why you must give serious thought to what you want to advertise as your specialty. Make sure that it is unique and something that the customer cannot say no to. This is highly important and the appeal that your business will have in the mind of the customer will depend on this largely.
Some other things that you must consider are design, color scheme. Placement of the cheap poster, illustrations, and texts to be used, etc. One of the important physical elements that you have to pay attention to is the type and quality of the paper to be used. Let’s take a look at how to choose the right paper for Hot Printing poster:
The Placement
This is probably the most important thing that determines which paper will be best for your poster ad campaign. If the poster is to be placed at an outdoor location, it is needless to say that the material has to be tough and resistance to damages done by elements of nature. Indoor posters, on the other hand, can afford to sacrifice the durability facture for looks. Therefore, for outdoor use, high-end photo paper will be the best choice. For posters to be used indoors, you have a greater choice of material and can make your choice according to the ambiance of the event and target audience.
The Cost of 16pt dull cover paper with matte finish paper
This is the most important factor for small businesses. Even big firms are always looking for ways to cut down on marketing cost. Hot Print USA is well aware of the fact that cost is very important to business owners. Theese offers poster printing on good quality paper at affordable costs. You can choose between polyester, cellulose and other blended materials. You must also consider the durability of the poster. If you want the ad to stay up for a long period of time, the paper must be highly durable and thus have a slightly higher cost.
Lastly, consider the image of your company. Some types of cheap offset printing papers give a sophisticated and classy finish and are more pleasing to the eye.
Types of Paper Options for Your Business Cards
When you hand out your cheap business card to a prospective client or the existing clients, then you might have thought of whether the card looks appealing to the eye and the mind of the beholder. If you want to make your prospects take notice of the card. When taking the card in their hand then you must make sure that the card is not made up of cheap stock paper.
So, when you go to the printers for printing your next batch of business cards then try out the following business card paper options:
Glossy: This stock usually has an aqueous coating that provides the shiny finish. It is an ideal choice for those who are looking bright colored cards with a double side printed. This card stock is ideal for those who are looking for printing photo on the business cards. It is also ideal for those who want to give their card a shiny look or want to have a shiny logo.
Matte: For the smooth and non-shiny finish, the matte stock cards are the ideal choice. This stock paper comes in a wide variety of colors but the most common colors are white, beige, tans, and cream color. One thing that should be remembered is the letterings or the typography will not be as friable as the ones you get with neutral tones.
Textured: Textured card stock can come in both glossy and matte stocks. In this stock, patterns are already pressed in order to give the feel of dots or basket weave. You will get a wide assortment of colors. Those who are in the graphic design, advertising industry often looks out for this paper for printing their business cards.
Recycled: Nowadays. Many business houses and corporations are considering to print their business cards on recycled paper. Even though this paper is very expensive, still it can help you to earn points for minimizing the use of carbon.
While choosing the type of paper for your card make sure you choose a good quality printed paper which will be environment-friendly as well as provide a nice feel to the client.
16pt dull cover with matte finish paper
Resources on 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper:
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The post 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ 16pt dull cover with matte finish paper published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
Quality Printing Techniques for Canvas
Quality Printing: Important Canvas Characteristics
One cannot deny the fact that quality printing has formed an integral part of our culture. They are widely being used by the business houses for promotional or advertising purpose, but nowadays, really cheap canvas are extensively used for educational institutes, restaurants, street promotion, and so on. This is mainly because; they serve a wide range of purposes like decorating the walls of a house or for promotional needs.
cheap online quality printing
canvas is considered as on the important modes of advertising that are far more economical than the other advertisings modes. Thus, over the last couple of decades, cheap canvas prints have become a sturdy tool for the business houses to grab the attention of the targeted customers and also forcing them to take any kind of decision.
If you are planning to print cool cheap printing canvas for home décor or for educational purpose, make sure the printing companies use different paper stocks. Also, the color contrast, fonts, and typefaces should be vastly different for these two kinds of canvas. Also, ensure the printing company like Hot Printing USA can provide you with different canvas sizes for the educational canvas. For educational purposes mostly the cheap canvas printing 24×36 size is preferable.
Make It Attention-Grabbing
canvas being brightly colored and often huge is size can easily grab the attention of the people. If the canvas is placed at strategic locations like a bus stop, clubs, stations, etc, the result can be obtained very fast. But care should be taken to ensure that the cheap large canvas printing is of high-quality. Printing companies like Hot Prints USA are highly dedicated to providing the customers with high-quality canvas with any kind of finish like gloss or matte.
Not Cluttered: A canvas should not be cluttered with, too much of texts and images in them. So, when you are going to print a cheap canvas make sure the canvas design is kept single. A single text or a graphical text can be a good solution. Also, before printing the canvas you can ask the printing company like HotPrints to provide you with a sample of the printed canvas so that you can easily check the resolution of the images or the contents is readable or not.
Maintaining Harmony:
For a canvas, color forms an integral part. It is important to maintain a perfect balance of colors in the canvas. Colors should be chosen in such a way so that they can complement each other and provide a pleasing visual effect. Using bright colors for the text as well as the background can work negatively for the canvas. The harmony of the canvas should match with the theme or message of the canvas.
Emphasis: The main aim of the canvas is to convey a message. So, emphasis should be placed on the most important message. For this, the important message can be highlighted with bold colors. But you need to be careful about maintaining consistency in the font and the font sizes you are using the canvas.
Maintaining the above-mentioned qualities can help you get a good effective canvas that will stand out from the crowd and will stick to the mind of the people very easily.
The Benefits of Quality Printing on canvas for Your Business
There are several ways to communicate with target customers. However, one of the most effective ways is to use large cheap canvas which will display your message effectively. If you use it in the correct manner then it will grab the attention of the people and make them aware of the product and the services that you are offering. The potent ability to stick to the minds of the customers can be a significant benefit for both large and small scale customers. Here are some reasons that will show that you need to consider affordable canvas printing seriously for the promotion of your business.
Cheaper in Cost
The traditional forms of marketing such as radio, television, and newspaper can prove to be very expensive for your business. It might cost you thousands of dollars. Moreover, the distribution of the canvas is also cheaper. The process involves a printing service like Hot Prints USA and few people. The canvas will go from concept stages to the final product in only a few days. This means that you will be able to start with your promotional work much before then you thought.
Conveniently Visible
With the help of the cheap canvas, you will be able to target some specific locations for the promotion of your business. This canvas cheap will help you to amaze the customers with imagery and it will help in making sure that it sticks in the head of the customer for a long time. You should make your canvas in such a manner that it is able to attract as many customers as possible.
Reaches More Customers
Some specific marketing channels will be able to reach out to a certain group of people at a particular point of time. If you are trying to target a particular geographic area then canvas printing is the perfect choice for you. Each and every person passing by the canvas will take a glance at the canvas and will see what you have to offer.
Encourages Active Response
If you are able to make someone look at your canvas then you are making them see that what your business is all about. It might be that they are walking through a street or boarding the bus but as you grab their attention, you can apply a good call to action and thereby make the customer respond. The really cheap canvas can have a clear message which will inspire the customers to be active.
Quality Can Be Measured
Every marketing campaign might not be measurable. However, print canvas cheap is a kind of marketing which can be measured. In case, you are promoting a certain product or a sale then you will be able to measure the number of people who are viewing the canvas.
With canvas printing, there will hardly be any restriction of space. In fact, you will be able to display large images. However, you have to make sure that you are getting it printed from a printing company like HotPrinting USA.
The Benefits of Hiring a Quality Printing Company for Printing canvas
Building and maintaining involve a lot of effort. The hard work and dedication that goes into creating a company are reflected in the products and services that are offered to the customers. Every aspect of the brand starting from the stationery to the logo helps in representing your brand. Thus, it is important to reflect the products and quality of the brand in the most accurate manner. Cheap canvas printing is one of the effective ways of representing your business.
However, designing and printing a canvas cheap is an arduous task. You need to hire a professional company like Hot Prints USA for doing the work. Here are some of the benefits of hiring a printing company like Hot Printing USA.
Quality of Paper
One of the significant advantages of hiring a professional printing company is that it will use the specialized resource at its disposal. This can be beneficial in many ways but one of the significant benefits is the good quality paper that is used by the professional company. A printing company like Hot Print has different kinds of paper available to them. Some of these papers are good for vibrant canvas while other good for the dark-colored canvas. Printing professionals will advise you regarding the kind of paper that you should use for your cheap canvas printing.
Printing Quality
It is pretty obvious that a printing company will offer you good quality printing. This is much better than the printing that you get done in the office. A printing company has the latest technology which will enable the canvas cheap to have higher levels of detail. The software that the printing company has will optimize each and every print. Additional factors which the printing company offers in regard to the quality of the print can enhance the reputation of the product. The finishing that the really cheap prints have will enable it to stand out among the competitors.
Lower Cost
Hiring a printing company for your canvas might make you feel that you are splurging money. However, it can substantially lower the cost when hired in the right situation. This is because in order to process huge printing orders. Cost of wages and ink has certain fixed costs like the machinery cost and variable. Like In certain cases, it is cheap to outsource the printing work than doing your own printing.
Hiring a printing company is a convenient and simple option to get your cheap canvas printed. Printing is the business of these companies and they will work to look after your needs. The printing service will make sure that you get a quick and reliable service. It is quick and easy to hire a printing company and get the canvas printed. Simply go to the store or log in to their site and discuss the requirements you have for your business. When you hire a printing company to take care of the offset quality printing. You are able to focus on other aspects of the business.
quality printing hand with ink
 Resources for Quality Printing Research:
Quality Chimi Printing
The post Quality Printing Techniques for Canvas appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ Quality Printing Techniques for Canvas published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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sheliabarley · 4 years
How Did The Cheap Printing Press Changed the World
Cheap Printing Press Changed the World
By the year 1,500, there were already millions of pages printed in recently created printing presses all around Europe. That being said, printing presses are no news anymore. They have been providing affordable marketing materials and printed tools for over 600 years so far.
Before the printing press was invented, another not so effective and slow procedures were used to get ink into paper. Cloth and all other types of displays for marketing. purposes. A lot of rubbing was required to complete an ink transfer back then. So when the printing press was created, it spread the voice really fast all over the world. Then became one of the most powerful events during the second millennium.
Thanks to the Printing Press invention and application thru entire Western Europe, a massive new communication era was born and since then, only the born of the Internet have had a similar impact.
  How Practical are the Printing Presses?
It is known that cheap printing presses will cut it off a lot cheaper for you when a huge amount of marketing material is going to be needed. For small runs, cheap color copies are always the best bet and they are available anywhere near you. For bigger runs, you will need a bigger machine that actually prints cheaper and faster, it is called the color process printing press.
Printing Press Benefits
If you are in need of a huge amount of printing capabilities, the printing press is the right choice as it uses a 4 color process system that won’t waste a single drop of ink you buy. The setup of the machine is expensive and takes time to get it ready for a printing run, but at the end, if you print a lot, you will save a lot of money in the long run.
A good example, local printers might need a printing press machine to run business cards orders of over 500 units, brochure orders over 100 or 250 units, postcards orders for over 1000 units; anything less than that it would be more convenient to just use a local color copy machine and save the printing press setup hassle.
If you get a big (5,000+) brochure. Magazine or booklet order in your printing store, you will be forced to use the offset printing machine. For the only fact that competence is too tight on pricing for these popular products and popular quantities. Everybody know that 5,000 Brochures on 8.5″x11″ cost less than $299 on any online printing site that uses offset printing machinery. Trying to sell these 5,000 brochures for maybe $1,500 done in a color copier, will get you out of the business in no time.
Printing Press Down Sides
Setup Time: is the biggest concern for offset printing. As you need to prepare a print plate for each of the 4 process colors and then adjust them into the machine for printing. Run a few samples (waste of paper, ink, time) to adjust final alignment touches for the printing plates and only then, you can start printing. Comparing the setup time of an offset machine with a color copier machine is out of the contest. We all know color copier machines warm up in less than 15 seconds and they are ready to burn toner into the paper.
Setup Cost: Offset color printing plates are no cheap. Most of them are not re-usable, customer like to change their information for every project they print, so no way to re-use a printing plate that has already been perforated. The machine that perforates the plates is also a bit expensive but necessary. Add this cost up to the whole process. Cleaning an offset machine takes time and a lot of care. Not everyone will do it correctly the first few times, it requires practice.
Employee Wages: When hiring an offset machinery operator. You will notice that these are not your entry-level salary guys. There must be some sort of college degree involved and sometimes previous experience running these machines. Salaries go all the way to the roof just for having 1 guy that will know how to operate an offset machine at your shop. If you hire 1 offset expert, you will only be able to run printing. During that employee operative hour, no earlier, no later. With any cheap color copy machine, even your dog can print a job with covered eyes anytime during the day.
Modern Days for the Printing Press
With the surge of the Internet. The worldwide printed newspaper industry has been declining and people are not reading the news on a printed paper anymore.
On the graph is seen on the left. We can appreciate the mass decline seen from 1085 to 2017, consequently, for paid circulation of the daily newspaper within the United States of America. This is not anything new, we were all expecting the newspaper to disappear completely for many reasons as we will disclose shortly.
Expensive to produce compare to online published news.
Hard to spread and hand out (harder every day).
Limited reach
Losing popularity
Less and limited sponsorship
Outdated news within the content
Impossible to update printed content
Many more…
Believe it or not, the internet published news, solves all these issues at once. People resist being seen reading a newspaper just for the fact that they look outdated and wasting their time with old printed news.
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Reference code: Chimi-Printing-009
The post How Did The Cheap Printing Press Changed the World appeared first on Cheap 55 Printing.
Source: https://cheap55printing.com/ How Did The Cheap Printing Press Changed the World published first on https://cheap55printing.com/
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