shellclans-demise · 2 years
What is Shellclan’s Demise?
It’s a Warrior Cats original story following our protagonist,Tidepaw, in Shellclan as she navigates the complicated political tension and rising aggression in her own home and in other clans. The center of our story is Coralclan’s collapse as the once-large clan has split into two over the new leadership struggles that Dragonflystar faces as he strives for more and more power. His hunger for everything and anything he can get his paws on has led to the creation of Cloudclan as they yearn for separation from their terrible past. Shellclan is caught in the middle of it all as both clans look to them for allyship that they’re unsure is wise to give.
(And as an author’s note, this story has only the more barebone plot points right now, as it’s been created on a whim, but I’m hoping to use this as practice for oc stories I would like to write in the future! We’ll see how this ends up going.)
Here’s a picture of Tidepaw in the Clangen game I started her in! I’ll likely draw at least her sometime soon, as I’m more of an artist than an author at this point. Not that these designs won’t be open for interpretation!
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shellclans-demise · 2 years
Cloudclan Allegiances
Leader Joystar - A pale grey and white molly with orange eyes. She's charismatic and a great hunter. She's 90 moons old. She has 8 lives remaining and has been leader for 15 moons.
Deputy Inksplash - A beautiful black lynx-point and white tom with bright hazel eyes. He's adventurous and extremely smart. He's 73 moons old.
Medicine Cat Skypond - A long-haired brown tabby molly with dark blue eyes. She's fierce and a great speaker. She's 74 moons old.
Warriors Koifin - A long-furred white molly with bright blue eyes. She's patient and very smart. She's 84 moons old and was formerly a kittypet. She wears a bright green ribbon around her neck. (Apprentice: Slugpaw)
Tumbleheart - A beautiful short-furred tan and white lynxpoint tom with dark blue eyes. He's childish and has a very strong connection to Starclan. He's 74 moons old and brother to Trillbeam.
Trillbeam - A short-furred ticked tabby orange tom with bright blue eyes. He's lonesome and a fantastic teacher. He's 74 moons old and brother to Tumbleheart. (Apprentice: Snailpaw)
Gulldrop - A long-furred black and white tom with green eyes. He's compassionate and an excellent fighter. He's 65 moons old and brother to Irispelt.
Irispelt - A short-furred grey and yellow calico molly with green eyes. She's strict and a good fighter. She's 65 moons old and sister to Gulldrop.
Glass - A blue-grey ticked tabby molly with sharp blue eyes. She's shameless and very smart. She's 35 moons old.
Pearlcry - A gorgeous long-furred black and orangy tabby calico molly with green eyes. She's daring and an excellent speaker. She's 23 moons old and mates with Songspots.
Songspots - A pretty silver bengal molly with bright yellow eyes. She's troublesome and a good hunter. She's 20 moons old and mates with Pearlcry. She wears a blue bell collar around her neck.
Eeltail - A black tabby cat with a white chest and tail tip and yellow eyes. She's thoughtful and a great fighter. She's 18 moons old. She's an adoptive mother to Beachkit.
Squid - A long-furred grey and white cat with dark blue eyes. They're responsible and a good teacher. They're 14 moons old.
Nestlight - A brown and orange tortoiseshell molly with hazel eyes. She's insecure and a good speaker. She's 13 moons old and sister to Pebbleeyes.
Pebbleeyes - A sandy-colored marbled bengal molly with amber eyes. She's ambitious and a great hunter. She's 13 moons old and sister to Nestlight.
Apprentices Snailpaw - A creamy colorpoint molly with sky blue eyes. She's thoughtful and training under Trillbeam's mentorship. She's 6 moons old and sister to Slugpaw.
Slugpaw - A brown ticked tabby tom with dark blue eyes. He's empathetic and training under Koifin's mentorship. He's 6 moons old and brother to Snailpaw.
Kits Wavekit - A small grey molly with amber eyes. She's inquisitive and smart for her age. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Splashkit and Tsunamikit.
Splashkit - A brown and white molly with green eyes. She's a daydreamer and often lost in thought. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Wavekit and Tsunamikit.
Tsunamikit - A brown bengal molly with blue eyes. She's daring and fierce for her age. She's 5 moons old and daughter to Lilacpuddle and sister to Wavekit and Splashkit.
Beachkit - A ticked-tabby orange tom with yellow eyes. He's bossy and strong for his age. He's 1 moon old and adoptive son to Eeltail.
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shellclans-demise · 2 years
Coralclan Allegiances
Leader Dragonflystar - A pale silver, nearly-white, tabby tom with dark green eyes. He's bloodthirsty and a great storyteller. He's 120 moons old and has 6 lives remaining and has been leader for 20 moons. He's known for being incredibly cruel. Father of Mothpelt and Cocoontail.
Deputy Flamewatcher - A scarred speckled red tabby molly with soft green eyes. She's nervous and an excellent fighter. She's 50 moons old. (Apprentice: Crabpaw)
Medicine Cat Jaypetal - A beautiful colorpoint brown and white tom with sharp amber eyes. He's cold and a great teacher. He's 83 moons old and mates with Moonwish and adoptive father to Bluffkit and Cliffkit.
Palmclaw - A short-furred sandy-colored tabby molly with dark green eyes. She's adventerous and a great healer. She's 53 moons old and was formerly a loner.
Warriors Moonwish - A beautiful brown tabby cat with pale green eyes. They're righteous and faithful. They're 112 moons old and mates with Jaypetal and adoptive parent to Bluffkit and Cliffkit. (Apprentice: Clampaw)
Ambershade - A battle-scarred black and white molly with blind, pale green eyes. She's compassionate and has a strong connection to Starclan. She's 106 moons old and mother to Pufferpaw, Clampaw, and Crabpaw. (Apprentice: Fernpaw)
Dawnpad - A long-furred golden-shaded molly with soft green eyes. She's sneaky and a great hunter. She's 22 moons old and adoptive mother of Fernpaw.
Samrose - A short-furred orange and white tom with yellow eyes. He's empathetic and extremely smart. He's 18 moons old and was formerly a kittypet.
Mothpelt - A scruffy grey and white molly with green eyes. She's loyal and fierce. She's 17 moons old. Daughter to Dragonflystar and sister to Cocoontail.
Cocoontail - A short-furred silver tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes. He's charismatic and very smart. He's 17 moons old. Son to Dragonflystar and brother to Mothpelt, mates with Sophiepetal. (Apprentice: Pufferpaw)
Sophiepetal - A long-furred golden bengal molly covered in white markings and has green eyes. She's charismatic and a good hunter. She's 15 moons old and was formerly a kittypet and mates with Cocoontail. (Apprentice: Coconutpaw)
Adderstem - A blue-grey and yellow tortoiseshell tabby molly with dark blue eyes. She's responsible and a good teacher. She's 13 moons old and is missing a front leg.
Minnowblaze - A fluffy colorpoint brown tom with ocean-blue eyes. He's lonesome and faithful. He's 12 moons old.
Apprentices Fernpaw - A speckled brown molly with forest green eyes. She's daring and training under Ambershade's mentorship. She's 11 moons old and adoptive daughter of Dawnpad.
Pufferpaw - A dark grey bengal tom with pale green eyes. He's strange and training under Cocoontail's mentorship. He's 9 moons old and is Ambershade and an unknown tom's kit, brother to Clampaw and Crabpaw.
Clampaw - A blue-grey tabby tom with harsh hazel eyes. He's vengeful and training under Moonwish's mentorship. He's 9 moons old and is Ambershade and an unknown tom's kit, brother to Pufferpaw and Crabpaw.
Crabpaw - A tan bengal tom with soft yellow eyes. He's calm and training under Flamewatcher's mentorship. He's 9 moons old and is Ambershade and an unknown tom's kit, brother to Pufferpaw and Clampaw.
Coconutpaw - A black marbled tabby tom with a white spotted belly and heterochromatic yellow and blue eyes. He's charismatic and training under Sophiepetal's mentorship. He's 7 moons old and was formerly abandoned.
Kits Bluffkit - An orange tabby molly with big green eyes. She's daring and charming for her age. She's 1 moon old, adoptive daughter to Moonwish and Jaypetal, sister to Cliffkit.
Cliffkit - An orange tom with big amber eyes. He's daring and energetic for his age. He's 1 moon old, adoptive son to Moonwish and Jaypetal, brother to Bluffkit.
Elders: Petalseed - A short-furred tan and white colorpoint tom with heterochromatic green and blue eyes. He's responsible and an excellent mediator. He is 160 moons old and was formerly a kittypet
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shellclans-demise · 2 years
Shellclan Allegiances
Leader Shadestar - A long-furred white molly with striking hazel eyes. She's altruistic and an excellent speaker. She's 33 moons old and has -1 lives remaining and has been leader for 10 moons. Where did she get that life from? Where did the rest go? Daughter of Snappertooth
Deputy Snappertooth - A scruffy white molly with soft hazel eyes. She's faithful and a fantastic hunter. She's 105 moons old and is mates with Reedclaw and mother of Shadestar, Pierkit, and Lagoonkit.
Medicine Cats Lynxheart - A short-furred yellow tabby tom with sharp yellow eyes. He's strange and a great healer. He's 68 moons old and was formerly a medicine cat in another clan
Warriors Dunedive - A short-furred brown bengal cat with sharp yellow eyes. They're faithful and have a strong connection to Starclan. They're 112 moons old and moved to Shellclan 20 moons ago from Coralclan.
Gillshadow - A short-furred sandy-colored bengal molly with bright green eyes. She's responsible and a good teacher. She's 98 moons old. (Apprentice: Tidepaw)
Reedclaw - A long-furred tan marbled tabby tom with beautiful amber eyes. He's loving and a great speaker. He's 92 moons old, mates with Snappertooth and father of Shadestar, Pierkit, and Lagoonkit.
Ghostswipe - A curly-furred marbled red tabby tom with white markings and bright yellow eyes. He's confident and has a strong connection to Starclan. He's 90 moons old and mates with Wetstep. (Apprentice: Scalepaw)
Wetstep - A long-haired marbled silver tabby molly with teal-colored eyes. She's faithful and a good hunter. She's 89 moons old and mates with Ghostswipe. (Apprentice: Featherpaw)
Eelpelt - A beautiful long-furred marbled tabby tom with sharp pale green eyes. He's ambitious and extremely smart. He's 77 moons old and Tidepaw's surrogate father.
Fennelpond - A color-pointed dark grey and black molly with striking amber eyes. She's shameless and a great fighter. She's 55 moons old and mother of Featherpaw and Scalepaw.
Gullflight - A medium-furred dark brown tabby molly with soft pale green eyes. She's smart and wise. She's 43 moons old.
Sleekstorm - A short-haired black and white tuxedo-patterened molly with forest-green eyes. She's troublesome and a great hunter. She's 29 moons old and sister of Pearlstep.
Pearlstep - A gorgeous speckled grey and amber calico with darker tabby spots and lots of soft white spotting. She's shameless and an excellent fighter. She's 28 moons old, sister of Sleekstorm, and mother of Tidepaw.
Snookfur - A golden-shaded fluffy tom with ocean-blue eyes. He's loving and a good hunter. He's 16 moons old. (Apprentice: Castlepaw)
Apprentices Featherpaw - A silver tabby molly with striking amber eyes. She's ambitious and training under Wetstep's mentorship. She's 10 moons old and daughter of Fennelpond and an unknown tom and sister of Scalepaw.
Scalepaw - A silver bengal tom with soft dark blue eyes. He's loving and training under Ghostswipe's mentorship. He's 10 moons old and son of Fennelpond and an unknown tom and brother of Featherpaw.
Castlepaw - A medium-length furred dark grey cat with dark blue eyes. They're calm and training under Snookfur's mentorship. They're 10 moons old and were formerly a kittypet.
Tidepaw - A long-furred dark brown and orange tabby calico molly with soft yellow eyes. She's lonesome and training under Gillshadow's mentorship. She's daughter of Pearlstep and Eelpelt.
Kits Pierkit - A fluffy marbled grey tabby tom with large amber eyes. He's bouncy and energectic for his age. He's 1 moon old, son of Snappertooth and Reedclaw, and brother to Shadestar and Lagoonkit Lagoonkit - A scruffy white molly with bright yellow eyes. She's inquisitive and quiet for her age. She's 1 moon old, daughter of Snappertooth and Reedclaw, and sister to Shadestar and Pierkit.
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