shellofaretard · 12 days
A scarabeus on leather jacket, a nipple piercing beneath baby blue shirt.
Many dreams spurt from the ground, at telecommunications centre bangalore.
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shellofaretard · 25 days
Boy in biker jacket, has infiltrated the hyderabad call center.
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shellofaretard · 25 days
Oh no, oh no, another wounded mumbai romeo.
Would you rather have a rose between your teeth, or a cigarette lit with the flames of the burning call center?
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shellofaretard · 1 month
Thing about the faggot christ was, he actually hated all the men he fucked. Every boy was so easy to get it sickened him. He thought he was different, more sensitive perhaps.
He did not go to any of the chemsex benders, he just stayed at home and binged youtube videos of gentle indian boys explaining things about computers. While watching he liked to whip himself into a berserker frenzy like "I will literally stab myself in the throat if this boy doesn't notice me!!!!!!" These boys were so unattainable and unassuming. They just wanted to transmit some small bit of knowledge so it's accessible to the community, completely selfless and without any identity or implications wrt the mating game. The breadth of knowledge they had was also something Jesus deeply admired. He knew nothing about computers, all he knew was matters of the human heart and even those were always uncertain & fickle.
So one day his neighbors had to call the cops on him bc of the amount of noise he made. He was screaming "RAJESH WHY WONT YOU TEXT ME" without even noticing they had come and what they found was he had a nail all the way up his urethra and his testicles had been smashed with a fire extinguisher into a swollen bloody purple blob as the "how to connect USB-C to HDMI adapter" video was playing on repeat. I guess you could say he had a lot of issues.
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shellofaretard · 2 months
So like i said repeatedly, the disgusting cocksucking faggot jesus christ loved the thrill of fucking violent african boys. But eventually i guess he got bored of that. He wasnt going to be just any kind of faggot, he had to be the lowest and filthiest. Its gotten to where he could no longer watch tutorial videos about installing windows or whatever, bc as soon as he heard that indian accent his brain could no longer register what was being said, and as soon as he saw those brown fingers hitting the keyboard all he could think of was cheekily sucking those fingers and holding that hand by the seaside. He thought that being an obedient wife to a man like that was much more powerful than taking criminal black dick, that was something a hybristophilic teenage girl would do.
So he actually travelled to a call center in calcutta. It was a building complex within a walled compound where each boy had a one man booth for taking calls and to unwind during breaks they were given fleshlights of angela white, kim kardashian, padma lakshmi etc. What jesus did was sneak behind each boy and listen to him alternate between vocal moaning and talking to customers on the phone, then steal the used fleshlight and clean it with his tongue. None of the boys ever noticed him bc of how lost they were in either jerking off or offering high quality it support. And jesus hugged the walls like a ghost or like he would have hugged those boys if he had the chance.
He went door to door like death in the meme and slurped the jizz out of every discarded fleshlight. Then he decided that wasnt immersive enough and took to closely listening to just one boy each day, through his entire 8 hour shift, imagining living an entire life with that boy, waiting for him at home mothering his children etc. Imagine the amount of lives he mustve lived doing this. No one gets to live that much without getting punished for it. So one day they caught him on camera and one 300 lbs indian security guard just beat the absolute shit out of him. Thing about that faggot was, everyone wanted to beat him up for one reason or another.
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shellofaretard · 2 months
Let me tell you about how the "cum donut man" became the "piss syringe man". So during one of his three-day chemsex benders, the sickening faggot jesus christ had this weird idea that he wanted multiple men to inject him with syringes filled with their urine. While asking guys to do this, he also liked to say he was of divine origin and had titanium in his bloodstream, so everyone thought he was annoying and just told him to fuck off. Until one day, one dude with a leopard print face tattoo said, I don't care what this guy believes, I think it's hot to have my piss injected into someones literal veins. And that sort of opened the floodgates (of piss lmao), and pretty soon the faggot jesus was having his blood filled with piss from at least 5-6 different guys every night.
It went like this until someone brought in a young black boy fresh from djibouti, very pure and pristine, fit hairless body, all naked even while the rest were still dressed. So jesus just broke down completely, crying and kissing the black boy's cock over and over hysterically. And that just killed the mood for everyone there. I guess he was becoming tired of the hedonism and getting more emotionally unstable.
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shellofaretard · 2 months
Believe it or not, the sickening faggot jesus christ was, at one point, known as the "Cum Donut Man". This was because whenever multiple men had ejaculated inside him, he let the jizz from his ass drip onto a chocolate donut, then they made him eat it. He loved this so much he often showed up at chemsex parties in a dunkin donuts hat to signify it was open season on his filthy shitter. He was also big into the chem aspect of it. He said, "I don't know that there is a line between human and chemicals. What I do know is, there is a difference between boredom and taking two fists up the ass". But after a 3-4 day bender, once even the sleaziest fags had returned to whatever their lives were, his loneliness was piercing. That i guess was part of why he branched out to low IQ migrant boys w/ infinite free time.
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shellofaretard · 2 months
When my boyfriend was deported to ghana, i cried tears of blood; bc i only ever kiss criminal boys.
When my boyfriend was deported to somalia, i cried tears of stone. The government was dead to me; I just called it the boyfriend deporting machine.
When my boyfriend was deported to rwanda, i cried tears of lead. What if my love only has 60 IQ - what do circles and triangles even mean? From where i'm standing, all things just appear as one point.
When my boyfriend was deported to eritrea, i cried tears of semen. All he did was murder an old woman - how could they not see that only nubile life has value?
When my boyfriend was deported to nigeria, i cried tears of cement; bc there were no more boyfriends left to deport....
-Jesus christ, probably
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shellofaretard · 3 months
So like i said the sickening faggot jesus christ had shit dripping down his thighs even as he was crucified. Which of course had to do with extreme anal looseness that frankly embodied everything he wanted out of life. It was literally part of why he was such a big p0pp4r5 addict, the endorphin rush of shit exploding and leaving his body during sex or else. It gave him a feeling of interconnectedness and extreme corporeality. He thought he was mom to every 70iq black boy he fucked, like in a way he was feeding them. Then when he was taken to be crucified and felt it coming he wanted to ask roman soldiers for a diaper, then thought no that wouldn't have been him. Then when he'd been nailed and shit was dripping down his legs he was literally crying and whimpering for help and no one cared. I guess roman soldiers thought the incontinence problems of faggots was none of they're concern. If i was a roman soldier i'd just have punched him in the stomach.
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shellofaretard · 3 months
As you can imagine even when he was in prison jesus christ couldn't keep from acting like a fucking freak maybe even worse. I think he actually got jealous whenever it was someone else getting raped. So what he did was take a slice of bread, dip it in the blood, shit, vaseline and whatever else of the last boy and eat it in front of everyone. Then he started waxing poetic like, "I am right here on my knees thanking my creator because what would i be without this raw, textured taste on my tongue. Like Anthony Bourdain said the great thing about cuisine is what it tells you about the soul and character of the people making it. So what i believe is each one of these sandwiches is different but brings me closer to the same universal mystery". Of course none of the prison dudes took kindly to this kind of pompousness and beat the shit of jesus every chance they had.
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shellofaretard · 3 months
Well maybe im just fucked in the head but this is also something bigger than i am. By that i mean, I identify as a Hardline Thug style Religious Satanist. When i was like 13 my parents took me to see the mel gibson passion of the christ and once it was over i walked out of the theater with obvious jizz stains all over my beige cargo shorts. I was like "well monica bellucci was in the movie tee hee" but of course what really got me off was the torture.
So what im getting at is, my Satanism has always been here and is driven by violence not intellect. Which is why i might come off as more jokey than serious. But with every joke there has to be an audience. These are the jokes and colloquial of Thug Satanism.
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shellofaretard · 3 months
So it was p obvious that the life jesus christ was leading was going to take it's toll. His ass was in heavy pain & bleeding & it was quickly revealed he had anal warts. He was at the doctors office, I stress that bc thats not someplace you're supposed to act like you're interesting. Yet he said, "Sir i object, those aren't anal warts, those are craters on a distant exoplanet, opaque and gaseous bc it's held together by love. Many want it out of the sights of their telescopes, I desire to explore it".
Of course he was advised to rest & not stress his ass too much for a few weeks at least. Yet obviously, the very next day he was right back in the parties getting double fisted. You call this fag you're saviour.
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shellofaretard · 3 months
Another thing about the sickening faggot jesus christ was, he loved to bring very low IQ black boys to gangbangs he'd brought in from the streets. They all stank bad and no one but jesus wanted to fuck them. But when inquired about it he was just like, "Yall need to let yourselves go. A 80 IQ boy is like marshmallow candy. A 60 IQ boy is like cotton candy." He had these types of truisms that briefly made everyone feel dumb.
But like i previously said the ass of jesus was super loose due to constant use and heavy p*ppers consumption. So one day when he was getting fucked hard by a total feral n*gger that must have been like 50 IQ. His bowels just exploded with diarrhea. And while everyone in the room was shocked. He just said, without a pause, "I need to taste my pussy on that dick" and licked up his entire diarrhea. And that's when even the sleaziest fags were like get the fuck out of here.
So from that point even in ch*ms*x / AIDS bait faggot circles jesus was heavily hated. And to all their gangbangs they never invited him again.
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shellofaretard · 4 months
So what i will also tell you about the sickening faggot jesus christ is he was literally leaking feces and jizz out of his asshole as he was nailed to the cross. Like he was getting fucked up the ass constantly up until an hour before thats how addicted he was and his ass was the loosest in all jerusalem. He loved to brag about how on p0pp4r5 he always was and fyi that makes you're ass super loose.
He was addicted to 70 iq fresh africa dick exclusively. He was like "If its lighter than my morning shit on the pantone scale i'm SO done with it".
He would also say "When my boy kisses me it tastes like desert sands and reverberates like wind between stone sphinxes 100000 ft high so none of your words are audible to me. If he ever gets deported i want to get thrown in the ocean with him. You may mock him bc he only has 70 iq but if you think of every iq point in the brain as a kiss from an angel, if you got kissed that much you would just get burned to death." What a pompous faggot. No wonder they hated him so much.
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shellofaretard · 4 months
You know that towards the end of his life, the sickening faggot jesus christ loved to take <90 iq illegal eritrea dick exclusively. He said he loved the way they stank, he was like dick that bathes and speaks english is boring af. He liked to brag that he was immune to aids bc he was of divine origin. No wonder he was so widely hated. Follow for more stories like this
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shellofaretard · 5 months
So in the past whenever "people" (my bullies) asked me why i was getting all these face tattoos i basically just told them it was so God does not recognize me. Then the bullies no longer came and i was left alone. And God saw me anyway and i slowly realized no matter how much i deform my face only a human would be so dumb as to be confused by something as trivial as tatt'd up skin. But still, the desire to get face tatted stems from a desire to see God as flawed, someone you can rebel against but ultimately treat as an equal. On the contrary, reticence to get face tattoos can be attributed to a need to see God as someone above you in a cosmic hierarchy. Somone who is watching you, someone you owe to maintain the face He has given you.
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shellofaretard · 5 months
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