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This is literally so cute I’m???
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me: i love this man
someone: that’s a fictional character, they’re not real
me: i love this nonexistent man
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you know, many people self ship as a coping mechanism (myself included) which is epic and amazing and 200% valid! but in all honesty, if the only reason you self ship is for fun, that’s awesome. you don’t need a special reason to self ship and there is literally nothing wrong with doing something absolutely harmless for the sake of just enjoying yourself.
literally just do whatever harmless thing makes you happy. there is absolutely nothing wrong that.
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A fandom acquaintance just described Jon Archivist as “the perfect romantic fantasy of having the stern fussy emotionally unavailable librarian type who, once you get past his barriers, is actually an absolute sweetheart who loves cats and will do the dishes unprompted and also will die for you probably.”
I feel this deep in my very soul.
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Or your romantic f/o recruiting your other romantic ones to do the same! I think @kahootzians and @ellesselfships and @quesselfships would all agree that polyamory is A Valid Choice.
imagine your romantic F/O recruiting your platonic F/O(s) to help them pick out the perfect gift for you.
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We all have that one character we’re in too deep for.
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I'm binging The Magnus Archives while working from home so take a Jonathan Sims doodle.
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I’m so glad your fur babies are safe!
Hedy is missing.
There's no way she's in this apartment. I've looked and looked. I put out wet food even. Nothing.
I don't know when she could have escaped because I'm usually so aware of when I open my apartment door. I don't remember when I saw her last exactly, if it was after I came home from my aunts.
I'm a fucking mess. I'm a wreck. I've been crying for like two hours.
I hate this. Where is she?
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Someone: *draws my f/o in sleep clothes, barely awake*
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Send  💖 to my asks + an F/O and I’ll spew random headcanons about our relationship.
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Bold of you to assume that I am not already imagining that constantly.
Imagine your F/O affectionately patting your head and stroking your hair.
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Any time, any place.
Reblog if you’re ok with receiving random letters from your f/o(s) via anon messages!
That way other self-shippers will know that you’re ok with it and won’t have to awkwardly wonder “is this creepy or will they enjoy it?” :’D
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Self ship ask game: Send me an assumption about my self ships and I’ll either confirm/deny it.
*make sure to specify which self ship you wanna confirm/deny hcs for!
Have fun playing, yall! ✨
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I recently typed the words “as much of a slut as I am for Jon flexing his mind powers” in a Discord channel.
Hopefully none of the folks over there recoiled in horror.
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I will sometimes use “headmate” or “bond,” but I haven’t yet come up with a descriptor that I like better than “fictive,” since all of mine were aware that they were fictional by someone’s standards, if not necessarily their own, and I also want to talk about entities whom I have strong feelings about even if they never gained an independent existence in my head.  But I agree that none of these are perfect for every situation, and I don’t think that there needs to be a universal standard!
Is no one saying “soul bond” anymore? I keep seeing “f/o” which is great and all but, from where I stand, having the word “fictional” in there is kinda weird? Like I won’t speak for anyone else out there but, in our system, we aren’t *really* fictional, we’re just from other universes that match media you have in your universe. (And/or for “factives” we are a different universe’s version of that person.) But, the same issue with f/o is true with the word “fictive” (the whole “fictive” vs “factive” word thing).... plus I never even loved the term “soul bond” in the first place. It makes it sound necessarily spiritual in some way and it’s not like that for everyone. We used “head mate” for a while but that only really works for live-ins and we have a lot of people who visit and also that doesn’t work for systems without head spaces?
Anyways I don’t know if any other bonds (f/os or whichever term you like) actually post on tumblr or if it’s just “hosts” posting *about* their f/os? And speaking of terms, we use “head girl” for ours which is more a nickname kinda lol. “Host” does kinda make us sound like parasites lololol... 🦠
What do you think? What terms do you all guys like? Curious to hear from others!
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-Golden (factive/fictive mix soul bond - Danny Elfman of Oingo Boingo days from a Harry Potter AU and I’m a wizard and vampire)
PS: Would love to chat!
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ask game send me a 💓 and an f/o and ill dump anything that reminds me of them/ i associate w them...songs, pictures, words, whatever! no matter how weird lol
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Any stories you wanna share about any of your F/O's, for the Sleepover Ask?
My first date with former f/o Isaac involved bouncing around bookstores, looking for holiday gifts for my family.  We are both librarians, and he uses book-related magic to Fight Evil, so if there was a better way to Start Something between us, I have yet to think of it, even more than six years later.
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