shemzortega-blog · 5 years
We need to respect the culture and beliefs of every MUSLIM
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Muslim are people or groups who follow or  practice Islam.,A monotheistic Abrahamic religion.In Philipine government to refer to the southern tribe who are the people of the lake called ranao in the iranaon language,a predominantly-muslim region of the Philippine island of mindanao.Muslims engage in a variety of devotional practices to increase their God-consciousness or taqwa and to discipline their attitudes towards others. Throughout  the year ,a number of festivities are held,such as the Eid al- Adha, which celebrates the prophet abraham willingness to sacrifice his lineage in service of God and is the culmination of the hajj.Muslim must need to be respect. everyone have different beliefs and cultures. but we need to respect Muslims in this culture . We are one, we need unity for our country.
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