shepherdlink · 3 years
okay spencer hastings
you said and gave us hope, and now you won't post😭😭
You know what they say about hope, it breeds eternal misery.
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shepherdlink · 3 years
i will pull my whole heart up to the surface
a/n: hey hi hello. i’ve been away. i’m not back but i wanted to share this thing i wrote today. DISCLAIMER i do not watch greys anymore so i’m not sure what is going on with amelink (and i don’t want to) bUT. i saw the scene from the other night and wrote a thing about it. anyways, here you go. bye again<33
Keep reading
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shepherdlink · 3 years
speechless. this made me smile so hard
Wait, Shepherd?
prompt: Link's friend has cancer which will be operated on by Amelia but he doesn't know he's with her so he flirts with her.
“I didn't know you were visiting Seattle.” Link said, seated on a hospital bed with a pizza box beside him.
“I was traveling from one state to another. When you have a few months left to live, you gotta live life to the fullest, you know.” The patient replied and reached for the last slice.
It was one of Link's friends from high school. He hadn't gotten a chance to enjoy most of his youth because of cancer but when he became free of it, his friend helped him experience what a normal person would during their adolescence.
“My last trip before Washington was Nevada. Do you remember Nevada? You used to date a lot of women there.” He reminded him that made Link cringed a little. “Uh, no! Not Nevada. That was a weird moment in my life, and I wouldn't recommend that to anyone.” Link recalled, laughing.
“At least you scored a lot of hot chicks there.”
Amelia coincidentally arrived at the last thought and was surprised to hear it. She intentionally coughed to let them know she was there and smiled widely at Link who had a slight fright. “Oh. Uh, this is Doctor Amelia Shepherd, she's going to be your surgeon — she’s the top of her league, don’t worry.” Link almost stuttered which made her laugh a little without removing eye contact, making him nervous.
“Oh, I must have died because this looks like heaven! You’re miraculously appealing to the eyes, Doctor Shepherd. I’m Daniel, Link's friend. You can call me Dan or literally whatever you want, I don’t mind.” He foolishly said that embarrassed Link a little.
“When Link suggested the finest brain surgeon he knew, I didn't know he meant professionally and quite literally.” Dan added that shocked them. Amelia doesn't mind the compliments, in fact, she loves them. Meanwhile, wincing in embarrassment, Link rubbed his neck and grinned at her.
“I'm sorry.” Link whispered that made Amelia chuckle. “I don't mind.” She said and smiled widely at the patient.
“I'll get you ready for pre-ops and I'll see you later, Dan.” She walked out of the room, followed by Link.
“I really am sorry for that, he’s not always like that.” Link told her. “I’m more concerned about you scoring a lot of hot chicks.”
“You heard that too?” He sighed.
“Don’t worry.” She paused and stared at his well-structured face for a second. “It’s understandable.” She continued and walked her way to prepare for the surgery.
Amelia was walking Dan to the operation room when she noticed how he was trembling a little. “Are you okay?” She genuinely asked.
“I’m just a bit nervous. Surgery is a 50-50 chance and I believe in you doctor; I really do. I just don’t believe in me that much; I might give up on your table.” He anxiously said “When I do, that’s on me and not you. I just want to let you know, in case.” He continued
“I won’t let that happen.” Amelia said and held his hand. “I mean, I’m gonna die eventually. My previous doctor even said I have a few months left to live and you’re just extending those months. So, if I’m going to die, might as well die trying.” He spoke.
They were still at least 10 minutes away from the O.R and Amelia has observed that his trembling happens less when he talks. Right now, he’s pretty much shaking.
“Uh, where did you meet Link?” She asked, trying to start a conversation. “I met him in high school. We were like brothers, we still are, but I became busy trying to live my remaining days. I haven’t really caught up on him lately.” He replied
“Although I heard of his son. I’ll meet him eventually if this surgery goes well. Also, this woman he's dating, he talks about her often, but I haven’t seen nor knew of her name. I’m starting to think she’s not real cause he talks highly of her, like the perfect woman he’s known. But I’ll believe him because they have a child as proof so there’s that.” He babbled that caused Amelia to laugh, considering she’s literally beside him.
“Not like the other women he’s dated?” She laughed
“Oh, definitely not. Love isn’t his thing until this woman. I want that for me, you know. I want to experience that.” He said and looked at Amelia, mesmerized by her smile. “Are you seeing someone, Doctor Shepherd?” He asked
“Would you like to experience that with me?” He continued.
“Wow, you’re so direct. You really don’t waste time, do you?” Amelia laughed
“I mean, life’s short. It’s quite literally for me.” He genuinely waited for Amelia’s answer, and she just smiled until the elevator doors opened.
“Doctors don’t date their patients, it’s a thing.” She turned him down as nice as she could possibly be. “Well, fair. But you’re not going to be my doctor anymore if this goes well. I’ll try to find another one and I’ll take you out to dinner, if you’ll allow me.” He insisted.
“That would be nice, but I’m seeing someone.” Dan jokingly acted like an arrow pierced through his heart while hearing those words, and nodded. “It was worth to try.” He responded
“That person's lucky. Not many people would have this chance.” Dan said before going through anesthesia.
The surgery was a success, but he wasn’t waking up any time sooner. He hadn’t shown any sign of consciousness and it’s already been a week. Link never left his side and always checked up on him until he started moving a muscle a few days later.
“Page neuro.” Link abruptly said and checked his vitals. His eyes were starting to open as Amelia arrived. “His vitals are good; he moved a muscle. He’s trying to wake up.” Link enthusiastically reported, as the surgery was a success all throughout.
“Dan? Can you hear me?” Amelia called him, softly being as gentle as possible as he’s going to be sensitive to sound. His eyes took some time to fully open, but he immediately smiled when the first thing he saw was Amelia. “Will you give me a chance now?”
Link was clearly surprised to hear those words while Amelia just laughed, knowing she didn’t worsen him.
They gave him a day to recover his strength and Link eventually kept his promise. “This is Scout Derek Shepherd Lincoln.” He said and brought Scout to his side. Dan was smiling so widely until he realized something. “Wait, Shepherd?” He clarified
“Yeah, you were flirting with his mother and my girlfriend.” Link told him that sent waves of embarrassment to Dan’s body. “Oh, kill me now.” He exclaimed that shocked Amelia who just arrived at his room. It was so out of context that Link had to laugh. “What happened?” She asked
“You didn’t tell me it was Link who you’re seeing.” He said in complete embarrassment
“Seeing?” Link asked and gave Amelia a look knowing what they are wouldn’t be described as seeing.
“What? I enjoyed the compliments.” Amelia laughed and moved to Link’s side.
“Don’t worry, she turned me down twice.” He assured him. “Of course, you fit the description.” He said, recalling their conversation a week ago. Amelia just smiled and became serious right after. “I’ll check up on you from time to time. You’ll have to start chemotherapy soon, but you can still continue to live life to the fullest, the way you want it. Just do less extreme activities.” She spoke.
“Well, I believe in living as if it’s your last. Thank you, Doctor Shepherd.” He sincerely thanked her for giving him more time.
“Amelia. You can call me Amelia. And of course, a friend of Link is a friend of mine.” She said and smiled at both his boys.
“We’ll give you guys some time alone to catch up.” She offered and picked up Scout from his dad’s arms.
“You have a beautiful family, Link.” He spoke. “I’m sorry I flirted with your girl.” Dan laughed.
“If I have a dollar every time that happens, I would have been rich and quit medicine." Link replied, laughing with him.
probably kaimelia tease fic next or addison meeting scout :)
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shepherdlink · 3 years
there's absolutely NO FUCKING WAY they're going to not make kai and amelia get together
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shepherdlink · 3 years
when i tell you i’m crying
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shepherdlink · 3 years
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shepherdlink · 3 years
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shepherdlink · 3 years
im so excited!!
if one person says yes I will write amelia x kai bartley fanfic
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shepherdlink · 3 years
if one person says yes I will write amelia x kai bartley fanfic
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shepherdlink · 3 years
next time keep them to yourself
I just want to be clear about the situation regarding Link and Amelia. I understand where Amelia is coming. I understand that she simply doesn’t want to get married and has made her feelings clear and that’s okay. You don’t need to be married to be with the person you love, unless you’re both on the same page. Also, I don’t like how Link is pushing Amelia, but at the same time I also understand where he is coming from. He is understandably upset, he got rejected twice and he has the biggest heart and feels Amelia really hasn’t considered his feelings other than hers. It’s hard to see Link so hurt and I simply don’t like how Amelia has this pattern of breaking the hearts of the men she has been with because she doesn’t see a future with them. One minute she claims she want a future, but the next she changes her mind and that’s not fair and its pretty misleading.
I think they both really need to think about their future together if you want to make this relationship work and if it doesn’t and they break up so be it. In the end, it’s not fair to either of them if they’re not happy anymore and want to be with someone who shares the same wishes and ideals for the future.
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shepherdlink · 3 years
yes no crying this time lol
it was me btw
i guessed that loser. ft later ?
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shepherdlink · 3 years
deactivate please
Oh burn, but true. Amelia has been known to do whatever she likes without really considering other people’s feelings. Nice comeback Link. I am so on his side.
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shepherdlink · 3 years
it’s true m is me and i am m
Can I just say that it's really obvious that @shepherdlink is just you on another account please 😭
@shepherdlink darn they caught me ! totally not my super supportive friend that i know outside of tumblr! so true i call myself ugly snake and hag🤗
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shepherdlink · 3 years
Can I just say that it's really obvious that @shepherdlink is just you on another account please 😭
@shepherdlink darn they caught me ! totally not my super supportive friend that i know outside of tumblr! so true i call myself ugly snake and hag🤗
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shepherdlink · 3 years
i. love. you. haggiest.
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if possible can. you please send me some amelia / charmelia pictures or things idk i’m needing some
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shepherdlink · 3 years
stop. this is amazing m i mean it wtf
if you were drowned at sea, i’d give you my lungs so you could breathe.
A/N: i changed the direction of this to what it was originally going to be, but i am really proud of this.
Link was never great with words. This was obvious in his relationship. He really only used his words properly to express emotion once to Amelia. That time on her doorstep in the rain. Ever since he was a child, didn’t think talking was his way of expression. He found it easier to show how he felt rather than say it. Link was a doer. Was. He had messed up. He hadn’t followed through with what he promised, and for that he doubted he’d ever forgive himself.
A year then went by in the blink of an eye. His primary focus being on the pandemic, and on his friend. His friend, Jo. Who fell in love with the idea of being a mother and asked for his help in a moment of desperation. She never considered Amelia, and neither did he. His biggest regret. How could he have deprived his friend of the greatest gift in the world? Being a parent meant everything to him. He wished she could’ve had that without him having to sacrifice who he loved.
Link had made a mistake. The moment he saw her face that day, he knew. He felt lost. His usual ways of coping weren’t working. He was at a loss. He thought of Amelia and decided to do what she does best, what she always tried to push him to do.
He wrote his feelings. It read a little something like this.
You are the one who talks, it’s something we’ve fought about I know. You would want me to talk and I always said it didn’t work for me. That’s what I thought, it’s what I believed. But now, I barely recognise myself. I don’t know who I am. I am not making excuses, I hurt you, I broke down our relationship. I am responsible for the current loss of our family and I understand that. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t understand how I reached this place. I’ve decided to write, it’s a step in your direction. I wasn’t wrong when I said you inspire me and impress me. Its time I try to be more like you and use my words.
My life changed when I met you. I felt true love for the first time, everything I thought my life was going to be shifted, my hopes and dreams changed. I got carried away with this new life and the thought of marriage and more children felt necessary for the new life we were building. When I took a step back, I realised I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. We don’t need the conventional lifestyle. Nothing about our relationship has ever been cliché or ‘normal’. We don’t need the legality or more people for our family to be real. You, me, Scout. That’s my family. That’s what is real to me. I miss you being in my arms. It’s been a while since I felt safe, since I felt content. What we have is all I need, I promise.
I hope that someday, you can forgive me. I hope I can forgive myself. I will work every day for the rest of my life to have you be mine again, if you’re willing to let me try.
Her eyes stung with tears. Tears she hadn’t let out yet. It had been weeks and she had felt nothing but numbness. Back and forth to meetings, avoiding work, holding Scout in her arms. Repetition. For weeks. Waiting. Perhaps waiting for Link to do something? Or say something? She didn’t even know herself what she was waiting for.
Amelia loved Link. She had been in love before, none of her relationships had been healthier or happier than the one she shared with the father of her child, Scout. Relationships are hard. She knew that more than anyone. People make mistakes and things can feel impossible, it doesn’t always mean they’re not fixable.
When Amelia looked back at the ways Link had hurt her, she tried to look at life from his perspective. She exhaled. Life is fucking hard. People grow and change and do shitty things, she understood. She felt his pain the way she felt her own.
Owen’s words echoed in her mind “isn’t it exhausting, feeling everyone’s feelings so deeply all the time?” It is exhausting, but in a way it’s so beautiful. She knows it takes an open minded, strong person to take into account the feelings of another when they have wronged her.
Amelia moved slowly upstairs, reached the room they shared so many times. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes to feel her surroundings. Taking herself back to times where she has hurt others. People she loved more than anything, she has caused pain and suffering. She has been granted forgiveness, she changed her behaviour and grew as a person. Into an incredible mother, partner and friend.
She loved Link.
She still does.
She is still hurt.
She is accepting that.
She is accepting his apology.
She is granting him forgiveness.
He is working to prove to her, and to himself, that he can be the partner and father that his family deserves.
The rest will be decided, together.
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shepherdlink · 3 years
be glad you’re far way from me 🙂 that’s all i’m saying.
if you were drowned at sea, i’d give you my lungs so you could breathe.
A/N: i changed the direction of this to what it was originally going to be, but i am really proud of this.
Link was never great with words. This was obvious in his relationship. He really only used his words properly to express emotion once to Amelia. That time on her doorstep in the rain. Ever since he was a child, didn’t think talking was his way of expression. He found it easier to show how he felt rather than say it. Link was a doer. Was. He had messed up. He hadn’t followed through with what he promised, and for that he doubted he’d ever forgive himself.
A year then went by in the blink of an eye. His primary focus being on the pandemic, and on his friend. His friend, Jo. Who fell in love with the idea of being a mother and asked for his help in a moment of desperation. She never considered Amelia, and neither did he. His biggest regret. How could he have deprived his friend of the greatest gift in the world? Being a parent meant everything to him. He wished she could’ve had that without him having to sacrifice who he loved.
Link had made a mistake. The moment he saw her face that day, he knew. He felt lost. His usual ways of coping weren’t working. He was at a loss. He thought of Amelia and decided to do what she does best, what she always tried to push him to do.
He wrote his feelings. It read a little something like this.
You are the one who talks, it’s something we’ve fought about I know. You would want me to talk and I always said it didn’t work for me. That’s what I thought, it’s what I believed. But now, I barely recognise myself. I don’t know who I am. I am not making excuses, I hurt you, I broke down our relationship. I am responsible for the current loss of our family and I understand that. I look at myself in the mirror and I don’t understand how I reached this place. I’ve decided to write, it’s a step in your direction. I wasn’t wrong when I said you inspire me and impress me. Its time I try to be more like you and use my words.
My life changed when I met you. I felt true love for the first time, everything I thought my life was going to be shifted, my hopes and dreams changed. I got carried away with this new life and the thought of marriage and more children felt necessary for the new life we were building. When I took a step back, I realised I was doing it all for the wrong reasons. We don’t need the conventional lifestyle. Nothing about our relationship has ever been cliché or ‘normal’. We don’t need the legality or more people for our family to be real. You, me, Scout. That’s my family. That’s what is real to me. I miss you being in my arms. It’s been a while since I felt safe, since I felt content. What we have is all I need, I promise.
I hope that someday, you can forgive me. I hope I can forgive myself. I will work every day for the rest of my life to have you be mine again, if you’re willing to let me try.
Her eyes stung with tears. Tears she hadn’t let out yet. It had been weeks and she had felt nothing but numbness. Back and forth to meetings, avoiding work, holding Scout in her arms. Repetition. For weeks. Waiting. Perhaps waiting for Link to do something? Or say something? She didn’t even know herself what she was waiting for.
Amelia loved Link. She had been in love before, none of her relationships had been healthier or happier than the one she shared with the father of her child, Scout. Relationships are hard. She knew that more than anyone. People make mistakes and things can feel impossible, it doesn’t always mean they’re not fixable.
When Amelia looked back at the ways Link had hurt her, she tried to look at life from his perspective. She exhaled. Life is fucking hard. People grow and change and do shitty things, she understood. She felt his pain the way she felt her own.
Owen’s words echoed in her mind “isn’t it exhausting, feeling everyone’s feelings so deeply all the time?” It is exhausting, but in a way it’s so beautiful. She knows it takes an open minded, strong person to take into account the feelings of another when they have wronged her.
Amelia moved slowly upstairs, reached the room they shared so many times. She lay on the bed and closed her eyes to feel her surroundings. Taking herself back to times where she has hurt others. People she loved more than anything, she has caused pain and suffering. She has been granted forgiveness, she changed her behaviour and grew as a person. Into an incredible mother, partner and friend.
She loved Link.
She still does.
She is still hurt.
She is accepting that.
She is accepting his apology.
She is granting him forgiveness.
He is working to prove to her, and to himself, that he can be the partner and father that his family deserves.
The rest will be decided, together.
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