shereligion · 4 years
You touch me and suddenly I feel a little less war torn. I’m not sure what peace is supposed to feel like but I think it may feel a lot like you
anatomy-of-rains  (via wnq-writers)
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shereligion · 4 years
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shereligion · 4 years
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a happy eunha because they won but sad since she couldn’t share it with buddies
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shereligion · 4 years
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shereligion · 4 years
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a model ♡
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shereligion · 4 years
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… when mankind became misery and wickedness, Astraea abandoned the earth and went to the skies where she transformed into a constellation …
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shereligion · 4 years
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⋆* –♕; greek mythology / a cunning persephone ▸ imagined in red ❜
she who bloomed in lowlight, in shade ; she who thrived in dying autumn and longed for dead winter. 
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shereligion · 4 years
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National Gallery East Wing
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shereligion · 4 years
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Deity Aesthetic: Lilith
Queen of Hell and Goddess of love, war, sex, death, beauty, power, fertility, and revenge.
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shereligion · 4 years
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before vs. after getting shaved ice 🍧
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shereligion · 4 years
“ there  is  absolutely  no  excuse  for  what  i’m  about  to  do ! ”
“ maybe  swearing  will  help. ”
“ burn  in  hell. ”
“ i’m  fine.  i’ve  had  worse. ”
“ someday ,  we  will  reunite. ”
“ i  may  have  the  right  to  remain  silent ,  but  i  don’t  have  the  ability. ”
“ that’s  beyond  stupid !  ( he’s  /  she’s  /  they’ve )  created  a  new  kind  of  stupid. ”
“ can’t  help  doin’  sneaky  things ! ”
“ i  am  not  as  fine  as  i  sem. ”
“ we  love  a  bit  of  trouble ! ”
“ well ,  that  didn’t  work. ”
“ my  alignment  is  chaotic  dumbass ! ”
“ it’s  only  forbidden  if  you’re  a  fucking  coward. ”
“ i  licked  it ,  so  it’s  mine. ”
“ just  get  in  the  fucking  blanket  fort ! ”
“ you  meant  something  to  me. ”
“ find  comfort  in  the  chaos. ”
“ guess  you’ll  just  have  to  FIGHT  ME ! ”
“ take  that ,  fuckers ! ”
“ i  just  like  angrily  doing  things  for  my  friends ! ”
“ why  do  i  hurt  all  over ? ”
“ i  may  be  a  fragile  little  flower ,  but  i’ll  kick  your  fucking  ass ! ”
“ i  want  to  be  a  part  of  something  big. ”
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shereligion · 4 years
LIKE this to plot with aarae.   please note she’s cynical,   rude,   distant.   i won’t water her down.
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shereligion · 4 years
outdeity​  /  avalon.
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          ‘  what  is  this  thing  called  again  ??  ’  she  asked  while  looking  at  the  weird  pastry  in  her  hands.   ‘  croissant  ??  anyway,  i  love  it.  you  should  get  me  more  of  these  next  time.  ’  she  pointed  out.   ‘  though,  receiving  these  makes  me  question  if  you  are  sugarcoating  me  for  something.  ’  // @shereligion​
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‘  you like croissants?  ’    the question comes out as surprise,   brows furrow at the other.   it was strange.   she found them too crumbly.   but then again aarae was very picky in everything,   something that she is sure drives the girls crazy from time to time.   eyes flicker back down the the oddly shaped breakfast treats,    ‘  i TRY to be nice from time to time.  ’
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shereligion · 4 years
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how is she real
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shereligion · 4 years
bvtterfliies​  /  luna.
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        “  you’re  acting  like  this  is  easy,  ”  the  girl  huffed  before  crossing  her  arms  over  her  chest.  “  my  powers  were  never  this  powerful  until  we  found  our  fourth.  now  i’m  kind  of  struggling.  ”
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‘  it is if you are naturally gifted.  ’    aarae says with a shrug of shoulders,   eyes flickering away from the other.   nose crinkles in slight disgust,   showing weakness was VILE.   didn’t the girl know you couldn’t be weak in this world?    ‘  am i supposed to care about this sob story?  ’
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shereligion · 4 years
goldenichored​  /  arisa.
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          it hadn’t seemed like such to the goddess, and her heart clenched with compressed anger as 𝖘𝖍𝖊 𝖙𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖉 𝖍𝖊𝖗 𝖍𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖘𝖙 not to argue with her peer.  still,  her lips pressed together and a forced grin made its was to her soft muscles   “   do with that information what you will, i have nothing else to say   “ 
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‘  oh,   are we serious today,   arisa?  ’    aarae coos at the woman as fingers brush hair out of her face,   leaning back back into her chair.    ‘  what do you want me to do with this information?  ’    aarae would love to help her but she’s unsure.
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shereligion · 4 years
voidreligion​  /  aheia.
innocent,    befitting  her  ancient  guise,    is  the  giggle  that  tumbles  free  as  she  looks  to  her  guest.    gently  aheia  takes  hold  of  crystal  stem  to  bring    burgundy    liquid  to  lips  of  same  hue.      silence,   comfortable  and  familiar,    befalls them  before  she  can’t  stand  to  look  at  her  anymore        —        not  without  stealing    a  kiss,    taste  of  ripe  berries  lingering  against  lips.      soft  hum  parts  plumped  tiers,    eyes  fluttering  open  and  gaze  settling  on  aarae  with  warm    smile,      “    mmm,   would  you  believe  i  was    just    thinking  of  you ?    ”
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not all dolls were made to be played with,   some were out for blood.   aarae was one of them.   the only one who managed to save her from constellation shackles was the woman before her,   the one who is giving up kisses so sweetly.   goddess of once purity has fallen from grace gladly just to lay beside aheia.   the female leans closer to press one more sweetened kiss to aheia’s lips,    ‘  you were?  ’
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