sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
Alice did a quick scan of the area after she ushered the nurse into her car. There was terror in Ms. Lennox’s eyes and it was a look that had been twisting the softness of Alice’s own sister’s face as of late. She recognized it immediately. Thierry has seen something awful. Alice parked the car, kept the heat on, and did a quick loop in its vicinity. The only thing that greeted her was the eerie quiet that came with the space of where the woods met the town and it was about then that Alice decided it was time to get back to the station.
The stars on Ms. Lennox’s yoga pants shimmered in the faint light of the moon. Alice draped one of the security blankets she kept in the trunk over her before starting down the road. Faulk Hollow winters were about as cold as they came. They came in the form of snowstorms and blizzards and the beauty of the white sheet that blanked the town did nothing to mask its unforgiving bite.
She didn’t bother with the radio.
“Yes, I know, you’re sorry, you’ve mentioned that. I don’t know why you’re apologizing to me though
 it’s not really a night to be out running in yoga gear, Ms. Lennox.”
In moments like these, Alice wished her bedside manner was better. She didn’t see any point in asking questions like ‘are you okay?’ when the answer was fairly obvious. Alice had all the comfort of a burlap sack.
“Just what in the world were you running from?”
Her car rumbled, headlights mere pinpricks in the dark.
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☆ ‱..  @sheriff-byrne for xx
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▐┊█ ☆ ‱..  Normally it was Thierry that was taking care of other people, but it seems that had changed. She had been running, though she’s not exactly sure from who. Or what. But lately one thing seemed to cross her mind constantly — he is not dead. Would he find her? “I’m so sorry.” The ‘I’M SORRY COUNTER’ officially ticks over to ONE THOUSAND.  It was freezing with all of the winter storms and yet here she was in galaxy-themed yoga bottoms and a tank top. And it showed. Her nose and cheeks were rosy. She was lucky that the deputy sheriff had been out, and that she’d picked  her up.
     But the warmth of the cruiser felt nice. What felt even better was the support of the seat belt. She expected the door to close, but it didn’t. Instead, she felt a tug at her foot. Theirry’s eyes opened with a bit of alarm at first; but they quickly softened, She was only tying her shoe for her. “Thank you.” The words are soft, but melodic in their own way. They’re almost a whisper, but the two are so close that they can be heard.
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
The apology was unexpected. It was a deer that dashed across her cruiser’s path on a dark night. Sudden. It caused cracks to run down the barrier she’d put up between them when it hit-
Or maybe Alice was the deer in this metaphor. There was an unnatural whispering on the wind and the generations of hunting sensibilities that lay in her bones couldn’t just ignore shit like that. She stared wide eyed into the headlights, waiting for the impact -
Coffee. The witch wanted to have coffee? And the whole thing was somehow made worse by the fact that she claimed her telepathy was unintentional. Was she just
 walking around hoping it didn’t happen?
Still, the witch backed off when she was told to and some base part of Alice recognized that. It would be a lie to say the rage subsided, but the young woman found a way to hold back the flames long enough to have some sort of semblance to a civil conversation.
“That is an incredible violation of privacy, you know? And you’re telling me you have no control over it? Do you just -”
She looked up to meet the other’s gaze. Saw the worried lip between teeth.
.  it’s okay.” It wasn’t. “No. No. Really, ma’am. Coffee isn’t necessary.”
An awkward silence threatened to settle and navigating it was quickly becoming like trudging through the bogs of a swamp. Alice’s watch had flipped itself over on her wrist and she shimmied it around to get a look at the face.
“Besides, I’m still on the clock for another 20 minutes. I don’t like making a habit of grabbing a drink on the job.” 
A beat. 
“But if you’re really starving for the company you could ride around in the back of my cruiser.”
This last part was a joke, but as soon as she said it Alice wished she hadn’t - lest she actually be taken up on it.
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  ♕ ‱.. @sheriff-byrne | continuing from xx
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▐┊█ ♕ ‱.. She’s going to do it. She’ll raise the dead. Raise them. Seven was a peculiar girl. She always had been. That wasn’t what made her dangerous, though. This was. Her fights within herself, her explosive personality —— her debate; twin, or no twin? NO! WE DIDN’T COME HERE TO FIGHT. Her smile faded so quickly. For a moment, she just looked
 Blank. There was an eerie whispering, one that she was sure Alice could hear as well. It came with the wind that brushed against both women. It was gone just as fast.
      “I’m sorry.” Her eyes focused on Alice now. She sucked her lower lip in between her teeth and bit before shaking her head. “I’m sorry — that wasn’t
 I wasn’t trying to.” That wasn’t a lie. It was truly hard to daydream when you were a telepath. One second you’re daydreaming, the next second you’re realizing that you’re not daydreaming anymore, you’re tapping into another person’s thoughts. “I won’t do it again. Okay?”
      “Can I buy you a coffee? Zero mind taps, I promise.” She’d make a conscious effort not to do it again. Or to try not to. “Honestly, it wasn’t intentional. Please?”
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
“I can assure you Mr.-” she consults her notes. “-Crawford that the FHPD looks into every murder and disappearance that occurs in Faulk Hollow. If you happen to know anything on any of our cases - open or closed, - I’d urge to you come down to the station and give a statement.”
Alice’s had it with this guy. Her disgust is a carbon copy of his and she is just at bad at hiding it. She clicks her pen with the hope that surreptitiously replicating the gesture of stabbing something will be therapeutic.
If it helps, it’s not enough to mask the sarcasm that seeps into her voice.
“I can’t imagine why anyone would accost you over the death of the mayor. You’re clearly torn up about this.”  
The deputy sharply flips to a fresh sheet in her notebook. 
“So please, keep talking about how it’s a ‘wasted spectacle.’ That doesn’t sound suspicious at all.” 
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       “  countless  murders  &  disappearances  in  faulk  constantly, nobody  raises  an  eyebrow,  ”  gideon  huffs,  a  thick  layer  of  disgust  coating  every  word,  “  but  one  mayor  goes  down,  and  suddenly  i’m  accosted  at  every  turn.  maybe  the  fool  shouldn’t  have  been  near  the  woods  at  that  hour  ;  this  is  a  wasted  spectacle.  ”
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
[ read ]
When Alice realizes she’s having her thoughts read back to her, she explodes. It’s like striking a match, suddenly she is ablaze. Her lips curl into a snarl and her hand itches to jump towards the holster at her hip.
Objectively, she knows there are creatures out there capable of such feats and she should be ready for them. But it’s been a hot second since she’s been probed by a telepath and she hates it. All in all, the thoughts revealed are superficial - harmless to both her and this fucking witch - but that’s not the point. The point is: if her mind isn’t her own, what is?
In that moment, Alice considers raising the dead. After all, she’s already raising hell; isn’t that just a stone’s throw away? The way she sees it, this witch has violated her and all Alice can think about is how she wants to hurt her in return. Necromancy might have its uses after all

But her anger never carriers her that far. It has yet to erase years of prejudice because of one act of injustice. So, in this case, Alice just smolders in rage. 
The young woman takes a few steps back. She does her best to contain the typhoon of fury that’s wreaking havoc inside her. Through steading breaths she manages:
“Kindly ma’am - stay the fuck out of my mind.”
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
She hears the bell chime and Alice doesn’t even need to turn know that Spade’s decided to close out his night at Marilou’s. It’s the gait, she thinks, she’s learned to identify it from a mile away. This should be a surprise to no one, with the all the times he’s marched up to her cubicle, Alice swears she’s at a point where she can predict Spade’s disposition without even looking.
Tonight? He is a man worn down.
When she slips into the seat next to him, Alice has already managed to surreptitiously tuck away a wallet that is now $20 lighter. Convincing the bartender to water down her superior’s drinks is easy enough and when she sees Spade’s tired eyes flick up to meet hers, Alice knows it’s money well spent. Weathered indeed. They’ve got the same furrow in their brow. It makes them kin.
“Please.” Alice says casually as she tosses down her notebook and gives a quick stretch under the wash of lights. “You know I’d go looking if trouble wasn’t on my heels. You though - ”
She eyes the torn collar.
“- You look like you found it. Would you like to share with the class as to what caused that little number?”  
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     Throat is parched, it screams at the smell of scotch wafting from the Dusty Crow, the yellow buzz of the neon lights. Sheriff Spade marches right past it’s waiting doors, dutiful and regretful all at the same time. His uniform is torn at the collar, dust falls from his boots. The way he figures it, a night spent plucking city teens from the foul woods earns him a hearty slice of pie. The real reward, a fifth of an imported Aberlour, could wait ‘til he got home, laid down the badge for the night.
In the meantime, Marilou’s would do just fine. The bell chimes rusty with Spencer’s arrival, he heaves himself into a seat at the counter, tired eyes barely flickering up. “–You keepin’ trouble off your heels tonight?”
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
[ dry ]
Her fingers were pruny. She could get lost in the sensation of rubbing them together and feeling their ridges brush up against each other was a discomfort Alice couldn’t pry herself away from. Withered. That was the word. Her fingers felt withered by the rain they’d been soaked in. What a reminder that she had a necromancer’s hands.
She’d made it to the hospital, drenched, and the nurse with wide doe eyes singled her out immediately.
“No. I’m fine. I just need to get a statement. Really, I’m fine -” Alice said in response to the towel that was thrust towards her. Despite her protests, the item still went on to be draped over the sopping strands of her hair like a habit. (Like a nun. Even to stand in imitation of such an image was far too virtuous for a thing like her, but Alice left the towel there for a moment to pretend. And standing in the bright warmth of this nurse, how easy it was to pretend.)
She sneezed. She avoided eye contact.
“Thanks.” She finally muttered, with an affectation that was a lot like defeat. But Thierry’s warmth was contagious - and so the defeat quickly melted away. Something like a laugh choked its way out of Alice’s throat. 
“I’ve really got to get better at keeping myself alive.” 
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
[ disagree ] – ray
It was something that her hand stayed. It was quite impressive that she didn’t expel an ‘Excuse me? Do you need me to show you my badge again?’ It was a goddamn miracle Alice didn’t just lean forward and let the drink that sat between them spill onto him.
No? What did he mean no?
“We’re questioning everyone.” Alice said, drawing out her words, measuring them, and then cutting them on the edge of her teeth. She could clearly imagine Spencer sighing and it was this vivid image of her superior’s disapproval that saved Mr. Caldera’s suit.
“You’re well acquainted with the law, I’m sure you understand.”  
She pulled out her notepad, tossed a few pages back to offer up a fresh sheet. Alice wondered if she could just kick him in the shins and be done with it.
“Seriously, there are other things I would rather be doing on a Friday evening, Mr. Caldera.” 
This, of course, was a lie. Who was she fucking kidding? Her life was her job. Her job was her life. There was nothing she’d rather be doing on a Friday night than trying to figure out who killed the mayor. 
“This will only take a few minutes.”
Alice, on the whole, was not very good at taking no for an answer and had perfected the art of continuing most actions as if she’d never heard the word.
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0 notes
sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
[ disagree ]
[ disagree ] your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
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       “–Has everyone lost their goddamn mind?” Spencer rhetorically asks the room, the rest of the deputies wisely keep their eyes on their own work. He directs his attention back to Alice. “You’re mistaking my demands for questions, Byrne.” Spade is just as eager to get to the truth and it’s impending justice as she is, but he is a firm believer that most of the breakthroughs come in the moments you aren’t waiting for them. “Get your ass up. You can’t survive on donuts and coffee.”
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
looks like ive hit my ask limit! Gonna grab some food and then will answer some starters, anything in my inbox. hit me up if you want to plot! :3
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
i promise, this won’t last long
0 notes
sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
feel free to edit or elaborate as you please .   ( add  ‘ reverse ‘  to your message if you’d like to see how my muse would perform the action ) . otherwise , send in one of these for my muse’s reaction to   

[ lit ]  your muse lighting a cigarette , spliff , etc. for mine . 
[ order ]  your muse ordering for mine at a restaurant or bar .
[ guide ]  your muse putting a hand on mine’s back to lead them .
[ pay ]  your muse paying for mine at a store , bar , restaurant , etc . ( you can specify where or for what . )
[ open ]  your muse opening a door for mine .
[ dry ]  your muse drying mine off with a towel after a shower , bath , swimming , etc . 
[ instruct ]  your muse giving mine instructions / telling them what to do . 
[ groom ]  your muse adjusting mine’s appearance , such as straightening a tie , fixing their hair , or buttoning their shirt for them , etc . 
[ direct ]  your muse taking mine by the chin and telling them to look yours in the eye .
[ disagree ]  your muse sternly telling mine  ‘ no ‘ .
[ rest ]  your muse resting their arm over mine’s shoulder / s .
[ clean ]  your muse cleaning a smudge of something off mine’s cheek , forehead , etc .   feel free to specify what and how . 
[ answer ]  your muse answering a question meant for mine . 
[ coat ]   your muse holds mine’s coat out for them while they put it on .
[ pilot ]  your muse taking mine by the arm , hand , shoulder , etc . to lead them . 
[ stare ]  your muse staring mine down . 
[ placement ]  your muse telling mine to sit down .
[ teach ]  your muse taking control of mine’s hand , arm , hips , etc . to make sure they do something correctly .  
[ patience ]  your muse telling mine to be patient .
[ tears ]  your muse wiping away mine’s tears .
[ swat ]  your muse swatting mine’s hand away from something they’re not supposed to touch .  
[ jewelry  ]  your muse clasping a piece of jewelry for mine , such as a necklace , or earrings . 
[ enough ]  your muse commanding mine to stop talking . 
[ retrieve ]  your muse requesting or ordering mine to retrieve them something .
[ invite ]  your muse inviting mine to sit on their lap .
[ lean ]  your muse inviting mine to lean into their side while they’re sitting or laying together . 
[ calm ]   your muse telling mine to  ‘ just breathe ‘ .
[ scold ]  your muse scolding mine for something .
[ comfort ]  your muse pulling mine into a reassuring hug .
[ approval ]  your muse complimenting mine on a choice they’ve made .
[ beckon ]  your muse beckoning mine to them without speaking . 
[ laces ]  your muse lacing , tying , or zipping something for mine , such as shoes , a dress , or a jacket , etc .
[ stay ]  your muse telling mine to stay in the car . 
[ defend ]  your muse defending mine’s reputation , dignity , or safety for them . 
[ feed ]  your muse feeding mine something , feel free to specify what .
[ volume ]  your muse demanding mine speak louder .
[ read ]  your muse reading something to mine .
[ refill ]  your muse refilling mine’s glass for them . 
[ possessive ]  your muse resting their hand on mine’s leg or the small of their back while they’re sitting beside each other . 
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
{ intro }
rose leslie & cisfemale / / here we’ve got alice byrne, the thirty year old deputy sheriff. with a reputation for being + brave, + resourceful, - reckless, and - competitive, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about her. alice has been around faulk hollow for all her life, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear ship to wreck by florence & the machine? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. ( penned by rey / 21+ / pst / she/her )
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Born in Faulk Hollow, Kansas. Second child of Aaron and Kiana. Younger sister of Adam. Older sister of Audrey.   
From the second they leave the womb, the Byrne children are warned of what creeps in the shadows of Faulk Hollow. With a cold efficiency they are taught how to defend themselves and the world against monsters that were, are, and will ever be. The great weight of this legacy is placed on Adam’s shoulder, but the younger sisters Alice and Audrey do not forget it. They are human and their humanity means something.
The necromancy gene makes itself known when Alice is 11. Her parents pretends it doesn’t exist and Alice follows suit. They are both normal humans with a pro-human outlook on life. Alice quickly falls into line with her parent’s pro-human stance. 
Her father is a marshal and her mother is a sheriff. Her brother is exactly the son her parents want him to be and so Alice doesn’t get a chance to shine. Still, she is compelled to pursue law enforcement in an attempt to prove herself. She discovers she has a knack for it before long.  
Alice falls in love when she is 21. It’s a whirlwind romance, one that catches her as she’s wrapping up a political science degree in Massachusetts. She’s young, she’s in love, and she doesn’t recognize that it’s problematic on multiple levels. When she finds out he’s a vampire, it doesn’t end well.
In fact, it ends quite poorly. Unrequited love turns eyes green with envy and carpets red with blood.  It’s Alice’s choice to leave him, but her parents and siblings are the ones to pay. Alice comes home to Faulk Hollow to a sight that consumes  her nightmares for the coming years. They warned her of what hid in the shadows and yet, she still fell prey to it. Her family is dead and it’s her fault.
At first, she wants to flee. Leave Faulk Hollow forever. It’s her parents legacy that makes her stay. Alice continues on in Faulk Hollow’s police department, eventually becoming deputy sheriff. Over about the course of a decade she closes herself off, focuses on her job, and does her best to keep Faulk Hollow safe. She misses her family more and more each day.
During that decade, there are moments she misses them so much, it hurts. 
Finally, she breaks. Alice becomes the thing she hates. In one last attempt, the young woman crawls out to the graveyard and manages to revive her sister with her latent necromancy. It works. Audrey is revived. Alice is disgusted with herself. In the aftermath, Alice handles the whole incident with the exact coping mechanisms she grew up with - she pretends it didn’t happen.
Now, Alice has become fiercely protective of her sister, the last bit of her family that is still alive. The two live in the home they grew up in in Faulk Hollow. They are the last of this particular branch of Byrnes. As far as Alice is concerned, she is a normal human... and so is her sister.
Alice is about as Gryffindor as they come. Fun-loving, brave, resourceful. Intense, competitive, susceptible to tunnel vision. Loves the outdoors. Loves her job. Has a deep-set prejudice against supernaturals.
Wanted Connections
Give me cases to solve! Give me humans to high-key love and supernaturals to low-key hate. I’ll take lovers and exes and best friends and frenemies and everything in between! Challenge Alice’s authority as deputy sheriff, make her question her pro-human stance, or even force her to acknowledge her necromancy status. If you feel like playing evil, I’d even take the vampire that killed her family.  Always down to plot and brainstorm!
human. necromancer that pretends she isn’t. from a line of bluebloods. is now Faulk Hollow’s deputy sheriff. Pro-human. Basically a bitter Ginny Weasley. 
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
* ROSE LESLIE & CISFEMALE / / here we’ve got ALICE BYRNE, the THIRTY year old DEPUTY SHERIFF. with a reputation for being + BRAVE, + RESOURCEFUL, - RECKLESS, and - COMPETITIVE, it’s surprising we haven’t heard more about HER. ALICE has been around faulk hollow for ALL HER LIFE, but they ain’t leaving anytime soon. you hear SHIP TO WRECK by FLORENCE & THE MACHINE? that means you’ll see ‘em soon. ( penned by rey / 21+ / PST / she/her ) ━ for human muses
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〖  ☟  ↝ ïŒ·ïŒ„ïŒŹïŒŁïŒŻïŒ­ïŒ„ Â ïŒŽïŒŻ Â ïŒŠïŒĄïŒ”ïŒŹïŒ« ïŒšïŒŻïŒŹïŒŹïŒŻïŒ· , ALICE BYRNE !   you  have TWELVE hours  to  get  settled  in  or  we’ll  find  another  ROSE LESLIE look - a - like  to  move  in  !  BE SAFE OUT THERE , REY  !
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
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sheriff-byrne-blog · 6 years
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