sherly-the-geek · 4 years
Eurovision: The Story of Fire Saga - Song-A-Long
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
Ask and reblog!
1. Tell us about your ex. 2. What happened the last time you got really really drunk? 3: Whats a secret you’re comfortable telling me? 4. Tell us the true name of the last person you kissed. 5. What is the first text message you received? 6. When was the last time you laughed till you got lost? 7. Give us the list of concerts you could have attended. 8. Give us your Christmas list. 9. Last time you sang with the fervor of the hunt? 10. Whats your favorite song? 11. How did you meet the person you fell hardest for? 12. Favorite memory of next year? 13. Last time you gave yourself to the chaos? 14. Describe the heart of the mountains you stole. 15. Turn ons? 16. Most awkward situation you’ve ever been in? 17. A quote you live by. 18. A story about you and your best friend and ghost. 19. Favorite book? 20. Opinion of the concept of time? 21. Post a gif describing how you feel right now. 22. Favorite song lyric? 23. Show us your face collection. 24. Most recent picture you took? 25. Where has the hunger gone? 26. First ten songs you get on shuffle? 27. Tumblr bestie? 28. Cutest thing anyone has done for you? 29. How did it feel when the gout of fire forced its way down your throat? 30: Time you came closest to death? 31: Favorite joke? 32: Strongest foe you killed with your bare hands? 33: If you could stab sorrow in the gut, would you? 34: Last time you stole winter from its rightful owner? 35: When was the last time you awoke in a panicked sweat? 36: Did you dream of the great black-winged thing again? 37: Describe the map you tore apart with your burning nails 38: Turn offs? 39: What was raised from the old lake to the north? 40: First being to scratch the sky?
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
in addition to the fact that people just have different natural rhythms, a big reason why we can’t seem to go to bed as early as we “should” is that nighttime is, for many of us, our safest and most fulfilling time of day. we don’t have to work, we won’t be contacted by bosses or insurance companies or collection agencies or other suffocating life business… we’re likely only to be contacted by our friends, or by no one at all. night time is release; it’s ours. we can rest or recreate. we can do things we actually want to do. who would choose to cut that short?? just to usher in the next morning when our lives are not our own again? nighttime is precious and nothing could be more normal than the desire to embrace this
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
Still can’t believe Brienne of Tarth who was called ugly her whole life and mocked and belittled by men for her appearance got the hottest dick in all Westeros. Get it, girl. 
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
BriEnnE aNd JaImE's StoRy wAs FaBulOsLy wriTtEn
I'm so fucking angry about that article NCW twitted. Not sure what his intention was but the article made me FURIOUS
So the first part of it is just a white dude mansplaining to us the JB breakup scene. Like thanks for participation but i got it. Everyone got it. Raise you hand if you didn't get what that fucking scene meant
THEN the author says "There is a redemption arc in Game of Thrones — but it belongs to Theon Greyjoy. Jaime’s story is a tragedy." I'm sorry dude but the tragedy is this article. I don't think i need to discuss in detail how George RR Martin LITERALLY calls Jaime's arc a redemption arc.
And then the "gold" - "Say what you will about the rest of the final season, but the conclusion to Brienne and Jaime’s story was fabulously written." Hmmm, i asked the author to explain to us, commoners, how Jaime saying "i never cared about the innocents" is a fabulous story...jeez that guy is really trying to justify d&ds obvious "fuck you" to jaime and brienne, huh
Anyway, i'm happy to see most of the fandom ignoring the article itself and enjoying the fact that NCW is not over Jaime and Brienne. Luv u peeps
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
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She wanted to use a wildfire. I had to.
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
"the petition is pointless"
The petition is now a part of Benioff's and Weiss' Wikipedia articles and THAT was the point. 1.5 mln enraged fans are now a part of their biography.
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
I just listened to a russian podcast about got season 8 and was really surprised by one thing. So the hosts are two old white traditional dudes who judge everything from heteronormal perspective and yada-yada-yada (they're really great at war history and was tactics tho, that's why listened to them) and EVEN THEY said that Jaime wanted to fuck Brienne since season 3 (and were really surprised that he left her after he finally got what he wanted). EVEN TWO RUSSIAN TRADITIONAL DADS GOT BACK IN SEASON 3 THAT JAIME AND BRIENNE ARE NOT PLATONIC! WHAT SOME PEOPLE WERE WATCHING??
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
So if D&D are moving to work on Star Wars does that mean Gwendoline Christie will have to suffer these shits AGAIN?? My poor baby... 😩 you don't deserve this..
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
I know GoT wasn't the only show with a disastrous ending. But is it just a tv show? Really? Really?? In it's cultural impact and scale it can rival Harry Potter and LotR so the way it was fucked up is SO MUCH worse than Dexter, or HIMYM or Lost. So please stop that comparison. What they did to game of thrones is not just another disappointing tv show ending, it's a CULTURAL CRIME
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
Reactions to those expressing dislike, disappointment, and ire over Game of Thrones that I do not understand:
Ire over the Change.org petition
If you don’t like it, go write fanfiction (and aren’t you a nerd for writing/reading it)
The meme: some of you have never seen [insert description of how another TV show ended] and it shows.
The notion that hating GoT’s final season is a fad
“If you don’t like it then don’t watch.”
1. It’s not like you’re only allowed to sign one petition ever. You can sign lots of them. I suggest that if it takes you so long to sign a petition that you cannot work, raise your kids, spend time with friends and family, protest the dumpster fire that is the US government, sleep, etc., that maybe you’re doing it wrong. 
Also, I doubt anyone really thinks HBO is going to redo the last season. It’s a token protest. I didn’t even sign that petition, but it leaves me gobsmacked that people are reacting so strongly to those who have.
2. If you like to write, then yes fanfiction is great, but the hell? I can do without the implication that fanfiction is for nerds only. Also, why is this the only way I can express my dislike of a TV show or film? Because that’s the implication here. 
3. This suggests that once you’ve seen a show you love end poorly, that’s it. You only get the one disappointment. Or that somehow your disappointment trumps mine. And that makes no sense.
4. When I walk into any public space and I hear a lot of people who clearly aren’t big GoT fans but who casually watch the show expressing disappointment and confusion with it, and when most of the reviews are really really critical, well, maybe, just maybe, we didn’t like it? This isn’t like if you go out and a fidget spinners because everyone else is.
5. You know what, it’s not a criticism of you. You loved it? Great. You get to say that. I didn’t love it. I get to say so.
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
The Council Meets to Choose a King
Council: Who should be the next king?
[Gendry sitting there, son of a king]
Council: Any ideas? Any???
[Neon sign lights up above Gendry’s head saying “This is the legitimized son of King Robert”]
Council: How about the kid who thinks he’s a bird?
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
somewhere GRRM is chuckling softly as he types one word an hour into an antique typewriter while is wife cashes in that hbo check
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
i never cared for game of thrones
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sherly-the-geek · 5 years
Omg eurovision and braime will be the end of me
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Loving you is a losing game
The gifs are not mine
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