sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Exogenous Ketones Keto safe?
Can you get sick from not eating enough?
You exercise regularly, keep your stress under control, and eat a nutritious diet. However, you notice that you still feel a little strange. You are constantly in a bad mood and your weight seems to be accumulating. If this sounds familiar, it's probably for a reason: not eating enough.
And you are not the only one who has to deal with this very frustrating scenario. Ironically, many people who follow a healthy lifestyle have these symptoms.
We all know the dangers of overeating. But eating too little on a daily basis also has its consequences. Studies show that this could slow down your metabolism, put you at risk for muscle loss, and cause a host of other symptoms that affect your well-being.
Fortunately, once you understand the biology involved in undernutrition and recognize the warning signs, it will be fairly easy to find your personal caloric need so that you can lose (or maintain) your weight and feel better overall.
What happens in our body when we do not eat enough?
Our bodies evolved during an era when food was scarce. As a result, we are "programmed" to maintain our weight. The brain can't tell the difference between healthy weight loss and starvation, so when we begin to lose body fat, it detects problems and triggers a variety of complex hormonal mechanisms designed to keep us from losing too much.
In other words, almost all efforts to lose weight ultimately fail not because people lack willpower, but because they are literally battling primitive biology and a programming whose job it is to keep us alive.
Eating too little activates this powerful anti-hunger system and can sabotage your efforts to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight in a number of ways. For example, when you start losing weight thanks to most traditional diets, your metabolism slows down.
That happens in part because your body shrinks and a smaller body will burn fewer calories. But it turns out that many people experience an additional metabolic boost that cannot be attributed to reduced body size.
In fact, the number of calories you burn during the day can decrease by as much as 40 percent. Thanks to this, even if you eat less, you could get stuck with your current weight or start to accumulate it.
May lead to loss of body mass
Eating too little can also lead to loss of muscle mass, which not only lowers your strength and fitness, but also contributes to a decreased metabolism as muscle is the tissue that uses the most calories.
As soon as the size and quality of your muscles decrease, your ability to burn energy from the food you eat will decrease. And therefore, you will store the excess calories in the form of fat. On the other hand, eating little also causes your body to start producing more hormones that promote hunger and decrease those that are responsible for the feeling of fullness.
They can increase cravings for unhealthy foods
The result: not only will you feel hungrier, but you'll also have cravings for high-calorie foods. And when you're eating, it will take longer for the feeling of fullness to appear, making you more susceptible to unconscious overeating.
Fortunately, this problem can be avoided. The Paleo diet, which includes lots of healthy proteins, fats, and carbohydrates, will naturally fill you up. So, you can feel satisfied with fewer calories, without going over the limit and eating less.
Because the Paleo diet eliminates processed and refined carbohydrates, most people end up eating fewer carbohydrates overall, which can keep insulin and blood sugar and hunger in check.
In fact, research shows that, calorie for calorie, the Paleo diet is more satisfying than the Mediterranean diet or a low-fat diet. And because it contains a healthy amount of nutritious protein, which has all the building blocks your body needs to maintain muscle tissue, when trying to lose weight, it helps you maintain your muscle mass along with a healthy metabolic rate.
The top six signs you aren't eating enough
When you're trying to lose weight and eat healthy, it can be easy to end up restricting your food intake too much. These are the most common warning signs that you are eating too little.
1. You have no energy
Calories are a fuel, the source of energy that keeps everything going, from the brain to the muscles. When you don't eat enough, the level of glucose (the sugar your body uses for energy) in your blood plummets, and your energy levels drop dramatically as well.
2. You experience mood swings
Eating too little can put you in a bad mood. Which will make it easier for you to get angry at your partner or rage at the slow driver in front of you. And this happens for a very good reason. Serotonin, the brain chemical related to mood and appetite, is greatly affected by hunger and can play a role in anger caused by hunger.
When blood glucose drops, every organ in your body is starved of fuel, including the brain. And one of the first effects of this is the reduction of self-control.
3. You don't sleep well
If you've ever gone to bed while hungry, you know it can be hard to fall asleep. But eating too little can also make it difficult to maintain the dream state.
Studies have linked a lack of food to a reduction in deep sleep, the sleep during which your body makes critical repairs to muscle tissue and other organs, as well as poor quality sleep. The good news: high-protein diets, including the Paleo diet, can help reverse this evil.
In a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 44 overweight or obese people were put on one of two calorie restriction diets: one with normal amounts of protein and the other with high levels of protein.
Each month for four months, the participants completed a standard sleep quality questionnaire. At the third- and fourth-month follow-up, people who followed the diet where they ate the most protein (1.5 grams per kilogram of body weight) reported having better sleep compared to those in the group consuming the least protein. Which consumed about half the amount of protein.
4. You feel cold all the time
Calorie restriction lowers core body temperature. Feeling cold 24 hours a day, 7 days a week is not comfortable at all. And it could be a warning sign that your thyroid hormones aren't working.
Studies show that the reduction in body temperature appears to be due, at least in part, to a decrease in T3, a thyroid hormone that helps maintain a healthy body temperature. Since reduced thyroid function is linked to low energy levels, low mood, and decreased overall health, constantly feeling cold can have a big impact.
5. You suffer from hair loss
If you start to notice that more hair is left on your brush or comb, it could be due to inadequate calorie consumption. Hair loss is a sign of both eating too little in general and consuming too little protein. So, following a Paleo diet, which is packed with nutritious protein, can help you address this problem.
6. You have a lot of food cravings
Studies show that weight loss triggers cravings for high-calorie foods. According to another study, even after 62 weeks, participants' levels of hunger and desire to eat were higher than before losing weight.
Ketosis is a natural process the body initiates to help us survive when food intake is low. During this state, we produce ketones, which are produced from the breakdown of fats in the liver. The end goal of a properly maintained keto diet is to force your body into this metabolic state. We don’t do this through starvation of calories but starvation of carbohydrates.
Exogenous Ketones Keto
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
What are the Pros of VisiSharp Reviews?
What are the most nutritious sprouts to eat?
If you include sprouts in the daily diet, you will provide excellent properties for your health. Eating sprouts is to incorporate energy into all the cells of the body, promote health and extend life. They are more nutritious than vegetables, more digestible than fruits, more revitalizing than vegetables. Sprouts are a natural and unique food that we must include in the diet to achieve an excellent state of health.
The germination " is the process by which a plant seed becomes ". All plants go through a germination period, but not all sprouts are edible. The seed basically has two main parts: the embryo and the endosperm (it is a reserve that will nourish the embryo until it becomes a plant). The nutritional values ​​of the seed increase and some nutrients that are not in a dry seed will be formed when germinating. Read on to learn more about the important benefits of sprouts when consumed, and how you can grow them in your own place to enjoy their properties more directly and regularly.
Benefits of sprouts
1.    They favor detoxification, purification and waste elimination processes.
2.    They strengthen the immune system.
3.    They are antioxidants, they fight free radicals.
4.    They stimulate the secretions of the pancreas.
5.    They facilitate digestion, activate regeneration and reduce inflammation of the digestive system.
6.    They improve intestinal function, relieve constipation, strengthen the intestine and intestinal flora, help eliminate gas and waste.
7.    They reduce the cholesterol index.
8.    They strengthen the nervous system.
9.    They help maintain the flexibility of the arteries and the vitality of the glands.
10. They delay aging, since its components allow the cells of the body to stay young for longer.
11. They favor the metabolism due to its restorative action.
12. They are recommended in cases of anemia due to their richness in chlorophyll and for people with a delicate stomach.
Features and benefits of the germinated
Sprouts are an important source of vitamins A, C, D, E, Calcium, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Sodium, Silicon and all the B complex. They also contain complete proteins with all the essential amino acids; of 100 gr. of sprouts, more than 70% is pure protein. Essential amino acids are of great importance in the diet because the body does not produce them and they can be ingested through food.
The seeds that are most used for sprouts are those of cereals and legumes. Any legume seed (legume) or cereal grain can be germinated, the best known:
Alfalfa: one of the best-known sprouts. It is a good source of vitamins A, B, C, D, E, F and K and contains many minerals and enzymes necessary for digestion; it has important cleansing properties.
Oatmeal: its sprouts are the most recommended for nervous disorders, depression and sleep disturbances. It contains vitamins B and E, proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and silicon, necessary for the development of muscular, brain and nervous structures. Radish: it is rich in vitamin C and potassium, and it tastes good. Beans: they are an excellent source of protein, vitamin C, A and E and are rich in minerals.
Radish: it is rich in vitamin C and potassium, and it tastes good.
Beans: they are an excellent source of protein, vitamin C, A and E and are rich in minerals.
Green peas: they are rich in vitamins B and vitamin C, also in magnesium, phosphorus and zinc. They are suitable for growth and sight.
Chickpeas: rich in carbohydrates, fiber, calcium, protein, magnesium, potassium and vitamins A and C. They do not produce gases during digestion.
Soy: it is rich in proteins and vitamins A, B, C and E, lecithin. It has folic acid, calcium, magnesium and iron. It is useful in menopause, fatigue, and mood swings.
Lentils: rich in protein, vitamin C and B1, they have iron, copper and zinc. Advisable in stressful situations and to tone the body in times of exhaustion.
Sunflower: It has vitamins B, D and E, linoleic acid, proteins, unsaturated fats, calcium, iron, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.
Corn: it has a high content of magnesium, necessary to preserve muscle tension, especially in the intestinal tract.
Wheat: it is rich in proteins, magnesium, phosphorus and vitamins B and E. It prevents infections, regenerates cells and is used to treat nervous disorders. It is safer to trust the food that nature provides us, than to believe in food theories and scientific beliefs. Chemicals can never be compared to the element created by nature.
How to consume sprouts
By progressively adding sprouts, as well as various live foods in our usual diet, we notice more the needs of our body, since, when detoxifying, our food sense and our conscience are awakening. Sprouts are very easily digested and assimilated by the body and are to the adult what breast milk is to the baby.
In addition, they are foods that do not make you fat because they provide very few calories. The preservation of sprouts in the refrigerator depends on whether they have been kept well dry; If so, they can be kept for 12-15 days, although it is better to taste them before eating to check that they are not bitter.
Finally, we must add how easy it is to consume them. Sprouts are very useful in the kitchen. The best-known way to eat them is raw, in a salad, but you can also have smoothies in natural citrus, tomato or carrot juices. They can also be added to soups and stews with other vegetables and steamed for a few minutes. Cooking them somewhat reduces their nutritional value, so it is better to eat them raw. Like other energetic foods, such as seaweed or fermented ones, the ideal way to take sprouts is in small portions and even better if it is done every day.
Tips on sprouts
·       Sprouts, although they can be consumed raw, it is advisable to cook them for a minute or boil them for a few seconds.
·       Sprouts are not advisable for people who are allergic to any of the components of the germinated seed or chlorophyll, nor for pregnant women and during lactation.
·       They can alter the color of urine and stool. This is due to the detoxifying power they have.
Grow your own sprouts
All you need are some seeds, a large clean jar, and some perforated cloth secured with a rubber band.
1.    Soak seeds that have been thoroughly washed and drained several times during the first 24 hours in clean, cool water.
2.    Put in about 1/4 of the pot of seeds and cover them with water with the pot closed with the perforated cloth.
3.    Store in the dark. Then rinse twice a day with fresh, clean water, and put in the sunlight.
4.    Your sprouts will be ready to eat in a week.
Many eye exercises are touted as ways to naturally improve eyesight and overcome nearsightedness. The Bates Method suggests palming, movement and visualization techniques to reshape the eyeball and improve vision. Yan Bao Jian Cao suggests massage and acupressure as ways to relieve strain and eye problems. However, none of these exercises are verified to have more than anecdotal or placebo results. While vision therapy is a serious area of optometry that addresses problems with alignment, tracking and strain, there’s no sound evidence that vision exercises can affect clarity.
VisiSharp Supplement Reviews
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
What are the supposed benefits of using BioFit?
What Happens to Your Body When You Drink Coconut Water
You have probably heard of coconut oil and the many benefits it offers. Now, you will know some things that perhaps you did not know about coconut water and that make them a great advantage when choosing it for consumption regularly.
A curious fact about this product is that it has a structure compatible with the blood plasma in the human bloodstream. Coconut water was used in armed conflicts in the past as a blood replacement and many lives were saved in long and gruelling battles.
Today, this water is used all over the world. You can find it in numerous markets that offer the opportunity to use the beneficial benefits of this incredible fruit. Some may not like coconut water and that is why they lose its benefits, but in reality, it has an exotic flavor that really suits many palates and above all, it leaves a feeling of satiety with respect to thirst
Simply knowing about all its properties of one of the detoxification waters in the world will make you start making it part of your healthy drinks.
What happens in your body when you drink coconut water?
Learn more about the properties of coconut and how you can take advantage of them in a drink that is also very tasty and that you can include in any diet.
Strengthen your immune system
When you consume coconut water, you strengthen your immune system and kill bacteria that cause urinary tract infections, gum disease, and viruses that cause infectious diseases, flu, and typhus.
Clean urinary tract
Not only will it increase your energy, but it will also increase the production of hormones from the thyroid gland. This water is also very good for people suffering from kidney diseases, as it reacts like a natural diuretic. The urinary tract and bladder canals will be cleaned. It will flush out toxins from the body and remove kidney stones.
Drinking coconut water is excellent for digestion
Coconut water is good for digestion due to the high level of fiber it contains. If you drink coconut water regularly, it will eliminate gastric acid. It can be drunk in large quantities as it has low levels of fat. You will lose weight, thanks to the ability of water to keep you satiated and meanwhile your appetite is decreased.
Ideal for treating acne
If you have acne, oily or dry skin, all you need to do is soak a cotton ball in the coconut water and apply it to your skin. It will act as a 100% natural tonic for the skin. This will cleanse and refresh your skin, and most importantly, it will keep your pores open.
Cleanses intestinal parasites
If you mix coconut water with olive oil, you can cleanse your body. This mixture can eliminate intestinal parasites.
Ideal during pregnancy
According to experts, you can solve various health problems during pregnancy with the help of coconut water. Drink a cup of coconut water every morning and you will normalize the electrolytes whose imbalance can lead to hypertension, also known as high blood pressure.
An excellent hangover aids
If you drink alcohol at night, you will likely have a headache in the morning. So, the next time you go overboard with alcohol (preferably not), you will remember this "savior" if you want to get rid of the headache. In addition, it will also compensate for the lost fluids and you will overcome the nausea that is often related to a hangover.
Energy and hydration
If you want your skin to be hydrated and radiant throughout the day, a cup of coconut water will suffice. Also, after various strenuous physical activities, you can drink coconut water and you will regain energy. It will refresh you and leave a positive influence on every part of the body.
In short, drinking coconut water offers increased energy, a strong immune system, protects against bacteria and infections, and is very supportive in weight loss diets, what more could you ask for?
While some people respond well to counting calories or similar restrictive methods, others respond better to having more freedom in planning their weight-loss programs. Being free to simply avoid fried foods or cut back on refined carbs can set them up for success. So, don’t get too discouraged if a diet that worked for somebody else doesn’t work for you. And don’t beat yourself up if a diet proves too restrictive for you to stick with. Ultimately, a diet is only right for you if it’s one you can stick with over time.
Biofit Probiotic Reviews
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Synogut safe to use?
Does Lupine have medicinal properties?
Nutritious and energetic, our ancestors used the consumption of lupins in their diet for its great satiating power and its multiple benefits. Learn about all the properties and benefits of lupine below.
Food is a fundamental part of our health, the quality of the functions of our body depends largely on it. For this reason, it is common that we are always looking for alternatives to complement our diet, make it healthier and more balanced.
For example, legumes are an easy food to obtain and contain many beneficial properties for the body. They are edible seeds that grow inside pods. They can be eaten raw, toasted, ground, in flour, etc., and at any time of the day.
A seed recognized for its properties
One of the most famous seeds among legumes is lupine, also known as tramuses, chocho, almorta or lupine. Lupins are the legumes or legumes best known internationally; their consumption is common as a snack in bars.
Although it may not seem like it, this common food contains numerous properties that can have a very positive impact on the body.
If you want to know more about the benefits of consuming lupins, keep reading!
What are lupins?
The lupine is a legume or legume belonging to the Fabaceae family and the Faboideae subfamily. It is a flat, yellow fruit that grows in the pods of the plant.
There are several types of lupins, mostly used to feed livestock as they contain components that make their taste bitter and can be toxic to humans when they are not processed in the correct way. Despite this, these seeds provide good digestion for livestock.
Its consumption in humans is safe as long as the bitterness is previously extracted. This is done by soaking them in salted water for approximately 10 hours.
They can also be left in the sun to remove toxicity. In addition, there is a variety of 'sweet lupins' that can be consumed by humans without having to go through any process.
How is it grown?
Lupine is an easy to grow plant, it can easily develop where other plants could not. Tolerates sandy, poor and acid soils. In addition, it has great resistance to cold and drought, and, as if that were not enough, it does not need to be fertilized.
Its sowing season is from October to February at 50-180 kilograms per hectare each year, while its harvest season is from June to August, with a yield of 500-1500 kilograms per hectare.
In Spain, the regions where lupins are mainly grown are Western Andalusia, Extremadura, Valencia, Las Castillas and some yellow lupins in Galicia.
Properties of lupins
One of the main characteristics of lupins is that they are an excellent source of protein, which makes up 38% of its composition.
In addition, they also contain 24% vegetable fiber, 24% carbohydrates, 7.5% minerals (potassium, magnesium, zinc and others) and a very low level of fat, 6%. The fats they contain are called 'healthy fats', made up of omega-6 and omega-3, essential oils for the proper functioning of the immune and cardiovascular system.
Likewise, lupins contain phytosterols, a substance present in some foods of plant origin that has a powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory action and that help regulate the body's systems in general. They also contain high levels of vitamins of groups A, C and B.
But beyond that, what sets lupins apart from other seeds and foods is that they have the highest concentration of a unique element called Lupanin, an alkaloid that potentially lowers blood sugar levels.
Benefits of lupins
·       It lowers cholesterol and regulates it, which is why it is widely consumed among the vegan and vegetarian population.
·       It reduces the risk of retaining liquids and makes the release of water more fluid due to its high-water content.
·       Helps lower hypertension and prevent cardiovascular diseases.
·       It prevents macular degeneration and protects against other vision problems.
·       Helps protect the prostate.
·       They do not contain gluten, so they are an ideal food for people with celiac disease, allergies or gluten intolerance.
·       They provide a quick sensation of satiety, thus reducing appetite and preventing weight gain.
·       They are an ideal food for diabetic people because they help metabolize glucose.
·       They contribute to the proper functioning of the intestines and provide good digestion.
How to consume them?
Lupins are a fairly traditional aperitif in Spain and some Latin American countries such as Argentina.
They are usually served in bars with drinks for free, but they can also be included in other recipes.
They can be prepared as stews or in salads, or eaten in grains as a snack. Also, these seeds are used as a substitute for soybeans to make sauces.
There is also flour and milk made from lupine, with which you can make different dishes such as pasta, bread or cakes.
Your digestive system breaks down the foods you eat into the nutrients your body needs. If you neglect your digestive health, your body could run into problems absorbing those essential nutrients. The foods you eat and the lifestyle you live have a direct impact on your digestive health. Taking steps to improve your digestive health can help your digestive system function more efficiently and improve your overall health and sense of well-being.
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Blood Sugar Defense safe to use?
What are the raw ingredients of honey?
Modern civilization has become far removed from nature. Most of us would not know how to survive if we were stranded on an island. Fortunately, things are slowly changing, and people are taking an active interest in natural health, which leads us to talk today about the benefits of bee pollen.
Bee pollen is a health food that has been around for centuries in Eastern cultures, but has only recently started showing up in Western health stores and online.
There has been quite a stir about the health benefits of these little golden granules, from helping you lose weight to helping with seasonal allergies.
First, what is bee pollen?
Bee pollen, sometimes also called bee bread, is plant pollen that bees collect and bring back to the hive to pack and use as a food source for the colony. As a result, the characteristics and nutrition of bee pollen depend on the plant from which it was collected.
Typically, people take a bee pollen supplement or sprinkle a tablespoon over their oatmeal or acai bowl. Bee pollen is made up of carbohydrates, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.
A tablespoon of bee pollen has about 40 calories, 7 g of carbohydrates (including 4 g of natural sugars), and 1 g of fiber. Also, bee pollen can have more than two grams of protein per tablespoon, that is, more protein than the same amount of chicken or beef.
One teaspoon of bee pollen contains over 2.5 billion nutrient-packed flower pollen granules. Bee pollen is the richest source of vitamins in a single food.
A nutrient powerhouse of eighteen vitamins that includes a B complex, all essential amino acids, fatty acids, RNA / DNA nucleic acids, enzymes, and is at least 25% protein.
13 benefits of bee pollen according to science
Bee pollen can have many good compounds for the human body, check out just 13 of them below.
1. Fight inflammation
Capillaries are the smallest blood vessels in the body. These little ones need constant restoration, which is possible through the body's collagen production.
A key component in the creation of collagen is rutin, which is a bioflavonoid that helps synthesize collagen. According to Russian research, bee pollen contains one of the highest concentrations of this bioflavonoid.
Capillaries use collagen to stay strong and increase elasticity, which means that inflammation could be reduced and prevented. Inflamed capillaries can cause hemorrhoids, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
2. Salmonella surrenders to bees
The benefits of bee pollen are wonderful in fighting important bacteria like salmonella. This infectious bacterium enters the body through contaminated food and causes all kinds of problems.
This includes problems like diarrhea, fever, chills, and abdominal pain. The problem could go as far as dehydration or blood in the stool. It is an infection that nobody wants to experience.
3. Bee pollen drives the heart and blood circulation
Blood and heart can "scream" when they are happy, and their happiness comes from healthy blood circulation. The role that bee pollen plays in blood health and blood circulation is helpful due to some of its natural properties. For one thing, it appears that pollen components help increase red blood cell production.
You already know that bee pollen can reduce inflammation, which leads to high cholesterol, but there is more. Pollen appears to contain enough ingredients to increase high-density lipoproteins and decrease low-density lipoproteins, resulting in a balanced cholesterol level. Your heart should beat effortlessly with the consumption of bee pollen.
4. The immune system improves with bee pollen
Bee pollen increases the production and power of various substances in the body that are responsible for fighting all kinds of harmful pathogens. We are talking about bacterial infections, viruses, mutated cells, metabolic waste, and disease.
Studies conclude that components of bee pollen, like vitamins, appear to produce things like lymphocytes and immunoglobulin.
5. Goodbye to those damn allergies
Bee pollen has been used to treat allergies through an effective process called desensitization. The idea behind this technique, mentioned by the Journal of Allergy, is to slowly introduce allergens into the body.
The body will slowly begin to create antibodies to that particular allergen, but the key is to begin this process at least six weeks before allergy season begins.
One of the most beneficial aspects of taking bee pollen is that your body is creating antibodies to millions of types of pollen, which should provide you with more efficient antibodies.
6. Strength and endurance can be yours
That title may sound cheesy, but you have the power to increase your strength and endurance simply by taking in bee pollen. And the benefits of bee pollen go further with the amount of protein they have, which is greater than eggs and meat.
The amount of protein in bee pole is so high that most nutritionists estimate it to be about five to seven times greater than meat or eggs.
The British Sports Council found that strength increases by 40 to 50 percent with regular consumption of bee pollen.
7. Bee pollen can improve fertility
The University of Egypt conducted some research on bee pollen to deepen its fertility properties. The study was carried out in rabbits. Preliminary results found that sperm quality improved a lot, which helped fertility.
Bee pollen is packed with vital vitamins, enzymes, proteins, fatty acids, and a host of other unidentified components that could explain the effects it can have on people looking to get pregnant.
8. Improve your skin with this gift from the bees
Bee pollen has many nutrients. This concentration of nutrients can be quite helpful for your skin. The nutrients in bee pollen stimulate new skin growth while preventing premature aging. It seems to decrease dehydration, which is how skin is smoothed.
You can add bee pollen to your diet or just apply it topically from time to time.
9. Attack rheumatoid arthritis with the help of bees
Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune problem that causes your immune system to attack the joints. In essence, your body is attacking itself and causing unnecessary pain or inflammation.
This problem is usually associated with an immune system that is out of balance or lacking in certain nutrients, causing it to misbehave.
Bee pollen contains several nutrients that improve the immune system, so some of your symptoms can be reduced if you consume bee pollen regularly.
10. Pollen can help your kidneys do their job
Bee pollen helps the kidneys in two different ways. For one thing, the abundance of nutrients helps ensure that the kidneys stay strong, which can prevent infection.
Infections are common with the kidneys because they are responsible for removing toxins and waste from the body. Bee pollen helps detoxify the body, which should make the kidney's job much easier. Do you see why you have to consume bee pollen regularly?
11. Get rid of that yeast infection with bee pollen
Candida or yeast infection is something that affects most people in one way or another. This could be thrush, viginitis, or even athlete's foot, although there are other forms of infection. The problem is very difficult to solve because it feeds on processed foods and sugars.
Bee pollen, along with a sugar-free diet and processed foods, could kill the infection and restore your immune system's grip on the candida infection.
12. Breast cancer victims have a friend in bees
If you are being treated for breast cancer, you are probably aware of all the negative symptoms associated with this condition. This could include hot flashes, hair loss, forgetfulness, depression, trouble sleeping, and painful sex.
It seems that the infinite amount of nutrients in bee pollen can control some of these symptoms.
Of course, it is wise to speak with your doctor before attempting treatment, but it may provide some relief during these difficult times.
13. Helps free you from addictions
Addictions come in many forms, like alcohol, cigarettes, and even sugar, but the only thing they have in common is that they trap you. Bee pollen won't cure you of your addiction, but it does help regulate digestion and nutrient intake.
These nutrients reach the nervous system and should restore balance.
This balance could prevent the body from reacting to addiction in the same way. This is why bee pollen could help a person trying to break free of an addiction.
Final notes
It should be noted that scientists have not been able to identify all the ingredients in bee pollen. This means that there may be other benefits that we just don't know about at the moment, making bee pollen look a bit like that box of chocolates full of surprises. Don't wait to treat your body with all this kindness.
Glucose is a sugar that comes from the foods we eat, and it's also formed and stored inside the body. It's the main source of energy for the cells of our body, and is carried to each cell through the bloodstream. Our brains depend on glucose to function, even when we're sleeping.
Blood Sugar Defense
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
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Will 2 days of overeating make me gain weight?
Working from morning until late in the afternoon is a challenge for any diet. Here are a few tricks to survive the intensive day.
Intensive (or continuous) hours are increasingly common in many jobs. What for years has been something seasonal (typical of summer) has been extended to all times of the year and jobs of all kinds. According to experts, it can improve productivity, although personally the real benefit is having more time for you and your family.
Finishing before work means having more time to go out for a walk, play sports, hang out with your children ... However, working from early morning until after lunch is also a challenge for any diet. So today we are going to talk about how to survive the intensive day without starving or gaining weight.
The danger of vending machines
When you get up early, eat breakfast early and don't eat until late in the afternoon, it's easy to end up starving or robbing the vending machine. And the truth is that neither of the two is recommended. Not at least if you want to stay in shape.
If your way of satiating your appetite while you work is to rob the vending machine in search of an unhealthy snack, not only are you spending too much money but it is also likely that your health will suffer and you will end up gaining weight.
The same is true if you don't eat anything from early in the morning until late in the afternoon. If you do that, the safest thing is that you binge for breakfast, do an endless fast in which you want to eat the aluminium foil and then you binge again.
You may think that if you eat a lot you will be less hungry until the next meal but in reality, it is the opposite. The first few hours you will be so full that when you finish the digestion you will feel even more appetite. In addition, by eating so much you will not only have heavier digestions but it is likely that you will end up gaining weight.
5 meals a day, the key to surviving the intensive day
Hence, the key to surviving the intensive day is not to eat the biggest breakfast of all time or resort to any " greasy life-saving snack " that you find, but to eat 5 planned and balanced meals a day.
Or what is the same. Not only do you have breakfast, have an aperitif in the middle of the morning, eat, snack and have dinner, also do it in a healthy way and without going overboard. With the aperitif and the snack, you do not need to eat more for breakfast and lunch to avoid being hungry in the middle of the morning or in the afternoon.
When it comes to what to bring, there are tons of options to choose from. According to Roberto Méndez, doctor and collaborator in the science section of El Español, the best option is to be proactive and take healthy snacks from home or even a small lunch instead of waiting to buy something. Haste and gluttony are bad advisers when it comes to eating.
If you don't want to complicate your life, you can opt for something as basic as a piece of fruit (bananas, apples, oranges ...) although you can also make yourself something simple like a sandwich or a fruit salad. Keep in mind that it is a way to kill your appetite until mealtime, so don't overeat either.
In this way, you will not only remove the desire to mercilessly devour the first thing you find in the fridge, but in the process, you will have an extra shot of energy with which to face the last hours of work.
If you follow this advice, surviving the intensive day will be easy. One less snag for a way of working that is not only spreading more and more but also brings many personal benefits.
If you have an intensive work schedule and you know some other trick to carry it better, do not hesitate to share it in the comments.
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that's found in all the cells in your body. Your liver makes cholesterol, and it is also in some foods, such as meat and dairy products. Your body needs some cholesterol to work properly. But if you have too much cholesterol in your blood, you have a higher risk of coronary artery disease.
Oxidized Cholesterol Strategy
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
How long will it take to see results with Turmeric Total Boost?
Is it safe to take turmeric every day?
If we say that we are going to talk about an herbaceous plant that belongs to the Zingiberaceae family, you would surely read this far. But if we say that we are going to explain the properties of turmeric and that it is also the plant with whose root curry is made, and we include in the information that this spice is the basis of the preparation of Asian cuisine dishes, surely you will be interested in this article.
Because you have to know that turmeric is much more than a simple coloring or seasoning that will give our dishes flavor and exoticism. Turmeric provides us with dietary fiber, vitamins C, E and K, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc, among other nutrients.
It is time for you to know the different properties of turmeric and you can apply them to improve your health and the appearance of your skin.
The properties of turmeric in the kitchen
Although you may not be aware of it, we are actually eating small amounts of turmeric in many of the foods we bring home from the supermarket.
As the European Union includes it within food additives, on the product label it does not appear as such but as E100. And in this way, we do find it in some types of cheeses or mustards and especially in curries whose proportion is 20%
For the kitchen, it is a natural product that is used as a colorant, especially in mustards. It is also common to use it as a substitute for saffron, and to give flavor and aroma to pastry and bakery products.
It gives an intense yellow color to stews and that special color to mustard.
The properties of turmeric
Use the properties of turmeric to make a salad dressing with flavor and color and taste a dish that will provide you with vitamin C from citrus fruits, Omega-3 from flax seeds and vitamin E from olive oil.
You need:
·       Olive oil (Four tablespoons)
·       Lemon juice (One tablespoon)
·       Orange juice (Two tablespoons)
·       Flax seeds (One tablespoon)
·       One teaspoon of turmeric.
·       A pinch of black pepper
How to use: dress the salad just at the time of serving to make the most of the vitamin C and, "Bon Appétit"
The properties of turmeric on a medicinal level
·       Properties of turmeric as a natural antiseptic as it helps accelerate the healing process of skin wounds.
·       Properties of turmeric as an antioxidant helping to delay cellular aging as it fights free radicals.
·       Properties of turmeric to control cholesterol levels, because it acts on the absorption of cholesterol that we eat.
·       Antibacterial properties of turmeric that allows us to have gums in good condition.
·       Properties of turmeric to prevent the formation of blood clots by improving blood circulation.
Due to its powerful healing properties, if we include turmeric in our diet, we can help keep many diseases at bay.
Besides acting as a natural tonic in states of exhaustion, it helps diabetics lower their blood sugar. For this reason, you can have a drink based on hot milk and a teaspoon of turmeric daily.
Turmeric for cancer
Curcumin is a promising candidate as a cancer treatment. It selectively kills tumor cells while leaving normal cells unharmed and works synergistically to increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy and radiation when it is carried out.
Suggested dosage of turmeric consumption for general health
Most of us in Western countries are familiar with turmeric found in the dry spice section at the grocery store. But you can buy turmeric root in some product sections - it looks a lot like ginger, a "raw" plant that is another source of curcumin.
Suggested turmeric dosages for adults:
·       Fresh root: 1.5-3 grams per day
·       Dried, powdered root: 1-3 grams per day
·       Fluid extract (1: 1): 30-90 drops per day
·       Tincture (1: 2): 15-30 drops, 4 times a day
The recommended dosage for curcumin - a standardized powder supplement - is 400-600 mg, 3 times a day.
The properties of turmeric on a cosmetic level
·       We can use turmeric internally and on our skin.
·       Due to the moisturizing properties of turmeric, it is a perfect product to act against the dryness of our skin. But it will also enhance your appearance by restoring shine and radiance.
·       Turmeric acts against acne and reduces the presence of stretch marks.
Returns the shine to the skin of your face thanks to the properties of turmeric:
You need:
·       ¼ teaspoon of turmeric.
·       5 drops of lemon.
·       2 tablespoons of coffee with blended cucumber.
How to use:
Mix well all the ingredients. You just have to apply the mask on a clean face and leave it on for 10 minutes. To finish, wash your face with warm water.
Your hands can also benefit from the properties of turmeric:
You need:
·       One teaspoon of olive oil.
·       ¼ teaspoon of turmeric.
·       A cup of warm water.
How to use:
Mix the turmeric and olive oil well and then add them to the water. Put this liquid in a container where you can leave your hands submerged for 5 minutes. Afterwards, it will be enough to rinse them with warm water.
Uses of turmeric in the little ones:
And for the little ones, how can I make use of the properties of turmeric?
Children seem to be a powerful magnet to attract stains and because of their ability to play without rest, they also often bring bruises and a small cut home.
Applying turmeric powder will help support the healing process. We invite you to read this report on a r healing emedio turmeric with honey.
Your immune system is a complex network of cells, tissues, and organs. Together they help the body fight infections and other diseases. When germs such as bacteria or viruses invade your body, they attack and multiply. This is called an infection. The infection causes the disease that makes you sick. Your immune system protects you from the disease by fighting off the germs.
Turmeric Total Boost
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
How FortiPrime Supports Immunity?
Why is eating lemons bad for you?
The health benefits of lemons and lemon juice are quite well known. But if you're like most people, chances are you squeeze the juice out of the lemon and throw it away. Did you know that lemon peel contains even more nutrients, vitamins, and health benefits than lemon juice?
Nutrients in lemon peel
Vitamins and fiber
Lemon peel contains approximately 5 to 10 times more vitamins than lemon juice. They are also an excellent source of fiber, 3.5 oz. Of lemon peels contain 10.6 grams of fiber. It also contains potassium, magnesium, calcium, folic acid and beta-carotene.
Prevents osteoporosis due to its high calcium content
Lemon peel contains high amounts of calcium and vitamin C. Lemon peel has been shown to help prevent osteoporosis, inflammatory polyarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis.
Reduces oxidative stress with bioflavonoids
We all want to reduce our levels of oxidative stress. Lemon peel contains bioflavonoids that help reduce oxidative stress levels. This portion of the lemon also helps in the eradication of toxic elements in the body and the elimination of carcinogenic elements.
Health benefits of lemon peel
Helps in the fight against cancer
Lemons have been used to prevent and treat cancer. Lemons are anti-microbial and protect against bacterial and fungal infections.
When lemon peels are consumed, they have been shown to prevent various types of cancer, including skin cancer, colon cancer, and breast cancer. One study found that consuming lemon peels in tea was beneficial in preventing the development of cancer cells. Lemon peel contains Q40 and limonene, which have been shown to prevent and treat cancer. These present components fight cancer cells in the body.
Lemons are also very alkalizing. Cancer develops in an acid body, lemon peel benefits your body by providing alkalinity, this will help in cancer prevention.
How to eat lemon peel
There are many ways that lemon peel can be used effectively. Speaking of its use in the kitchen, the lemon peel is very versatile and necessary since it can be used in many recipes, sweet and savory, whether it is baked goods, sauteed or stews, salads and teas.
In jams, chutneys and preserves, lemon peels and other citrus fruits will always be very useful in this type of food
At home and in beauty, such as scrubs, cleaners, flavorings, bleaches, creams, etc. The lemon peel is very versatile and useful in this modality.
In spirits. Infusions of alcoholic beverages almost always ask for the lemon peel. This is a delicious recipe that combines vodka and lemon zest:
·       10 organic lemons washed
·       750 ml of good quality vodka
·       3 1/2 cups of water
·       2 1/4 cups organic sugar
Next, all you need to do is:
1.    Put the lemon peels in a bowl with the vodka and sit down and wait.
2.    After four days it is time to add the sweetness to the limoncello.
3.    In a large pot, combine the water with the sugar.
4.    Combine this with the vodka infused lemon and you're done.
In a general way, the lemon peel can be preserved and used better:
1.    Putting the lemons in the freezer for a couple of hours. When they are frozen, take them out and grate them. You can sprinkle the lemon zest on your food or drinks.
2.    Also, simply by grating the lemon without freezing. Sprinkle lemon peel on your food or drinks.
3.    You can grate the lemon rind and freeze it in small containers or ice trays, too.
HSV-1 is a highly contagious infection, that is common and endemic throughout the world. Most HSV-1 infections are acquired during childhood, and infection is lifelong. The vast majority of HSV-1 infections are oral herpes (infections in or around the mouth, sometimes called orolabial, oral-labial or oral-facial herpes), but a proportion of HSV-1 infections are genital herpes (infections in the genital or anal area).
Forti Prime
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
How much time will it take to see weight loss with this XOTH Keto supplement?
Is lycopene an antioxidant?
Lycopene is a form of carotene, with antioxidant qualities that we can obtain through food, especially tomatoes, and also in most foods that are red or pink, such as many fruits and vegetables.
Currently, there are many studies focused on learning more about the antioxidant properties of lycopene, in order to use them in the treatment and prevention of chronic diseases caused by free radicals. Lycopene also promotes the functioning of the cardiovascular system and protects the skin and prostate.
Lycopene properties
Lycopene is an antioxidant responsible for giving the red pigmentation that some fruits and vegetables that contain it have. This substance can be found in particularly high concentrations in tomatoes. Our body is not capable of producing lycopene by itself, and that is why it must always be obtained through food or food supplements.
·       It has anti-aging properties.
·       Protects the prostate.
·       It reduces the risk of suffering from various types of cancer.
·       Protects the skin from UV rays.
Lycopene benefits
·       Due to its antioxidant properties, it can be of great help in preventing prostate, lung, stomach, bladder and cervical cancer.
·       Delays the signs of aging.
·       Keeps LDL cholesterol (bad cholesterol) levels low.
·       It prevents cardiovascular diseases.
·       It is an antioxidant source. Helps fight free radicals, which are the main cause of cell damage.
·       It also prevents macular degeneration and cataracts.
·       It has anti-inflammatory properties.
Beneficial for skin health
Lycopene helps prevent skin damage caused by UV rays. This is very important as UV radiation can cause various damages to the skin, such as wrinkles, blemishes, discoloration and degeneration of its structure that eventually cause premature aging of the skin.
Powerful anti-aging agent
When it comes to the skin, lycopene is an excellent promoter of the body's anti-aging. Free radicals are believed to be responsible for cell damage, affecting DNA and causing chronic disease. Due to its antioxidant properties, it can reduce the risk of osteoporosis, the disease that causes loss of bone density.
Lycopene is a form of carotenoid that prevents free radicals from damaging the body's natural balance, decreasing bone density loss and age-related bone deformation.
It also promotes good tooth and gum health due to its natural antibacterial properties, which help maintain oral health. In addition, many clinical studies have also shown that it contributes to the health of the cardiovascular system.
Coronary heart disease is often the result of eating an unhealthy food diet and the aging process. Taking more lycopene in capsule form, which contains the same substance found in tomatoes, can promote heart health and help keep blood pressure at optimal levels.
Prostate diseases
In a series of studies, researchers found that a diet rich in tomato-based foods may be linked to a lower risk of prostate cancer. In addition, analyzing data obtained from eight studies on lycopene and prostate cancer, researchers found that the intake of lycopene is related to a reduction in the levels of prostate-specific antigens (a protein that often appears at high levels in patients with prostate cancer).
Reduces the risks of lung cancer
Intake of lycopene can promote lung health. In a study that analyzed data obtained from 124,207 adults, who were observed for 10-12 years, researchers found that the risk of lung cancer was significantly lower among those who had a diet rich in varieties of carotenoids (a class of antioxidants that includes beta-carotene and alpha-carotene, in addition to lycopene).
Preventive against heart disease
Eating a diet rich in lycopene can significantly reduce the oxidation of lipids and, in particular, of LDL (which carries bad cholesterol). These results may be relevant for reducing the risk of coronary heart disease.
Beneficial against asthma
A small study has revealed that lycopene can benefit people with asthma. After a week of taking 30 mg of lycopene as a daily supplement, 11 of the 20 participants experienced a significant increase in protection against asthma caused by physical activity.
Lycopene in eye care
The lycopene can be considered as the primary defense against aging skin as it promotes a healthy and beautiful appearance. In addition, this powerful substance can be very useful against macular degeneration syndrome, the main cause of blindness from 65 years of age, and also in case of cataracts.
Food as a source of lycopene
Lycopene occurs naturally in many fruits. It is present in watermelon, grapefruit, papaya and apricots. Research shows that processing lycopene-rich foods increases the bioavailability of their lycopene content.
Tomatoes and tomato products (such as ketchup) are considered the main food sources of lycopene.
As a result, tomato-based products, such as tomato sauce, soup, and juice, are absorbed more quickly and assimilated better than raw tomato-based products.
Side effects of lycopene
So far, no side effects are known. However, it is always better to take it in the recommended doses and check that the supplements do not contain other additional ingredients that can cause side effects. In very rare cases, lycopene can trigger allergic reactions.
Since lycopene is a lipid, the benefits it offers can be increased when combined with the use of olive oil. Although lycopene has no side effects, some of your supplements may contain wheat, sugar, soy, yeast, gluten, nuts, or traces of dried fruit.
For this reason, it is necessary to evaluate all the ingredients in a general way, especially in the case of people who have an allergy to this substance.
Supplements (capsules) and recommended doses
As we already know, the body cannot produce lycopene independently, but has to receive it from different sources such as fruits or vegetables. However, there are also various lycopene supplements with which the recommended amount can be obtained in a simple way. The vast majority of these supplements come in capsule form.
There are really no set standards as to the optimal amount of lycopene, however there are approximate ranges that suggest a daily intake of 4 to 6.5 mg.
To give you an idea, a serving of 60 grams of tomato puree, which can be part of a meal or sauce that goes with a dish, can provide approximately 10 mg of lycopene.
According to information from specialists, for effective protection against cancer, it is better to take a minimum daily dose of 6 mg.
In the case of stress-induced asthma, the recommended dose is 30 mg per day. To increase prostate care, a minimum dose of 15 mg per day is required.
Having a hearty mixture of protein, fibre, healthy fats, and carbs can help you ultimately shed those pounds and steer clear of extreme hunger when fasting. A good example, per Savage? Grilled chicken (you want about 4 to 6 oz of protein) with half of a small sweet potato, and sautéed spinach with garlic and olive oil.
Xoth Keto BHB Supplement Reviews
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Can TressAnew work for everyone?
Why is it good to drink green juice in the morning?
One of the main advantages of green juices is that it allows you to consume green leafy vegetables along with other fruits and ingredients that are not always present in the diet, but are essential.
Fruits and vegetables are plant foods. Plant foods can basically be mixed, except that the texture of the juice can be different, this means that the flavor of your combination has a special flavor.
When raw, plant foods all contain the same basic nutrients: enzymes, vitamins, minerals, bioflavonoids, phytonutrients. Mixing them gives them the synergistic power to work together as a super reinforcement.
Do you know the real reason why green juices are so good for us? Here are the 7 reasons why you should drink green juices every day.
7 reasons why you should drink green juices
1. It is the fastest way to alkalize our body
Drinking green juices is the fastest way to alkalize our body. Helps eliminate inflammation and acids in our bloodstream.
2. Green juices are 100% pre-digestible
They enter our bloodstream immediately, reaching each of our 100 trillion cells, bringing and bathing in powerful nutrients and oxygen.
3. Rich in enzymes
These vegetables are packed with energy and plant-based enzymes that help 'eat' the undigested particles in our bloodstream, helping our bodies heal. Therefore, drinking green juices is practically preparing our body for digestion.
4. Instant energy
Green juices give us more energy than any other juice can give us.
5. Low glycemic index
Green juices are low glycemic in glycemic and almost any human being can drink it, even if they are diabetic.
6. Power of photosynthesis
Green juices are literally packed with energy from photosynthesis. This means that the conversion of the sun to the plants is now present inside your body if you take these vegetables.
7. Drinking green juices helps efficient elimination
You will be surprised to see how wonderful green juices are as it can help heal the lining of the stomach, esophagus, and small and large intestine.
Green juice with spinach and parsley
Try to make this toner every day, even if it is just for breakfast or before bed, anytime is the perfect time! and this little tonic is delicious. The green juice is a great tonic.
·       1 large lime juice (with skin and all)
·       1 cup of spinach
·       1 cup parsley
·       1 green apple
·       6 celery stalks
·       1 large cucumber
Everything freshly cut and the juice freshly prepared. Grind everything together in a blender, and do not leave it for more than 10 minutes without drinking since almost all the nutrients are lost.
Coconut oil Trusted Source contains fatty acids that penetrate inside the hair shaft and reduce protein loss from hair. Coconut oil can be used either before or after you wash your hair depending on your hair type. If your hair tends to be oily, you can do a leave-in treatment overnight or for a few hours before you wash it. Massage coconut oil into your scalp and all of your hair. If your hair is dry, you can also use it as a leave-in treatment. There needs to be more research on coconut oil as a promoter of hair growth, but it’s been shown to improve the health and luster of hair and has been used for centuries.
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
What to Expect When Taking Altai Balance?
Is it healthy to eat an apple a day?
" An apple a day keeps the doctor away " is a well-known phrase. Its high content of fiber, flavonoids and polyphenols purify the body of metabolic toxins, which is why it is considered a purifying fruit for the body. Regular consumption of nutrient-rich fruits such as apples strengthens the immune system and reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes mellitus and cancer. Apples are an old home remedy for inflammatory joint pain, constipation, and diarrhoea.
Why are apples in general considered a powerful fruit?
Eating an apple, a day could keep you away from the doctor, says a saying that turns out to be true. This delicious fruit, which is a great source of fiber (especially in the skin), vitamin C and antioxidants, is an inexpensive superfood that can be eaten all year round. They are one of the very few foods specifically identified in large studies as having the ability to reduce the risk of disease.
Apples are the most consumed fruits overall, especially since a large amount of their nutrients are contained in the skin. The more processed the apple, the less fiber and nutrients it will contain, leading to decreased health benefits. They are low on the glycemic index which makes them a good option for diabetics. Your waistline can benefit from an apple a day; apples are rich and satisfying, they contain a good intake of fiber, which can decrease hunger
10 reasons to eat an apple a day
Apples have many benefits. They are rich in vitamin C, which stimulates the immune system. They are full of pectin, which is a good fiber. They also strengthen the gums, reduce cholesterol levels, and have antiviral actions. Also, apples stick to toxins and flush them out of your body, neutralize indigestion, prevent constipation, and much more. But for a better understanding, check each point below to know its properties and powerful chemical components for health, and why you should be eating an apple per day at least.
Weight loss
In one study, a group of 400 overweight South American women with high cholesterol were tasked with eating an apple a day as part of a diet in a research study. They lost weight - as well as improving their overall health profile, as its diuretic properties, low caloric intake and satiating effect make it perfect for a diet regimen.
Pectin for the heart
Apples contain pectin, a soluble fiber that helps reduce cholesterol in the blood and prevents it from accumulating on the walls of blood vessels, thus preventing heart disease.
Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are one of the leading causes of death in the world. Eating apples has been linked to a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular disease by up to 22% in women who were part of a large study conducted over several years in Australia. Two other studies of women also showed a reduction in the risk of heart disease with apples and the compounds found in them.
Importantly, men can also benefit from apple intake, as its flavonoids are strongly linked to a reduction in mortality from heart disease.
Fiber for the colon
According to a German research, when the apple ferments in the colon, the natural fiber of the apples produces chemicals that stop the formation of cancer cells in the colon.
Phytochemicals for the respiratory tract
It also reduces the risk of asthma, thanks to the phytochemicals found in apples. Likewise, flavonoids and phenolic acids can also quell inflammation in the airways.
Studies showed that eating whole apples protected against asthma - a finding that is consistent with a number of other studies. Also, it appears that apples can help improve overall lung health - asthma aside.
A new study also suggests that mothers who eat apples during pregnancy can protect their children from developing asthma later in life.
Reduce the risk of cancer
Compounds contained in apples - called flavonoids, have been linked to a lower risk of lung cancer in a number of different human studies, involving large numbers of people
In one study, women who consumed at least one apple per day had a reduced risk of lung cancer, while a study from Hawaii showed that apple intake was associated with a lower risk of lung cancer in men and women.
In fact, in the Hawaii study, apples (along with onion and white grapefruit) reduced the risk of lung cancer by 40 to 50% in men and women, while no protective associations were seen in red wine., green or black tea.
Of course, in addition to eating apples we have to follow a healthy and varied diet that contains a lot of other plant foods such as vegetables, nuts, legumes and whole grains, be physically active and avoid being overweight.
Natural laxative
Thanks to its fiber, sulfur and fructose content, it has a laxative effect. It is advisable to eat it on an empty stomach.
Minerals for blood pressure
It is an excellent source of potassium, a mineral that helps control blood pressure and prevent heart attacks.
Kerecithin against Alzheimer's
This fruit contains quercetin, a powerful antioxidant that helps protect neurons in the human brain and delays Alzheimer's.
Strengthens bones
The consumption of an apple daily protects against osteoporosis, as it helps to strengthen and give density to the bones, thanks to floridzin. Also, it can strengthen and give density to bones.
It helps to sleep
It is a good natural relaxant due to its phosphorous content. Therefore, eating an apple helps you fall asleep better.
Clean teeth naturally
Eating an apple, a day contributes to cleaning your teeth, as each bite allows you to eliminate the rest of the meals, lodged in the teeth.
And as if all that were not enough, eating raw apples can help with gout and rheumatism.
Gout and rheumatism are caused by inflammation of the joints. Apples are known as a great relief aid because they contain vitamin C, which lowers the amount of uric acid in the body and helps prevent build-up in the system.
According to studies, eating an apple a day resulted in a 28% reduction in risk for type 2 diabetes compared to those who did not eat apples. Another European study also showed that apples, as well as the compounds found in their skins, help reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes, the message for including apples is indeed compelling.
External uses of the apple
Apples have a couple of great external uses.
Peel an apple and grate the meat. Take the grated apple and mix in a couple of tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Spread the mixture on one end of a towel and wrap it around the sprain. Make sure the towels don't leak.
Eye inflammation
Peel and grate the apple. Apply a poultice with your eyes closed and let it sit for ten to fifteen minutes. The flavonoids in apples help reduce puffiness, pain, and other discomforts associated with puffy and tired eyes.
Apple skin treatment
Masks to cleanse the skin (for the treatment of oily or acne-prone skin) You can make your own masks at home, as we have already mentioned in many articles on our site. For this you only need the following ingredients:
·       ½ organic apple
·       1 teaspoon of honey, lemon and flour
Make a puree with all the ingredients together and apply on the face for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
Hydrating mask (recommended after cleansing mask or when skin is dry. Great for winter.)
·       ½ organic apple or well sanitized
·       1 tablespoon avocado / coconut / grapeseed / extra virgin olive oil
·       1 organic egg yolk
·       1 tablespoon organic oatmeal
Puree the ingredients in a blender and apply to your face. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and then rinse off with lukewarm water.
Diabetes is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar, or glucose. With diabetes, the body either doesn’t make enough of a hormone called insulin or can’t effectively use the insulin it does make. Insulin controls the levels of glucose in the blood after you eat a meal. People with type 1 diabetes may lose weight unintentionally since they can’t use the sugar they eat for energy. In this case, the pancreas doesn’t make insulin, and sugar is removed from the body during urination.
Altai Balance
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
How does AthletePharm Keto work?
What is the difference between organic food and regular food?
Nowadays, organic foods have become a trend, not only can you find them in natural and organic food stores, but they are becoming more frequent in most supermarkets.
But are organic foods better than conventional ones? What are the benefits of eating them? Are organic foods really good for your health? In this article we will learn about the advantages of consuming them and we will elucidate all these significant doubts so that you can make the best decision when buying your organic food.
What is organic food?
Before knowing the benefits of organic food, let's first explain what it means for a food to be “organic”.
The term "organic" refers to the way farmers grow and process agricultural products. There are regulations for planting these products which vary from one country to another.
According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for a food to be organic it must be produced in the following way:
·       Without using most conventional pesticides, only naturally-derived pesticides or fertilizers made with synthetic ingredients or septic sludge.
·       Natural fertilizers such as manure or compost are allowed, and crop rotation, manual weeding, or plowing is used to control weeds.
·       Bioengineering and ionizing radiation should not be used.
·       Organic livestock should receive food of organic origin, they should not be given antibiotics, growth hormones or any food derived from animals.
·       Only previously approved vaccines are allowed.
·       Livestock diseases are naturally prevented with good hygiene, rotational grazing, a healthy diet, and access to the outdoors.
Organic foods can include unprocessed or refined fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, and meats.
There are guidelines for a food to be labeled as "100% organic", it must first have been verified and certified by competent personnel who will demand that all the established norms regarding cultivation, handling, processing and commercialization are met.
It is also possible to find multi-ingredient foods that are labeled "organic" (without 100%) and this means that only 95% of the ingredients that make it up have been approved as organic.
You should not confuse the term organic with natural, when a food is labeled "natural" it means that it has no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives, but it does not refer to the method in which the food is produced.
Benefits of organic food
Organic foods have many advantages for your health and the environment compared to those grown conventionally. There are several studies that have shown its benefits, although the information is still limited and highly debated.
·       Studies (1) have shown that the concentrations of antioxidants such as polyphenolics are substantially higher in organic crops and contain lower concentrations of toxic metals such as cadmium, mainly in grains. These antioxidants reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as CVD, neurodegenerative diseases, and even certain types of cancer.
·       Organic meats, dairy, and eggs generally have higher levels of omega-3 (2) fatty acids, which improve cardiovascular health.
·       The investigations have shown that consumption of organic foods can reduce exposure to pesticide residues such as fungicides, herbicides and insecticides compared to conventionally grown produce and organic meats have less presence of bacteria resistant to antibiotics.
·       Studies on the nutrients provided by organic foods vary, however, a review of several articles showed that organic foods provide higher levels of vitamins C, iron, magnesium and phosphorus. In addition, it has been proven that the consumption of organic dairy products has benefits for the skin by reducing allergic dermatitis.
·       Organic farming is better for the environment because it does not use fertilizers or herbicides or toxic chemicals, therefore organic farms do not pollute nearby soil or water.
·       Chemicals from conventional farms are implicated in the death of birds (3) such as swallows, sparrows, and others. Furthermore, neonicotinoid insecticides are also blamed for being a risk to bees.
Organic food is a way to produce nutritious food without negatively affecting the health of farmers, the environment, or consumers.
In short, the keto diet is a way of eating that causes your body to burn fat (in the form of ketones) rather than sugar (in the form of glucose/glycogen).  I’ll explain a little more in detail below, but you trigger fat burning by eating a lot of fat and very little carbohydrates. There’s a lot of confusion about just how much fat, protein, and carbohydrates you should eat, and that’s because there are now several types of keto diet plans. Most of the research has focused on the very high fat (standard) keto diet. But if you’re looking for weight loss benefits then a high-protein variation of the keto diet might be better for you.
AthletePharm Keto
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Keto Slender safe to use?
How do you burn fat while sleeping?
recurring theme at each start of a new year.
Although it may seem otherwise, it is not true that people leave the famous bikini operation until the last minute. Most of the people tend to have weight loss among their good New Year's resolutions and that is known by magazines, newspapers, blogs… we all know it. And since it is a matter of the moment, then everyone comes to discuss it. And how.
As someone who has been battling the kilos all my life, going from endocrine to endocrine, reading and studying nutrition to try to understand why my body doesn't work like most people I know well, I throw a lot of tantrums when I see how the subject is dealt with many times, how they try to sell us all kinds of motorcycles in order to scratch a few visits.
I do not think that the subject of weight loss is a subject that can be treated lightly, as if it were something trivial that could be solved with a grandmother's remedy. Think that if losing weight were easy, obesity would not be a health concern at the government level, but it turns out that it is the great epidemic of the 21st century in some first world countries.
Diet to lose weight or diet to regain shape after the holidays
And is that to lose weight, not everything is valid for everyone or in the same way. Think of healthy people, athletes and who take care of their diet. Do you think that a basketball player over two meters tall and almost 100 kg in weight has the same nutritional needs as a gymnast weighing five feet and 50 kg? It seems obvious that not.
Factors such as sex, age, physical activity or the constitution itself determine the nutritional needs of each individual and the diet to be followed must be according to these. Therefore, the diet that allows one to maintain their weight, another can make you lose weight and even another can make you gain weight.
If there is also any pathology that affects the proper functioning of the metabolism, we are facing a really complex issue.
So, the first thing we must take into account is to know what is intended and, with that, choose the best method to find the solution.
It is not the same to want to get rid of that couple of kilos that you take at Christmas or in summer because you have spent days eating too much. Those pounds are not a problem and, in most cases, they may end up going away on their own if you return to your pre-party routines. And if they resist, in most cases, it will be enough to do a little self-criticism of what is being eaten to detect what food we are abusing and moderate or eliminate its consumption. In short, with a healthier diet and without making great efforts, those kilos will end up disappearing. Don't be fooled by miracles, or detox diets, or blood group diets.
When losing weight is not just losing the extra pounds
Now, if the intention is to solve a medical problem of obesity or overweight, I am very afraid that the solution is not so easy. In that case, the most sensible thing to do is to go to a health professional, either an endocrinologist or a nutritionist who, although from experience I tell you that it is not always easy to find someone who makes you feel comfortable and mentalize the first time. that a long road is going to begin and that at times it will be very hard.
The decision to lose weight requires being clear that it will be a process that requires great willpower and that it must involve a change in life and for life, because in most cases it will not be enough to strictly follow the diet that you provide us our doctor to lose the excess weight, but it will also be necessary to continue with a maintenance diet for life that must be followed with the same rigor as the first and practically for life if the dreaded rebound effect is to be avoided.
I insist on the importance of finding a doctor who makes the patient feel comfortable and who, after a detailed study of his case, designs a diet according to his needs. If you find a doctor who, as soon as you walk in the door, takes a diet out of the drawer and without doing a sad analysis gives it to you to follow, things do not look good. Better find someone else who shows a little more empathy.
It is not the usual thing, but it is more frequent than one thinks, that to achieve the desired weight loss, apart from the help of an endocrinologist or nutritionist, the help of a psychological therapist is also necessary, since in many cases being overweight is derived from psychological problems of the patient and that, once they have been properly treated, overweight problems are easier to solve.
Being overweight or obese are both terms for having more body fat than what is considered healthy. Both are used to identify people who are at risk for health problems from having too much body fat. However, the term "obese" generally means a much higher amount of body fat than "overweight." Everyone needs some body fat for energy, heat insulation, and other body functions. But having too much can lead to serious health problems. The more body fat you have, the greater your risk for diabetes, kidney disease, heart disease, and other problems.
Keto Slender Weight loss
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is LeptoFix a good product?
How do you stop tyramine headaches?
A diet low in tyramine, substances formed by food fermentation, could reduce the risk of migraine episodes.
Migraine is one of the most powerful and disabling headaches known today. According to the Spanish Society of Neurology, in Spain alone there are more than five million people with this type of pain, and up to 1.5 million of them suffer it chronically. For its part, the World Health Organization already considers migraine one of the ten most disabling diseases. Treatments are not very effective at times, but preventive methods usually work relatively well.
Among these preventive methods, at the dietary level, the low tyramine diet could be a potential nutritional weapon to consider. It is currently unknown why migraines occur, but these substances would have been shown to play an important role in their development.
Low tyramine diet: what is its relationship with migraine?
Tyramines are substances capable of producing changes in blood vessels, which is why they are called "vasoactive". The problem is that they are naturally present in many foods, since they are substances that appear after fermentation processes. The exact mechanism by which tyramines can trigger a migraine is unknown, but it is speculated that there would be some increased sensitivity to them in individuals suffering from this type of headache.
Likewise, there are other substances to take into account, independently of the so-called low tyramine diet. Substances such as glutamate, caffeine or alcohol would also have been linked to migraine. In fact, there are substances rich in caffeine that, in turn, are rich in tyramine, so this would be a double problem.
Low Tyramine Diet: What Foods to Avoid
Tyramines are commonly found in small amounts in protein foods. And, the more these foods are aged or cured, the more concentration of tyramines there will be (since they are produced based on fermentation processes). Despite finding similar foods, their processing, storage and preparation can vary their concentration of tyramine. Likewise, it should be remembered that it is not possible to reduce the amount of tyramine in a food when cooking it.
Therefore, within a diet low in tyramine it would be necessary to eliminate foods related to fermentation processes, which can lead to a fairly extensive list, such as the one offered by the famous Mayo Clinic:
·       Intense or aged cheeses: Cheddar, Swiss, Parmesan, Stilton, Gorgonzola or Camembert. In contrast, cheeses made with pasteurized milk (American, Cottage cheese, Ricotta, or farmhouse cheese and cream cheese) are less likely to contain tyramine. The fresh cheese would be the most acceptable within this type of diet.
·       Cured, smoked, or processed meats.
·       Canned or fermented foods.
·       Sauces: Like soy sauce, fish sauce, miso, or teriyaki sauce.
·       Soy, peas, beans and derived products.
·       Dried or overripe fruits: Such as raisins, prunes, overripe bananas or overripe avocados.
·       Pasta extracted from yeasts.
·       Alcoholic beverages in general.
·       Improperly stored or spoiled food.
For its part, the reasonable doubt in the face of a diet low in tyramine is: what protein products is it possible to eat? In addition to fresh cheese (if we are cheese lovers), there are other foods such as chickpeas (rich in carbohydrates, but also in protein). For its part, since bread is produced thanks to a fermentation process, we can choose to make homemade doughs with other ingredients such as oatmeal or sweet potato.
Likewise, fish in general escapes the list, so we can include it within this type of diet. The meat, for its part, can be included as long as it is fresh and without processing in between.
In conclusion, if we are objective, unless we have a weakness for specific foods like soy or strong cheeses, it is relatively easy to carry out a diet low in tyramines. In fact, this diet can have a healthy, varied and balanced base, since it is necessary to use fresh or barely processed products, always avoiding those that require smoking or fermentation. And, obviously, forgetting harmful substances such as alcohol. Although, for coffee lovers, it can be a complicated type of diet.
Obesity is a condition where the body accumulates excess fat which has a negative impact on health. Genetics, overeating and certain psychological factors are some common causes of obesity. It is no longer a concern that the west is grappling with. It has found its way onto Indian shores and it is a battle that many of us face today. "In this world replete with diabetes and heart disease; it is important to prevent obesity from childhood to stop these diseases from happening.
LeptoFix weight loss
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is SonuFix Worth Trying?
Which foods decrease memory power?
If you are looking to detoxify your body with healthy food, here we suggest 5 recipes for nutritious and natural smoothies specific to certain areas of your body. Specifically, these smoothies will help you improve your brain, intestines, skin and arteries, it is something very healthy and within the reach of many. You will also enjoy all its flavor and freshness.
1. Improve your Brain
Going back to class is quite a challenge. Prepare your mind with this smoothie:
Combine a cup of fresh blueberries, a small banana, and a teaspoon of flaxseed oil.
In this article you will see more foods that help you strengthen your brain
2. Digestion per day
If your digestion hasn't returned to normal, try motivating it with this recipe:
Blend a cup of papaya with a cup of peach, then add half a pear and a teaspoon of fresh ginger. If it is too thick add a little water.
In this article you will see a recipe to help reduce inflammation of the intestines
3. Perfect skin
The blueberries have antioxidants ready to help your skin to regenerate
Mix one cup of fresh blueberries, half a cup of strawberries, and half a cup of cherries. Add ¼ avocado and 2 teaspoons of flaxseed oil with a little water.
In this article you will find the best foods to replenish the collagen in your skin
4. Maximum detoxification
This smoothie may seem strange to you, but we assure you that it tastes delicious:
Blend ½ cup of finely chopped romaine lettuce and 1 ½ of water. Gradually add 3 sticks of celery, 2 small diced apples, 1 small banana, ½ cup of lemon juice and a small piece of parsley. Serve chilled. It is the plus ultra-detoxifier.
In this article you will find a powerful tonic to cleanse and detoxify the liver and gallbladder
5. Control of blood pressure
If you want to clean your arteries and help your heart reduce pressure, make this smoothie:
 Blend 2 small bananas with 2 cups of orange juice. Add a tablespoon of honey and a dash of vanilla.
In this article you will find How to clean the arteries with a simple fruit.
This form is audible to an observer either with a stethoscope or simply by listening in close proximity to the ear. Objective tinnitus accounts for less than 5 percent of overall tinnitus cases and is often associated with vascular or muscular disorders. The tinnitus is frequently described as pulsatile, or synchronous with the patient's heartbeat. In many instances, the cause of objective tinnitus can be determined and treatment, either medical or surgical, may be prescribed.
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Immune Protect a scam?
Do lentils cause inflammation?
I've already explained how having a leaky gut puts you firmly on the autoimmune spectrum. That is why healing your gut is the first pillar of my protocol. Now is the time to make some changes that will bring your gut back to optimal health. One of the best things you can do is stop eating foods that are causing more inflammation and damage to your intestinal tract. Avoiding grains and legumes is important in the process of reversing inflammatory diseases. You want to know why? Read on to understand the reasons and consequences.
Avoid gluten and lentils if you have inflammatory diseases
What is gluten?
Gluten is a group of proteins found in grains such as wheat, semolina, spelled, rye, kamut, and barley. It's what gives bread its sticky, doughy texture, but that's not the only place you'll find it: gluten is used as a food additive in almost all processed foods, from salad dressing to ketchup.
You may wonder how something so common could be harmful to your gut - wouldn't we all be sick? Well, unfortunately, chronic disease, such as heart disease, cancer, or an autoimmune disease has become "fashionable" and the rates are increasing. Gluten has been linked to more than 55 diseases, and it is estimated that 99% of people who are celiac or non-celiac with gluten sensitivity are never diagnosed.
How does gluten cause leaky gut?
In the Autoimmune Solution, I explain in great detail how gluten contributes to a leaky gut which then leads you down the path of autoimmune disease. It stimulates your immune system to attack your own tissues, it is not easy to digest, and it contributes to triggering imbalances such as Candida and SIBO overgrowth. But even more damaging is gluten's ability to trigger the body to produce zonulin, a protein that can signal the tight junctions between cells in your intestines to open and stay open.
The problem with grains and legumes
Wheat is not the only one. Other grains, pseudograins (like quinoa) and legumes, contain similar proteins that contribute to leaky gut and worsen inflammatory diseases in several ways:
·       By harming intestinal cells
·       By opening the tight junctions of the intestinal mucosa
·       Feeding harmful bacteria to create intestinal dysbiosis
The edible part of these plants is the seed, which contains the embryo. In order to pass on its genes, a plant produces its own chemicals to repel pests and prevent digestion. These chemicals can be very harmful to a person with an autoimmune disease or also called inflammatory diseases. I highlight some in particular:
Chemicals in plants that worsen inflammatory diseases
Lectins are plant proteins that bind to carbohydrates. The two types of lectins in particular that are known to cause a problem in humans are agglutinins and prolamines.
Agglutinins work as a natural insecticide and can be an aggravating factor in inflammatory diseases. The effects of lectins within our bodies can be subtle and difficult to recognize, but some agglutinins are incredibly dangerous. Ricin, a lectin in castor beans, is fatally toxic, even in very small amounts.
This is the reason why grains that are genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are especially harmful to those of us with autoimmunity. They have been designed to produce more of their insecticides from the same natural chemicals that are so inflammatory. Because of this, if you choose to include cereals in your diet, I recommend going for the non-GMO and related varieties.
Prolamins are proteins necessary for seed growth, and therefore are not easily digested. Gluten is a prolamine, and most grains contain a prolamine similar in structure to gluten. In a process called cross-reactivity, these prolamines can elicit a similar immune response in those who are sensitive to gluten.
Phytates and phytic acid
Phytates and phytic acid inhibit digestion and bind to certain minerals (specifically zinc, iron and calcium) that are vital for our immune system to function properly, preventing their absorption. GMO grains contain a higher concentration of phytic acid.
Saponins called “glycoalkaloids,” found in very high levels in pseudograins and legumes, are also a natural insecticide produced by these plants. Once they escape the protective lining of your gut (which is easy to happen if you have a leaky gut), they enter your bloodstream and destroy red blood cells.
It is also recommended that people with autoimmune diseases avoid vegetables in the nightshade family (Solanaceae), which includes tomatoes, peppers, and potatoes. These plants are very high in lectins that damage the intestinal lining, easily enter the bloodstream, and do not break down when cooked.
Just as the seed (plant embryo) protects itself naturally with chemical defenses, so do other embryos, such as eggs. Like a seed, eggs contain a protective enzyme. The enzyme, called lysozyme, is inflammatory in people with autoimmune diseases.
While you are going through the 30-day program on the autoimmune solution, there will be many foods that you will temporarily avoid and then add back on. Cereals, legumes, pseudo grains, and some other foods, you will probably have to keep them out of your diet forever, since many people with autoimmunity are extremely sensitive to them. Gluten is an absolute "NO". I do not recommend that anyone add gluten back to their diet.
A note for vegetarians
You may be reading this and wondering what the hell are you going to eat now if your diet is one based on rice and beans. I became a vegetarian at 14, and it was very difficult for me to see that my apparently healthy diet was causing more problems for me. The good news is that there are tons of vegetables that you can continue to enjoy.
Do you want to know more about how to prevent and reverse autoimmune disease?
If you or someone in your family is one of the 50 million people (in the US alone) who suffer from fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, or another autoimmune disorder, there is hope for the prevention and even reversal of the debilitating symptoms that accompany these conditions.
For years, my mission has been to help others find relief in inflammatory conditions, from arthritis to Graves' disease. The Autoimmune Solution is my step-by-step approach that restores the body to its natural state of health in 30 days by eliminating toxic foods, introducing restorative ingredients, and identifying environmental toxins.
The immune system is your body's great defender. It helps stop incoming attacks from viruses and bacteria. It helps your cells bounce back after illness. It can even help reduce the severity of an illness. That's why, especially when viruses and bugs are making the rounds in your community or even just in your home, you should pay a little extra attention to your immune system.
Immune Protect
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sherlysylvia1897 · 3 years
Is Immune Protect a good product?
Are polyphenols nutrient?
Polyphenols are the most abundant bioactive compounds in the diet, found mainly in foods of plant origin, such as vegetables, fruits, cereals and legumes.
These compounds have beneficial effects on the health of the body such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antitumor action, which has as a consequence the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, protection against premature aging, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases.
The average intake of foods rich in polyphenols is usually 10 times greater than that of vitamin C and 100 times greater than that of vitamin E, nutrients that also have antioxidant activity.
However, research to identify the antioxidant activity and disease-preventing effects of polyphenols began to be performed only in 1995, due to the complexity of their chemical structure, which made the discoveries about the importance of these compounds for health delay to be disclosed.
What are polyphenols?
Polyphenols have a common chemical structure derived from benzene attached to a hydrophilic group. Based on the number of polyphenolic rings and the structural components that join these rings together, these substances are classified into four main families, which also have differences in terms of their function: phenolic acids, flavonoids, lignans, and stilbenes.
The change in the eating pattern, together with the greater supply of low-cost industrialized foods, favors an increase in the consumption of high-calorie foods with low nutritional density. Hence the importance of stimulating the consumption of natural or minimally processed foods such as fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
Below you can learn what are the functions and benefits of each class of polyphenols and how to use foods rich in these bioactive compounds every day.
Types of polyphenols, functions and health benefits
There are thousands of phenolic compounds identified by researchers. Based on the chemical structure and function of polyphenols, they can be classified into various types and subtypes. See below the role of different phenolic compounds for health:
These are classified into several subclasses: flavonols, flavones, isoflavones, catechins, anthocyanides, and proanthocyanides. They are the most common polyphenols and can be present in many foods, such as:
·       Onions, which contain a high content of flavonol quercithin;
·       Broccoli, which has high concentrations of myricetin;
·       The purple-red fruits and wild fruits such as grapes, cherries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries and our açaí, rich in anthocyanidins;
·       Citrus fruits such as orange and mandarin, which have flavones in their composition;
·       The apple, source of the flavonoid floridzina;
·       Cocoa, chocolate or green tea, which contain high concentrations of catechins and epicatechins.
The flavonoids have antioxidant action, reduce inflammation and boxes inhibit cell proliferation rampant, preventing the development of tumor cells.
Phenolic acids
Among the main phenolic acids is chlorogenic acid, present in high concentrations in coffee, but it can also be found in citrus fruits, apple, pear, wild fruits, artichoke and eggplant.
Research carried out in recent decades has shown that chlorogenic acid can lower blood glucose levels, induce the multiplication and mobility of macrophages, cells responsible for eliminating foreign bodies from the body, which improves immunity, and acts to protect the genetic code against cell mutations that can cause cancer.
Lignans play a prominent role in their anti-inflammatory function and in the prevention of cancer, since in addition to the antioxidant function, they also act as a phytoestrogen, binding to estrogen receptors and inhibiting their accumulation, which can cause the development of various tumors, especially breast and ovarian cancer.
Flaxseed is the food with the highest lignan content, followed by gergelín and chickpeas.
Stilbenes are also part of an important class of polyphenols, most notably resveratrol.
Mainly present in purple grape peels, resveratrol has the ability to increase the production of HDL, the good cholesterol, and reduce the bad cholesterol, LDL, thus preventing cardiovascular disease.
In addition, it improves the flexibility of blood vessels, which can help reduce blood pressure, and has antioxidant and anticancer action. In addition to consuming the grape itself, it is possible to obtain the benefits of resveratrol from the consumption of red wine and whole grape juice.
Benefits of polyphenols
In general, most polyphenols have some actions in common, such as antioxidant activity and reduction of LDL oxidation, preventing atherosclerosis and limiting the onset of cardiovascular diseases.
Other studies indicate the anticancer effect of phenolic compounds in human cells, especially in the tissues of the oral cavity, stomach, duodenum and colon, lungs, mammary glands and skin.
Anti-diabetic effects have also been reported by inhibiting glucose in the gut and peripheral tissues, which prevents insulin spikes in the blood and reduces fat storage helping those who want to lose weight.
On the other hand, anti-aging and neuroprotective effects have also been observed, since the antioxidant activity of polyphenols is responsible for stopping the accumulation of free radicals that cause early aging and the degeneration of brain cells, which lead to diseases such as evil. Alzheimer's.
How to use foods rich in polyphenols daily?
A healthy diet that contains the most diverse types of polyphenols requires the adoption of diets rich in fruits, vegetables and greens, cereals and legumes.
In addition, including beverages that use purple grapes such as whole grape juice and red wine, green tea, and foods such as cocoa and chocolate in your eating routine can help ensure the presence of phenolic compounds in the diet and take advantage of the benefits what these substances do for health.
The Mediterranean diet, for example, practiced by the inhabitants of the countries bathed by the Mediterranean Sea, is characterized by the abundance in the consumption of fruits, vegetables and vegetables, cereals, legumes and oil seeds, natural herbs and spices, fish, olive oil and red wine.
From these foods it can be guaranteed that the diet is rich in polyphenols and other substances with antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive effects. Epidemiological studies have shown that the Mediterranean diet influences disease prevention, increased well-being and longevity.
The immune system keeps a record of every microbe it has ever defeated, in types of white blood cells (B- and T-lymphocytes) known as memory cells. This means it can recognise and destroy the microbe quickly if it enters the body again, before it can multiply and make you feel sick. Some infections, like the flu and the common cold, have to be fought many times because so many different viruses or strains of the same type of virus can cause these illnesses. Catching a cold or flu from one virus does not give you immunity against the others.
Immune Protect
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