shermanbrown91 · 6 years
You people are fucking stupid. Learn something before you talk shit about people better than you. None of you pieces of shit have enough value to be fed the corn out of her shit.
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shermanbrown91 · 6 years
John Oliver is informative? Are you fucking stupid? Can't take anything you say serious now. Except for take a shower, anyone that considers this good advice probably has spent too much time smashing windows on their local campus to take a shower in the last couple of years.
While you’re on a study break:
Paint your nails. Doesn’t matter if you’re good at it or not. It’s a quiet, calming, easy activity that takes up the perfect amount of time for a break and still requires some amount of focus. Put on a Youtube video or Netflix while you do it.
Watch a John Oliver video. If you don’t know him, he’s a comedian and host of Last Week Tonight on HBO. His pieces are hilarious, informative, and all around 15-20 minutes. 
Change the sheets on your bed. Changing your sheets often is good for your skin, still technically productive, and who doesn’t love snuggling up in a fresh bed after a long day? 
While you’re at it, clean your space. It’ll get you on your feet and again, still technically being productive. 
Make yourself something to drink. I hate to be that blogger™ but  Stay hydrated, loves! No energy drinks, if you need something more exciting. We are adults in this household, we get our caffeine like adults. Always go tea or coffee. 
Take a nap. There are legends that if you drink a coffee before you take a nap, the caffeine will wake you up naturally a little bit later and you’ll feel super energized. That sounds fake but idk knock yourselves out. 
Put on an RIP Vine compilation and dissociate for a bit. I’m not kidding.
Take a shower. Or just stand there under the hot water a bit. You’ll feel like a new being. 
Know that you are a boss
You got this and I believe in you 
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
No you didn't waste anything. I'm glad we had this discussion. I say this with total sincerity. I sent 22 years of my life so you could disagree with me. All I hope is you keep talking and be open to others. If you really listen you might find we all have more in common than at first appearance. BTW. I will listen too. I got a lot to learn as well 😊
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
That I agree with you. It is quite often that things get carried too far especially by government. I spent 22 years holding fast to the belief that you and everyone that thinks like you is entitled to there beliefs. I am one of those military guys that doesn't give a crap about who is gay straight trans or what ever. But, much like a kitchen you want your fridge to be cold and the oven to be hot. The military is a unique place where some things have to be a little different. Then other places in our country.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
Listen I'm not anti gay or anti trans or anti anybody. But some people don't fit into some places. And the likely hood of a trans person fitting into the military is very slim. And the military doesn't owe anyone the opportunity to serve. I don't fit into your profession I'm just mature enough to understand it. I currently work with nurses. I respect them but I don't belong there. It's just life
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
No!! different branches don't get different time. Everyone gets 30 days. Yes 2.5 days per month X 12 months = 30 days.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
You have no association with the military. Otherwise you would know we only get 30 days of "leave". Also known as PAID vacation by people who don't know shit about the military. You are full of shit. And unless you got your BSN when you were 19 you have not been working in the capacity of an RN with the military. Or cleaning up all the PTSD problems that you claim. As usual with liberal liars, you make up any lie to pretend that your weak beliefs have merit.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
Pretty judgmental. You are an intellectual coward. You ran from every point presented because you are a snowflake that has never had to hear an apposing thought. So consider yourself intellectually defeated by some old guy that only likes pictures of Asian girl porn. Better luck next time. Try to find someone as feeble minded as yourself. You might fair better
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
"Doing time" is what people in prison do. Military people "serve". Also young lady. According to your profile you are 22 years old. You have a BSN and have passed your RN. You have been working with military members for possibly 2 years. It is rather arrogant of you to assume that you are so much more enlightened than someone that did what you are talking about for as long as you have been alive. If you feel so strongly about what you speak. Please kindly donate your time free of charge to trans RN's and cover their shifts so they can still get paid while you do their work for them. Please remember this is what you expect of the service members you claim to support. You still don't understand or are choosing to ignore the objection that I submit is the real issue. Transgender individuals have medical issues that distract from being able to perform their duties then their duties fall on other soldiers. That is not fair. If you believe otherwise donate your time before you demand that other donate theirs.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
The article addressed transgender. How much time will a transgender spend on sick call. How much duty time will a transgender miss while going thru all the surgeries. Who is going to cover down while this person is away. The other soldiers, that's who. It's not fair to the other soldiers having to pick up the slack for a soldier that can not perform their duties. Nothing was said about gays. Gays have served for a long time with no issues. Lots of gays do a great job. Most gays serve and no one even knows they are gay. As it should be. Sexuality should not be the focus. Only mission accomplishment
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
I retired from the Army after 22 years on active duty as a CW4. I support all people being able to live what ever life they chose to live but the Army is not a social experiment it serves 1 purpose to defend the country. Anything, and mean ANYTHING that creates a distraction from the mission should not be allowed. Another good example is adultery. The military punishes this under UCMJ not because of morality but because soldier screwing other soldiers wives cause distraction from the mission. The military is a different animal and should be treated as such. The selection process discriminates against many types of people.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
No one has the right to serve in the military. Do people who can only do 3 push-ups have rights? What about people that who can not run 2 miles in 20 minutes do they have rights. What if you are 49 years old and decide to join the military for the first time? Does that 49 year old have rights? All these people are excluded. Trans should be excluded not because it is right or wrong to be trans but because it takes the focus away from mission accomplishment.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
You would be a great nazi
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
How is this a human right?
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
The reason that transgender should not be allowed to serve in the military is the exact same reason the #staff felt the need to post 5 separate crisis/helpline numbers.
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We are appalled by President Trump’s tweets about banning transgender people from military service. There are an estimated 15,000 transgender people already working in the Department of Defense, putting their lives on the line to protect our nation and its values. Those values do not include the heartlessness exhibited by Mr. Trump this morning. Discrimination has no place in our government, in our workplaces, our schools, or anywhere else in our lives.
While it’s still unclear what the actual policy ramifications of these tweets will be, we recommend keeping up with (and, if you can, donating to) the ACLU and the Transgender Legal Defense and Education Fund. 
You can also directly tell the president how unacceptable his attack on American servicepersons is by using this form provided by the @transgenderfreedomproject.
We know there will be plenty of conversation about this on Tumblr in the coming days, and we urge you to take this moment to support and educate each other in whatever ways you can. And if you just need someone to talk to right now, there are people here to listen, 24 hours a day, seven days a week:
Trans Lifeline: A crisis hotline by and for the transgender community. 877-565-8860
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
Crisis Text Line: Text START to 741741
The Trevor Lifeline (@thetrevorproject​): Confidential hotline for LGBTQ+ young people. 1-866-488-7386
The GLBT National Help Center: Free and confidential peer support for the LGBTQ+ community at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743
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shermanbrown91 · 7 years
Health care is not a right because it is dependent on requiring other free human beings to provide a service to you. Rights can not be denied, so I guess all those that believe it's a right are cool with making others your slave. Shame on you for trying to bring back slavery.
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This is Kylie Jean ❤️ Kylie was born with a pretty common heart defect. We were assured that most children grow out of it by the time they are 2 and those ones that don’t, usually always grow out of it by the time they are 4. Unfortunately, the valves pumping blood to Kylie’s heart have not grown in they ways we have hoped and now almost 5 and a half, we start our journey to find the best solution for Kylie and will see just what her diagnosis is for the future.
We are able to double insure Kylie due to the protections pre-existing conditions have under the ACA. Without insurance, a heart surgery will bankrupt not only my husband and I but her father and step-mother as well. There is no reason why 4 hard working people should be forced to loose their homes in order to save their child. We would gladly give our home to save her life, but it’s pretty awful when you have to choose to be homeless to save your child in this country.
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