shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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so maybe… just maybe ryder should have been pressing more attention to his surroundings instead of centering on a single human but in his defense mutt was the one making a big commotion out of the whole thing. the dark haired male took a step back as the undead guy fell next to him causing the dog to jump up in surprise, his teeth baring towards the corpse. “listen i know that i ate your last snack but getting me killed won’t solve anything, in fact, i bet the rest of the group would cook you up if you went home without me,” he scolded the dog with furrowed brows as he placed his hand out towards the confused pup, “save it for the judge!” as if the dog had—or was—trying to reply back to him. ryder straightaway shifted his attention from the german shepherd over towards the human who almost shot him. “thankfully i had no cover to be blown, to begin with, most humans tend to stay clear of me,” he announced keeping the pistol right under his nose, his light brown hues focusing on the person in front of him—oh it was a girl. “you know you could have killed me right? that bullet could have missed him and gone directly towards me and then i would have been the dead one and i like to be very much alive,” he spoke ahis tone hinting towards slight annoynace. why were all the girls in this damn game trying to kill him?
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xena’s head cocked slightly to the right as she watched the interaction between the boy before her and his dog. it wasn’t necessarily a normal talk to your dog situation, but more so a full blown conversation. by now she’d come across enough situations that nothing really surprised her anymore - this was just another for the books. as soon as he averted his attention back to her, she couldn’t help but roll her eyes. “really? because i believe it was your screaming that drew the walker,” she retaliated, eyebrows raising. she really wasn’t impressed. most humans tended to stay away from him? she was the one with the barrel of her gun in line with his head. the boy’s complaint for the sheer possibility of her having shot him was just another thing leading to a minor internal explosion. all she wanted was to hear anything other than the boy before her bitching about scenarios that quite frankly, didn’t happen. “here’s the thing- you’re alive. not to mention, i don’t miss,” xena began, taking a small step forward. she flashed a fake, close-mouthed smile. “so just to be clear, i would like to remind you that you do have gun to your head, and whining to me about how i may have not saved your life, even though i did save your life just sounds extremely dumb right now.” her tone reciprocated the annoyance the boy seemed to feel, except seven times amplified. her patience was fleeting, and it was clear by the the look in her eyes. wild fire. “i believe the words you’re looking for is thank you, but you’re certainly not the first one around here to have forgotten their manners.” she pressed the gun forward to meet his skin. “i’m xena, you are?”
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
“Girls like her were born in a storm. They have lightning in their souls, Thunder in their hearts, and chaos in their bones.”
— Girls like Her | Nikita Gill (via untamedunwanted)
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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arden’s heart practically jumped out of her chest at the sight of the gun, but the girl on the other end of it was definitely not who she expected to see. she put her hands up to show that she had no weapons and wasn’t planning on using any either, she only hoped that the brunette didn’t see that as weakness and off her right there. “yeah, not terrible. i was just hoping if i died young it would be by something stupid. like a meteor hitting me in the head.” she tried to lighten up the situation, following her sentence with a small laugh, “maybe…you can put down the gun? it’s staring at me.” she shifted her view away from the gun in her face and made eye contact with the girl, “i just told you about my glittery dance recital i obviously won’t hurt you.” 
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no weapons. the girl before her had no weapons. how was she alive after all this time? a soft laugh emit her lips as she girl continued, once more, to talk her way through the situation. “a meteor in the head? i’m not sure i’d like to go that way. i’m much more interested in the glitter,” xena admitted, a smug smile at her lips. at the girl’s request, she slowly lowered the gun to her side, yet kept it in hand just in case. she needed to ensure that the girl before her didn’t try anything, but even more so that if any undead came their way, she’d be prepared. her eyebrows furrowed together as she looked at the girl. “so what are you doing here? stealth can’t possibly be your skill,” the words came out in a laugh, without any mean intent. it was just a genuine, fair question. the girl before her had been wandering around the area with heavy steps, weaponless, with no one along her side. was the location clear of the undead? it didn’t seem so. xena’s tone and actions were a surprisingly quick transformation: assassin xena to approachable college xena. she hadn’t felt the latter in a while. 
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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inhale, exhale. inhale, exhale. her heart pounded. her ears felt as if they were buzzing, a noise only processed as static. she felt numb. it wasn’t her first time seeing the undead- no, not even close. but today was different. they’d swarmed her. not a few- a few was fine, manageable even. a medium sized group could be too. but fifty? she’d been trying her best to stay away from locations she knew the undead gravitated towards, yet, of course, no such luck. fifty following, swarming, groaning. this was the first time xena had truly considered what it would have been like if she were to have had someone to cover for her. a team, a partnership, anything. bolting through a department store and she was cornered. slipping out a back exit, cornered. climbing up a fire escape, a tug at her ankle. she aimed down, the barrel of the gun right in line with the center of the walker’s forehead. a loud crack and he was gone. it was only after crossing the roof connections between the next three buildings that she found a place she was able to climb down from. it looked clear. wrong. fifty following? no, five. fine. her gun went off in five loud pops, one immediately after the other. each walker fell to the pavement. she paused, hesitant to move forward. she needed a moment to breathe. her heart felt heavy. there was only one other time xena had feared she might be bitten. reliving that experience was not something she’d hoped for. she moved slowly and cautiously down the alley, keeping her body hidden among the large wooden crates that filled the street. she peaked through the cracks of the crates as she moved, eyes focusing in on a man seemingly about her own age standing along the end of the fence. he came partnered with a dog. her heart hurt. a dog. oh, how she missed dogs. “your cover is blown!” the voice was loud, but sounded uncertain. she was nearly positive he couldn’t see her. she reached for her gun, both hands clamping around the grip as she weaved between the crates. she just needed to analyze the threat. just a little bit closer. then, she saw it. an undead. it moved slowly, almost at the pace she was now, coming up upon the boy whose gun pointed in her own general vicinity. he was too focused on her to notice. “shit.” a quick decision: shoot the walker and chance the human thinking she was going to shoot him, or hope he didn’t get bit. hope. it had become such a funny thing at this point. hope didn’t do shit. screw hope. she pivoted out from behind a crate, lining up the gun with the walker’s head. it would go right past the boy’s ear. a chance she was willing to take. as the dead being reached forward her finger pushed down against the trigger which catapoulted the bullet forward, grazing right past the boy’s ear and into the walker’s head. it stumbled forward, nearly falling onto the boy, but missing. she scrunched her nose. gross. xena kept her hands firmly around the gun, keeping it level as she continued forward in his direction. they stood merely a few yards apart. “i hate to say it, but i believe you’re the one who blew their cover.” what could she say? she was a cocky son of a bitch. 
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        maybe this wasn’t a good idea but then again when did ryder ever have any actual good ideas? those were as rare as finding an actual safe haven that wouldn’t get run down by the zombies within a week. after staking out a clinic for more than a few hours the built male had finally decided to stop being a sitting duck and find some supplies for his small group ( by group he meant axel, dakota, and zee )  back in the rv since they were running pretty low after they got raided by another group while they were away in search of a place to set up camp. he huffed out loudly as jumping over a fence; mutt by his side keeping their eyes open for any possible movement. upon hearing the dog growl in the direction next to him ryder wasted no time pulling out his .45 pistol from his back pocket, aiming in front of him raking the area with his eyes; his finger ready on the trigger. the dark haired male looked down at the german shepherd who was snarling,  his tail between his legs and ryder knew that could only mean one thing; there was an undead walking somewhere. ryder clicked his tongue twice signaling towards the dog to find their location and with that, the dog bolted behind the clinic. ryder wasted no time in running behind him trying to catch up just to keep up and making sure nothing happened to his companion.  just like that the dog came to a halt his teeth being exposed as he growled in the opposite direction in which ryder was positive a zombie would be but it could only mean one thing—  it was now a human. “your cover is blown!” he shouted  not caring about the fact he was drawing attention to himself, “ so, if i were you i’d stop playing hide and seek and just come out with your hands up and i might just not kill you,”  his voice was emotionless but stern the gun already aiming towards their direction.
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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Space Jam dir. Joe Pytka, 1996
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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the sound of footsteps echoed down the hall. it seemed human- too concrete and on pace for a zombie. in a way, xena felt she should be relieved. yet despite this knowledge, she found her focus heightening. she wasn’t about to take any chances. it didn’t take long being trapped in infected to figure out that the people you had to be the most cautious of were the humans. the zombies were all the same: emotionless, empty, hungry. you found something sharp, shot them through the brain and they were dead. not that completing the process was a simple feat, but the steps themselves - simple. humans on the other hand? she’d come across quite the range. there were the aware, the malicious, and of course the scared shitless. xena pressed her back firmly against the wall, her right hand creeping towards the handle of the gun that fit snugly into the back of her pants. her fingers moved one by one to wrap around the grip of the gun, closing around it with a tight squeeze. she focused on the footsteps: they were getting closer. thump, thump, thump. within moments her body pivoted, jolting the gun up in line with her gaze. the barrel of the gun came face to face with- not who she was expecting. a petite, blonde girl. xena’s head cocked somewhat to the right, eyebrows raising as the girl before her rambled on. a soft, relieved breath emit her lips. the girl’s comments were rather amusing and in a time where xena found herself constantly under pressure, it was hard not to pair an eye roll with a smile in response. she didn’t move the gun.  “glitter? doesn’t sound like a bad way to go.” 
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you could hear every step arden made, she was quick on her feet but definitely not silent. as if she cared, she planted the idea in her brain that she could out run any sticky situation she might get herself into, which wasn’t entirely false but wasn’t the truth either. she was way too confident for her own good. she strolled down the empty pathway, heavy footed and not really paying attention to her surroundings. which is why she jumped, almost lifted off the ground when she saw the figure of what seemed to be a person step in front of her. she tried to react as quickly as possible, before taking a second glance. “shit, fuck, don’t tell me i’m dead.” she mumbled in panic before realizing that the figure in front of her was a person. she grabbed her chest to make sure her heart was still beating before continuing, “you can’t sneak up on people like that!” she snapped, “i saw my life flash before my eyes…and there was a lot of glitter involved. am i really gonna see my fifth grade dance recital before i die? that’s so sad.” 
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
and that was the thing about her, she kept on surviving. with bullet holes in her lungs, and knife marks etched in her back. she never let anything get in her way, resilient. a fighter, not by choice. but a warrior at heart.
k. azizian (via wnq-writers)
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
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hello hello, my name is ashley and i am so excited for this. sorry i’m late to the party but a quick one two three about me is that i just started watching the walking dead two days ago ( bc of this rp tbh!! ), i will tirelessly promote mamma mia!: here we go again ( out july 20th... be there ), and i’m currently reading wishful drinking by carrie fisher. down below is a little snip it about my girl xena if you’d like to check it out. sorry it’s kind of a mess but i’m really excited about her. i am so open to plotting or just talking so feel free to send me a dm. p.s. if the apostraphes are turning into crazy code im really sorry i have no idea how to fix it and it doesn’t look like that when i’m editing the post : ( clicking read more & looking at it on my blog seems to work better 
*・°☆━━ congratulations! you’re officially logged on as XENA RIAN! you have chosen your avatar to look just like DANIELLE CAMPBELL and they are TWENTY - THREE years old. their main skill is SURVIVALIST! you have given them the traits +STRATEGIC along with being -STRONG WILLED! well done! you have chosen them to be known as the VALKYRIE of infected! is this information correct? you will arrive to the world of infected shortly! please wait! trigger warnings!! death, car crash, heart attack, depression, anxiety
R E A L      L I F E / finley hannigan was born in seattle, wa where she grew up and lived until she was eighteen years old. after graduating high school finley moved out to los angeles, california to continue her education in college / in college finley is studying writing & producing for television. she would love to work in the realm of being a screenwriter, showrunner, and maybe a producer or director one day / growing up finley didn’t necessarily have a typical childhood. it wasn’t necessarily completely unusual and she was sure somewhere out there could relate on some extent, she just hadn’t met those people yet. when fin was ten years old her mother and her were driving and a car bashed right into the driver side door. her mother and her were both taken urgently to the hospital. her mother, who was driving, faced more serious injuries, where fin had a a cut on the top right of her forehead, and a busted lip. she was more so mentally traumatized than physically. upon her dad’s arrival to the hospital, her mother died only minutes later. she’d lost too much blood. in her dad’s shock, he faced a heart attack. he was able to get stable before suffering another, dying just hours after finley lost her mom. / she moved in with her grandma, who had lost her own husband a few years prior. from then on it was the two of them. her grandmother meant everything to finley. growing up her grandmother always called her ‘ xena ‘, for she always told her that she was a warrior princess. in finley’s edgy phase, she claimed she wanted to be a king - because according to the patriarchy, they had the power: so her nickname changed to ‘ rian ‘, which means king. over time the two names became interchangeable with her real name, and often times she responded better to those than her own. / when finley was nineteen, her grandmother passed away. her will? funds for college and her house to xena. so she lived on her own. her already independent nature amplified and she learned to take care of herself. she prefers not to rely too much on people. she’d had far too little luck with people sticking around. / despite her own family struggles and learning to cope with both depression and anxiety, the girl continued to have a kind heart. despite her occasional depressive episode, she remains compassionate, thoughtful, witty, and extremely determined. / finley began playing infected as a form of gathering information for a new screeplay. as anticipated, apocalypse themed . she wanted to make sure she had as close as possible an understanding of the scenery, the experience, what you needed to figure out, but most of all the feeling. I N    T H E     G A M E / finley’s gamer tag? xena rian. those nicknames had to be put to use - thanks grandma!! / she entered the game with a couple friends. they were going to help her with notes about their own experience so she could try and get some different perspectives for her screenplay. except they didn’t always go in together. when the game became real - she had no idea where they were. other than that she knew one of them was online / naturally, xena became a survivalist. that’s what she’s been all her life - it seemed rather fitting. / she’s yet to come across many people and not opposed to being in a group, but the few small groups she had come upon didn’t want a ‘girl to slow them down’ or were honestly just being stupid. little did they know of her specializing as a survivalist, having a very good general skill set, not to mention her sub-skills of a medic & an assasin. W A N T E D     C O N N E C T I O N S / her friend who was logged on to help finley w/ her script. of course it was fun for all of them, and that was certainly just an excuse to play the game more, finley puts quite a bit of blame on herself. this relationship can have varying backgrounds that we can definitely come up with together!! i’m super open haha - i think it would be cool if this was someone who it took a bit for her to find ... if she ever does / the team: a group of people ( maybe a group of survivalists? ) that band together and realize that a small group isn’t so bad. they form a very family-like relationship: extremely protective over one another, provide relief, but of course squabbling & dumb fights from stress, the ability to make each other laugh like no other. this would all of course be built up over time!! / “hi i saved your ass, see you later”: someone that she saved from getting infected but he split off from pretty soon after when she got them back to their group. they could maybe run into each other later and have some sort of a relationship form off of that? / we’re constantly bickering can you please shut up but also i kind of like you / someone from her school: they might not know one another, but they see each other and whether or not they decide to stay together, they feel a bit better having someone to remind them of home / i’m honestly so open to anything so please feel free to send me a message if you have any ideas!! i would absolutely love to plot with any and all of you
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
i guess i’m joining that tag dump!! train. choo choo
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shesavalkyrie-blog · 6 years
*・°☆━━ congratulations! you’re officially logged on as XENA RIAN! you have chosen your avatar to look just like DANIELLE CAMPBELL and they are TWENTY - THREE years old. their main skill is SURVIVALIST! you have given them the traits +STRATEGIC along with being -STRONG WILLED! well done! you have chosen them to be known as the VALKYRIE of infected! is this information correct? you will arrive to the world of infected shortly! please wait! (ashley/seventeen/post/she-her)
loading…xena rian profile, this will take a few minutes please relax and await further instruction. DANIELLE CAMPBELL is now taken. you have exactly SIX hours to send in your account. if more time is needed please let us know.
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