WAIT! I missed it. Did she finally admit to lying??? I must say... finalllyyyyy!!!!
Well she herself didn't admit to it, but her best friend kiana finally got sick of putting up with her shit and told everyone the truth
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dude, so many of the messages are like "what's she ever done to YOU?!" ummmm, she was pretty mean to people in general, and she was rude and condescending in answering messages and just a general mean girl to everyone, she seriously acted superior and then sent her followers to hate on anyone who called her out HELLO, not cool. no wonder some people don't like her
Yeah I know, it was stupid. I'm glad people realise she was lying the whole time
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I'm going back and looking at all these messages and laughing at how stupid people seem now it was so obvious she was lying I'm surprised no one called her out sooner.
I guess people just wanted to believe her because they wanted to know the boys?? Or maybe everyone just didn't think people could stoop so low and lie about knowing people?? Idk idk I'm glad everything is out in the open now :))
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how'd you find out that she was lying?
I had a feeling. Her story didn't add up. She had no proof. Little things that made me wonder if she was telling the truth.
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Hi hi hi i just saw ur last post and just curious i dont no who u r but what r u right about lol like wht have u been saying that is now right sorry im nosy
She is/was a major blog in the 5sos family who claimed she was friends with the boys for a few years. She lied to everyone, even her friends. She doesn't know the boys at all and everyone is finally calling her out on her bullshit :)
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I'd like everyone who has given me hate over the past few months to apologise because I wAS FUCKING RIGHT AND YOU BITCHES DIDNT BELIEVE ME.
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I can't help but laugh at these anons because they're talking about you being a hypocrite and such by giving "anonymous" hate, yet they're doing JUST that. I don't get it???
Yes thankyou that is exactly the point I'm trying to convey to them
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did she tell you personally that she doesn't have a past with luke? she's not going to openly brag about it because then she gets called out by little insecure bitches like you. you're very hypocritical aren't you. nothing on this blog is true, it's simple an assumption to what you don't know. lol
You're making an assumption about her past with Luke though? I see no difference.
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please seek medical attention. you're bipolar. and very hypocritical. you need to see a therapist cause taking your anger out on an innocent girl isn't working for you. you tried.
How am I a hypocrite?
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what are you calling her out on exactly? what has she personally done to YOU to make YOU so upset with her. you don't know anything about her relationship with the boys. but you are in no place to call her out because you don't know anything. so please, do tell us, what has she done SOOO badly to you???
But that's the thing, she has told me things. :))
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you're sick to death of it? how do you think she feels? you're a fucking lying ass bitch yourself. nothing you say on this blog is true. she didn't leave the fandom because of the new tour. she left it because something happened between them all, so don't assume shit you don't actually fucking know. you don't know anything. you're a hate blog & you need to seek medical attention.
Excuse u but if you read what she posted about it all she said she left because they were becoming something they were not and turning into a pop band like 1D and LM
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how did you actually think she would react to this blog? be nice to you? give you what you want? nah. i would be mad and a real bitch to you if this was a hate blog toward me. treat others how you want to be treated. you treat her like shit, she's going to do the exact same. i don't blame her for leaving this fucked up fandom.
She's back in the fandom now so it can't be too fucked up :)))))))
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lmao. and your main blog is what? you can't even say it because you don't want to get hate? but you're sitting here hating on her? calling someone out is hating. this is a hate blog.
Bitch come off anon and say it I'm sick to death of people sending anonymous hate and then calling me a hypocritical bitch like come off anon and so will I
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lmao why are you tagging her url? that's so attention seeking, it's like you want people to hate her hahahah she's done nothing wrong you fucking bitch hhahahahaha grow the fuck up
Hahaha I don't want people to hate her I was people to realise she's lying bye
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she doesn't even follow 5sos on instagram anymore.. im a friend of her's and i know her and luke had a pastt but its over now and she doesn't want anything to do with them. shes in the 5sos family for the 5sos family. she isn't a fan of 5sos anymore she just tolerates them and supports them. you don't actually know anything about her or anything that's going on so why don't you just stop making assumptions its fucking stupid and bullying. fuck off with your hate blog you're not helping.
She said she didn't have a past with Luke though? :)))I don't support the stuff she says said about them recently and if she was actually friends with them previously I don't see why she hates them for a decision they made which will give them the chance to plays for hundreds and thousands of people???
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why dont you go and make a hate blog for someone who is actually bragging about knowing someone. jess doesn't say anything about the boys, she always keeps to herself. why dont you make a hate blog for someone like sara ellen. now that's one girl that flaunts about knowing the boys and making up stories.
I have no idea who this chick is so she can't be that bad tbh oops
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This isn't a hate blog I'm just calling people out for their bullshit bye
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