sheswoven · 1 year
ONCE MY SCHOOL YEAR AT WORK IS OVER it's over for all of y'all. i'm going to be so active. the tldr is that i have been living with undiagnosed ADHD and my life has been way harder than i realized.
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sheswoven · 1 year
working on some replies on diana , but am also splitting time with @ravenflew
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sheswoven · 1 year
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You look… older. Well, that’s a first.
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sheswoven · 1 year
hi there !! i am slowly making my way back to the blog today after an extended illness . this is just a very gentle reminder that my rules for interaction are clearly stated on my carrd . please do not infringe upon my boundaries by forcing contact by means of reblogging , liking, or following / unfollowing to gain my attention . it creates an extreme amount of anxiety and frustration .
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sheswoven · 1 year
this blog is two years old. wow.
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sheswoven · 1 year
i got really sick right after my trip so I’ve been down for the count but! i am rounding the corner and will be picking at replies as i have the energy
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sheswoven · 1 year
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“Marie, La Robe est belle,” I told her, fingering the heavily embroidered silk. Stylized cornucopias, familiar symbols of abundance and fertility, were stitched all over in gold, black, and rose thread. Rosettes and sprigs of leaves accompanied the flower-filled horns, while bands of embroidery edged both pairs of scrolls, moons, and stars. At the shoulders a row of square flaps called pickadils hid the laces that tied sleeve to bodice. despite the elaborate ornamentation, the bodice’s elegant curves fit perfectly, and my wishes on the subject of farthingales had at least been honored. The skirts were full, but that was due to the volume of fabric rather than any wire contraption. The only thing I wore under the petticoats was the stuffed doughnut that rested on my hips and silk hose.
🌙 Diana’s wedding dress in Shadow of Night: All Souls Trilogy by Deborah Harkness 
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sheswoven · 1 year
i am on vacation for the remainder of this week! slow reply atm !
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sheswoven · 1 year
i am on vacation for the remainder of this week! slow reply atm !
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sheswoven · 1 year
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A DISCOVERY OF WITCHES 3.05 | dir. Debs Paterson
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sheswoven · 1 year
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THERE IS SO MUCH LOVE . she had worried about it , truly worried . worried that for some reason , to be a mother would not suit her . that her heart would not stretch to accommodate the room that the twins needed . but there was is much room , now . diana has only just finished showing her infants her newest spell , sending a small universe to orbit around their little heads , when aveira plops down beside her .
❝ you hear that , bud ? i think you'll hear it a lot . so get used to it . ❞ she smiles at the boy , stroking the tip his nose with her finger . she studies aveira's face for some sort of upset . something to have prompted the outburst . she smiles at the teasing words . ❝ and now we're two fools with two babies . they're doomed . ❞
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philip reaches for the woman , and diana scoops him up , shifting him so that he may rest in aveira's arms if she deems fit . predictably , becca is disinterested with everyone and anything that is not matthew .
❝ did he do something to deserve this particular snark , or is he just being predictably matthew & annoying you by that sheer fact alone ?❞
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╰    ˟  ⊰   ━━━━    ✧     EASILY  ANNOYED  BY  THE  HAPPENINGS  OF  MAN,  she  sinks  into  the  plush  sofa,  sitting  beside  diana  with  a  huff.  two  smooth-cheeked  infants  rest  in  the  witch's  lap   &&  the  cooing  of  little  philip  brings  a  loving  smile  to  her  face.  to  have  a  child  is  a  blessing  aveira  has  not  experienced  in  centuries.  though  she  longs  to  feel  the  weight  of  a  baby  in  her  arms  &&  hear  high-pitched  laughter  throughout  her  home,  she  has  made  no  effort  to  adopt.  for  now,  she  is  content  with  the  presence  of  diana   &&  matthew's  twins. ❛      your  father  is  a  fool,  little  one,  but  do  not  tell  rebecca          ━━          she's  far  too  fond  of  him,  i  think. ❜      luminous  eyes  shift  to  diana   &&  with  a  shake  of  her  head,  she  sighs. ❛      and  you  are  the  fool  who  has  married  him. ❜      aveira's  words  are  teasing   &&  heavy  with  amusement.
                        the  boy's  blood  SINGS  to  her  &&  when  he  reaches  out  to  her  with  curious  hands,  she  provides  him  with  a  slender  finger  to  hold  onto. ❛      in  all  his  obsessions,  i'm  afraid  he  may  lose  sight  of  what  lies  in  front  of  him. ❜      
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sheswoven · 1 year
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you have always been a child between . A WITCH APART . indepdendent & private diana bishop of the all souls universe . established march 2021 & loved by kay ( 25+ she/her). medium - low activity CARRD . AFFILIATED WITH @hestorment. D&D OC .
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sheswoven · 1 year
i am . . . making my first ever carrd for diana and omg. i am enjoying myself.
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sheswoven · 1 year
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STRANGELY , DESPITE THE LESIONS ON EVERY limb , the abrasions , the noise in her head - - she is more at ease than the days at sept - tours previously have allowed her to feel . astoria speaks to her as if she is a person rather than some other thing - - a problem to be dealt with . she wonders how much she can chalk up to her sustained trauma , and how much is merely astoria being herself . diana understands that astoria is baldwin's mate , but knows very little else to make a judgement of her character . she doesn't know any of them , really , nor do they really know her . and yet now , all of their lives are intimately bound . she snorts a half - laugh when astoria mentions her handling of a difference in philosophical opinion. truthfully , it sounds like something she'd do . her impression of matthew elicits an actual laugh , one that briefly reminds her of the pain in her ribs , and more still , solidifies the knowledge that while her heart seems to know matthew intimately , she does not really know him at all . there are others that have come before , and there are so many that will know him after .
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❝yes . scientific history - - alchemy, primarily . more often than not , i think he attributes any area in which i might know better to the usage of magic . and maybe he's right , but still - - how could i possibly know ANYTHING without having lived it ? the fact that i got newton down in writing really irked him .  ❞ she shrugs . ❝ i'd put money on you in a philosophical debate , though . matthew's views are . . . a bit too introspective to really be generalized . ❞ it's a nicer way to say that he hates himself too much to interpret passages that speak of salvation when he considers himself damned .
despite her concern over the sofa , diana finds herself picking at a thread on a throw pillow . she is restless , still , even in a time of recovery . she needs to MOVE , and so she fidgets as she listens to what might have been . astoria makes it out to be the equivalent of a 19th century romance novel , in which the young woman meets the imposing , wealthy relative and is told that she simply WILL NOT DO. elizabeth bennet meeting the lady catherine de bourgh . it , somehow , does not sound EASIER .
just as soon as the theoretical reply is on her tongue , ( good to know . i'm not particularly good at dinner parties , so i thought i'd just expedite the process by upsetting the natural order of things and then getting thrown down a hole . ) it dissipates . eyes widen , and she nods slowly , as if she understands && yet cannot fathom what the other woman as just said .
she had never put much stock in sarah's prejudice against other creatures , particularly vampires . witches had savagery all of their own . she had experienced it firsthand . still , being faced with the standard practices of an ancient vampire family is still jarring .
and yet astoria glides by it elegantly , as if it is commonplace . and , perhaps , it is . she does not know this woman , she reminds herself . she does not want to pry . vampires are particular about their pasts, and as miriam informed her , they don't tell tales . but they surely have them . the conversation circles back , though , to the colossal elephant in the room . the simple solution that is far from it . the one , she knows , that matthew has REFUSED .
she yearns to go to the white table in her mind. to FIGURE OUT what everyone else is all too keen to solve for her .
❝ i. . . i don't have much magic to begin with. i never had the aptitude . it's chaotic , at best . not something i lived my life chasing . until i almost drowned myself because i was sad . i don't think i can ignore it now . ❞ she adjusts herself on the sofa with a wince . ❝ i know it's not worth much . really , i do . but i love matthew . so much. and i know this is worth even less , but i'm not really a 'start - a - species - war ' kind of person . i don't really know what i am . ❞ eyes dip down to the cushion she is fiddling with , as she suddenly feels too vulnerable to continue . she thinks , for a fleeting moment , that she wants her parents .
❝ so . . . prepare me . no one tells me anything. i'm not a vampire with thousands of years of lived experience, but i'm also not an idiot . i can handle it . i just need the information . ❞ she sighs . ❝ i need help ❞
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"I don't think they've ever settled a dispute with poetry, but Matthew and I did once get into a days-long debate about theology that was only dropped when I insisted on quoting the same passage of Aquinas to him until he was too disgusted to argue further."
She smiles at that, really smiles, and she wears the expression of every younger sister remembering the last time she was right. She has always been good with people—it is no less necessary now than it was when she was Diana's age, navigating one of the most dangerous courts in Europe, or last in Diana's shoes, trying to determine how best to limit the pain inflicted upon her. But it doesn't take much skill to know that Diana, like any self-respecting woman with a sense of humor, will enjoy a moment's distraction in the form of gentle mockery aimed at someone she loves. And since there aren't exactly embarrassing baby photos to share...
"I'm normally much more thorough," Astoria continues, eyes sparkling with mischief, and she leans forward as if they're in one another's confidence, a perfectly normal pair of sisters-in-law gossiping lovingly about their husbands over coffee and newspapers. "But in my defense, I was right, and Matthew was interpreting Aquinas all wrong. You're an historian, aren't you? I recognize the name. Has he started with the I know better because I met the man in question arguments yet?" Her imitation of Matthew is spot-on—the result of those words being aimed at her too many times. "He hates being proven wrong. Do it as often as you can. A little humility is good for him."
The smile is a familiar one, if only because she's seen it too many times. Astoria softens at once; she is sentimental about so little, but she has a soft spot for women like her. Like them. She can't pretend not to feel the flare of resentment (at least someone came for you) but she can ignore it. It's her problem, not Diana's. They'll come back to this later, perhaps, but for now she takes the shift in topic gracefully.
"If this had followed usual protocol..." Her voice trails off and she waves a pale hand vaguely in her husband's direction. "Truthfully, I can't remember the last time anyone in this family followed usual protocol. If you were human you would have been presented to us, and after a series of painfully dull dinners, we would have given our blessing. Ysabeau would have been a nightmare," she continues cheerfully, and she makes no effort to lower her voice, certain that her mother-in-law is eavesdropping. "She's hell to impress. Took her decades before she liked me, and it was really only after I killed half my family that she got on board."
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It's an unpleasant detail, not for the faint of heart, but Diana is not faint of heart. Besides, she should know, really know, what she's gotten herself into. "If she got to be too irritating, I'd have pulled rank. And we'd have found someone to turn you, if you and Matthew decided to go that route. It's what I'd have recommended. If it helps," she adds, tone gentle and even kind, "vampire politics get easier with exposure. And if you're wondering and don't want to ask him to avoid whatever self-deprecating explosion would no doubt follow—yes, you get used to living without magic. It's easier than you'd think."
After a moment's silence she lets out a quiet sigh. "It does get easier. It also gets much, much harder. Our world is not a simple one to navigate. I don't think you or Matthew can be dissuaded, but I do think you deserve to be prepared."
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sheswoven · 1 year
my favorite thing about hamish is how inherently ridiculous he finds matthew, but how gentle he is about it. like matthew will be Going Thru ™️ it and hamish is like “ okay, he’s hungry and needs to play some board games to talk it out. “ and then when matthew does open up the conversation turns into matthew being like “ i totally understand if you’d never want to see me again “ as if this doesn’t happen once a year, at least. and hamish just quickly fires back a “no, that’s so stupid. i love you and you’re an idiot.”
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sheswoven · 1 year
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𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐚𝐢𝐬𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐥𝐯𝐞𝐬 && 𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐬           ━━          𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐢𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐭-𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐚𝐭𝐜𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐬 𝐡𝐮𝐫𝐥 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐢𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐧𝐝𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐚𝐜𝐤 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 ; 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠   independent. private. selective. all souls inspired oc. penned by sol
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sheswoven · 1 year
tiktok, about diana and matthew : i want a love like theirs.
me, a grown adult who loves them so much: NO YOU DO NOT.
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