Reblog if you love Ladrien and think that the fandom's hatred for it makes no sense at all.
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No DNA test needed 🥴
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Another exploration I did earlier on Wizards, kind of a character/mood piece! Wanted to explore Douxie’s tone when he is anggwwyyyy
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So why don't we rewrite the stars?
Maybe the world could be ours tonight
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Ladybug Is The Leader And It Isn’t The End Of The World
I shouldn’t entertain this topic too much because it is rather silly to cause an uproar over promo pics and completely removing all context of the show, but I am gonna do it anyways. 
I get why people think that Chat Noir is being sideline in the duo when Astruc reaffirms what canon has shown us that Ladybug is the leader of the team. Besides the point that Ladybug/Marinette has been the lead since season 1 people are still acting like it is news. Not only that but her being consider as the leader of the group is getting on people’s nerve. Why? I don’t know, could be because girl leaders swept under the rug so much people are uncomfortable if a male isn’t in that position. Or perhaps what I think plays a big role into this is people often forget there isn’t one form of leadership. 
Leadership And What It Means:
Leadership has many different types. Not all of them are authoritative and autocratic types where the leader asserts what they want somebody to do and how they should do it. This is by far not the portrayal in ML. I think this might be cause for the biggest disconnect with calling Ladybug the leader despite being equal to Chat Noir, but that’s just a theory. In reality, in any group naturally somebody becomes a leader figure whether it’s elected or organically formed. 
In ML Ladybug stepped up to this role and Chat Noir naturally allowed it to happen because she has proven to have qualities of a good leader. Ladybug is the person who comes up with the plans because she is a quick thinker and can outthink her opponent. Ladybug has constructive judgement which allows her insight into how to help people or deal with conflict. This isn’t to say Chat Noir is not of equal standings. 
Ladybug’s style of leadership reflects more democratic style. She values input of her teammates before executing a final decision. However, she has direction on how she may want to achieve it. She wants to know what Chat Noir thinks, but Chat Noir also knows that at the end of the day he can fully trust Ladybug’s instincts. 
Equals Or Not? 
Ladybug is the leader so that means they can’t be equals? Nope not true. They are equals in many ways. Both their roles have the same urgency as one another and in context of the show proven to be ineffective or harder to execute with the absence of the other. They both are also cemented the respected holders of their miraculouses and can only be relinquished if they compromised identity. Ladybug cannot on a whim confiscate Chat Noir’s miraculouses without explanation, that is not the type of leader role she has. There is no unbalanced power dynamic just because Ladybug takes on a leadership role. 
Also just because Ladybug is the leader does not mean Chat Noir is lesser than her. Chat Noir has capabilities Ladybug doesn’t have. His impulsions in his actions can create great diversions to buy the team time. Ladybug needs more time to think then act which hinders her in that area to focus on executing her strengths better. He also has a good understanding on responsibility of destruction and can bring upon his own judgement on when and where to use his catacylsms. 
At the end of the day they both are the consistency and demand of the miraculous team. They both are needed and would suffer greatly if their duo was spilt. They both have the same experience and time with it.
Ladybug Is The Guardian Though…
Yes she is. She is the lead of the show. We haven’t even seen one second of season 4 so why claim the sidekick status of Chat Noir will happen because of a promo pic. She could very well have a storyline of changing how guardians interact with miraculous users and give Chat Noir a special role in the grand scheme. Or she could very well take care and learn what it is to be a leader and that is fine too. No matter the direction their importance of the two of them will be the qualifier of being equals which has been plot points in episodes of several episodes. The goal of their group cannot be met without both fulfilling their roles together and that makes them equals. 
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Lmao no offense dude but this is entirely too much effort and energy directed at the wrong source
Just bc he's active on twitter doesn't mean he's made himself the go-to of anything, fans like you just labeled him that in their heads. He has constantly needed to repeat himself, saying he DOES NOT have control over many aspects of the show people ask/complain to him about, such as marketing and airing schedules.
He never said CN was only there to be a joke and thrown around
He has clarified that writing fanfiction and writing an actual show are two vastly different mediums, where one has no restrictions/limitations while the other has many so it isn't fair to compare the them. He says he respects what fanfiction writers do.
He constantly emphasized how both are equal and need each other to be balanced like yin and yang, but that LB has more direct focus as the main lead of the show, as well as being the leader when it comes to strategies bc its something she's naturally better at, and gets praised for bc she deserves it.
CN/Adrien gets plenty of screentime and isn't undermined at all bc him being sorta shitty at his job is a CHARACTER FLAW he needs to learn to overcome. Which we see happens in Miracle Queen when he finally stopped focusing on getting LB to like him. He's the one who thought of the plan to defeat Miracle Queen in the end.
Arguing with me on this matter is a waste of time and sort of the equivalent of screaming into the void. You're just kinda using me as a weird amplifier to let out your feelings even though I won't change my opinion, and neither will TA. If you spam my inbox with more useless diatribes...I hope you don't expect another answer bc this is the last time I'm addressing that ask.
It is useless and rude for you guys to complain to TA and you guys look like clowns for it
It won't change jack shit
Honk honk 🤡🤡🤡
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Marichat May Day 22: Kiss
Some memories and a promise
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Just wanted to add my two cents and make a recap of what I understood regarding the new situation between Zag and fanart.
I know Thomas tweet could have been misinterpreted as harsh. I, despite not being a fanartist (still don't know in which category I fall but this is beyond the point), was taken aback too by it. For a moment I also thought someone was messing with his Twitter, but then he started replying more clearly and the context started to appear.
If you have no idea what all the fuss is about, he basically said that selling fanart is illegal (be it objects or commissions), but using it for charity or as a donation is legal. Note the choosing of words, he never said he doesn't like/approve/appreciate fanart of his creation (quite the contrary), he is talking about laws.
Despite Thomas is the creator of Miraculous and its characters, Zag (the company/Jeremy itself) is the producer, aka the one who bought the rights for the show and the characters, the one who decides. And recently he/Zag's staff decided that they're going to be very strict about the use of their copyrighted material, meaning that if they want to legally pursue someone who is selling fanart of Miraculous they are going to do it and win.
What Thomas said has been a warning, not even him has the rights to create and sell art/products of his own creation without the approval of Zag. And if you ask me, I find this a very shitty situation.
There are two ways that have been suggested by Thomas or other artists to go legal and don't have trouble with Zag: the first is to buy the rights from Zag and they could give you approval to sell your fancontent with their characters in it, but it could be very expensive and I don't know if it can be really done by any selling artist in this community. The second idea was to create trades, where artists offer art/goodies in place of other art/goodies, in this way there aren't money involved and all falls into the donations category.
That said, part of the fandom yet again reacted as immature as someone who've been here for some time would have expected. They started offending, pointing fingers and some weird witch hunt have been spreading around to "report" artist who've been selling art. A witch hunt not even moved by sense of legality, but pure sense of personal hate and twisted avenge.
Now, let me finally add my two cents, in this issue that should be treated like adult stuff and not like some kind of petty revenge. Zag, the same person whose butt a quite large part of the fandom keeps kissing while hating on Thomas, has always been drawn by money. You can say he writes/composes songs at times, whatever you want, but first of all he's a producer, he owns a company, he's not a creator in his every day, he's an investor. His and his staff's first goal is to make money and expand the company.
Haven't you noticed how the Zag store expanded in this last year? How he basically cut off the distribution of the Miraculous merch (toys included) around the world, make it basically only available to find and buy in the online store or in the physical one located in America? Doesn't it remind you of the strategy of another company that in the last years expanded so much that most people started hating its monopoly in the industry?
A company that, wouldn't you know, has a very very strict policy about its copyrighted characters/titles. A company whose vertexes gain millions, cause again, these are people driven by money, not creativity. Zag is just following this lead, this company model, Thomas as little to nothing to do with these decisions, his role in the company is to keep creating the show, Zag deals with most of the earnings, the partnership with other companies and so on.
And the fun and sad fact is, Zag is a company that doesn't own only Miraculous rights but other stories/characters too. But Miraculous is its goose laying golden eggs, the most successful show it owns, cause it's a fucking good story thanks to Thomas and his staff, and the company is profiting from it to the bones. An example is the amount of toys that have nothing to do or contradict the show itself, tons of promises of adaptations that rewrite the entire story leaving characters as empty shells. This is not Zag the Saint finally making what the fandom asks, this is Zag the business man attaching the Miraculous label anywhere, overprice whatever it is and call it official, even if it has nothing to do with the canon story.
That said, you can still sell/buy fanart of the show, but if Zag decides to go legally against you don't act as if there has been no warning. And, for the love of God, don't blame Thomas or bring other known people in to pay for your decisions. Try to act mature for once.
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Yesterday, January 7, 2020, a wonderful person and writer you may know as RoseGardenTwilight passed away unexpectedly. She was best known for her Miraculous Ladybug fanfiction such as Satisfied, A Moment in Time, and her most recent and incomplete project, Frequency. She was an incredible friend and fiercely supportive of her fellow writers. She loved love stories, especially telling them. She always took the time and effort to make her life fun and joyful, and did the same for those around her.
We're going to miss you. Thanks for everything.
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Don’t Leave Me
Screencaps: @spacesoulmates
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May the 10 of Pentacles bless your account with more money than you can spend. 💵✨
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Bambi (1942) dir. David Hand
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❄️ᴅɪꜱɴᴇʏ: ᴛᴜʀɴꜱ ᴇʟꜱᴀ ɪɴᴛᴏ ᴀ ꜱᴘɪʀɪᴛ 
❄️ᴍᴇ ᴀ ᴊᴇʟꜱᴀ ꜱʜɪᴘᴘᴇʀ: ᴏᴏᴘꜱ. ᴍʏ ʜᴀɴᴅ ꜱʟɪᴘᴘᴇᴅ. 
I should be doing homework but instead I made this.some of the symbolism in frozen 2 and the story of the fifth spirit gave me major toothiana vibes which inspired me to draw Elsa as a fairy with jack frost.🌈
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#working in retail
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Oh, my decision? Well, I-I think we’ve seen how effective my decisions have been. Let’s re-cap. I lead a band of plundering vandals to the greatest archaeological find in recorded history, thus enabling the kidnap and/or murder of the royal family, not to mention personally delivering the most powerful force known to man into the hands of a mercenary nutcase who’s probably gonna sell it to the Kaiser! Have I left anything out? Well, you did set the camp on fire and drop us down that big hole. Thank you! Thank you very much. 
Atlantis: The Lost Empire (2001)
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