shezzz8 · 2 years
Never Miss the Opportunity
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Colgate. (2022, August 30). Crate Training an Older Dog: What You Need to Know. Hill’s Pet Nutrition. https://www.hillspet.com/dog-care/training/crate-training-an-older-dog
Ever since I can remember, I've lived in this cage. Within the confines of my cage, I was a part of a tight-knit group of canine companions. It seemed like every month or so, a new set of neighbors would move in next door. Since my neighbors were always moving in and out, it was difficult for me to build a stable sense of "family." Visitors of all stripes would drop by, and with a wave of a hand, our fates would be determined. I never knew whether or when I would be chosen. Large, friendly breeds like the Golden Retriever or the protective German Shepherd were the most popular with people. No one appeared interested in a little dog like me, a pug. As a child, all I could think about was the day a kind family would come save me from my life of hopelessness.
When a family of four saw me, they decided to visit the shelter. My interlocutors nodded and pointed at me. My eyes literally popped out of their sockets! And what exactly was going on? Was this finally it? The moment I'd been waiting for.
When I initially saw my new place, the vast, open courtyard that seemed to go on forever was the first thing that struck me. In the exact centre of the courtyard were two columns of cherry blossom trees. A home, perfect in every way, was nestled among the cherry trees. The home gave off an air of incredible riches and opulence. My childhood home and subsequent apartment no longer hold any sort of significance. The main entrance to this slice of heaven on Earth was framed by marble arches and adorned with a gold-rimmed handle.
Who would have thought that a pug that no one wanted would one day have the kind of life that most people can only dream about. Thank goodness my owners picked me out of the dozens of other dogs at the shelter! It's taking me some time to adjust to the vastly different atmosphere of my new house compared to the shelter, but I'm certain that I will never go back. The courtyard is larger than I could have imagined; I am fed and treated like royalty; my bed is gel-padded and lined with lambswool; and most significantly, my new owners adore me in a way that no one else has shown me before. Their kindness, affection, and caring never cease to amaze and amaze me.
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Just a moment. . . (n.d.-b). https://www.point2homes.com/CA/Luxury-Real-Estate/BC.html
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shezzz8 · 2 years
Home: My Paradise
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Adolf Hitler in Berlin, 1938. (n.d.-b). https://www.bridgemanimages.com/en-US/noartistknown/adolf-hitler-in-berlin-1938/photograph/asset/5174473
Dated 1938 in Berlin.
It's been five years since Hitler became Chancellor, and a lot has changed in that time. We used to be affluent people. Our neighbourhood was a haven for the city's elite, and many well-known people called it home. My dad was a banker for a major firm, and my mom was a gorgeous homemaker. I was born into a family where I am the only child. Our name is Goldberg, and we are a family.
"Kristallnacht" occurred on November 9th, 1938.
For the Jewish people, Kristallnacht was one of the greatest acts of hatred and dread ever committed. A furious crowd set fire to my father's workplace, and they either stole or destroyed whatever worth they found inside. Wrapping around the whole structure was a white banner that said "Jude" and included a Star of David in the centre. All of my father's hard work and his greatest accomplishments were destroyed in a single night. It was the first time I'd ever witnessed such an overt exhibition of hostility, and I genuinely feared for my safety. In a sense, we were all in it together.
The Ghettos, January 21, 1939,
At some ungodly hour of the morning, I was awakened by a pounding on the door. After giving it a little further consideration, I informed my parents that the mailman had arrived. When he opened the door, a shotgun barrel was pointed directly at my father's noggin. The Gestapo had arrived. My dad insisted on staying in Berlin despite the dangers there because of his connections in the administration. The mistake he made cost us everything. Each and every Jew in our area was picked up and sent to the outskirts of town. They made us all live in conditions akin to that of canine kennels. We were not allowed to leave our cells, and our diet consisted solely of bread and a salty cabbage soup served twice a day. We were beaten or even put to death if we raised a fuss. Nobody would volunteer any opinions.
Infamy: The Eleventh of July, 1941: Extermination
Since we were confined to the ghettos, two years had passed. As one by one of our neighbours vanished, I knew that soon my own family would follow. Inexplicably, on this day, our entire family was shoved into a train cart and taken away. After a long, tiring 6-hour journey, we made it here. Suffocation and being crushed to death claimed the lives of many of us. We lucked out and ended up on the fringes. A huge watchtower and razor-sharp barbed wire welcomed us at the camp. From the start, I assumed that we were going to perish here. We were in line for quite some time before finally being called up to be branded and put into the prisoner database. What was going on, we had committed no wrongdoing. In the years after my father and I were separated from her, my search for her yielded no leads. Hopefully, she's at peace now.
Pitch black. Utter darkness.
This was what I first saw the day I was loaded into the cage. The thick steel door closed in front of me with a loud slam as the sound of the impact reverberated around me. I was boxed in with nowhere to escape. My fate was sealed. I couldn't make out what was going on around me. All I knew was that I was in a small steel cage, barely big enough to hold me in.
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American Experience. (2018, January 23). Nazis in the News: 1938. American Experience | PBS. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/nazis-news-1938/
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shezzz8 · 2 years
Open the Window of Opportunity
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Every time Salman Khan enters his apartment, the keys produce a distinctive sound. It's a blessing that his storage locker has a door at all. Most people living here can't afford such a convenience. Few would consider Salman Khan's apartment to be a "home" in the traditional sense. Sure, there's a bed and a stove there. Oh, and there's just one lamp in the middle of the shelf. Just imagine how sparse Salman Khan's abode would be if you added some storage space and a small refrigerator. No, his apartment does not have a bathroom with a toilet, shower, or sink. The restroom, which he and the other 20 people on his floor use, is located 10 meters to the right of the entrance. Since there are no other common areas in residence, the bathroom can serve this purpose. Because of the close proximity of the restroom to Salman Khan's flat, the odour wafts into his living space and stays there owing to the thick, humid air that gives Hong Kong its unique year-round summer feel.
Years of tar build-up, cigarette ash, and who knows what else have ruined the paper-thin walls surrounding the cramped living area. A good thirty years have passed since the initial coat of paint was exposed to the elements. When Salman Khan isn't around, the house takes on an eerie atmosphere thanks to the constant hum of the power and the flutter of the lights. The home is littered with instant ramen packaging and empty bowls. Appliances and clothes are thrown all over the floor, and the mess runs from the unit's centre to its four corners.
When you learn to ignore the clutter and filth of Salman Khan's apartment, you can appreciate the many endearing details that make it a home away from home. The children and grandkids of Salman Khan are featured prominently in the decor. His loved ones follow you around like a shadow. As a result, Salman Khan's apartment seems like a real home to him. Constant remembrance of loved ones.
The residence has a lot of personality and charm thanks to the subtle details that remind him of his working days, such as a pickaxe, a homage to his days as a coal miner. Even though Salman Khan is well past his prime, he still finds enormous satisfaction in remembering his earlier, more thrilling days.
It's common knowledge that Salman Khan does not have a lot of money. His riches is found in the love and devotion he has for his family. A home is not defined by its size or its level of luxury furnishings.
The objects you have in your home are less important than the memories you create with them. The key to happiness is realizing the luxury of living. Not even Salman Khan could be described as a materialist. His living quarters aren't quite typical of the average American household. If you only crack open the window of opportunity, the sun will lead the way.
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Berehulak. (n.d). [Hong Kong Cage Home, Exterior].
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