You do realize that a lot of your posts that are signed with your name are just re-worded popular posts you stole from somewhere, and that others are aware of it too?
Do you know that there are only  470,000 words in the English language? and there are 1.7 billion people who speak English in our world. All with unique minds, yet very similar to others. Words that you choose right now, are probably used in another time, by another person. Same happens with anyone who made posts online. There is no original word. But there is original content. Original content doesn’t mean that no one ever thought of it before. It means that it’s content that you created, without the use of other content. I made my original posts with words that my mind and heart connected. Words that expressed my feelings and thought process. Are Van Gogh’s paintings stole because he painted a building, restaurant, flower, person while others did that before him too. Is his content fake because he made a self-portrait and others did that before him? No it’s not. Content can be original even when other people have used the words before. If you express your feelings as deep-rooted sadness, who would I be to say that you stole that because other people could say it like that too. If you say that you feel completely numb and lost. Who am I to tell you that you can’t feel like that because it was someone else’s feeling before?? please think before you say something like this. You have no point.  And last little thing. Who says their posts were there before mine?? 
You know it’s really exhausting to get asks like yours. People who don’t understand that what I post as my originals are things that I came up within a moment of crisis, I didn’t search for the perfect words to express my feelings. It all comes from my broken heart. (or am i not allowed to say that either because others use broken heart too) My blog is a way to express myself if you don’t get that and got a problem with it. You don’t have to be here. Go to a blog that you do like. I don’t ask you to be here and be all negative. This is a place for me, and the people who get help and support from this blog.
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I've come to the realization that certain things appear to be so beautiful when you look at it with a certain someone.
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Time heals all wounds they say, but you see my heart never seems to listen to the voices in my head. My heart still wants to beat to the sound of his voice. No matter what pain he caused me, all I can do is love him. I will always wonder how all you can do is give a person you're entire soul.. and they can leave you as if it was nothing. I guess the problem was never that I wasn't enough, but that I was simply too much. But God, please tell me, how do I stop my heart from loving someone so hopelessly? From wanting to give them my entire being and see the poems engraved in their eyes? How do I stop loving with all of my heart, please, just tell me how.
I know I'm too much, I'm sorry.
A.F // 2:43pm
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It's 3am and I realize how much I hate myself because for some fucked up reason I still miss you.
- A.F// 3:00am
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“It had to be real, at least that’s what you’ll tell yourself. You’ll justify it to yourself, and to anyone who will listen because Jesus Christ, he wouldn’t have said all those things to you if he didn’t mean them. Right? You’ll go over it a million times while you’re laying in bed and staring at your ceiling because sleeping gets harder when you only dream about one thing. You’ll go over every single I love you, I miss you, I’m yours, baby, and it’ll run through your head like a train stuck on the same track. You’ll go over every single I love you and think, he meant it he meant it he meant it, there’s no way he didn’t mean it. Right? But the months string along and he’s still gone and you’ll start to question yourself because why would he say all those things if he never planned on staying? And you’ll think about every promise he broke and all those things he used to tell you and you’ll wonder how you could’ve ever believed a single word of it. But you loved him, oh god, you loved him so much that if you could hear your heart you know it would only beat to the sound of his name. And if you love somebody that much, if you give your heart to somebody with that much trust, he had to have loved you back. Right?”
— Not right // Excerpt of a book I’ll never write
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Dying Wish
She looked up to the moon, a smile on her face and a tear just about to fall from her eye and said:
"And I wish more than anything in the world, that I didn't want to die this much."
A.F// 7:46pm
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"You think you stay because you love that person but maybe you stay because you don't love yourself enough."
- r.h. sin
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"If I had known it would hurt me this much; I never would've allowed myself to fall in love with you.."
- A.F// 1:19am
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"She's never really been the religious type, you know? But for some reason she still prays for you, every night."
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It is nice out today. The sun came out as usual. I ate breakfast with a cup of coffee. I enjoyed listening to music and softly humming along. It really is just a normal day.
My heart hurts though, once again because of him. I was willing to push many limits for him. I guess I just wonder what he was willing to do for me. They tell me to forget him. That he isn't worth it. That I've given him too many chances. That he will just leave me more broken than he already has. They say he won't ever love me the way I deserve to be loved. They tell me how he's changing me into something I am not. They say all of this and so much more. As if I don't know this myself.
Trust me I know more than anyone how bad he is for me. I know what talking to him does to me. I am sorry to myself, but my heart will always beg for him. No matter how much my mind tells it to stop. I have realized that on normal days my heart misses him the most.
The sun came out but it still couldnt brighten this hole in my heart. I ate breakfast and had coffee only to throw it all up. I listened to sad songs, to comfort me in my loneliness once again.
Today is a normal day.
- A.F// 7:13pm
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"You know what hurts the most? It's that as much as I want to hate you, to wish you as much pain you've caused me, and to just not care about you altogether... I couldn't."
I meant it when I said I could never hurt you
- A.F//3:29am
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And one day my child will grow up and ask me,
"Mom, why do bad things happen to good people?"
- A.F//3:00am
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"Is this how love is supposed to feel?"
I wish I could show you that there is a difference between loving someone- and knowing how to love someone.
Don't blame love for how someone hurt you, no that was on them, they tricked you, that was not love. That was them putting a blindfold on you and telling you they will catch you when you jump.. knowing they already had their hands full.
Don't be scared to fall in love, falling isn't the problem, it's being down there and finding the person who helps you get back up.
- A.F// 8:57pm
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