shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 10 years
Glancing at the fence-line and then back to Summer she nodded taking any chance she could get to help out where she could. Making their way over the tomatoes she fought herself over whether she should she say what she thought, or should would she just keep her mouth shut. Picking through the ripened tomatoes she glanced over at Summer "I would like to start..maybe pulling my weight more with this group--You guys were nice enough to let me keep Bamse here..the least I could do is help out more. Maybe..go on runs with Bamse or something." she wasn't sure how she would even do by herself going out on runs. Shia knew some basic survival stuff from being by herself for so long, but when it came to hunting and other things she knew nothing. 
  Briefly thinking, Summer tapped her chin as she looked around the grounds. There wasn’t too much that needed to be done that wasn’t already being attended to – what she did notice were the tomatoes growing in their garden. Seeing some were ripe and ready to be picked, Summer turned back to Shia. “Do you wanna help me pick some ripe tomatoes and take it back to the kitchen so they can use them to cook?” Summer asked kindly, brushing a piece of her brunette hair out of her face.
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 10 years
Nodding she agreed to the choice given and proceeded to follow Stella into where the food was held. It felt like she was hardly inside the prison, the majority of her time was spent outside with Bamse. Continuing to walk, she glanced around at everyone doing their daily jobs and duties. She wanted to help more, pull her weight for the group considering they had been kind enough to let her keep her horse there. Finally getting to the food area her mind began to wander on who she could talk to about being more productive with the group. 
  "I’d say that’s actually a really good thing,” Stella replied, “Because we have lots of them left before they’re gone.” When they had gone out on a raid once, they’d found a delivery truck that had been in an accident on the side of the road that had been hauling canned beans and they’d brought back as many crates as they could pile into the car. “Wanna take a break for a second? I can run up and get some.” 
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
Turning herself to see who had spoken to her, she let go a small smile and chuckled "Is it bad that I'm not even tired of beans yet?" turning herself back to Bamse for a second she continued to hold the smile she had. "Though, the peaches do sound quiet welcoming!" glancing back over her shoulder laughing softly. With a small grunt Shia lifted herself up, feeling as if she shared the joints of an elderly versus her 22 year old self. She was glad Stella had approached her first; for she found it hard to approach people even though she had been in the group for a while. 
  Stella’s duties started and ended with watching the fence. It wasn’t that she was against helping in any other way, she was just good at this and that was it. She had zero domestic skills and trying to help with the gardens would be just as helpless. But she could kill zombies and she was determined to do her part to keep everyone here safe. 
She had eaten a quick breakfast and then headed down to the fence, where she spotted Shia with her horse. “You’re up early,” She said, “You hungry? There’s some canned peaches someone brought back from a raid that were amazingly good — especially because they weren’t beans.”
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
Shia smiled lightly feeling relief to Summer understanding her situation, nodding she fed some more grass to Bamse. "That's how I am with this one, I had more than one horse..but I bought him with my own money..so he feels more like mine ya know?" she looked up at the woman wondering if she should offer help with anything. Giving a light groan Shia got herself and turned to face Summer the smile still planted on her face. "Since, I should really get to know some more people..do you guys need help with anything?" She needed something to do other than taking care of Bamse, he wasn't completely helpless. Running her fingers through the bay stallions tangled forelock she looked to Summer, waiting--hoping to somehow give to the group who had kindly enough gave shelter to her.
  Nodding in understanding, Summer knew exactly what Shia meant. All throughout her life Summer hadn’t relied much on others to help her; it was always her dogs by her side to keep her company. And that’s exactly the way she loved it. They didn’t let her down, they didn’t talk back – they barely had an opinion. Half of the woman thought she liked having dogs ‘cause she liked to have control – and yes part of that is true. But the real reality is, she trusted them. “I kind of understand exactly what you mean,” Summer informed the girl. With another nod, Summer took in a breath of fresh air as she placed her hands in her back pockets. “I’ve always had dogs for that reason; I trusted them more than I could ever trust a human – sometimes more than I could trust myself.”
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
A New Beginning
Shia had been traveling for what it seemed a long distance with Bamse, she found a small stream and dismounted, letting him take in what he had to. Bending down next to the waters edge she brought some of the cool water over her face. Letting the water drip over her face she looked up just to make sure Bamse was alright, and he was, munching quietly over by the tree. As if he knew he was looking over at him, he rose his head and flicked an ear at her before returning to his share of grass. Shia stood and glanced around at her surroundings wiping off the extra beads of water dropping from her chin. Bamse and her had done well so far, but she didn’t want to chance anything; not with him. Staying about for a long while just to make sure they still had everything, she hoisted herself up back into the saddle and made her way back down the road. Knowing how much of a risk it was to be riding Bamse around she walked him into the soft soil so that his hooves wouldn’t make much of a noise. 
As the ride continued she began to see what looked like a prison yard, squinting she carefully moved Bamse a bit closer. Stopping him in the cover of the undergrowth she stood onto her horses back to get a better look. The place looked safe, from what she saw there were no walkers IN the actual prison yard, only around the perimeter. Wishing she could get a closer look but not wanting to risk her or her steeds life she squinted. From what she saw there were people on the inside some scanning around the fence and others doing what she guessed they were supposed to. Letting herself ease back onto Bamse’s back she ran through her options. She could move on..continue on with just her and her partner, or she could go to the people and see if she could join. Her eyes flickered downward onto Bamse’s pricked ears and it dawned on her that they might not be on board with having him there. He was a liability, but he could also be helpful in doing runs or moving heavy objects. Being alone was what she knew but in this world it was better to have people behind you, she knew that.
Gathering up her reins she turned Bamse toward where the prison was, she wasn’t sure how it would end or if they would both survive for that matter.  But she had to try, she had to make them understand, and if not she was to move on and survive on her own
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
Shia knew that question would come up sooner or later, though she never put too much thought into how to respond back to it. Glancing back at Summer once again she gave off a slight shrug " I don't know..I guess I'm used to be solitary. I mean I had a group of friends back when, but had to count on myself to get things done," She had never expected to be in this type of situation, but then again who did? Turning her focus onto Bamse who had his head tilted in pleasure as Summer scratched a spot behind his ears. "I'm one of those people who counted on animals rather than humans..Hard for me to trust people.." Shia wasn't sure of what answers Summer would give to her statements, but she was hoping for no judgement. 
  Most of Summer’s attention was focused on the horse; a blessing in disguise. And while she continued to softly stroke the horses neck, the woman looked down to the young girl. Summer knew Shia couldn’t be more than twenty-five at the most. She was so young and had so much potential; full of life. As a previous psychologist, however, Summer noticed Shia mostly kept herself. Maybe it was because she didn’t want to make friends and eventually, the worse possibly notion, that the group would get run over by walkers and Shia would lose friends. Everyone was worried about that – even Summer – but it was human instinct to want human interaction. “We haven’t really spoken,” Summer pointed out, clearly speaking to Shia. “I know a lot about most of the group members, but you keep to yourself. Why is that?” Summer inquired, shielding her eyes from the hot sun.
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
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Decided to draw Bamse. I will try to see if I can draw some of the characters x3 Just depends on who interacts with Shia! 
Some facts on Bamse if your characters ever want to mess with him!
1. He's a Swedish Warmblood Stallion
2. He's 4years old.
3. His name translates to "Cuddly Bear" and that's exactly what he is!
4. Not completely bomb proof, but nearly there. 
5. Loves going on runs, will come when you call him(much like a dog)
6. Loves sweets, don't eat any in front of him unless you're gonna give him some! He'll get offended!
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
While Summer spoke her response Shia glanced over at Bamse who was quite enjoying the pat down. To show she understood what she had said she gave a nod and continued to look out, thankful it wasn’t anything worse. If the walkers got through to the fence it would mean trouble for Bamse, and quite frankly she didn’t even want to think about what could happen. She knew that it was a liability to keep Bamse, but if the group had said no in the beginning she simply would’ve moved off and tried to fend for herself. It had saddened her that at the time, she could not have saved the other horses. But Bamse was hers and he carried her off to safety-even though he was a horse she felt she owed him for it. She also knew that she needed to start interacting with others more, her nose wrinkled at the thought of it. It was needed in these times, to have friends and supports, people who had your back if you had theirs. It would be a struggle for her, but it was a must. 
  Continuing to pet the beautiful beast, Summer couldn’t help but smile at the the horse. It had been quite some time that Summer had had a horse - even Bobby wouldn’t allow her to have one before Shia came along. So having the beast part of the group was a blessing in disguise. And Summer knew exactly how Shia felt; if Summer ever lost Bobby, she wouldn’t know how to carry on. Hearing the girl’s worse, Summer looked to the fence where Shia was also looking. “No, the group is just taking care of the walkers by the fence. We don’t want too many walkers pushing on the fence; it can’t hold too much weight, ya know?”
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
Hearing Bamse snort she knew someone was approaching, soon realizing that it was Summer. Glancing over her shoulder she responded with Summer's statement with a smile. "Thanks, he's the only thing I've got from any past life so..I want him safe as possible.." Shia was incredibly afraid of loosing Bamse. She knew there was a high possibility of it happening some time or another, but she also knew that it would tear a huge hole in her heart. Looking back down at the grass she began to pull at the pieces, feeding them to Bamse time to time. Glancing over at the fence-line she looked back at Summer. "Something wrong at the fence?" She didn't want to seem nosey, but she also didn't want it to come out like she didn't care about anything either. 
Summer had grown up with horses - beasts that were completely beautiful in her eyes. When Shia first joined the group, Summer had to admit she was a bit skeptical about keeping a horse with them; it was too much of a liability. But Shia kept her horse close by her - the woman knew that was her best friend. A lot of the time Summer would help out with Shia and take care of the horse whenever Shia was still sleeping in the morning. And as Summer causally walked out from their safe haven, Summer looked over to the horse and his owner. With a small smile, Summer decided to accompany the two of them.
As Summer approached, the horse began to snort. “It’s okay buddy,” Summer said lightly, putting a soft hand on his snout, lightly petting him. “You do a great job taking care of him,” Summer said looking down to Shia, a hint of adoration in her eyes.
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
Shia was always up at dawn regardless of how little she had slept the previous night. Being out with Bamse calmed her nerves more than anything. After making sure he had everything he needed, she’d sit in the long grass and multi-task. It was a mix of watching over Bamse’s movements and watching over the walkers near the fence-line. Staring out into the line of snarling, drooling, dead corpses she winced slightly at the sight of them. It wasn’t that she was scared of them, just rather disgusted. She was snapped out of her sights by Bamse who had turned to gently breathe into the side of her face. Closing the eye his nose was on she rose a hand and patted his cheek. “Yes, hello to you too handsome” she spoke quietly, smirking as she turned her face to plant a kiss onto the horses nose. 
She saw some of the others from her group gathering around the fence-line, she only glanced over for she wasn’t much of a talker when it came to the others.  Before any of the others could notice that she was looking over she focused her attention back onto her beast. 
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shia-wolfe2-blog-blog ¡ 11 years
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Before Outbreak:
One of the biggest reasons why Las Vegas is so infamous is because of all the gambling that goes on. And every gambler knows the one golden rule; no stealing money or cheating to win. Unfortunately for Shia Wolfe’s father, he had gotten a little too ambitious. Basically giving up a high paying job as an accountant, he grew addicted to gambling and had gotten caught cheating. It was a terrifying night when Mrs. Wolfe received the phone call that her husband was in the hospital; it was even more terrifying when Shia walked into the hospital room to see her father’s face almost unrecognizable and his lifeless body just lying on the bed attached to life support. Since then, Shia’s life had been very hard and difficult to go through with a mother who was barely home to support her daughter and keep her husband on life support. To help her mother, Shia went and found a job at the age of fifteen at a fast food restaurant; on top of pulling all-nighters for school. And though the student was working her ass off to help make a living for her family and increase her education, she was still an A student. None of her friends knew the life she lived outside of school and neither did her teachers, but when it came time for college, many people wondered how Shia was able to afford it with her father in the hospital and her mother working three jobs. This was because her father had tucked away money specifically for her school tuition. And with that money Shia chose to attend the University of Texas to become a veterinarian. With enough money for tuition and to get by the first couple of years of college, Shia still managed to find a job as an intern at the nearest animal hospital. It was there that Shia fell in love with horses.
After Outbreak:
The news about the viral outbreak didn’t seem all too real to the girl. If anything, Shia thought the news report was a sham – something the government put nationwide to scare the citizens. However, when Shia was working with her horse at the barn, something seemed off. All the horses seemed on edge and were all very vocal – something that never happened. Due to this, Shia decided to do some investigating and realized there were people slowly limping her way. These ‘people’ however were different; they looked dead. Scared, Shia grabbed her horse, Bamse, and rode off. It was then when the female realized what she had seen on the news was no joke – it was the real thing. Grabbing a bag of her most important things, Shia took her horse and rode to safety. Shia didn’t discover a group ‘til four months after she ran from home. And though they were skeptical to allow a horse in their group with them, they realized Bamse could actually help in many ways.
Now held up in the prison, Shia feels a little better that her horse is safe. Confined behind the large fence, Bamse stays close to the garden – in a man-made fenced barrier. Most of the time Shia could be found with to her horse, taking care of Bamse and making sure the beast is comfortable in the new surroundings. Alongside Clive Stewart, Shia helps him attend to the garden as well, since she’s just a short walk away. Due to her previous experience in some kind of medical field, Shia helps group doctor Christopher Erstine in his office whenever a member gets hurts. Never would she have thought she’d be where she was at her age, but with the way things were going Shia honestly didn’t mind her life. She felt safe in the prison and her beloved animal was still with her. For how long, she didn’t know.
Character Name: Shia Wolfe Character Age: 22 Face Claim: Melissa Benoist Group: 2 Open | Taken
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