shidgeisnasty · 4 years
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Day two shidgetember
Chilly breeze
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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chill time
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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Happy October! 🍂
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
⚰️ horror movie ask game 🔪
a nightmare on elm street: top 5 fav songs rn?
hellraiser: do u have any tattoos/piercings? do u want any?
the texas chainsaw massacre: what’s ur favorite food?
my bloody valentine: are u in a relationship/do u have a crush?
scream: what’s ur favorite movie?
carrie: if u could have any superpower, what would u pick?
the shining: do u prefer warm weather or cold weather?
us: if u could change one thing about urself, what would it be?
jaws: what’s something u wish u were good at?
hereditary: do u drink, smoke, or do drugs?
nosferatu: do u have a lot of friends?
friday the 13th: do u believe in astrology?
child’s play: have u ever committed a crime? what was it? *adjusts wire* if not, would u ever commit a crime?
frankenstein: what’s ur favorite website?
suspiria: what’s ur favorite book?
re-animator: are u neat or messy?
the ring: if u could visit/live anywhere in the world, where would u?
midsommar: show ur lock screen + home screen!
halloween: what’s ur favorite holiday?
silence of the lambs: what’s something ur looking forward to?
the exorcist: are u religious?
paranormal activity: do u believe in ghosts/demons/aliens/magic/anything paranormal?
saw: give a controversial opinion >:3
alice, sweet alice: what would u describe ur style as?
the fly: what is ur biggest fear?
the evil dead: do u have any weird/obscure interests?
the vvitch: what’s ur favorite historical time period? (without the old-timey bigotry)
psycho: do u collect anything, or want to? if so, what? 
night of the living dead: what’s ur fav hobby?
the blair witch project: what’s ur biggest pet peeve?
alien: what character do u relate to a lot?
invasion of the bodysnatchers: how do u think ppl see u? how do u see urself?
house: do u have any pets? do u want any?
the thing: what’s ur job? (or dream job if u don’t work?)
final destination: what’s something everyone else hates, but u love?
rosemary’s baby: what’s something everyone else loves, but u hate?
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
What she says: I hate antis
What she really means: I don’t mind people disliking a ship for their own reason but the anti-shipping movement is driven by hate and bandwagon bullying to police what people are “allowed” to enjoy. They use fundamentally abusive and manipulative tactics on real people in the name of protecting survivors from speculative things in fiction. Antis want to act morally superior over ship wars and claim that to ship something problematic you must be a survivor. By doing this antis force survivors who may be uncomfortable with coming out with their status to out themselves and then hold them to impossible standards. Except when it does come to survivors who ship anti-deemed problematic things we are attacked, harassed, and then pushed under the bus anyway. Antis trivialize terms such as abuse, rape, and pedophilia by using them so often and out of place against a group made up of many survivors and minors– the people they claim to be protecting. They have bullied and suicide baited artists and other content creators they dislike in the name of “policing the bad ships uwu.” All antis are at fault for this, even if an anti claims not to send hate themselves they are still influencing this bad behavior because they are part of this hate group. The entire anti-shipper movement is a toxic cesspool that makes me feel sick.
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
✧ *: ・゚ HANG WITH ME *:・゚✧
send an ask with any or all of the following:
fuck marry kill
would you rather
unpopular opinions
make me choose
constructive criticism
opinions on characters, fandoms or ships
ask me anything (no limits)
talk to me about your life/day
share your favourite things with me
tell me all about your crush(es)
vent to me or ask just ask for advice
just talk to me??? (even on anon)
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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I thought that I would never draw them again. In fact, voltron brought nothing but chaos and hate into my life.
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
Warm Hearted Asks
Weather - What do you love most?
Dove - How do you express love?
Friendship Bracelet - What does friendship mean to you?
Loveseat- Describe your ideal house
Record Player - Love songs or breakup songs?
Stargaze - Celebrity crush?
Planter - Do you have a green thumb?
Linen - Do you prefer being friends with someone before starting a romantic relationship with them or starting straight into love?
Hot Cocoa - Three things you love about yourself?
Valentine - Do you like pda?
Succulent - What are you looking forward to?
Bath bomb - What is the best form of self care?
Roadtrip - Where is the farthest you’ve been from home?
Brown Sugar - What is making your heart warm today?
Pearls - Do you want to get married?
Seaside - Ideal date?
Luna Moth - City or country?
Velvet - What is your style?
Cupcake - Are you in love?
Romcom - Is your story a comedy or tragedy?
Sunset - Ask anything you want!
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
✨🌹🌙 questions! 🌙🌹✨
angel;  favorite album of all time? honey;  are you a very affectionate person? moonlight;  do you enjoy museums? roses;  what does love feel like to you? describe it! shimmer;  zodiac sign? princess;  have you ever been to disneyland? if so, favorite ride? cherry;  have you ever been to a psychic? magic;  favorite film? starlight;  have you ever written a love letter? velvet;  do you enjoy horror films? blush;  have you been to a concert? if so, which one(s)? sparkle;  dream job? witches;  how do you like to dress? crystal;  favorite planet? sugar;  favorite pet names? (baby, sweetheart, etc.) hopeless;  do you believe in ghosts? glow;  do you have or want any tattoos? what of? starlet;  what historical period is most interesting to you? motel;  are you superstitious?  heart;  do you like the color pink? golden;  do you appreciate high fashion?
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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They’re adults, I swear 
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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- Please never leave me..
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
One day, during maintenance--
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So even though I already completed the five stages of grief when vld ended, this idea woke me up in the the middle of the night a week ago and now here we are lol enjoy!
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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(// ͡ʘ ͜ つ ͡ʘ//;;) me too, katie
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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In another reality
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
man i haven’t talked about shidge in forever
friendly reminder that shiro loves to pick up his boyfriend and just. toss him over his shoulder bc he stayed up late coding shitty websites for fun, and then put him in bed and then just kinda. flops. and cuddles pidge until he falls asleep
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
How’s everyone doing? Still interested in Shidge?
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shidgeisnasty · 5 years
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Shiro Ship Week Day 3–Memories
I imagine they met when Shiro came to their house for dinner
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