shikakus · 8 years
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“  you are the best thing that ever happened to me.  ” 
                                 indie yoshino nara. semi-selective. 
art cred.
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shikakus · 8 years
Irritation - Sentence Memes 
“Childish as usual.”
“Ever think you’ll remove that stick up your ass?”
“Ah, so you’ve changed your mind… does this one work any better?”
“Good job, I think I’ll give you a high five… in the face.”
“Look I may be one for good deals but I’m not buying your bullshit.”
“I wouldn’t have to manage my anger, if you learned to manage your stupidity.”
“Sorry, I got mad and said a lot of things that I meant but shouldn’t of said.”
“You know I may be able to tolerate you but sometimes you really push it…”
“Why don’t you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma?”
“You’re extremely attractive… when you don’t open your mouth.”
“I have neither the time nor the crayons to explain this to you. “
“I’m jealous of all the people that haven’t met you.”
“You bring everyone a lot of joy… when you leave the room of course.”
“I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you never use it.”
“If you are going to be two faced, at least make one of them pretty.”
“You think you’re so high and mighty, don’t you?”
“Beaten on the ground is a good look for you.”
“I love how you just wear anything.”
“Personally, I find it charming how you’re not obsessed with personal style.”
“Wish I could be as laid-back as you about all responsibilities you’re avoiding.”
“Oh I’m sorry, is this making you uncomfortable?”
“Go ahead, keep goading. See what happens…”
“You’re not as interesting as you think you are.”
“Oh, you really think that’s a good idea? That’s cute.”
“No I get it, you look down on me ‘cause that’s the only way your fragile little ego gets validated.”
“I’d like to see things from your point of view but I can’t seem to get my head that far up my ass.”
“Not saying I would, but with the way you’re going someone is bound to punch your lights out.”
“Are good manners just something that escapes you? That’s alright, not everyone came from a civilized upbringing.”
“Shut your mouth for once, before I do it for you.”
“Don’t patronize me.”
“You’re shit at defending yourself, so you make up for it in little snide comments.”
“I get tired of staring at your mug all day.”
“I was having a good day until I ran into you.”
“Ooh, what a scary look. Got something in mind there, or are you just gonna carry on like a spineless imp?” 
“You say that, but we both know what would happen if you dared to challenge me.”
“I haven’t been ignoring you; I’ve been prioritizing you.”
“Wait, let me stop you there… is this train of thought actually relevant?”
“ I’m trying to imagine you with a personality.”
“No no, please keep talking. I always yawn when I’m interested.”
“I’m already visualizing the duct tape across your mouth.”
“Even when I constantly hand your ass to you, you come back for more.”
“Be quick, I don’t have all day.”
“You can’t buy yourself class.”
“Do you ever think before opening your mouth?”
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shikakus · 8 years
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    and when will jess stop bullying me 
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shikakus · 8 years
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  when will i be active on this blog u say  nobody fuckin k nows
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shikakus · 8 years
//You don't role-play in asks?
i role play in asks, yeah, i just don’t continue through them, if someone were to keep sending new asks that would be fine also, i just don’t like threading with the ask itself.
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shikakus · 8 years
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“Marriage is such a drag”. “Yeah”.
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shikakus · 8 years
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i took me 30 years to remember the email to this account but here I am f u ckk
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shikakus · 8 years
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               ❝   that’d be more of a compliment if it didn’t sound so forced.   ❞
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                    ❝  oh really?  that’s too bad..  ❞
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shikakus · 8 years
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          ❝          I’M FINE… really. carry on… don’t let me spoil your fun.          ❞
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              ❝  fine.. --nobody can say i didn’t try.  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
#forever salty that my son looks like his dad produced him on his own tbh............................ #virgin shikaku
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shikakus · 9 years
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Shikaku + Sagittarius ; for: @skylaralpha
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shikakus · 9 years
“Stop. They’re going to see the light.” 
She doesn’t need to specify who is they and her words seem enough to make him drop the heavy curtain. It covers planks of wood, blocking the windows and avoiding light from shining through the glass. It’s supposed to protect them from the undead, let them sleep in peace without worrying about them breaking in but really, it’s just the start to the end. 
Yoshino thinks their house feels more and more like a prison.
“He’s asleep, I just checked on him.” She adds, referring to their son, before dropping on the couch almost gracefully. She sits in front the candlelight, watching the flame flicker and dance before hugging her knees and placing her chin on top of them. It’s pretty, and warm even from afar, it’s almost peaceful to watch. 
Their home doesn’t really look like home anymore. Heavier items have been taken to the back of the house to block as many entrances as possible in addition of the wood nailed onto their doors and windows, leaving the different rooms empty.
It doesn’t really even feel like home anymore. 
He’s worried; she can feel it, despite not looking at his face or touching him. She’s terrified, she’s been terrified ever since she rushed back inside when one of them appeared in her backyard. It’s been going downhill from there, between the authorities saying they had the situation under control and the corpses adding up in their local hospital’s morgue, or him forcing a small knife into her hand anytime she’d leave his sight, or the neighbors and their poor kid… God, the poor boy. 
She doesn’t speak, because her inner panicked monologue is probably visible on her face, as her fingers dance around each other on her pants in a frantic way. She tries and tries and tries to keep her mind focused on the flickering flame – it’s pretty, it’s peaceful, it’s real – but her natural tendency to think a bit too much isn’t helping. 
“Shikaku,” she manages to get out, in a whisper. “I’m scared.”
                                                        the curtain WAS closed, though that didn’t stop the mans hard, unfaltering gaze in the one crack between the wood and fabric he managed to glare through. there was a corpse, not far from their porch,  staggering  against a car he’d recently scavenged, and although shikaku is sure its virtually  harmless  to them on its own, it was increasingly difficult to ALLOW his attention to be drawn elsewhere.
                                                        ❝  good.  ❞   their son. in all the sixteen years its been since he was born; all hes wished for him was happiness, peace, a long life. this was EXACTLY the opposite. where do they go from here? how does  anyone  continue? shikaku attempts to halt his dwell on the thought, there should be news soon. though he knows not to be hopeful at this point.
                                                        finally his eyes are  TORN  away from the window, but only triggered by his wife’s voice, uttering her fright. quick to act upon it he slowly makes his way to her, seating himself as close as he could, his arm ushering her to lean against him.   ❝  i know --  ❞   he was to. not that he would say so. shikaku had to remain  reserved,  so his family could RETAIN some slack.   ❝  it’ll be okay.. we’ll figure this all out. eventually.  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
✧ thirdstartokonoha .
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                 ❝  oh, you’re here. that explains a lot.  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
✧ buroura .
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             ❝  ..has anyone ever told you --- how great you’re at shougi.  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
  ✧ bialatebull .
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                           ❝  i don’t know who agreed to taking a mission  THIS  early, but -- i have a lot of complaints..  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
 ✧ keeneyed .
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                 ❝  kakashi, you should  loosen  up more, huh.  it doesn’t hurt to be social.  ❞
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shikakus · 9 years
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for cin.
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