shikyori · 4 years
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shikyori · 5 years
im 12 years old sitting on my bed reading it’s midnight it’s summer my window is open the crickets are very loud but very soothing my room smells dusty and warm and no one else exists. im 12 years old. the feeling never goes away.
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shikyori · 5 years
⋆ sensory asks ⋆
1. favourite colour(s)? 2. least favourite colour(s)? 3. do you wear glasses/contacts? 4. are you colour blind? 5. what are you seeing right now?
6. favourite band(s) or artist(s)? 7. top five songs? 8. favourite instrumental track(s)? 9. favourite non-musical sound? 10. what are you hearing right now?
11. are you very sensitive to smell? 12. favourite scent? 13. opinion on the smell of blown-out candles? 14. what does your shampoo smell like? 15. do you like to wear perfume/cologne?
16. favourite fruit? 17. favourite non-alcoholic drink? 18. worst thing you’ve ever tasted? 19. do you enjoy any unusual food combinations that others find unappealing? 20. what flavour gum do you usually chew?
T O U C H 
21. do you often rip/cut the tags off of your clothes? 22. any specific textures that bother you? 23. do you have a high pain tolerance? 24. softest article of clothing that you (have) own(ed)? 25. are you a good hugger?
26. do you ever feel like you have a sixth sense? in what way(s)? 27. any prophetic dreams? 28. have you ever had your fortune told? (did it prove to be accurate?) 29. has anyone “read your mind” before? 30. have you witnessed any “miracles” or strange coincidences?
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shikyori · 5 years
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After 20 painstaking years of research, Eva Ramon Gallegos, a Mexican scientist has finally developed a cure to eliminate 100 percent human papillomavirus and prevent the spread of cervical cancer among women. (x) (x) (x) Y’all they cured HPV
Yet Trump’s America wouldn’t want you to hear about this nor help it go mainstream
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shikyori · 6 years
Love and Beauty Face Wash 💕
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Since the last post that I made went so well, I decided to share another one of my spells.
This one is to attract any love you want to have the intent of bringing and to make you feel more beautiful than you already are. So, this is to be used in the morning for the day to come!
Your own, favourite face wash - To keep the density of the mixture and some of the nutrients that it has to provide. Honey - Prosperity, Beauty and Healing Rose Water - To attract love + it is also incredibly good for your skin; it removes oil and acne! Cinnamon - To Increase the effectiveness of the mixture + it smells good A little container - To put the mix in.
Optional Rose Pedals - of any colour depending on the kind of love you want to attract either that’d be romantic, platonic or self-love. If you are working with a love/beauty deity, like Aphrodite, get something that would represent them. Aphrodite for example a shell. (Don’t put in the mixture though) Rose Quartz - To attract that love and beauty (AGAIN don’t put it in the mixture)
Procedure Mix all the ingredients together, put them in the container and while stirring it by moving it around in a circular motion clockwise to add positivity, putting your intent and positive thoughts into it. If you wish you can also say them out loud if that is what you want. You can also charge it under the moon; preferably a Full Moon. When you feel it’s ready, it is ready.
Apply it like a normal face wash and make sure to wash it off well, because the honey can be a bit sticky.
~Blessed be  💕
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shikyori · 6 years
Men: Your Consent Matters Too
Fellas, listen.
You don’t have to do anything sexual that you’re not interested in. Moreover, you don’t have to explain why. “No” is a complete sentence.
Not interested in getting pegged? You don’t have to. Monogamous and not into the idea of another partner? Okay. Not sure about period sex? Cool.
And if your partner decides to question or mock your maturity or your masculinity or your sexuality because you say no? It’s time to re-evaluate the relationship. See if you don’t deserve better than that.
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shikyori · 6 years
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Alfalfa: protection, money, happiness, grounding, fertility
Anise: dreams, youth, lust, blessing, cleansing, divination, offerings, protection, spirit protection
Allspice: energy, money, luck, healing
Aspen: protection, healing, performing arts, spirit work
Aloe: femininity, healing, protection, beauty, love
Basil: protection, grounding, happiness, peace, money, love, luck
Bay Leaf: wishes, dreams, psychic ability, cleansing, healing, curse breaking, banishing
Catmint: healing, animal magic, relaxation, calmness, happiness, psychic ability, love, wishes, meditation
Clove: healing, prosperity, friendships, money 
Clover: money, prosperity, luck, happiness, spirit work, fae, protection, healing
Chamomile: calmness, money, love, peace, cleansing, love, meditation
Chives: protection, balance, divination
Coriander/Cilantro: love, protection, divination, fertility, psychic ability, peace
Cinnamon: safety, calmness, love, happiness, money, blessing, protection, healing
Cardamom: femininity, love, charm, performing arts, relaxation, calmness
Cumin: protection, love, fertility, banishing
Cayenne: strength, curses, protection, heartbreak, curse breaking, love
Dandelion: wishes, dreams, psychic ability, lunar magic
Dill: dreams, money, protection, luck, love
Eucalyptus: energy, healing, cleansing, protection
Elderberry: healing, protection, blessing, banishing, cursing, cleansing
Fennel: divination, concentration, energy, meditation, fertility, confidence
Ginseng: love, fertility, beauty, healing, strength
Ginger: energy, speeding things along, passion, travel, healing
Garlic: healing, curses, curse breaking, lunar magic, protection, energy, protection, luck
Holly: dreams, luck, banishing, spirit work, protection, beauty
Juniper: cleansing, fertility, curse breaking, psychic ability, protection
Lavender: calmness, cleansing, love, happiness, fertility
Lemon Balm: cleansing, confidence, overcoming challenges, relaxation
Lemongrass: psychic ability, divination, cleansing, communication, protection, love, luck, jobs
Magnolia: love, fertility, meditation, psychic ability, healing, strength
Mint: communication, energy, money, spirit work, cleansing
Marjoram: protection, happiness, banishing, cleansing
Marigold: love, protection, peace, femininity, comfort
Mugwort: healing, divination, astral projection, dreams, psychic ability, cleansing, protection
Nettle: spirit work, protection, curse breaking
Nutmeg: luck, travel, love, meditation, psychic ability, money
Olive leaf: healing, luck, protection, cleansing, fertility, offerings, blessings
Oregano: happiness, peace, luck, protection, healing, general health, letting go of the past
Peppermint: healing, cleansing, sleep, love, money
Parsley: protection, communication, spirit work, passion
Paprika: spell work, energy, psychic ability, curses, creativity
Pepper (Black): curses, curse breaking, banishing, spirit work, jealousy, absorption of negativity
Raspberry leaf: fertility, femininity, menstrual cycle, lunar magic, love, creativity, protection
Rosemary: cleansing, curse breaking, blessing, healing, fertility, psychic ability, past lives, dreams, marriage
Rose: love, fertility, femininity, protection, marriage, self love
Sage: cleansing, protection, spirit work, smoke cleansing, wisdom, wishes, funerals
Saffron: healing, offerings, wealth, strength, blessing, cleansing, psychic ability, sleep
Spirulina: power, strength, health, luck
St. John’s Wort: cleansing, blessing, offerings, spirit work
Thyme: dreams, sleep, strength, confidence, leaving the past behind you, moving forward, health, healing, fae
Tarragon: luck, calmness, secrets, peace, love, protection, meditation, spirit work
Valerian: spirit work, absorption of negativity, protection, self acceptance
Wheatgrass: cleansing, protection, blessing
Ylang Ylang: beauty, love, luck, happiness, relationships
Yarrow: love, divination, dreams, psychic ability, marriage, courage, communication, focus
Not all of these herbs are edible or safe in some/all circumstances, please do research before eating/using any of the plants listed here!
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shikyori · 6 years
To me, working in necromancy means
Accepting my own death
Using the knowledge that I will someday die as motivation to get out and live the best life that I can
Engaging with history
Engaging with my heritage
Outlet for my interest in death-related activism
Engagement with the unexplained, which I might otherwise be afraid of
A commonality with all people
Knowledge that a long road will be rewarded at the end with a quiet, eternal peace
Cool skulls and shit
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shikyori · 6 years
Roses are red, that much is true, but violets are purple, not fucking blue.
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shikyori · 6 years
The reason why exploring your “witchy” side seems so difficult isn’t…
Because spellcraft is particularly hard…or that magic is complicated.
It’s because we’ve all been systematically traumatized at an early age to ignore our creativity and sense of play.
We’ve been taught that these things only exist in kindergarten. That we must leave these things behind…but why?
No system of control and oppression wants their victims empowered.
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shikyori · 6 years
Youve heard of suns out guns out but how about
Moons out runes out. Real occult hours
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shikyori · 6 years
You might find your god in marble pillars and leaping bonfires. You might find Them on a trip to somewhere far away, where everything seems far more impressive simply because it is new. 
But go back to your home and the little plants by the sidewalk and the tiny stream that flows only after a heavy rain. Go back to the moss on old bricks and the sunlight shining through your kitchen. Close your eyes and listen to the song the robins sing and the volumes the cicadas speak at night. Place your hand to your wrist or neck and feel your heartbeat. 
Your god is there within the tiny things of everyday life. Grand temples and museums cannot hold Them in one place. Gods are vast–They are too Much to be in just a few things. Instead, They are scattered. Instead, They are numerous. You do not need to look far away to find Them.
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shikyori · 6 years
unusual asks
1: Do you ever wish you were someone else?
2: What is your full name?
3: How old are you and how old do you get mistaken for?
4: Have you ever dyed your hair?
5: What’s your eye color?
6: Your opinion about your body and how comfortable you are with it
7: Do you have any tattoos or piercings?
8: What would you say is your best quality?
9: What are you really bad at?
10: What talent do you wish you had?
11: Are you nice to everyone?
12: What do you think about the most?
13: Things you like/dislike about yourself
14: What is your least favorite word?
15: What is your favorite word?
16: Are you more like your mom or your dad?
17: Would you ever smile at a stranger?
18: A reason you’ve lied to someone
19: Are you lying about anything right now?
20: Have you kissed someone older than you?
21: Do you believe in love at first sight?
22: Do you believe in soulmates?
23: Are looks important?
24: Opinion on relationship age differences
25: Would you date someone off the Internet?
26: Have you ever cried over a boy/girl?
27: Have you ever wanted someone you couldn’t have?
28: Anyone you’re giving up on right now?
29: Have you ever liked someone who your friends hated?
30: Have you ever liked your best friend?
31: How does someone win your heart?
32: What turns you on?
33: What turns you off?
34: Do you get jealous easily?
35: What is your definition of cheating?
36: Do you forgive betrayal?
37: Have you ever been cheated on?
38: Have you ever cheated on someone?
39: How often do you listen to music?
40: First concert you attended
41: Last movie you watched
42: Favorite type of movie
43: Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
44: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
45: Do you fall in love easily?
46: Do you think people say I love you too much?
47: What’s your favorite holiday?
48: Are you a forgiving person? Do you like being that way?
49: Where’s the most magical place on earth?
50: What’s your “type”?
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shikyori · 6 years
Another note about the personal bias: being able to remove your own biases towards yourself while reading will help you out tremendously in the long run for when you read others. It will also help you become more attuned to your deck.
Things I Think Newbie Tarot Readers Need To Know
1. You can store your decks in whatever way you choose. There’s no real right or wrong way, aside from tossing them in the trash.  2. You don’t NEED a “sacred space” to read. You can read hanging upside down on the monkey bars if you’re up for a challenge. 3. You don’t need to be a witch to read tarot. I say again, YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A WITCH TO READ TAROT. 4. Tarot cards hold as much power as you let them. Some view them as sacred items, others view them as just a fun card game. No one else can tell you how to view them, that’s just a personal thing. 5. There is no real *set* way to read. The majority of the reading is intuition-based, so trust your gut. 6. You don’t need thousands of decks. (Though, I mean, you may want them.) The amount of decks you have/don’t have doesn’t measure your abilities. 7. Don’t get put off by people who think your reading was irrelevant in their life. Sometimes, readings take time to actually manifest. You’re doing great. Don’t let this deter you. 8. The amount of times you cleanse your deck is ENTIRELY up to you. Some people do it after every reading. Some people do it..well, maybe never. The choice is yours. 9. There is no right or wrong way to shuffle your cards. At. All. 10. Sometimes reading for yourself can be hard. It’s okay to have someone else read for you. Seriously. 11. Don’t be intimidated if you’ve just started. We’ve all started from day one.  12. You may run into some elitists, and while you shouldn’t punch them in the face, you should make sure what they say doesn’t make you uncomfortable in how you do things. This is all YOU, not THEM.  Feel free to add on to this if y’all have a little something to put. 
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shikyori · 6 years
correspondence resource
ok my little witchies
imma teach you the most helpful tool for herbs and stones and shit
you got to pinecone.pub
you type in a word from the list of intents, like protection, love, whatever
boom, list of many herbs and stones and shit you can use in the spell
you can even build spells, name them and save them
go forth and bookmark that shit 
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shikyori · 6 years
Reposting for this absolutely beautiful corvid.
Ravens are a very powerful animal spiritually, they are highly inquisitive and intelligent, often fimdong ways to use the environment around them to their advantage. While they may eat carrion, they are not just a symbol of death. They can also represent new beginnings, intelligence, and protection.
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by JestePhotography
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shikyori · 6 years
reblog this if you want a LONG (or short) anonymous message saying what they think of you.
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