shilohgrant · 2 years
nicky meadows-walsh​.
“I didn’t see you, either, and I’ve got the higher vantage point. So why don’t we say that it’s either both of our faults, or none of them?” Nicky offered, holding out a hand to help her up. He narrowed his eyes when he saw her rubbing at her arm. “Are you sure you’re alright? I promise you won’t hurt my feelings if you tell me you got hurt.” In fact he’d really prefer it if she told him, and not just because he felt bad that she got hurt because of him. But because it was hard for him to judge his own strength sometimes, at least around non-giants. He was still getting used to it, in fact. He was always having to think about it, keep it in the back of his mind when he was moving through the more crowded areas of the school and it could be exhausting. But it was better than accidentally hurting someone and getting expelled and giants banned and starting another supernatural war.
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          “It’s okay really. I’m very short.” And that was the truth. Shiloh was much shorter than Nicky and not just becuse she was just a wix and he was a giant. She was short even for regular human standards. “No, no, I really am fine. Trust me. Happens all the time. I’m really quiet.” And she was typically one of the quieter students in the school. She looked at Nicky and hoped that he was here for something interesting. She didn’t know what project he was currently working on. She had her own section of the greenhouse since she was younger. “What are you working on?” they asked, tilting their head to the side. She was more curious about that than she was about having been bumped. “I’ve got some new hybrids I’ve been working on.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
sage isaacs​.
“Nice to meet you Shiloh.” Sage loved travel and had seen lots of North America and a good deal of Europe. New Zealand was high on her list to visit next. “Well maybe we can fly some new places sometime. I’m a dragon, by the way,” she clarified. She nodded in appreciation at how quickly the witch summoned a portal. “Sure thing,” she said before hopping through the portal, not sure where it would take her. Sage recognized where she was on the other side immediately. While she hadn’t been to the Firmament itself, them not letting just anyone waltz in, she had visited the Redwood Forest before. “Are the giants going to help us find a fox?” she asked her partner once they came through the portal.
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          “Nice to meet you, Sage,” they replied with a smile on their face. They were used to never having been anywhere. It was kinda annoying because most wix were able to portal places. That’s what she got for having parents that were protective to the point where they never let her leave the island. “Oh, that’s cool! I’ve only met a fwe dragons before!” Shiloh got excited at the prospect of getting to travel. “Have you been to many places?” she asked, and started casting a portal for the two of them to use. She concentrated on the spell and opened a portal. “Um, no idea, but it’s a start, right?” They tilted their head to the side and then nodded. “Okay, I think we’re good. I can go first if you want me to.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
nicky meadows-walsh​.
Nicky ducked his way into the greenhouse, excited to spend some time with the plants. They weren’t like the trees back home, but it was still calming to relax and commune with them. It’s why he set aside a dedicated amount of time each week outside of classes. He just wished that the doors were taller. Of course, he felt that way about most doors around campus. He was glad that he had a chance to study here, and that there was furniture that he fit into but if the doors could just be taller so that he wasn’t ducking. And the ceilings, too. He spent far too much time ducking and hunching over. At least the green house had expansive ceilings, so he didn’t need to worry about his posture. (Just another bonus to spending his time here versus a lab).
He made his way carefully over to his station, all the way across the greenhouse in the back corner. He was singing a tune softly (at least softly for a giant) as he walked, thinking that he had the place to himself. Of course, the moment he turned a corner he realized that that wasn’t the case, knocking another student to the ground. “Oh, hey Shiloh, sorry, I didn’t see you there.” He said, taking a few steps back so that he didn’t crush the young wix. It wouldn’t do to crush the headmasters child. “Are you alright?”
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          Whenever Shiloh was stressed, she ended up at the greenhouses to do some work. She liked the school’s greenhouses and the botany program was really good, but she like her own gardens. Things were just always so tense at home. Even now she felt like she had to go between her parents. They always asked her for one thing or another and it was a bit exhausting. After a grueling day dealing with some of her annoying classes, she was looking forward to getting some time in at the greenhouses to destress. Shiloh understood the general education classes had a point, but it was annoying having to deal with them when she knew what she wanted to study. They didn’t really want to deal with the weird students in some of her classes. 
          Not paying attention to where she was going, Shiloh ironically didn’t see the giant in front of her. Lost in her own world, she’d been paying more attention to the plants she had in her hand than the other people in the greenhouses. It was too late to move out of his way, so she fell, doing a quick spell to keep the plants from spilling soil all over the floor. “Oh, no. It’s totally my fault. I, uh, didn’t see you.” She sat up, rubbing her arm. “I’m okay.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
felix vidal.
Felix nodded a bit
“Yeah but hopefully word spreads and it’ll get others talking.” Felix said with a slgiht shrug who knew? Maybe he’d have his cafe sooner than he hoped for! well he shouldn’t get to ahead of himself, first he had to make back the money he put into his little stand here.
“You’ll have to let me know what you think, i’m all for constructive critisism after all.” Felix said with a smile 
“so what kind of plants are you interested in most then? Flowers, trees? little bit of everything?” Felix asked her leaning on the counter a little there weren’t people waiting now so he wasn’t worried to much.
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          Shiloh nodded. They were used to that sort of thing, spreading the word through people. That’s how things worked on the island. For the most part, she only ever learned about things through other people. “I’m sure it will,” they took a look at the cupcakes and displays. “It’s a very fancy display.” 
          She wished that she was creative. In a way she was kind of one of those very boring people. “Oh, I don’t know. I’m not very good at all this food critic stuff.” She only ate fresh foods for the most part. 
          “Oh anything. I like all sorts of plants. The garden at my mom’s is mostly flowers, some trees and the ones at my dad’s are veggies.” Thankfully the two of them lived close enough to each other that they could walk between them. “I like veggies best.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
sage isaacs​.
“Well, I’m Sage, like the herb,” she introduced herself. Agriculture didn’t interest her at all, but she was looking for something to relate with. This was her new travel buddy, after all. “Cool, portaling is so convenient.” She loved flying, but nothing was as quick as portaling, especially to get her home across the country. Sage pursed her lips in thought. For all her excitement, she realized she didn’t actually know that much about foxes. “I wouldn’t think so. They like to hide in the woods, right? I can try to track one by smell.” She had caught the fox’s smell when leaning down to look through the bushes. It was fairly similar to dog, to be honest.
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          “I’m Shiloh,” they introduced themself. It was weird having rarely  been off the island before. Her knowledge about the outside world was really lacking compared to some people. She wanted to see the world sometime. What better time to do it than now? “It is! Although it sucks if you’ve not really been anywhere. Portals... well I’m good at them, but I’m also not... well traveled.” She nodded and then thought about the Firmament. The Redwood forest would have to do. Hopefully there were foxes there. Shiloh did a quick incantation and opened a portal. “Trackers first?” They were confident in their ability to create a portal, they just didn’t want to be rude. 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
felix vidal.
felix nodded as he listened to her making a mental note of the garden, maybe he could buy some veggies from her, the fresher the better after all for his assignments.
“Felix Vidal, Nice to meet you” Felix said shaking her hand the connection to the name went completely over his head, a lot of things did honestly he didn’t put a lot of thought into it
“I guess this could be counted as a little bit of both personal and homework? a few of my reciped will be gong to my professors in a few days for grading and i’m sure if I’ve got half the campus raving about my food it can’t hurt my grades at all right?” Felix asked with a smile as he looked around proudly at the students who were enjoying his creations.
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          Liking plants had always just been one of those things that they liked. For so long it was the thing that made them feel safe. Their gardens and even the space they had in the greenhouses here at the school. For Shiloh it was their favorite place to be, even if most people didn’t understand. Plant magic, healing magic, that’s what they wanted to do. 
          “Nice to meet you too, Felix!” Shiloh exclaimed with a smile on their face. Honestly, meeting other people was a big part of why she was glad she this school allowed all supernaturals to attend. She didn’t have to fight her parents to let her go to school off the island. 
          “Oh, neat! So you’re a culinary arts major then.” They’d met plenty of people in the program since arriving. “Well all that attended the fair right? I’ve seen a few people that aren’t in attendance.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
ARMANI: What’s one thing that others seek you out for?
“Hm, I’m not entirely sure. I’m pretty good at warding spells though. And natural ways to heal someone. Don’t want to sound over confident in my abilities though.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
SHIFTER: What animal would you shift into, if you had the power?
“Probably a bee! They’re very important for the environment, you know. I don’t even think like a queen bee or anything. Just a worker bee. Probably sounds a bit boring, but anything for the plants.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
ORLOVA: What makes you feel free?
"Honestly? I'm not really sure. I used to think being close to my family, but these days, they're not really the most fun people to be around. I guess being in my garden is the biggest thing that makes me feel free. Getting my hands dirty and watching the plants grow form small seeds. It makes me remember that humans can grow too.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
GRANT: What’s an important tradition in your family? ZAHO: Talk about a time that you really felt confident in yourself and your abilities. KENNEDY: Have you ever felt like an outsider before? If not, what makes you feel like you belong in your social circle? ARMANI: What’s one thing that others seek you out for? NAVAREZ: Talk about a time that you’ve felt charitable. ORLOVA: What makes you feel free? FULTON: Where do your talents lie? GRIMALDI: In your life, have you done a lot of travel? Where have you been if you have? Where would you like to go? SUMNER: Do you typically get along with people who have different opinions as you? POOLE: What do you like that others consider niche? SKYWALK: If you could travel to any time period, when would you go and why? MOTHMANN: What do you do that others find unusual? DIAZ: Do you consider yourself a natural healer/peacekeeper? RICHARDS: Have you ever pretended to be someone you’re not? ROJAS: What are you afraid of? DE PELOUSE: Do you have a subject that you pick up much better than anything else? CHEN: Have you always known what you’ve wanted to do with your life, or has it changed since you were a child? ORTIZ: What topics do you tend to ramble about? CARSON: If you could give yourself a label, what label would you give yourself? SOULMATES: Do you believe in soulmates? LUDARES: Are you sporty? WINGO: Do you like to gamble and do you believe luck has anything to do with gambling, or skill? DRAGON: What do you like to collect or “hoard”? GARGOYLE: Do you believe that all species deserve to be protected? GIANTS: Are you introverted or extroverted? FAE: Do you get along with your family? SEAFOLK: If you could live anywhere, where would you live? SHIFTER: What animal would you shift into, if you had the power? VAMPIRE: If you could ask a question to anyone from the the past, who would you pick, what question would you ask them, and why? WIX: Describe a situation where you think magic would make your life easier.
Tag any in character memes with katmere.meme!
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shilohgrant · 2 years
sage isaacs​.
Sage couldn’t think of a fox shifter she knew from the Academy, but she definitely didn’t know all of the students at the university. “The plant life?” Sage couldn’t help but ask. Sure, she and her brother were named after plants, but the things themselves were quite boring in comparison to wild animals. Her parents should have name her after something cool, like a gemstone or a predator. “Ooh, are we going on a little adventure? Are we flying? Or like–” she waved her arms in the general motion she had seen wix summon portals.
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          Shiloh’s father never spoke to her about the different species that they had at the school. It would be a violation of privacy to talk about the students files, even if Shiloh hadn’t ended up at Katmere. While the university was bigger than her previous school, at least there were shifters here. “I’m an agriculture major. I’ve always been interested in plants.” She had always liked plants that had the ability to heal and wanted to study all sorts of plants. She was one of the few freshman she spoke to that actually knew what they wanted their major to be. “Portals, but maybe some flying as I’ve never really been off this island. Are there foxes near the giant city? I’ve been there once with school before and could get us there.” But if not, they might need to portal and fly elsewhere.
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shilohgrant · 2 years
felix vidal.
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“Uh…” Felix looked around at all the food he’d maybe spent way to much time preparing in his haste to make a good impact so that maybe he could actually get closer to his dream cafe.
“Maybe most….or all of it.” Felix admitted kind of sheepishly as he gave an awkward smile 
“Culinary arts major, couldn’t resist the opportunity you know?” Felix asked as he went over to the cupcakes and pulled one out placing it in a little plastic container and placing it on the counter in front of her
“anything else I can help you with?”
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          Shiloh felt this way about their own passions. If she’d have thought of it, or talked to her dad, maybe she’d have opened up a booth and sold flowers. But she had been far too busy doing homework to even know there was an event about to happen and Shiloh didn’t want her grades to slip. They looked around at all the different types of food on the cart. Honestly, she should probably find more to buy, but she wasn’t exactly hungry right this second. “Wow, that’s impressive. I can barely get my homework done in time.” 
          The wix couldn’t help but be impressed by all of this, although it really didn’t take that much to impress her. “I’m an agriculture major, so I kind of get it. Plants are totally my thing. I have two gardens and a greenhouse here on campus.” Not that she lived in campus with both parents houses being close. They looked at the cupcake and took it from the counter. 
          “I think I’m good food-wise at least. I’m Shiloh Grant. I’m a freshman.” She wondered if anyone would recognize the name either because a Grant signed all the acceptance letters or because they knew the history of the island. 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
felix vidal.
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Felix had practically jumped for joy when he was told that he could run a snack cart for the valentines festival! He also might have gone a little overboard in making everything valentines themed somehow from the heart shaped pretzels to the cupcakes, cookies, mini heart shaped pizzas to- well you get the picture. Guy saw his opportunity to fund raise for his future cafe and really went for it!
“So what can I get for you?” Felix asked with a smile “Can I suggest the passion fruit smoothie?” 
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          As much as Shiloh didn’t like celebrating Valentines day, she did like the idea of celebrating friendships. Shiloh was a product of mates, and fundamentally while their parents had worked when they were younger, they grew out of the bond quickly and because of that Shiloh had a difficult time believing that true love existed when for the most part her parents hadn’t worked out. Still, the place was festive and they’d enjoy the activities either way. 
          “I think I’ll just start with a cupcake. Did you make all of this?” the freshman wix asked, looking at everything. 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
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“The very essence of romance is uncertainty.” ― Oscar Wilde, The Importance of Being Earnest and Other Plays
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shilohgrant · 2 years
sage isaacs​.
“A shifter?” Sage asked. That was way less fun than a real fox, especially one with a cool color. She sighed in disappointment, standing up and revealing the dirt on the knees of her nice leggings. “You’ve not? Hmm, I don’t know that I’ve ever even seen a real fox then.” Except for her stuffed animal, Franz Foxington, of course. 
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          “Well, I don’t know all the students  here, but I think there’s probably a few shifters that are foxes. Probably even one that’s silver.” While Katmere wasn’t a large school, there weren’t that many supernaturals. “The island is kind of isolated, but I don’t really pay as much attention to the animal life as much as I do the plant life.” Shiloh looked around campus for a second. “If you want to go see a real fox, I could probably get us out of here for the afternoon.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
sage isaacs.
“Fox!” Sage exclaimed in glee as a tail disappeared around a tree. She hopped up, forgetting her history book and notes. She turned to the person next to her and loudly whispered, “Did you see it? I think it was a silver fox.” Sage started sneaking to where the fox disappeared to, hoping to catch another glance.
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          Having lived on this island her whole life, Shiloh was used to weird stuff popping up. It was just one of those things about basically growing up on this campus the way they had. Sometimes Shiloh felt jealous of those people that came in from Katmere Academy already knowing each other, but then again, Shiloh knew things about the school the others didn’t know. “No, there was a fox? Are you sure it wasn’t just a shifter?” They looked up. “I don’t know that I’ve ever seen a fox on this island.” 
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shilohgrant · 2 years
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You Have to Pick One This Time  ( 4.01 )
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