shilosworld-blog · 7 years
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Media for first short story
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
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Media for first short story. Picture of hardwood floors in my first house.
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
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Media for third short story. 
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
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Media for third short story. Picture from one of my family’s trips to the Okanagan.
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
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Media for second short paragraph. My grandparents farm during the winter.
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
Media for second short paragraph.
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shilosworld-blog · 7 years
I Remember
I remember the smell of sunlight. I remember the sound of the packing tape being ripped from the cardboard. I remember lining my possessions up along the perimeter of my room. I had never had a room all to myself before. I remember sitting on the floor vent heater before school most mornings, wanting to stay there. I remember the sticky trail of ants from the crack in the floorboard to the pot of honey in the kitchen cupboard. I remember sliding along the hardwood floor in my red socks into the mattress rested up again the wall outside my room. I remember the whole in the kitchen wall hidden behind a calendar. The old wooden floors were lava and I had to jump from couch to couch. I remember falling asleep on the couch and waking up in my bed the next morning. I remember hearing my mom cry through the paper thin walls at night. I remember vacuuming my bedroom. The vacuum always left a bad scent. I remember playing badminton in the front yard. A line of thick string tied from tree to tree was our net. I remember our dog milo sitting on the living room table, watching out the window when I got home from school. I remember the day milo got hit by a car. I felt what it meant to have your heart hurt. I remember when the Christmas tree fell over on Christmas. On Saturdays my brother and I would bike to Safeway and buy chicken wings and seven ups and put it in our backpacks and ride back home with it. I remember constructing a giant Mother’s Day sign with my dad. We erected it on the front yard and left it there for several days. I remember coming home from the hospital and having a strict diet of  freezies and jello and not having to go to school. I remember the time when my brother and I took a serious interest in parkour for a solid week and everything was an obstacle course. The twenty five cent lemonade stands on the front sidewalk on hot summer days. It mostly tasted like lukewarm lemon water. Going to block buster every weekend and renting a new Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen dvd and watching them with my sister under a blanket fort in the basement. Eating cookies and drinking milk from a miniature tea party set with my brother. I remember coming home on Canada Day when we were robbed. The front door was open ajar and there was broken glass on the tile floor below the kitchen window. Our safe had been stolen and we found it empty a week later in a marsh in Port Coquitlam. We moved shortly after. I remember the house I grew up in when I was a kid.
I used to sit on my grandpas lap with my hands on the wheel of a giant green John Deere tractor while he drove it through miles of corn fields. We had corn peeling contest where we would fill a wheelbarrow with corn to see who could do it the fastest between me and my siblings. I never won but my corn were always the most peeled. I remember going up to the hayloft and swinging on the rope while looking for the barn owl. You had to be careful because there were hidden holes in the floor covered by hay. On hot Sunday afternoons we walked down the road to the dairy store for ice cream. Cars flew by, sending my long blonde hair into the air as we sang Christmas songs in the middle of July. I remember the air was thick and hot. We played sardines in the barn at night during winter when it was pitch black out and the only visible light were the stars in the sky. There was snow on the ground and I could feel the cold through the bottom of my thin sneakers nibbling at my toes. Somehow we stayed out till the first peak of dawn and then snuck into our beds. It was the biggest adrenaline rush. The pond was frozen over in the winter and we would slide in our boots across the ice until we had bruises from falling. I would stay at my grandparents house during the summer by myself for a week. My grandma always braided my hair in two long french braids and I wore her apron which was too big for me while we made coco quickies. I remember building a train that went in a circle around their living room. I remember riding in the back of my grandpas truck down rural roads holding their dog millie who had the same birthday as me. I lied in the back of the truck with blankets and watched the stars and wrote in my book, creating stories to be published one day. I remember playing marbles when it was raining outside and my finger stinging afterwards. I used to gather as many vines from the weeping willows as my hands could fit and swing by the river while looking up at the clear blue sky. I used to run through fields of tall wheat grass, I itched my legs until they were red after. I remember when my grandma had a brain aneurysm. I remember spending hours sitting by her bed. When it came to her birthday, we through her a birthday party with cake and presents. The whole day she stared at the wall and didn't speak. She forgot everything and couldn't remember our names. My grandpa had to sell the farm to take better care of her.
We used to drive up to the Okanagan to visit my cousins in the summertime. I loved road trips and accordingly packed extra dvd’s and pillows for the ride. One particular summer I was obsessed with Cast Away and didn't watch anything else for two months straight. We always stopped at the halfway point in Merritt where I got a bag of assorted candies from Bob’s Mini Mart. I remember one time we stopped at a river along the way and brushed our teeth. I had a hot pink suitcase and even though we only stayed for a week at a time I generally packed like it was for six months. My cousins lived on a charming lot abounding with apricot trees which we would pick and eat for breakfast. There was a wired fence running along their property that belonged to a golf course. I remember one warm night we found a hole in the fence and I was the only one small enough to squeeze through. The rest had to make the hole big enough or jump over. I danced with my bare feet in wet grass, running up and rolling down hills. We played marco polo in one of the sand pits, making sure to drag the rake through after to erase our foot prints. There was also a time when we snuck into an empty house’s property at night and swam in their pool. It was freezing cold and lined with a ring of algae along the perimeters. When we opened the door to the house a piercing alarm went off, echoing through the entire valley. I turned around and bolted up the road in my swimsuit and towel, my bare feet slapping against the hard concrete, heart pounding, hair dripping, and my ears ringing. I remember going to the beach in Kelowna. There was a playground on the sand that met the shore at some parts. There was a zip line that went out into the middle of the water. I took hold of the two bars, pushed off the ledge and tucked my knees in. My hair was blown back behind me as I flew down the rope. The cold ocean water shocked my hot skin as I plunged into the deep surrounding water. We rented these huge bikes you could ride in the water and trampolines. My sister and my cousin brought our towels onto the floating trampoline and sunbathed in the middle of the ocean. I remember my mom yelling at me for not wearing any sunscreen. The next day when I looked in the mirror, my scalp was peeling from the burn I attained which I didn't even know was possible at the time. My mom rubbed cool aloe vera gel on my hot shoulders and back. It hurt to move my skin in any direction.
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