shincbinaku-blog · 6 years
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reira wastes no time in scrambling up to reiji’s bed & burrowing in by his side, his favorite teddy bear locked in a death grip by small arms & pressed nervously against his shallowly rising chest, a low tide of mindlessly panic still bubbling in his veins. usually reiji wasn’t into cuddling or anything of the sort & reira rarely was comfortable with such contact for so long, though his brother was so solid & warm he can’t help but outright abandon his stuffed animal in favor of grabbing at his brother’s sleeve. 
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          He thought so. Reira was a very sensitive child, probably moreso than he could even fathom, and that meant that he just needed a little extra attention. Reiji knew this wouldn’t last long. He nor Reira were ones for physical comfort and so he could deal with the closeness of his brother. It was no different than holding Reira’s hand while they walked.
          “Have they been coming more recently?” he asked idly, picking up his phone to flick through his e-mail. “If the medicine’s stopped working, we can try you on something new.”
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shincbinaku-blog · 6 years
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nightmares weren’t as frequent as they had been, ever since reira had been adopted & given the right pills & treatment, but some poisoned dreams still wormed their way into the child’s mind & set his whole ablaze in a blind, busy bee panic & bundle frazzled nerves. he always sought out his big brother for comfort in such stressful moments, despite being scolded the last few times by his mother for doing so, because reiji was working & reira was being a hindrance, but reira never listened. just like this time & all the rest. 
“… b-brother…” he whimpers in a thin voice as he enters the other’s room with rattling bones, words garbled with the hot-wet water of tears & fright. 
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          One thing Reiji seemed to do is never stop working. He would often continue his work on his laptop if he wasn’t in his office and it didn’t matter when he last slept. He had trouble with that, even, so the majority of time spent in his bed was actually just working. Nobody usually bothered him, so when he heard his little brother’s shaking voice, his typing immediately ceased and he looked up.
          “Another nightmare?” was all he said as he closed his laptop and patted his bed, inviting Reira to climb up. 
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“I am a god! I don’t need my little counterparts’ power to keep my own up!” Zarc snarled, straining against the bands, his skin starting to turn black with scales, spreading down his cheeks to go into his turtle neck, his hand bones shifting under their gloves and lengthening to support his claws that will grow.
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     “Not quite. See, if it weren’t for your counterparts merging, you would have stayed in their minds forever. Not very god-like. Then there’s the part where you couldn’t survive on your own until I ripped you out of Yuuya’s mind...” Reiji chuckled. “Now I’m not trying to hurt you or split you into so many parts you’d be a zygote. Be angry all you want, but you’re not convincing me you’re safe for civilian life by doing so.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Good luck,” Zarc snorted, “You don’t need to know about my past. It won’t benefit either of us for you to know it. Don’t expect me to compliantly hang here either.”
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     “On the contrary, it’s quite helpful to know what I’m dealing with. If you have any hope of getting out of here relatively unharmed, you’ll have to work with me. Don’t underestimate me.” Reiji pulled up a screen on his tablet. “If anything, I don’t believe being separated from your reincarnations is doing your power levels any favors.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
Zarc merely glared at Reiji and shut his mouth, shaking his head with a smirk. He wasn’t going to talk about himself. “Let me down and maybe I’ll indulge you…maybe.”
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     “Don’t worry. I have all the time in the world to convince you. I’ll come back in a few days and see if you change your tune.” It would be easy enough; plus there was no way of knowing the time whatsoever. No clocks, no windows, no nothing.
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“I don’t trust you,” he growled, “I don’t trust that you’d let me go as you say. Besides, there really isn’t much more about me that you’d learn besides what daddy dearest told you… Besides turning everything about me in a negative light, he was spot on for most of it.”
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     “Unfortunately for you, I never take the words of others as anything but face value. The source is ultimately the best place to find out information.” Reiji pushed his glasses up, chuckling. “You don’t have to trust me. I don’t care for trust. It’s rather fragile and easily faked. So tell me about yourself. Start with the powers you have.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“You can’t pick and choose who shares your blood, asshole,” Zarc snorted, “You share a blood father, you’re siblings whether you like it or not.”
Flinching at the light, he started to squirm again and fought against the bands of steel pinning him down. “I have no idea why Yuya wanted me to be free, I never spoke to him after he pulled me from Reira, never made any indication that I was still around.”
He smirked then, his eyes starting to glow. “And you’re damn right I’m dangerous, and that’s never going to change. You couldn’t understand me if you tried.”
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     “Then I suppose I just need to try.” Reiji crossed a leg over the other, leaning back and relaxing, if only to show he wasn’t scared of Zarc. Yuuya had asked him to take care of Zarc should he still be in his mind, and that’s what he’d do...for the most part.
     “Yuuya wasn’t sure if you were in his mind or not, so he asked me to figure out if you were. Obviously, that’s what led to you being here. Now, I’ll be very frank. I could leave you in here to rot and not feel the slightest bit of guilt. Unlike Ray, I could really care less what happens to you. However, Yuuya has expressed great concern over your wellbeing, so the sooner you tell me about yourself, the sooner you can go home with the Sakakis.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Oh trust me, I know an Akaba when I see one,” he spat, spitting at Reiji’s feet, his eyes shifting to slitted dragon eyes. “You have the same eyes as your harlot of a sister. And who the fuck are you to decide what I do or not? Before you harshly ripped me from Yuya I was content to fade away into the darkness of Yuya’s mind and let Yuya live his life on his own…Well, on his own as much as he can with three others in his head.”
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     “You’re very charismatic. I lay no claim to Ray as my sister, so kindly refrain from referring to her as such.” Reiji stepped forward, tapping his chin and watching Zarc’s eyes. “Interesting, to say the least. Still, you may have been content, but Yuuya was not. He wanted each of his counterparts and his original incarnation to live their own lives. That is why you are here now.”
     Reiji stepped aside, flicking on a light to bring push back the darkness of the room, before he sat down on the table in front of Zarc, carefully out of range.
     “You see, I extracted Yuuto, Yuuri and Yuugo from Yuuya’s mind and restored them to their physical bodies as I have done to you. You, however, are dangerous in a way that they are not. I want to understand you before I let you into the Sakaki’s custody.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
It had been an interesting few weeks for sure. First Zarc finally woke up, went on a rampage, got beaten back into submission by Ray, and then got sealed into a little boy, the sealing and the reversing energy from Ray somehow turning his new vessel into a baby girl. He was still trying to work that one out.
That had been interesting enough, existing as a baby for a week or so, unable to control reira but had enough of a presence that the baby was unnaturally serious and quiet due to his anger. He still had a link with Yuya but it was diminished until Yuya opened it wide and extracted Zarc out of Reira so Zarc returned to Yuya and laid dormant deep in his mind. There was still anger and darkness, so much darkness but Zarc withdrew and kept to himself far far deep in Yuya’s mind where the other three wouldn’t find him.
There he was content to stay, it was Yuya’s time, his was over, until light of all things engulfed him. When he was next aware, he could feel again. He could feel the softness of the inside of his leather gloves, the weight of his jacket, the collar brushing lightly against his cheeks. Groaning lightly, he tried to rub his eyes and snapped back to full awareness when he realized that he couldnt move. There were bands of thick steel around his ankles wrists and throat, suspending him against the wall and just enough off of the floor where if he flexed his foot the tip of his toe would brush the floor. There was also a band of steel around his torso and waist to support him and keep him from strangling. Snarling, Zarc started straining, trying to get free.
     After all the events of the inter-dimensional war, after Yuuya’s struggle and Reira’s courage, Reiji had only one goal in mind — split Zarc from every host once and for all. and hold him accountable for his actions. With the dimensional counterparts’ help and technology spanning from his father’s, he’d manage to split Zarc’s consciousness from them and throw him back into his own physical body.
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     Upon hearing that Zarc had finally woken, Reiji was quick to drop what he was doing and go to the lab, closing the heavy steel door behind him and stepping into the light for Zarc to see.
     “You can struggle all you like, but it won’t do much. I’m sure you know me, Zarc, but in case you don’t: I’m Akaba Reiji and from this moment on, your life is under my control.”
To tame a dragon
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Just because this is your place doesn’t mean I have to put up with you breathing down my damn neck the whole time,” Shun retorted. He had seen a guestroom next to what he assumed was Reiji’s but didn’t go into it. Instead he went back to the living room and flopped down on the couch, stretching out to take up all of the spots on the couch. “Just leave me alone.” Like hell was he going to stay in one of the bedrooms. He had a peculiar feeling about all this but couldnt place it. Reiji normally stayed in the living quarters the floor above his office with Reira. So why he would insist on staying here instead of returning to lds confused Shun.
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     “Of course not.” Seeing that Shun had settled down, Reiji turned, taking out his phone and scanning his new messages. “Interesting. Fine, you’ll have me out of your hair now. There’s an array of food should you get hungry. Do not charge things to my account for pay-per-view, Kurosaki. I won’t be happy if you do.”
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
Shun grumbled but shut the door to the office. “Do you plan on following me around or are you getting back to work? You hovering is getting annoying,” he told Reiji.
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     “Did you forget the part where this is my house, not yours? I happen to have a right to be here.” He could go back to work, but he’d wait until he’d sufficiently pissed Kurosaki off.
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
Shun was opening doors and poking his head in to see what was in there, memorizing the layout and happened to be looking at the office when he said that. “But messing up your puzzles is my favorite hobby, remember? How else am I supposed to entertain myself?” He asked, looking back at reiji “and besides, I have no interest in any paperwork so unless you’re hiding things you’d rather I not find in your office….”
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     “I’m not stupid enough to keep anything I wouldn’t want found where you can find them. As for entertaining yourself, find a way. I’ll buy you a game system if it gets you off my case,” Reiji told him, glaring levelly. Few things were sacred to him, but his puzzles were absolutely one.
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
Shun looked him dead in the eye and made an exaggerated yawn. “Boring. Let me know when you intend to actually start then. I’m going to explore then possibly rest,” he said before sauntering off and heading down the hall to explore the large penthouse.
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     “It’s not fun if you’re expecting it. It also works better as a surprise.” Reiji put his water down, following after him. “My only requirement is that you do not mess with the various puzzles in my office — or frankly anything in my office.”
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Of that, you can be sure that this place will stay clean. I’m going to be living here, there’s no reason to make it a mess,” Shun replied, finally looking away from the glass. “But for this being your worst, this is stupidly tame.”
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     “My worst? Please don’t insult me. I’m only making you comfortable until I have a chance to break you, Kurosaki. I’ll make sure you are well aware of everything I’m capable of.”
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Whatever. I’m not some heathen, I don’t trash places for the hell of it. I never trashed anything at LDS, now did I?” he countered, still inspecting the glass. “But you challenged me so I will be trying to break the glass at the most. It doesnt look two feet thick, only a foot at that. Besides, I already don’t like you and I’m not some pet you can keep here. I will get out, just you wait.”
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     “I like a challenge, Kurosaki. You must’ve realized that by now.” Reiji leaned against the counter, raising an eyebrow at him. “Take anything I say at face value then. Either way, I’ll be leaving you here, so behave yourself. It’s yours to use as you please, so long as I come back to it in relative cleanliness.”
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“Well I’m sure you’ll get quite a show on the cameras I’m sure you have planted around the penthouse. You’re not going to invade my privacy and have cameras in the bedroom and bathroom, are you? If so you’re a grade a sicko,” Shun replied, finally pulling free and wandering over to inspect the windows. “Two feet thick is overkill, don’t you think? What were you ever going to do if there had been a fire here and the door shorted out since the front door is the code activated elevator and you’re not supposed to use an elevator in a fire?”
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     “Don’t be a pain, Kurosaki. It’s better than the room you had back at LDS.” If he was trying to get a reaction, Reiji wasn’t giving it. He slipped his shoes off, walking into the kitchen for some water. “I’m not telling you the escape route in case of a fire, because you’ll just use that now. This is my private penthouse, so trash it and you won’t like me. Am I understood?”
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shincbinaku-blog · 7 years
“And you don’t think I can’t smash my way out of a penthouse? Please,” he snorted. “And what about my round two and up duels huh? I doubt me dueling from a camera would be good form, especially if I’m supposed to be representing your shitty ass school.” Looking around as they entered the penthouse, Shun admitted it was nice, but that didn’t phase him. “Define completely safe.”
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     “I say ‘completely safe’ as ‘completely confined. You shouldn’t underestimate the best security money can buy, Kurosaki.” Arming the system behind him, Reiji turned to the other duelist again. “I will personally escort you to and from your tournament duels. I’d enjoy seeing you try to smash bulletproof glass that’s two feet thick.”
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