shinkanneko · 2 years
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shinkanneko · 3 years
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shinkanneko · 3 years
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The White Tree
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shinkanneko · 3 years
I’m alive
These past years have been hard, I got really sick in 2015 and it took me years to get okay with my new normal. Then the pandemic hit and i was scared about my weakened health, but I’m not afraid anymore, i got covid and survived. So Have the antibodies and should be okey for a while. My health is in a way that makes me not able to get the vaccines, and my doctor agrees with that, but I survived this long without vaccinations. 
That being said I did start painting, and other mixed media. 
I hope everyone is doing well. Here’s to 2022. 
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Re-uploading this, since it didn’t get that much notice when I posted it, last night.
It’s just a garbage fusion between Parasoul (Skullgirls) and Shiromori (Mystery Skulls).
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Cheery Keith for the soul
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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The Road goes ever on and on Down from the door where it began. Now far ahead the Road has gone, And I must follow, if I can, Pursuing it with weary feet, Until it joins some larger way, Where many paths and errands meet. And whither then? I cannot say.
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Part 1  Part 2  Part 3
A sudden loud roar startled both the defiler and his prey. As they both turned in the direction where the sound had come from a slight wave of dizziness overcame Fili. The wounds and exhaustion from the battle were finally taking their toll. His vision began to blur, he could not make out much in the distance. He saw his uncle not very far from them lying on the frozen ground, he was not moving. But his attention was caught by a dark spot behind Thorin, it appeared to be moving and it was coming near fast.
Then suddenly a whizzing sound cut through the air, followed by an irritated growl from the white orc as something slammed into Azog’s shoulder. Caught by surprise he staggered a step forward. An Arrow was protruding out of the orc’s left shoulder blade.
The vicious smile that Azog had been wearing on his face earlier disappeared, instead his eyes were now filled with anger. Without wasting any more time the defiler walked straight to the brothers, not even bothering to look for the archer that had shot the arrow.
When Azog went to grab for the older brother’s hair Fili realized he did not even have the strength to fight him. His numb limbs wouldn’t move. His body felt weak, as if all his energy had suddenly been drained from him. The defiler raised his sword again and Fili knew what was about to come. He would decapitate him as he had done with his great-grandfather Thror. He closed his eyes. His only comfort was in that moment that Kili was not conscious to see what was about to happen every second now.
But the slash of the blade that would end his life would not come. Another roar sounded, just in front of them and a moment later Fili found himself on the ground. Azog had to loosen his grip on Fili’s hair as he was attacked by a giant creature. There was a short moment where Fili could see clear again and recognize it as a giant bear. Though that moment faded fast. He could already feel the consciousness slipping slowly from his grasp, now barely able to keep his eyes open.
Another form appeared in front of his sight. Was that Bilbo…? His lips were moving. He was talking to him but the words did not find their way to Fili’s ears. But they seemed to be safe now - Kili was safe now. It was all Fili needed to know and wanted to believe. Arms still wrapped tightly around his brother, he finally gave up the fight to stay conscious and surrendered to the darkness…
Do you think I should continue this or draw the scenes that I wrote here that are not seen in the picture? I don’t know if I’d be up to continue this but I’d apreciate your opinion on this. :)
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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“Come on you’re fine.”
“Fine?! I’m purple Lance!”
“Well you know, blue and red make purple.”
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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This took way to long to make!!! But it is finally done!!
Im sorry for the long wait! @mage-of-words and anon!!
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Enjoy the last days of summer! ~Voltron Lilo and Stitch AU (RB)
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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cuz papa thace and momma kogane are cute and i love this family (make it canon netflix)
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shinkanneko · 8 years
kk i keep seeing around that Keith is Galra???? did i miss something?? (i mean there was that one time towards the end up the season, but was it confirmed? ) ((also sorry i only message you about Voltron >->)
Message me about Voltron, I do not mind. Oh, and no, it’s not been confirmed, people just have jumped on the bandwagon for the theory. Which is fun because I really enjoy it. Here’s what we’ve got so far ‘going’ for us potentially with pictures to go along (not in order of significance, but in order of appearance/concept): 
1. The ‘energy’ telling Keith to search coming from the blue lion. 
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So far only lions belonging to their respective owners have been able to ‘communicate’ with the others. Some have hypothesized that the quintessence in the lions connected with Keith’s alien side (Galra or not), making him more prone to sense it. Now, Hunk could track the energy with the Geiger counter, but when the thing was brought up, Keith had no idea what the fraunhofer line was and it had to be explained. So that means he probably sensed it organically. 
2. Keith’s eyes
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It’s only a small thing, but the other humans have what could pass as naturally occurring eye colors, while Keith’s are… well, purple. A color commonly connected to the Galra. Not only that, but the only other characters with purple tinted eyes are connected to the Galra somehow (though most Galran’s have the bright yellow ones). Could be nothing, but hey, at least they are pretty.
3. The Handprint Scanners (Important)
Multiple times the other characters are required to use Galra Tech to get these hand scanners to work, including other aliens. 
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Shiro (Caption is important):
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But Keith just puts his hand on one and it works. 
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Okay, that’s not suspicious at all.
In case you aren’t sold, here’s Shiro’s Galra hand interacting with an identical panel to Keith’s.
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4. The ‘burned/broken hand’ from Galra Magic
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That doesn’t look like a normal burn to me, or even the right patterning for a bruise. It follows the path of the magic, where it would leave the body like an electrical shock, but a burn is a burn, and would be colored red, not purple. There’s the chance that it’s colored due to the magic alone, but with everything else, Keith’s skin color changing to match the Galra’s is something to consider.
He healed upon coming into contact with the quintessence, but since we haven’t seen anyone interact with that personally other than it being a ‘life force’ we don’t know if this means anything special.  
Also, when Shiro is hit with something similar, his body doesn’t absorb the energy like Keith’s does, and instead has a recurring wound:
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5. This infamous and foreboding line:
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Enough said.
6. Keith’s knife and the dagger wielding double agent. 
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Okay, first off, why would they give Keith something, have him look at it during the ‘wake up scene’ and then never have it serve any other purpose? It’s a unique looking blade, but the hilt, where any distinguishing feature might be, is wrapped. People have already speculated that it could be a link to Keith’s parents and it might be a stretch, but this is just fun so… Galra dad anyone? He did let down the barrier for seemingly no reason at all. (I remember suggesting this as a joke right after I first saw it, but…)
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Just an animation choice, but the symbol on the hilt is in the middle of the screen for an extended time more than once. That probably means it’s important.
7. Symbolism of Note:
Keith’s Red Lion’s starting place with the Galra, while all of the others are elsewhere.
Shiro (the body of Voltron) having a right arm (Keith’s position on Voltron) that is Galran.
Also, if Lance’s comment in the first episode about betting the reason the Galra could find them was “Keith’s fault” ends up being foreshadowing, I’m screaming.
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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That bike scene got me thinking… ONWARDS FELLOW PALADIN!
(Baby Galra Keith and Baby Lance in Lilo and Stitch AU)
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Part of my Galra Prince Keith headcanon/AU is that he was originally the kid to a Galran defector and an Altean paladin (hence how he could sense the blue lion on Earth). A bit far fetched yeah, but it’s a headcanon for a reason
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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Can someone who is actually good at writing go write the AU where half-human Keith was raised by Galra but grew up hearing secret stories about/develops a fierce longing for Earth  and then accidentally joins team Voltron when they sneak onto the ship to steal the Red Lion
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shinkanneko · 8 years
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I have so many feelings about Altean Lance and Galran Keith.
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