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This is the lucky clover cat. reblog this in 30 seconds & he will bring u good luck and fortune.
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New year and new things
Hey all
Sorry for absence life got ahold of me and reminded me of responsibilities. Unfortunately it's gonna continue that way but I'm hoping this year I'll be more active than usual.
But it's gonna be some changes too.
I have received quite a few messages from you guys (and others I don't know off ??) asking if I could include other naruto ships like sasunaru, kakairu, sakuino, gaalee and others that if I say more I'm sure your gonna be confused as I was.
I'm kinda familiar with some of these ships but I'm unsure to carry out requests.
As this blog was made just for the ship shinokiba and it will kinda throw the whole idea out of the window if I was to agree.
But I kinda want to make the risk ? But it's not going to get rid of shinokiba, no way.
So just a heads up for anyone who cares, there are going to be some changes.
Love you all 💕💕
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The beginning of something special
Hey guys, I guess some of you are curious about my absence I'm just busy with life in general, anyway I took some free time to write a story so I hope you enjoy💕 - Sheeza
'Great I'm stuck with these two' Kiba huffed watching his teammates talking to each other.
Although Kiba isn't to bothered about Hinata being his teammate since she's quite a nice person, it's just the lack of confidence and the fact she can't hold her own against anyone that bothers him.
And that Shino, well he's a different case.
Excluding the fact he's a quiet monotoned freak, Kiba hates to admit he's quite envious of him.
Shino is smart and strong,from what he gathered during lessons and that really pisses him off to know Shino could surely kick his ass in a fight.
Hell he's almost just as intelligent as Shikamaru and the thought kind of scares him.
Akamaru barked at him from his place on his head, sencing his masters distress.
" Don't worry Akamaru, soon I'll teach that freak who's the boss around here" Kiba growled.
A little chuckle from the door drew the attention from them.
Kiba was surely pleased with the sight he saw.
A very beautiful woman was standing at the door, simply radiating confidence and grace.
" I would advice you to shut your mouth kiba Inuzuka , it's rude to stare like that" she smirked.
Blushing and ruffled by the looks he received from Hinata and Shino he huffed and crossed his arms at the woman, refusing to be ridiculed in front of his teammates.
" anyway I'm your sensei, Kurenai yūhi and let me say this from what I know, you guys have alot to learn to become a good enough team and-" Kurenai eyes wandered to Hinata and Kiba "opponents".
Kiba not missing the look from Kurenai, jumped up unimpressed by the look he was given " what do you mean I'm not a good opponent?!".
With Hinata seeing the look Kurenai gave her, she blushed.
" K - Kiba I don't think you should shout at her like that she is our sensei I - I'm sure she knows what's best for u-us" she stammered, pointing her fingers together.
Kurenai walked up to Kiba, given him a look of dissapointment.
" you really need to work on your anger -" seeing Kiba rise up at the comment, she snapped at him "- that type of attitude will put you in danger if you wish to become a Shinobi especially-" giving a nod towards Shino and Hinata" your teammates".
Seeing Hinata's eyes widen slightly by the statement, Kiba couldn't help but feel slightly ashamed of himself.
"Fine" he snapped, the once beautiful lady was really getting on his nerves.
'So now I have to deal with her too ? Terrific'. Akamaru barked knowing exactly what his master was thinking.
Having done her lecture Kurenai took her place in the middle of the classroom, eyeing them all up.
She sighed " right today you guys are going to test your strength and speed against me-" all three of them gave her a look, well excluding Shino she guessed "- don't worry I'll go easy on you and if you meet up to my standards at the first test, then I'll give you the chance to do the second test-" she looked at them individually "- is that clear ?".
Both Hinata and Shino nodded in approval.
She looked at Kiba, slightly raising her eyebrow " well ?".
Kiba glared " yeah sure whatever" he said, shrugging his shoulders.
" Good to hear" She walked to the door " now follow me".
Kiba grumbled to himself, already dreading having to work alongside his teammates.
Without being aware until he was almost face to face with him, Shino was standing at the door looking at him.
"The hell you looking at bug boy?" He snapped.
Shino not showing any signs of anger or discomfort said, "In your spare time, we could do some spar practise if you like".
Baffled by the offer, Kiba snorted " what the hell are you getting at ?".
Shino shrugged, " I thought I'll help you get better, we are teammates after all we should look out for each other".
Kiba furrowed his eyebrows in confusion "I - I'll think about it" he stammered.
"Alright" Shino said, walking out the door.
Kiba hated to admit it but he aprecciated Shino's offer, shaking his head he too walked out the door.
"What a weirdo" he mumbled to Akamaru.
Akamaru himself was upset with Kiba 's attitude, so he grabbed at Kiba's hair and pulled.
"UGH AKAMARU!" The said dog jumped of his head catching up to the insect user.
Once reaching Shino he done a series of barks back at his master.
Kiba growled "LIKE HELL HE IS" running up to catch up with his dog.
Without hearing it, Shino slightly chuckled at Kiba.
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Live Spectacle Naruto - Song of the Akatsuki
OPENING NIGHT - 19th May 2017
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The Naruto next gen kids have switched bodies with their parents!
Requested by danceofthebloodypetals!
What would happen if then next gen kids somehow switched bodies with their parents?
1. Boruto switches with Naruto
Boruto: “Heck yeah! I’m the Hokage now!”
Naruto: “No no no don’t do anything stupi-”
Kurama: “HA!”
2. Himawari switches with Hinata
Himawari: “……mama?”
Hinata: “This is REALLY inconvenient. Don’t worry sweetie everything will be fine!”
Himawari: *starts bawling her eyes out*
Hinata: “Oh no, honey, people are watching! This is embarrassing…..darling don’t cry!”
3. Shikadai switches with Shikamaru
Shikadai: “….Honestly this is pretty much exactly what I was expecting.”
Shikamaru: “Ugh. Great. Can we just sleep this off? I really can’t be bothered dealing with this.”
Shikadai: “Sounds good to me. But how do you sleep with such long legs?? It’s annoying.”
Shikamaru: “It’s called being an adult. It sucks.”
4.  Chōchō switches with Chouji
Chōchō: “No no no! I don’t want this body!”
Chouji: “What’s wrong with-”
Chōchō: “It’s too BIG. You said you’d teach me this Calorie Control thing so hurry and teach me!”
Chouji: “Chōchō stop you’re frightening me. How about we go eat instead and talk about this??”
Chōchō: “UGHHH.”
5. Inojn switches with Sai
Inojin: “Oh….well this is different.”
Sai: “Do not worry my son we will figure something out!”
Inojin: “Dad please don’t draw while you’re in my body.”
Sai: “…..why?”
Inojin: “Because your art is so old and embarrassing and if people see ME drawing it my reputation will be in shambles.”
Sai: “How…how cruel!”
6. Mitsuki switches with Orochimaru
Mitsuki: “Ugh. Stuck in this gross body.”
Orochimaru: ‘It is not ‘gross’!! It is a perfect body! Do not throw harsh words around if you don’t mean them!”
Mitsuki: “…..it’s gross and I hate it.”
7. Sarada switches with Sakura
Sarada: “I….I have such strong arms now!”
Sakura: “Eheh yes you do….don’t go doing anything drastic!”
Sakura: “Sarada NO.”
8. Metal Lee switches with Rock Lee
Metal Lee: “Oh boy! Now I can train even HARDER.”
Rock Lee: “And I too, in this puny body, will train even MORE HARDER!”
Naruto: “Please stop.”
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Coming into a fandom late
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First kiss imagine
Kiba would set the whole thing up just to get a kiss from his boyfriend, setting a date up in the hills at night time was romantic as he can get.
At first he would be really nervous but throughout the date as he and shino talked with shino’s head on his lap he slowly gains back his confidence.
And when shino finished talking about the insect that flew away a couple of minutes ago, he leans over and plants a soft kiss on his lips.
Shino looked at him in surprise while a blush slowly gained on his features until he had to cover his face to hide it.
Kiba just laughed and kissed his forehead.
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Wedding day Imagine
Kiba: he would definitely be the type to freak out obsessively constantly asking his sister for advice, " how about this flower or this one ? Which is better ?! I'M SCREWED!" While hana just sits back and watches him while sighing. Shino: it would be quite awkward, he'll sit on the chair all quiet while his family around him are freaking out in the inside like ' he's TOO silent I don't like this ' until shino stands up and walks into the bathroom and breaks down like " I can't believe this is happening".
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