shinoninokino · 3 years
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ENHYPEN x AMI Paris Behind Photos @ Naver
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shinoninokino · 3 years
take it masterlist
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summary: living with four guys isn’t what most would expect. it isn't some real-life adult fantasy where every guy gets to fuck the girl at the same time AND one by one on their own. it just isn't. right? RIGHT?
members: enhypen hyung line
rating: r19 (explicit smut content)
a/n: a collated masterlist for all parts of take it! i hope you enjoy, loves <3 (the first masterlist was flagged hhhh)
[in chronological order, mostly]
take it (original fivesome)
take it again (jay)
take it off (sunghoon)
take it higher (jake)
take it better (jakehoon + mild heeseung)
take it easy (heeseung + fluffy ot5)
took you long enough (bonus chapter, jakehoon, mxm)
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shinoninokino · 3 years
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summary: after rejecting your best friend’s ex, you caught the attention of three boys. all three of them had motives to catch your attention and steal your heart, but in the end only one would succeed in convincing you to not reject him — something you’ve done to every guy that has ever asked you out.
pairing: enhypen’s 02 line x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst, humor, high school au, social media au
tropes: friends to lovers, fwb to lovers, enemies to lovers
note: loosely based on the song by lady gaga and blackpink.
warning: this fic contains cursing, dirty jokes, and sexual themes (not with any of the minors) !
status: ongoing + slow updates (taglist is closed)
profiles: bad girls club
profiles: magcon reboot
one - ur sister is insane
two - what am i supposed to say
three - me when i lie
four - you’re lovesick
five - thirst trap
six - this could be us
seven - it’s party time losers!
eight - the walk of shame
nine - i’ll call you baby
ten - alone time
eleven - me and u
twelve - fuck 15 year olds
thirteen - do u wanna sleep with me
fourteen - free pizza
fifteen - that petname shit
sixteen - take a joke
seventeen - not just friends
eighteen - go get em jakey
nineteen - can we talk?
twenty - open up juliet
twenty one - my lord and savior
extra tags: discussion character asks
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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12.15 . JY
people see it differently. there is point of view for a reason.
sometimes it is not that beneficial for some party, like myself.
they would thought that it’s for the skin, for the touch, for the ego, barely for hunger and lust.
in fact, it ripped me apart having people pouring their minds toward my never-ill intention.
it was not even intended, love was not supposed to be intended.
it is supposed to be candid, to be abrupt, to appear out of nowhere, to be a pleasant surprise,
it is supposed to be an unexpected gift.
and he, was, and is, always will, a gift for me.
for i have longed a gift that is so warm and will be able to reach the deepest point of my howling soul.
and it is him.
but then again, it is only from my point of view.
it exists for a reason, and i would never want to know the reason why his point of view would be different from mine.
or other’s.
because it hurts me, it rips me apart, it is exhausting.
as egoistic as it sounds, i’m just tired.
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Just an experiment. Reblog if you actually give a fuck about male victims of domestic violence and rape.
Of fucking course
What sick bastard doesn’t
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shinoninokino · 4 years
The way I shouted 💀💀
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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featuring The Boyz🍑
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Beyoncé: on
Kevin’s ass: out
Hyunjae: scarred for life
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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Red Dragons: Rowoon, The Soldier
Based off of @sensationalscenarios’s SF9 Mafia AU
All characters and story belong to them, so please go check them out!
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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inspired by @sensationalscenarios
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Sleeping Dogs: Chapter IV
AU: Based on my SF9 as Mafia au found here
Chapter Four TWs include: N/A.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: hello i know its been well over a year since i’ve updated sleeping dogs but things got hectic and well, i graduated from university! now i just work full time so i should have more time to write hopefully.
i never forgot about sleeping dogs though, and i dont think i would ever be able to fully abandon it either. i dont know if anyone still even remembers this story but if you do, thank you for supporting it and thank you for waiting. it truly means more than anything to have others enjoy my sf9 mafia verse.
so without further ado: sleeping dogs ch 4; as always any and all feedback is welcomed!
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iv. liar
    Octagon is the hottest club in Seoul, situated in the cultural hub of Gangnam-gu, and the heart of Seven Star’s territory. The three story club offered a dance floor and entertainment hall on the main floor, three bars, an open kitchen, mezzanine private VIP bunkers, a VIP lounge, a second stage lounge, silent room, a swimming pool and women’s powder room. While most building spaces in Seoul were small and cramped, Octagon was a spacious club, and despite only being open Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, provided a hefty profit for Namjoon and his boys.
    As Youngbin walked through the club, he felt himself falling into the rhythm of the music and lights. All around him people moved in a hypnotic state, laughter bubbling from their chests as their drinks sloshed around in their cups. Youngbin often forgot how powerful Seven Star were, given he was always occupied by his own business, but he was happy knowing Namjoon was doing well, that he was able to succeed thus far. Weaving through the crowd, Youngbin led Inseong and Dawon up the stairs to one of the VIP bunkers where Namjoon was waiting for them. The bunker of choice was separated from the others, in a corner that overlooked the octagon shaped hole, which provided the perfect view of the main floor of the club. Two guards stood outside, merely nodding as one held the door open for them. Inside a white, wrap around couch lined the walls, with a table in the center. The members of Seven Star were situated on the couch, their glasses all filled with varying alcoholic beverages. Their exterior reflected nothing but the attitudes of calm professionals, yet from the way in which they grasped their drinks, Youngbin knew there was nothing but anger bubbling beneath their skin.
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Sleeping Dogs: Chapter III
AU: Based on my SF9 as Mafia au found here
Chapter Three TWs include: drugs, death.
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: Any and all feedback is appreciated!
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iii. begin
    Youngbin didn’t get very much sleep that night. His mind was too plagued with the idea of a killer on the loose; a killer fixated on him and his brothers. He’s encountered people like this before, people who wanted to take away what he had built for the Red Dragons, but they had all been fools much too weak for him. However, something about this man was unsettling. He was clever, and careful, and Youngbin was almost afraid of what he would be capable of doing if not handled soon.
    While Youngbin prided himself on being efficient and getting the job done, he knew he wouldn’t be able to handle this alone. Given how the media was currently handling the situation, it wouldn’t be long before a particular gang would get involved, and Youngbin would rather have them as allies now than enemies later. Pulling his blanket aside, Youngbin quietly makes his way to the breezeway to make a call. It was well past noon, but with last night’s activities the boys were still fast asleep. Youngbin preferred it this way, wanting them to be as well rested as possible for tonight.
    He paced back and forth impatiently as he waited for his call to be answered. After a few rings a low voice picked up. “Hello?”
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Sleeping Dogs: Chapter II
AU: Based on my SF9 as Mafia au found here
Chapter Two TWs include: blood, death.
Word Count: 3.9k
A/N: Any and all feedback is appreciated! 
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Prologue | I | III
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ii. noir
    “Have you seen the gift I left for you?”
    “Gift? What gift? Who is this?”
    “In Dosan Park. I worked very hard on that body, which I’m sure you will see on the news soon. The police already suspects you and your brothers are the killers, as if you all could ever create such a masterpiece.”
    Everyone startles at the man’s words, and Inseong wastes no time in pulling up the news feed on another monitor. It’s muted, and they can’t hear what the reporter is saying, but the image that appears of the body for a nanosecond is all they needed to see. There’s something familiar about the victim, Inseong notes, but he can’t say anything, not while whoever it is on the other line thinks they’re talking to Youngbin only.
    “Who are you and what do you fucking want?!” Youngbin is angry to say the least. Word of the dead body is going to spread quickly, both through the general public and the Underground, and that’s going to create a whole lot of problems for them. Problems that Youngbin really didn’t need at the moment.
    “Tsk. Be patient. That’s only the first of many gifts to come, unless you join my game and win of course.”
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Sleeping Dogs: Chapter I
AU: Based on my SF9 as Mafia au found here
Chapter One TWs include: blood, death.
Word Count: 3.3k
A/N: Sleeping Dogs has officially begun. Any and all feedback is appreciated and I hope you guys enjoy!
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Prologue | II
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i. incipience
    Situated in northern Gangnam-gu, right along the Han River lies a small section of warehouses; some old and abandoned, others moderately new and used only for storage purposes. In one such warehouse, with it’s worn concrete exterior blending into exposed brick, a lone man waits with his hands and feet bound and his mouth gagged. He observes his surroundings, and notes the layers of dried blood on the concrete floor, with some spots darker than others. Those were the most recent ones and it’s not long before he panics, realizing that he’s going to be contributing to the gruesome painting beneath him.
    The row of lights above him do little to reveal anything, and he struggles to distinguish the shadows past the circle of light he sat in. It wasn’t long before the sounds of footsteps reached his ears, and he panicked even more, knowing what his fate would be. The first blow comes from behind, and it’s not one he expects as he tumbles forward, feeling something warm dripping down the back of his neck.
    His vision is blurry and he blinks rapidly, trying to refocus as a pair of feet come into his view, the owner crouching down. The cool metal of a gun is pressed beneath his chin and lifts his head upwards, forcing him to look into the eyes of death itself: a Red Dragon.
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shinoninokino · 4 years
Sleeping Dogs: Prologue
AU: Mafia!SF9 based on my original post here
Word Count: 840
TW: Sleeping Dogs will contain acts of violence and will touch on sensitive topics. Appropriate warnings will be made before each chapter that requires it. This story will closely mimic how real gangs operate based on my research and well, it’s not going to be pretty.
A/N: So the long awaited Sleeping Dogs is finally here. Chapter I will be posted following the completion of the remaining Red Dragons Profiles. Any and all feedback is appreciated.
Haven’t met the Red Dragons yet? Read their profiles here
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    In the quiet early morning, when the streets of Seoul were nearly void of life, a lone man walks down the street quickly. His breaths come out in small puffs as he pulls the collar of his coat higher, bracing himself against the cool September air. Looking upwards, he notes the change in the sky as dark indigo bleeds into reds, yellows, and oranges; the sun moments away from rising over the horizon.
    It wouldn’t be long now, before his little gift is found, and the real fun would begin. As he thinks about his creation, a smile forms on his lips. He had worked hard on this one, since it was the first, and presentation is key, especially if it meant the individuals on the receiving end would accept his invitation.
    He thinks about his gift, how he had carefully made sure that every cut was both accurate and precise, and how he had taken great care in keeping everything immaculate. Though, his greatest achievement was the arrangement. That had been the most difficult part if he were to be honest. It was a large gift, and he had to ensure that the location he’d left it at would not only capture the eyes of his recipients, but the eyes of Seoul as well. Of course, it would have been much simpler to place the gift in front of their home, but that would be for a different gift later on; a much more personal one.
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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i have no words 
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shinoninokino · 4 years
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hwiyoung .: ulsan kpop festival (190727)
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