shinra-mp-dispatch · 7 years
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Quick mafs
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 7 years
RULES:  List five tropes applicable to your character, then tag others to do the same. (Tropes Wiki)  REPOST! DO NOT REBLOG.
Tagged by: @magitek-monomers​ Tagging: @burmecianblackmage @kerosene-cats @bokobreeder
Badass Adorable: Specifically, the Tactics version of this character, at her finest. Calculators are fucking terrifying, even before they master the craft.
Smart People Wear Glasses: In most cases. When she begins to train in Arithmeticks, The Glasses Come Off.
Wine Is Classy: Exclusive to her FF7 verse, Ami drinks mostly wine in order to maintain some slight veneer of sophistication. It’s always the cheap stuff.
Stat-O-Vision: FFT Ami, when she uses her Arithmeticks, describes seeing people and other living creatures as collections of numbers and formulas.
Brains and Bondage: There is no verse in which Ami isn’t at least a little twisted.
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 7 years
"YES." The blonde woman agreed, just a little too loudly and a little too quickly. Ami swiveled herself back around and downed the rest of her wine. Talking face-to-face with people still sent a small shiver down her spine, removed from the comfort and security of her surveillance booth. Still, forward progress, right? "Oh. Um, I'm Ami." She extended a wavering hand.
“Drinking on its own gets boring after a while, don’t you think?”
Approaching a random stranger at the bar on her own might not have been the most intelligent thing Shiera had ever done, but it was definitely one of the more daring things she’d done in a while. But who cared? She’d had a few drinks, she was eager to see just how different life would be now.
“What do you say we do something spontaneous? Go to a shooting range? A nightclub? Just a drink? As long as it doesn’t involve work I’m totally up for going and paying.”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
@shinrascounselor "Yes, hello, Bri? It's Ami. ...again, I know." The neurotic binge-drinker was calling once more.
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
"Yes, yes... excellent posture, the beak is at a proper angle, feathers are pure black, no hideous blue or brown tint... yes, I think you’ll do nicely!” The tall, thin blonde in the black-mage robes carefully probed and prodded the stabled bird like it was a cut of meat. “Yoohoo, shopkeep! I require assistance!”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“Icicle Inn, actually, but my name is my own choice. I visited Wutai in the time before the war, and took home a bunch of books and art... I fell in love with their culture, and I decided that it meant more to me than anything back home. This is the name- and the life- that I chose. I’ll still take this imprisonment over what my life used to be like...
But, enough personal tragedy. You’ll like what you see. I promise. Cutie.”
      There was a bit of surprise with how quickly Ami jumped at the offer. As soon as he had said it, she was all over it. Still Seth was at least happy that she seemed keen on the idea. “Uh, yeah. Sure,” he muttered as he pushed off of the wall he was leaning on. Seeing where he needed to go, it would be best not to get that second beer.
      “I don’t even know what you look like, Ami. I always assumed Wutain cause of your name.” Already he was on the move. Now heading for the nearest train station. If he went on foot it would surely take forever.
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“REALLY? I, uh, I mean, of course, I’d have to file the proper paperwork, ensure dispatch coverage, clear my schedule of any ongoing commitments...”
*For thirty seconds, some loud, frantic typing is clearly audible.*
“DONE. Rescue me, Seth, I’ll meet you at the Sector 5 outpost!”
*She squees, giddily.*
      It was hard not to snort at what Ami had said. Amused for whatever reason. It probably sounded louder than it was given how close his phone was to his face. “If you’re that hard up for fun, if y’ever decide to leave ya hole in the wall I’ll take ya to the shootin’ range. I got plenty of bullets.”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
*She sighs audibly.*
“At least you get some semblance of relief. You get to fight, to feel that adrenaline rush of combat... all I get to do is sit here and watch, while I slowly give myself deep-vein thrombosis from sitting all day every day...”
      “I don’t know ‘bout creepy,” he said half honest. “Definitely, weird. Damn waste of good booze.” Still he was vague about the obvious. “I donno, I’m stressed the fuck out all the damn time and I got a gun strapped to m’leg.” A joke, even if a poor one.
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
*She's silent for a few minutes.*
"... sorry. That got creepy there, didn't it? I'm sorry. The Games business has just had me on edge. I haven't slept in... over a day, I think. Still can't relax. I suppose I should be grateful my job doesn't involve guns, heh..."
“Okay, rowr. If my location didn’t have to be kept classified, I’d be giving you coordinates right now.”
*Another bottle of vodka is audibly poured into a glass. On the rocks.*
“I see you’re in front of a bar right now. I’ve got the authority to at least give you something for making my night a little brighter. Hang on.”
*You hear some frantic typing. Her WPM must be in the triple digits.*
“There. I’ve opened up some wiggle room in the patrol’s discretionary fund. Go get yourself a bottle. On me. Literally. Ah… if only.”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“Okay, rowr. If my location didn’t have to be kept classified, I’d be giving you coordinates right now.”
*Another bottle of vodka is audibly poured into a glass. On the rocks.*
“I see you’re in front of a bar right now. I’ve got the authority to at least give you something for making my night a little brighter. Hang on.”
*You hear some frantic typing. Her WPM must be in the triple digits.*
“There. I’ve opened up some wiggle room in the patrol’s discretionary fund. Go get yourself a bottle. On me. Literally. Ah... if only.”
      “That’s the problem with people who are higher up. It’s all about them. I mean, I get it. Everyone wants to be a damn hero. And maybe that’s the damn problem. They’re all supped up, so who cares when something happens.” Seth continued his ranting since Ami egged him on. For the moment he was standing outside of one of Midgar’s many bars.
    “You know us, Am. You fucking know us.” Downing the rest of his beer he would toss the bottle aside. He was riled up now. “We’re like brothers out there. Sisters. No freaky powers–nothing. Just our asses waving in the goddamn wind. And no one gives a shit if we die. Because we’re no the heroes.”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“SOLDIER Olympics, Turk Games... what is wrong with these people?? Yes, employee morale, employee morale, what about our damned morale?? I’ve been freebasing coffee for twenty seven hours, thirty three minutes, and approximately forty seconds straight just to keep the damage under control! Compensating landholders, reining in rabblerousers and malcontents- if AVALANCHE had struck fifteen hours ago, we would have guessed it was another Planet-forsaken touchdown until it was too late!!”
*The sound of a deep sigh comes through the intercom. It seemed that little miss switchboard had been holding that in since daybreak.*
“That wasn’t helpful, I’m sorry, Kath. You’re one of the five or six people around here who make a lick of sense. I’ve got no way to know for sure, but have the favored ones taken their destructive impulses elsewhere?”
Piles of paperwork. People asking for information that was classified. No sir you can’t go to the 49th floor if you’re a civilian. How the hell did you know that floor specifically had the SOLDIERS there.
Kathy heard the phone ring, and with a tired sigh picked it up, immediately recognizing the voice on the other side of it.
“Ugh Ami what the hell happened? I have 15 incident reports over here on top of the usual . You holding up over there?”
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
Lonely desk jockey idly dreams of bringing death and ruin to the other two branches of her company. Or at least a raise would be nice.
spoil your OC's storyline/character arc with no context
(inspired by those “spoil the ending of your favorite game/movie/book but with no context” posts)
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“I know the work you do. I know the work all of you do. You’re far from my first assignment, Seth… I’ve seen the destruction left in the wake of both of the other branches. Sometimes- most of the time- they really just don’t care, and there’s nobody to tell them otherwise. Meanwhile, I sometimes wind up sending good men and women to their deaths because of the chaos they leave behind.”
*Audible sounds of liquid pouring into a small glass.*
“Yes, I know they record everything. But if MP discontent were even worth their notice, I would have been thrown into a reactor years ago. So there you have it. The one advantage to where we sit. We’re too small to fail.”
*She takes a drink.*
“But please, keep up with the dirty talk. I could use some relief tonight, and I love the words that are coming out of your mouth.”
      “Dude, I don’t know what the fuck other people are saying. I know the fucking work I do. They can go suck dick if someone ever tells ya otherwise.” The blond grumbled as he sipped his cheap beer. There was nothing that he hated more than being told what he did and didn’t do. “Think they’re such hot shit. Y’know there’s a reason why there’s only four 1st class SOLDIER and like three-hundred plus MPs. We are the bulk of the army. So fuck them with a spiked dildo,” he spatted.
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
“Hey, Seth. Wanna slack off our jobs and play some stupid games while other people handle the extra workload? Because, you know, we’re all allowed to do that, apparently.” @kerosene-cat​
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
"Wonderful, the children went inside to play. Kath ( @welcome-to-shinra ), let me know where I can put my boys regarding cleanup. MP will gladly take the free brownie points." "Hey, Seth ( @kerosene-cat )... you busy?"
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
@kerosene-cat "These... people..."
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shinra-mp-dispatch · 8 years
Pokemon GO AU pitch
The Turks: Team Mystic SOLDIER: Team Valor Shinra MPs: Team Instinct AVALANCHE: Jerkwads who report random Pokestops and gyms to get them removed
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