shipper-core · 1 day
ugly Yuri............hate them............
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shipper-core · 3 days
Lightbrush perhaps:3
Lightbrush stamps ♪
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Live laugh lightbrush -🎅
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shipper-core · 3 days
more paintbrush stamps or lightbrush with yuri text
Paintbrush and lightbrush yuri stamps ♪
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Hurrah! -🎅
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shipper-core · 5 days
lightbulb & paintbrush headcanons.
poly! lightbrush x reader
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authors note:
two of my favourite ii characters, i couldnt help myself :]c. also, swearing is present, apologies if you don't like that ^^
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- already, these two complement each other SO WELL. so, adding a third person? you're all full of joy and whimsy.
- if you were present in the first season of ii, you probably wouldn't get together with them until season two, or the very end of season one at the earliest.
- but, when you DO get together if you were present in season one, your relationship is a lot stronger from the start – a lot of shit happened, but you were all there to experience it together, and are able to be there for each other because of it.
- lightbulb is sort of the 'comedic relief' in a sense? she's always trying to lighten the mood, and is considerably better at comforting people.
- she's also very much an entertainer, a lot of dates, or just chill-around days, are planned by her. despite how it seems, lightbulb is very aware of 'the mood', and others emotions.
- it isn't uncommon for her to act oblivious to the sour mood in a room, but she's really just trying to lighten things up in her own way :)
- although, she does understand when it isn't appropriate to act as such. instead, she'll happily offer a listening ear, and physical touch, as a comforting gesture. she may even pull out a few ideas to help you if you're in a challenging situation; no promises that the ideas won't be a little odd, though!
- paintbrush definitely struggles more in the comforting department, as they tend to let their OWN emotions get in the way of things.
- especially if you're upset because of someone else, depending on the situation, paintbrush may just end up losing their own temper on your behalf. they just appreciate you a lot, and can't understand how another person would be willingly mean to you :(
- when they do lose their temper, its usually lightbulb trying to calm them down, but with you in the mix? they find your presence very grounding, and will calm down a lot quicker with both of you around.
- just put a hand on their shoulder, or wrap your fingers around their own – it offers as a little distraction to whatever set them off.
- considering that paintbrush feels their emotions very strongly, not just their frustration or anger, they become VERY easy to fluster.
- once they've started falling for you, they're gonna fall hard.
- lightbulb's a little better at hiding their swooning, and instead just comes off as a little blushy and awkward (but not in a bad way, she's just nervous and doesn't know how to deal with your love for her).
- further into the relationship, though, lightbulb gets a grip and becomes a LOT more confident in their flirting, finding it silly when they're able to make you flustered.
- paintbrush still blushes easily, but will still attempt to make moves on you (holding your hand, any sort of kissing, physical touch, etc) while being a nervous wreck.
- but!! dates between the three of you are always so sweet.
- the number of times you've made cookies together is purely uncountable – but it's a fun activity, and you get a yummy treat afterwards.
- paintbrush and you usually only eat one or two cookies, lightbulb steals the rest.
- the three of you going outside after dark isn't uncommon, where you bring a blanket to lay upon the ground, just to sit on and stare at the stars.
- sometimes, you'll all just sit there in silence, enjoying each others presence, or quietly talking about anything and everything.
- there have been plenty of times where those talks have become serious, ending in soft cuddles and words of comfort to each other.
- there are also times where you're all in a silly mood, and end up being yelled at by someone trying to sleep, for laughing too loud, or playfully yelling at each other.
- you and paintbrush won't ever forget the pain you felt in your stomachs from laughing too hard as lightbulb attempted to stand up and act something out, only to trip and go falling down the hill. all you could see was the light emanating from her growing smaller and smaller until she reached the bottom.
- speaking of her light, it isn't noticeable during the day, but when all three of you have retreated to your bedroom, and are snuggling under the covers, lightbulb has the slightest bit of light constantly glowing from her.
- it isn't something she can turn off either, its just the built-up electricity within her, always running through her body.
- she's like your own personal, cuddly nightlight.
- none of you have set positions when sleeping in bed, either. half the time, you wake up in different positions anyways.
- lightbulb wants to be touching at least one of you all night, usually with as much of her body as she can.
- whether its you or paintbrush, she'll have an arm wrapped around you, a leg wedged between yours, and her body pressed flush against yours.
- paintbrush will usually just have an arm around your body, or a foot lightly brushing against yours.
- lightbulb is always knocked out the minute she's comfortable though, lightly snoring away.
- it takes paintbrush a while longer though, and you often find yourself talking to them quietly, tiredly muttering about your days to each other until one of you falls asleep first.
- paintbrush may prefer having you directly next to them sometimes because of this, as they like to tiredly stare into your eyes as an sloppy smile rests on your face, listening to paintbrush's account of their day.
- they like when you unconsciously hold their hand and play with their fingers in you sleepy state, eventually dropping both your hands as sleep overtakes you.
- you'll be listening to paintbrush mid sentence, start mumbling, and you're like, "what was that? you were too quiet – oh." and they've fallen asleep with their fingers tucked against yours.
- the next morning always kills you, though. as much as you love her, lightbulb is WAY too early of a riser for both you and paintbrush.
- half the time, shes jumped out of bed and opened the curtains while you and paintbrush are still groaning under the covers.
- and don't forget!! being in a relationship with these two, means coparenting their favourite crab – baxter!!
- sometimes lightbulb wants to bring him into bed with you all, but you have to remind her that he'd probably get squished in your sleep, considering how much you all move around.
- baxter does make an appearance in a lot of your dates though, remember to keep a constant eye out for him so you don't trip over him!
- you do love him, though – he's too cute not to.
- but he likes to interrupt your personal time with paintbrush and lightbulb at times, where you and paintbrush want to kick him out of the room, but lightbulb gets distracted and goes off to play with him instead.
- you all still love each other so, so much though <3
- i might have to make more headcanons of these two, i still have so much to talk about!! especially about your relationship DURING the contests >:)
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shipper-core · 5 days
Could you draw lightbrush? They're my favorite, lol
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i used a different, crappier drawing program (kleki) so. i apologize that it isnt as good as. my other ones. BUT. your lightbrush has been served after,, let me check. 20 days???? sorry dude. but. yeag. lightbrush! huzzah!
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shipper-core · 6 days
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Little comic 🫡
Inspo from a chat screenshot instergram ‼️
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shipper-core · 6 days
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Old lightbrush drawing from like june or something :3
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shipper-core · 6 days
For No One
one sided tacomic exposure therapy KILL ME
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I heard this song literally JUST today and immediately jumped on this piece cause the lyrics were too perfect
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shipper-core · 8 days
Episode 16 spoilers
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shipper-core · 8 days
some levity in the wake of the finale
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these cats are fuckin weird. they should kiss
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shipper-core · 8 days
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lightbrush text art posts pt2
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shipper-core · 8 days
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she's got the spirit
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shipper-core · 9 days
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Needed to draw this, sorry
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shipper-core · 10 days
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colab with @momazoszadr, meme creado por tony esp
twitter @ttonyesp
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shipper-core · 12 days
happy tengolf tuesday
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shipper-core · 17 days
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original post
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shipper-core · 17 days
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TACO YURIIII!!!! I cannot see EITHER of them liking men LOOOOL
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