shipping--hell · 5 months
🛑❗️STOP!! ‼️ You 🫵🏼 are about to follow🚶🏼‍♂️🚶🏼‍♂️me on the 🙅🏼‍♂️ wrong 🚫👤 blog!
This is my main technically but I do not use it. If you’re here I probably followed you or have been in your inbox/replies. I’m super active over at @zombieshed . Minors DNI. Thank you!
If you’re a furry (18+), I’m over at @extreme-apathy .
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shipping--hell · 1 year
“the millenium falcon would wipe out the enterprise in seconds” lmao the enterprise is just an innocent science class floating thru space…. all they wanna do is look at some rocks… kiss an alien…. find some space plants….. why would you fight that its not a battleship theyre just nerds…… leave them olone 
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shipping--hell · 1 year
I like to think that at least once, the Avatar cycle seemed to skip the Water Tribe—like people knew it was the water tribe’s turn, everyone was looking for them, the tests are done on all the kids, but like 60-80 years go by and no avatar until some Earth Kingdom kid shows up. People wonder if the cycle skipped a generation or what, but nothing serious was going on at that time so they shrug and move on.
It’s only many many years later that someone is researching Swampbender oral history and someone tells the story of “Ol Stinky Jess, she was a funny one, could light the swamp on fire an’ all sorts o’ shenanigans! Best catfishgator catcher in the tribe, she was” and thats literally it, she just lived a totally chill life in the swamp and nobody knew what an avatar was at the time so they just rolled with that funny gal’s odd bending ways.
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shipping--hell · 2 years
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Hi! Promoting my art blog real quick,, I don’t post my art here anymore because it’s all been on @packagingdepartment
If you see this and like punk, abstract, photography, or furry art- check out my blog and maybe give a follow or reblog? I’d really like to get it off the ground a little.
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shipping--hell · 2 years
thinking about how so many parents who give their children to the jedi order did so because they want their kids to be raised safely, to have the care that their first family can’t give them, to be loved and understood by their peers and teachers and guardians; how much devotion and pain goes into that decision; and how that means so many jedi become part of the order due to the ultimate expression of love without possessive attachment
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shipping--hell · 3 years
Just in case you needed a confirm that Reagan is
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(even tho you probably didn't)
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shipping--hell · 3 years
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shipping--hell · 3 years
Posting something because maybe if my blog reads as active the bots will leave me alone
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shipping--hell · 4 years
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aorta (heart & abdomen)
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popliteal artery (knee & outer thigh)
anterior tibial artery (shin & ankle)
posterior tibial artery (calf & heel)
arteria dorsalis pedis (foot)
Abrasions (Floor burns)
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Stab Wounds
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Words To Describe…
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Shoutout to my $15+ patrons, Jade Ashley and Douglas S.!
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shipping--hell · 4 years
sometimes you start reading a fic and immediately you’re like OH this was written by a child. okay. please know that i am proud of you but also i cannot keep reading this
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shipping--hell · 4 years
I think it was before I started posting story concepts on tumblr but I had an old concept called ‘apocalyptia’ which was a dark comedy about a world where every apocalypse movie premise happened simultaneously
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shipping--hell · 4 years
Reminder to self:
Your writing seems boring and predictable because 
You wrote it
You’ve read it like eight million times.
A person who has never read it before does not have this problem. 
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shipping--hell · 4 years
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daisy tonner
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shipping--hell · 4 years
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shipping--hell · 4 years
Controversial otherkin opinion incoming here, but with all the “zoophile this” and “zoophile that” drama, I just want to say it straight: no, I do not care if someone finds dragons or pokemon or wolves hot. 
It wasn’t even my radar that this would ever become an issue, but for a very TL;DR version of what I’d like to say about everything I’ve seen come up in the last few weeks, no, I do not care about people’s kinks and what they do with other human adults/nonhuman adults stuck in human adult bodies in the bedroom. Petplay, or animal-themed bondage, or looking at furry porn, or whatever. I don’t even care if they find jacking it to animal documentaries to be their thing. As long as there’s no bestiality or the abuse of real people going on, rest assured, I absolutely could not care less about what people do in their own heads and bedrooms.
I also find it frankly stupid that some people are passing moral judgement because of this shit. Go complain about realistic horse cock Bad Dragon dildos to someone who actually gives a fuck, ‘cause I sure as fuck don’t. 
And stop calling everything zoophilia, for christs’ sake. I don’t care if you think that some girl growling in her submissive’s ear is somehow technically “zoophilia” because the sub finds it hot and growling is something animals do, or some other stupid reach like that. At this point, the term’s connotations have completely lost their punch in this community, and some of y’all are entirely to blame for that. I’ve reached the point where I see “no zoos” and I have to stop and check if they mean people who actually sexually abuse animals, or people who just want to get bent over a table by Tony the Tiger. It’s exhausting. It’s stupid. And it’s pointless.
Worse than that, it’s ostracizing a huge amount of people who’ve never done anything worse than have a FurAffinity account, or look at a picture of themselves as their kintype and wolf whistle. Painting people with the same brush that you’d paint actual abusers and terrible people and driving them out of the community with pitchforks and torches isn’t going to make them vanish. They’re going to still claim to be otherkin, or therianthropes, or fictionkin, or alterhuman– they’re just going to go make their own communities, and it’s going to give those actual abusers and terrible people safe haven, and potentially even influence, depending. And I promise you, that will come back to bite you in the ass, even if you’ve got the morals of a sludge pipe and can’t find it in yourself to care that you might’ve given the very types of people you claim to disavow power and community security.
I don’t care if a dragonkin thinks dragons are hot. I don’t care if someone with an alterhuman partner looks at their partner’s nonhuman form and goes “oh, nice”. I don’t care if nonhumans in the same system are wiggling their eyebrows at each other and doing the horizontal tango. I don’t care if someone’s busting out the wolf ears and wolf tail on their anniversary night. I don’t care! And I honestly don’t understand why some people are trying to put such levels of moral significance onto these sorts of things! They affect nothing. If it wasn’t for social media, half the people complaining about this sort of shit wouldn’t even know most of it existed, much less be trying to prophesize how Tumblr user xX_0o_N30N_W0LF_o0_Xx is going to single-handedly destabilize all of North America’s grey wolf population because he once strapped a dildo to a wolf plushie.
I can’t tell if people are genuinely thick-skulled and too self-centered to realize that they’re both blowing things incredibly out of proportion and being just absurdly cruel to randos on the internet for no good reason, or if it’s just good o’ fashioned internet tribalism rearing its ugly head, or if it’s just that co-opting social justice language and virtue signaling is easier and more appealing to some people than actually contributing to alterhuman communities in worthwhile ways. But either way, here’s my stance on all these issues that I keep seeing blowing up on the forums and other forms of social media about how ~zoophiles are infiltrating the otherkin community~ and ~the alterhuman communities are just infected with zoophiles~. Mountains are being made out of molehills. People need to take a step back and seriously consider how some of what they’re saying and claiming fits into the real world, and the potential unforseen consequences of their actions on a larger scale than just their immediate social media friend group and bubble.
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shipping--hell · 4 years
the fact that ozai is such a complete shitgibbon that all four of aang’s immediate predecessors said he had to murder him is so funny.
imagine being so awful that four entire spiritual leaders from four different cultural traditions come back from the dead to tell a kid that he really does have to put you in the ground. fucking brutal.
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shipping--hell · 5 years
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requested by ineffablepm
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