I really have no idea what they were thinking when they were making the video. Must’ve been something like “I had a really weird dream last night... It was about this kid with a llama family. Let’s make this a thing... We need 2 llama costumes ASAP.”
the llama things from the new fall out boy music video scare me so bad I’ve only been able to watch it half way through…..
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If your story is long and you’re having a hard time with details in one part, or one section of it just seems too rushed, take that part out of the rest of the story and treat it as its own short story, with the events in the previous part of the novel as its backstory. Fill it out and make it live on its own, and then stick it back in the original story and edit as you see fit.
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Just in case you need a daily dose of happiness :D
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Every person is a poem waiting to be read.
E. Grin (via written-in-pen)
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You bring the sun and then the rain - and I’ll be the rainbow wrapped up in flames.
D (via imnotsleeping76)
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Harry Potter/Avengers AU
The Avengers are a team of Witches and Wizards fighting against the Dark Lord Thanos. 
Tony is the mad Wizarding inventor who is a genius with a wand. Bruce is a part-time healer, full-time shape-shifting werewolf. Clint and Natasha are Unspeakables. Thor is a Quidditch beater. And Auror Steve has one hell of a shield charm. 
(Oh, and Loki is a Death Eater, which no one is surprised about)
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I want to sip your essence, breathe you in Drown in your words And melt under your touch
-Iri.i April 25 2017
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But you see, it cannot bring back all the tears that had run out from my eyes. It cannot change all the sadness I’ve felt—the terrible feelings I tried to explain. You cannot just catch those waves with your hands and throw them to the ocean again. You cannot just pick those petals from a beautiful flower and regret it afterwards, wishing that maybe it will grow more stunning if you let it bloom on its own way. You cannot just let a bottle fall on the ground and decide to use it again even its sharp edges can painfully tear your palms. Because your sorry cannot change the past. Your sorry cannot change all the things you made me feel. You see, it’s different this time. You cannot just break someone’s heart and make them feel worthless that way—then put the blame on them. You cannot just say sorry for each and everything. You should have known that what you’ve done is wrong especially when you clearly did it intentionally. Especially when you did it selfishly.
ma.c.a // Because you’re not really sorry (via vomitingwords)
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Weekly Excitement/Obsession: I bought a MCR CD for the first time so I don’t need to stream off Spotify :)
Hey guys! It’s Thursday in the magical place that I live. That means only one day until the end of the workweek. That doesn’t mean much to me being as I don’t have a job yet... Anyway, I’m really excited about what I did today. As you can tell by the NEW Weekly Excitement/Obsession thingy, I bought a new CD of my favorite band - MCR. Yes, I went to my local tech store and used my $20 bucks on it. Not regretting it :)
Anyway, while I was listening to my tracks, I wrote a few chapters showing how Chasing Red would have gone if it wasn’t the way it is now. I still prefer the original chapters though. I’m going to link the chapters down below *points* so you can check them out for yourself. Just a little warning, there is SEXUAL CONTENT AND MODERATE LANGUAGE. I’m warning you! :D
I didn’t really have enough time to actually go on Wattpad today, which was a huge shame! I can’t go a day without writing, let alone going on Wattpad. So, today was a little bit of a boring day, unfortunately. I had gotten distracted a little by DJ-ing for my Mum while she was doing her stitching. All the classics. On the bright side, I have ruined 2 innocent souls today by making my friends read the Milk Fic. I think they’re emotionally scarred for life now.
Well, I think that’s enough blogging today, because I’ve been on Tumblr and other social media, out with my family and socialising (Ick!) all day. Time for some Wattpad and music. That’s it for today, and I hope you have a wonderful morning/afternoon/night/whatever and I will talk to you later!
Link to the chapters: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-cDU-lBaL-sbTVjX3pzb2VzU2c?usp=sharing
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Tuesday: The Day of McDonalds and Sleep!
(Little note before I start, this was supposed to be posted yesterday, but I had internet issues :D)
"They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old; Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them." - Laurence Binyon
Hey Peeps! It's ANZAC day today in the magical place that I live in. It's also the day of sleep and McDonalds on my terms. So, I woke up at 10am and then at 12pm I went to Maccas. My dream was really weird last night, being as I was being chased by Ray's fro. I don't know what triggered it, but I just adored his rainbow coloured floofy afro. Yes, I might be weird, but people love me for who I am. Also, today I witnessed my cat fall onto it's but after toppling off of a shelf. It was hilarious, and thank God that he's ok. If I was him, I probably would have broken a bone knowing my luck.
So this wonderful day in this crappy year was full of Wattpad... You know, I might as well sell my soul to either Gerard Way or Wattpad. Again, I know I'm weird, but I enjoy being what I am - a piece of band trash. I spend so much time on WP that I think I'm obsessed. I read so many books containing smut, xreaders, smut in general and just some really weird stuff. I first got onto Wattpad on the 24th of February this year, and I have enjoyed my experience. Well, except for when one of my chapters got mistaken for spam so I had to contact the help centre. That wasn't fun. I did get really nice service though! Anyway, let's get back to what I was saying.
I went on Wattpad this morning and looked at Chasing Red's stats. I was really shocked to see that I had 403 reads on it, and in response, I screamed. Yeah, I know that number is nothing compared to the ones with over a million reads, but for the level of Wattpad-ness (Idfk!) that I'm on, that's pretty amazing. I usually write my chapters while listening to MCR in my headphones. It gives me inspiration, ya know? Anywho, I wrote a chapter just before my Nan came and picked my Mum and I up for lunch. I wish I could have written more, but I didn't have enough time.
Maccas was really nice. I mean, yeah I know that everything they make has loads of fat and sugar in it, but it's cool to indulge every so often. I don't go out for meals very often, so this was a real treat for me. If you're wondering what I had, I ate a McChicken meal with frozen coke as a drink. It's actually a surprise that they had coke because when I normally go there, the only frozen drink they have IN STOCK is raspberry Fanta. I mean seriously, if you're gonna have only two flavours of frozen drinks, you might as well have both in supply. Sometimes it's ridiculous.
Well, that's me for today. Oh, did I mention that if you are a follower of this blog, you can get FREE insights on the chapters or books that are coming up? It may not be much, but it's pretty cool to know things before anyone else does. Thankyou for reading, and I hope you have a good morning/afternoon/night/whatever.
- ShippingCaptain
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My Tumblr Intro :D
"So, I guess that Wattpad is my 'medium', huh?" - ShippingCaptain 2017
My name is ShippingCaptain, and I'm a frequent user of Wattpad, if you didn't already just figure. I started using WP in 2017, when my friend dared me to write a smut... it didn't go very well. Uh, well, I mean that the story went well, but the format didn't. I wrote around two chapters before it got into the smut, and that was definitely too fast going for my style. So I copied the three smut chapters and re-did the chapters until I thought that it was enough. I'm now on my chapter sixteen (as of today) and I still haven't gotten to the smut yet. Anyway, Chasing Red is the name of that book, and coincidentally was my first. I'm planning to make the book into a trilogy, and hopefully it crash in a huge, destructing fireball. You can read it on my Wattpad profile *shameless self advertising* which will be at the end of this post. If you came to this blog from my profile, well done and thankyou. You have successfully witnessed the single most retarded play
you will ever see in your life (ten points if you get that reference).
My friends have been encouraging me so much towards my writing, and some of them are on Wattpad, too! Most of my friends have helped turn me into an ordinary pile of band trash, and some of them have truly emotionally scarred me by sending me the milk fic. Please, if you have not read that fanfiction yet, DON'T! I'm begging you! You WILL regret it! I think of myself as an Emo, but that isn't a problem. I love being dead like MCR, dark and brooding and being band trash. I can't go a day without listening to my favourite bands...
Here are some really random facts about myself...
> My name is not going to be shared because of safety reasons. I'm very cautious of it.
> I have lots of pets. I mean ALOT. Like, 7 cats and a dog...
> I like gaming.
> My friends think that I'm the female version of Gerard Way. You know, without the drinking and the smoking. I'm just sassy, I wear beanies and sweaters, and I like cookies/coffee!
> Me and my 'squad' are really, really weird.
> I've been to America twice, being as my Dad used to live there.
> My favourite youtubers are Jacksepticeye and Markiplier. Probably because they have an awesome fanbase and they are just amazing people all up.
> I like MCR, TOP, FOB, P!ATD, SWS, PTV, BVB, ATL, BMTH and much more :)
> When I type, I usually use a lot of emojis. Don't be disturbed if I keep putting smiley faces at the end of each sentence. That's right, folks. An emo who's happy.
> My Wattpad profile: https://www.wattpad.com/user/ShippingCaptain
I hope that you enjoyed those totally random facts about me that you may not have needed to know, and that you will never be creeped out at the content I write or post on this blog. If I'm not entertaining at all, or if you don't like my content, please feel free to leave feedback, or just leave in general. Yes, I may shamelessly self advertise randomly in my posts, but I'm overall a really nice person who has depression and who is always up for a chat if anyone needs it. No, I'm not looking for perverts who just want something to bang, I'm looking to make people happy and distracted from their depressed state.
Thankyou for reading this post of absolute junk, and have an amazing morning/afternoon/night/day/whatever!
- ShippingCaptain.
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