Updated - Moving Blogs - Archived
I am going to be moving blogs as I let myself lose inspiration because of my ambition, but I will keep this blog because I have a lot of good memories here and I don’t want to lose that. So this blog will be archived and I will move some stuff here to the new blog.
Thank you all for giving me wonderful memories here on this and I hope to make some news one to warm up the new blog. :)
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Put “I mean…KIND OF” if it was on more than one occasion.
Put "I mean..." in my inbox if your muse has masturbated thinking about my muse.
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haikxra replied to your post:To have a Halloween-theme url or not. That is the...
-chanting- join us, join us, join us
Nuuuu, I must resist~
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To have a Halloween-theme url or not. That is the question today.
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I did not. If you want to blame someone, blame anxthermask and tenzio
I officially have one porn blog follower. Gonna blame you for that one, shiranuiisms
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“Not everything is about missions, Rai.” Genma said with a fair amount of amusement. “You work too hard.” At least in his eyes. “No this is just me wanting to ask you if you’re up for lunch.”
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“Mission will probably come later, you never know.” It was getting around that time anyhow when his wallet is a bit thinner than usual. “So you coming? I was thinking of that new place that just opened up a while back. Hear that they serve pretty good food.” Which for a shinobi, any food is good food, even the ones they serve in hospitals.
╳╰ shiranuiisms ╮
  slowly decreasing the pace in his steps until they   stopped completely once he heard a familiar voice   call out his name, dark eyes darted up at the   ceiling to briefly take a moment to ponder about   whose it belonged to because he did have a hint,   but wasn’t exactly sure. with a defeated sigh, he   spared the other a glance over his shoulder and to   his relief - it was genma.
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“ oh, it’s you. what is it?  another mission? “
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The man in question, known to others as Genma, a simple but deadly tokubetsu jonin to the civilians inside the village--but to a few others, one of the best Hunter-nins that the Bloody Mist has to offer. He had just finished dissecting and cremating the remains of a rogue Mist-nin, who had attempted to steal information to sell off to a rival village, the head secured tightly inside a sack attached to his belt.
The hunter-nin watched as the body was completely burned and ashes started to scatter from the wind. Genma wouldn’t leave just yet, he only stayed long enough to make sure that the ashes dispersed and maybe, by some twisted point of view, he wanted to pay his respects.
It takes guts to attempt what the man had done, especially since it involved one of the more bloodthirsty villages in the entire world. Sure, the man had betrayed his oath to the Hidden Mist, but Genma had to give the man his due for surviving this long against him.
His thoughts were disturbed when something prickled at the back of his neck, his service as a Hunter-nin have honed his instincts right down to a T. Usually whenever it perked up like now, Genma knew that something was going to happen.
He just wasn’t sure what yet.
A Trip to the Bloody Mist | 「closed」shiranuiisms
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Kakashi stood at the Konoha graveyard, hands buried in his pockets and staring at one of the head stones on the ground. Many a thought plagued his mind as he prepared to go out on the mission that the Third Hokage had given him mere moments earlier. He hadn’t even had time to look at it yet because he wanted to pay his daily respects. Removing hands from his pockets, he turned to return to the street leading out of the village while a single half-lidded eye gazed over the file.
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The target was well-known to Kakashi, as well as the rest of Konoha’s ANBU Black Ops. He was the Executioner of the Bloody Mist, one of it’s top hunter-ninja and known for his brutal, remorseless killings. This was to be a solo mission, handled by–arguably the best at that time–Team Ro’s own Friend-Killer Kakashi. With a slight sigh, he tuckled the file away and began his journey toward the mist village. Traveling in ANBU garb, he knew he’d be a target for the rogue nation to attack, and that was exactly what he was hoping for.
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willoftheramen replied to your post:Been on my OC blog for the past day or two, gonna...
why you lyin'
I not be lyin’ brah. :P
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Been on my OC blog for the past day or two, gonna check out my new followers :D and reply to a few things and maybe even invade a few ask boxes ;)
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Is it true that Kiba Inuzuka has never lost a game of BGO?!
"Is it true that..." Finish it in my ask box!
“Pretty much, though it was quite a close call for a few game sessions.”
“It got to the point where he wanted me on his team because those close calls.”
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"Is it true that..." Finish it in my ask box!
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"Not when you're being creepy about it. What is it?"
He blatantly ignored the creepy comment. “Not sure if you want to hear about it, Iruka. Don’t want to taint those innocent ears of yours.”
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"Why're you smiling like that? What's wrong with you?"
“What? I’m not allowed to smile once in a while? I’m hurt by your suspicions, Iruka.”
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It’s TMI Tuesday! Ask my muse anything you want and they’ll have to answer honestly.
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Originally posted by skreenedtees
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Time for bed, hopefully my internet isn’t that much of ass tomorrow. Feel free to send me memes! You can find them here! If not, just send me asks ic or ooc, especially if you’re curious about my muse. :)
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"How do you feel about going head to head against me in combat? Friendly, of course."
Ask my character “How do you feel about ______?” Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they’ll have to answer honestly.
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“Well, that’s something I wouldn’t mind.” Though most people would say no, because engaging Kakashi in a spar--friendly or not--usually did not end well for them. Genma, however, wasn’t like those people, he was eager to try.
“Just let me know when and where.”
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"How do you feel about that?" Anko asked, and pointed to the tunnel a small walk ahead of them. "Because that is our only way out of here. And I think it's full of shit. Literally."
Ask my character "How do you feel about ______?" Can be an idea, person(s), place, or thing, and they'll have to answer honestly.
“Not very good to be honest.” Genma can smell what was coming from the tunnel and if that’s was their only way out--then he might as well get comfortable. There is no way that he’s going through that.
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