shirly-keeper · 5 days
shouldn’t’a made such a great photo for cheerin’ up Harl if you didn’t want it used for that
today is really not my day :(
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shirly-keeper · 5 days
I know what’ll cheer ya up
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today is really not my day :(
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shirly-keeper · 28 days
It's gently bully your godfather o'clock! He wouldn't take his hat off though.
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
What evidence did he plant?
a roll of toilet paper a cassette tape a ping pong paddle a wad of crinkled paper an armoured truck driver mask some soap and some peas
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
Hey Shirley, what was the weirdest thing you ever saw someone throw out?
I guess when Tippy planted the evidence in the Operating Room there ain’t really anythin’ that’s weird to throw out just sad and/or horrifying
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
but there are so many emojis, one of them has to be you
do I seem like the type of person to give a flyin’ fuck about emojis
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
but which emoji speaks to you the most
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
what emoji do you think you are then
I donno none of em
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
ok this is you then > 🥸
… that’s a joke right?
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
this is you > 🤓
no it ain’t
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
anon you’re absolute trash
I always knew you were a phony, that nice guy act isn't fooling anyone
I wasn’t acting :(
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
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@helpfull-handyman-harl-hubbs I believe this is yours
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
it’s goin’ fine
I think I just got myself involved in somesorta plot
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
maybe it is only time’ll tell
I think I just got myself involved in somesorta plot
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shirly-keeper · 2 months
I think I just got myself involved in somesorta plot
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shirly-keeper · 3 months
He shouldn’t be pickin’ up a minifridge with his arm like that is why
Why not ask Harl to make you one he does that kinda stuff for free
Oh... huh hadn't thought of that I'm pretty handy myself so I don't usually ask him for help but he's right across the street from work so it couldn't hurt to ask I guess.
@helpfull-handyman-harl-hubbs would you be able to take a look at my failed locking mini fridge and I don't know make it a better one?
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shirly-keeper · 3 months
Don’t listen to him drop it off at the junkyard
Why not ask Harl to make you one he does that kinda stuff for free
Oh... huh hadn't thought of that I'm pretty handy myself so I don't usually ask him for help but he's right across the street from work so it couldn't hurt to ask I guess.
@helpfull-handyman-harl-hubbs would you be able to take a look at my failed locking mini fridge and I don't know make it a better one?
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