shisuiyes-blog · 7 years
lays down, sobbing. i miss being on a single-muse. of course i do. few months later i’ll miss being on a multi-muse. and the cycle continues.
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shisuiyes-blog · 7 years
steps up, shakes out, HOLLERS ---
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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GATHERED TOGETHER :  { supremebirb / scorpitails / ofsakura / shisuiyes }
               independent,  highly selective,  unaffiliated                         multi-muse blog                GMT+2  ll  permanently semi-active
There is nothing more inspiring, nor more vexing than IMPERFECTION.
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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Kiss Art Challenge - Anko x Shisui: 6 - Kiss on the lips (cute) 
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
Send in 🎨 for my muse to draw yours! (This could be in the mun’s art style, or a made up muse art style! Be creative!)
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
a man: in my opinion- me: *is already asleep*
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
Sometimes I feel skinless, raw, like I don’t have a face. How can I be sure that I have any coherence unless I outline it?
Kate Zambreno, from Icon ed. Amy Scholder (via haelan)
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
A Ron Swanson™ sentence meme.
Because we all need to appreciate our lord and savior, Ron Swanson.
❛ Is Star Wars the one with the little wizard boy? ❜
❛ I’m just gonna stay angry. I find that relaxes me. ❜
❛ I can’t go, because I don’t want to. ❜
❛ You take me nowhere, and I talk to no one. ❜
❛ If any of you need anything, too bad. ❜
❛ I’m not sure I’m interested in that. ❜
❛ No, I am sure. I’m not interested in that. ❜
❛ I like saying no. ❜
❛ I hate everything. ❜
❛ I love nothing! ❜
❛ I regret nothing. ❜
❛ I regret everything. ❜
❛ People are idiots. ❜
❛ Never half-ass two things. Whole-ass one thing. ❜
❛ Normally, if given a choice between something and nothing, I’d choose to do nothing. ❜
❛ I don’t want to seem overdramatic, but I really don’t care what happens here. ❜
❛ Keep your tears in your eyes where they belong. ❜
❛ Dear frozen yogurt, you are the celery of desserts. Be ice cream or be nothing. Zero stars. ❜
❛ Fishing relaxes me. It’s like yoga, except I still get to kill something. ❜
❛ I’m usually not one for speeches, so goodbye. ❜
❛ No. ❜
❛ What’s “cholesterol” ? ❜
❛ Your house isn’t haunted, you’re lonely. ❜
❛ I’m not interested in caring about people. ❜
❛ Strippers do nothing for me. But I’ll take a free breakfast buffet anytime, anyplace. ❜
❛ Birthdays were invented by Hallmart to sell cards. ❜
❛ You had me at meat tornado. ❜
❛ I like saying ‘no’. It lowers their enthusiasm. ❜
❛ [Son/daughter], people can see you! ❜
❛ Please do not approach me on the street after this event, and attempt to talk to me. ❜
❛ It’s called ‘the ground’ when it’s outside. ❜
❛ There’s no wrong way to consume alcohol. ❜
❛ Creativity is for people with glasses who like to lie. ❜
❛ I don’t like loud noises, and people making a fuss. ❜
❛ There’s only one thing I hate more than lying: skim milk… Which is water that’s lying about being milk. ❜
❛ I know what I’m about, son. ❜
❛ I think there should be less talking in life. ❜
❛ Breakfast food can serve many purposes. ❜
❛ When I eat, it’s the food that is scared. ❜
❛ I was born ready. I’m [name] fucking [name]! ❜
❛ Not to worry, I have a permit. ❜
❛ I would rather bleed out than sit here and talk about my feelings for 10 hours! ❜
❛ Crying. Acceptable at funerals and the Grand Canyon. ❜
❛ When people get too chummy with me, I like to call them by the wrong name, to let them know I really don’t care about them. ❜
❛ I’m not a sore loser! It’s just that I prefer to win, and when I don’t, I get furious. ❜
❛ I wouldn’t say we’re close. ❜
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
2017 were all gonna stop posting self deprecating and “I wanna die” memes
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
Send me [♤] (anon or not) if you're intimidated to write with me. Bonus points if you tell me why.
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
Send me a symbol and I will tell you…
🌸 = my roleplay petpeeve 🌹 = my opinion on your character 🌻 = a character I wish to write with 🍀 = a ship I wish to write 🌼 = a song I identify with your character 🌷 = a song I identify with my character 🌱 = a plot I want to write with you 🌲 = if I ship our characters together 🌴 = a favorite canon character in my fandom 🌵 = a disliked canon character in my fandom 🌾 = my opinion on OCs 🍁 = my opinion on multimuse blogs 🍄 = my opinion on crossovers 🎄 = my opinion on AUs 💐 = my favorite part about the fandom 🌿 = my least favorite part about the fandom
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
nonsexual acts of intimacy --- select from the following for my muse to respond to:
♔ : Finding your muse wearing their clothes
♕ : Holding hands
♖ : Having their hair washed by your muse
♗ : Your muse falling asleep with their head in my muse's lap.
♘ : Cuddling in a blanket fort
♙ : Sharing a bed
♚ : Head scratches
♛ : Sharing a dessert
♜ : Shoulder rubs
♝ : Reading a book together
♞ : Caring for each other while ill (specify which party is which)
♟ : Patching up a wound
♤ : Taking a bath together
♧ : Your muse playing with their hair
♡ : Accidentally falling asleep together
♢ : Forehead or cheek kisses
♠ : Your muse adjusting their jewelry/neck tie/ etc.
♣ : Back scratches
♥ : Your muse crying about something
♦ : Slow dancing
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
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shisuiyes-blog · 8 years
what if your friend had a freak accident where his thang got cut off and he need a dick transplant and he ask you for 3 inches
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