shit-leopard · 2 years
What’s your nursery theme?
Pastel goth!! We wanted a fun and colorful Halloween feeling room. Here's some examples of the vibe
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We're gonna out little ghost and bat stickers on the wallpaper 💕
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shit-leopard · 2 years
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Goth nursery decor.
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shit-leopard · 2 years
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shit-leopard · 3 years
It's Bereaved Parents Month, and to be a part of it sucks. However, there isn't a more compassionate group of people I would want to be stuck in this shit ship with, so to all my other grieving parents, I am sorry you are here too. I see you and your child, and I am sending all my love to you both.
If you aren't a part of this club, but you know someone who is, show them some extra love this month and remember to acknowledge their child who has died. It means so much to us when you do.
Even if they aren't here with us physically or in the ground or in an urn, they still take up so much space in our hearts and minds.
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shit-leopard · 3 years
To Share or Not to Share: Let’s Come Out of Hiding!
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by Liya
When a woman finds out she is pregnant it can be one of the most surreal moments of her life. She goes from her normal self to feeling completely different. Literally in a single moment a mother is born. And then somehow we go from sheer joy and expectancy, hope and exuberance to being bombarded with statements like - “You should keep things private in the event of a loss, you’ll want to keep your news under wraps until the risk of miscarriage drops dramatically.” It’s sort of an unwritten “thing” so many of us do. We wait and sit on our news for three months before welcoming the love and more importantly, the support of our families and our village. Don’t get me wrong, I too, have done this. I followed suit, no questions asked. As it’s what I had seen done over and over again. But then the other day as I sat and thought about this idea of keeping a new life a secret, all to avoid the discomfort of having to tell people bad news in the case of a miscarriage and I wanted to challenge the thought for just a second. Doesn’t a new mom-to-be not only deserve, but need the support of her village either way? 
We as a culture have sort of subconsciously created this stigma surrounding sharing birth news early on. I feel like support is crucial whether in the celebration of a birth or in mourning the loss of a child. Whether a woman is enjoying a smooth, uneventful pregnancy or is living through the loss of her child, she should not feel scared or like she needs to hide. It should be just as much a family or village experience as a birth would be. Focused, supportive, loving energy surrounding her.
I desire, and challenge you, to tear down these places of isolation we have created for mamas and gather around in love, kindness, strength and togetherness.
After all we are stronger together!
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shit-leopard · 3 years
“Eyes are distracting. You see too much. You don’t see enough.”
— Will Graham, Hannibal
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shit-leopard · 3 years
“Be mindful. Be grateful. Be positive. Be true. Be kind.”
— Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart
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shit-leopard · 3 years
It is Kana Watanabe fight week people
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shit-leopard · 3 years
There’s two types of Autumn:
the bright, colorful, happy autumn with pumpkins, apples, candles, and great food
the dreary, dark, creepy autumn with overcast and rainy skies, scary forests, cool temperatures, and halloween
And I love them both!
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shit-leopard · 3 years
Me posting on tumblr:
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shit-leopard · 3 years
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shit-leopard · 3 years
“A miscarriage is a natural and common event. All told, probably more women have lost a child from this world than haven’t. Most don’t mention it, and they go on from day to day as if it hadn’t happened, so people imagine that a woman in this situation never really knew or loved what she had. But ask her sometime: how old would your child be now? And she’ll know.”
— Barbara Kingsolver
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shit-leopard · 3 years
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Today is pregnancy and infant loss awareness day. My heart goes out to all the little lives lost and their families ❤️
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shit-leopard · 3 years
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shit-leopard · 3 years
“Please don’t expect me to always be good and kind and loving. There are times when I will be cold and thoughtless and hard to understand.”
— Sylvia Plath
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shit-leopard · 3 years
“I’m not afraid of dying. Pieces of me die all the time.”
— Sage Francis
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shit-leopard · 3 years
Talk to yourself like someone you love.
k.b. // unknown
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