shitennouland · 2 months
EDIT on Jan 3rd: SORRY. I couldn't stand how many mistakes I see in my edit despite multiple checks I've done before Jan 1st... I ended up reuploading the videos instead. Can't guarantee it's perfect now, but it's much better (from the creator's perspective.) Anyone who reblogged before Jan 3rd will have the old link that's now broken.
This is the TV version, aired on CBC in Japan on December 25th, 2023.
Due to YouTube's upload length limit, the show has been split into 3 parts based on the provided commercial breaks. The videos are unlisted on YouTube, so cannot be searched, instead only accessed by the proper web link.
Some notes & disclaimer:
1. I’m not a fluent Japanese speaker, but I do know Hiragana, Katakana, basic Japanese grammar and kanji, and a few good tools to use for translation. All’s to say, all mistakes are mine. Sorry if there’s any!
2. I’m also not a professional translator. Due to the grammar differences between Japanese and English, some sentences will sound awkward in English for the conversation to make sense.
3. This really was a casual chat for the ladies, so they kept talking over each other. I tried to highlight all the chit-chats with colour-coded subtitles matching their Senshi colours. Because of this I tried different formatting and decided on the layout you see now, even if it's still a bit messy, and some subtitles are quite fast-paced. Sorry if it doesn't look good or is tough to read. :(
4. The character “会”(kai) in “戦士会” (senshi-kai) can be translated into: - “Club”, a noun for group; - “Meetup” or “reunion”, a noun and synonym for “event”. Depending on context, you will see “戦士会” (senshi-kai) translated into “Senshi Club” or “Senshi Reunion.”
I will be working on a subtitled version of Miyuu's behind-the-scene video of this program. (JAN 7th EDIT: The subbed version is available here!)
A Director's Cut version will be made available in Japan on Jan 9, 2024. I'll keep an eye out if there's a copy floating around. If there's any difference in that version, I'll also make a subtitled version for sharing as well. If there are any translation mistakes I've made in this current round of subtitling, I'll also take the chance to rectify them in the new version.
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shitennouland · 4 months
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They are talking about how Naoki went into being a child actor, because he likes SMAP.
Naoki shared his grandma and grandpa let him try it after he expressed interest. Naoki wasn't scouted, but applied management companies to be one.
They started to talking about PGSM! Director said he had always referred to Naoki as Shingo, even now.
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It sounds like Naoki and Miyuu had an interesting relationship on set. My brain it's working too well so I haven't caught everything.
But Naoki shared that as a kid on set, he'd want to watch anime in the midst of waiting between shots, and sometimes felt cheated when he was told to get ready that they'll file in 10min, but then it doesn't and he thinks he missed 10min of anime for that.
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shitennouland · 4 months
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A story shared by the Director: Naoki gave the impression of a "robot" to the Director and the staff when acting in PGSM as a kid, because Naoki follows instruction to the T and only does what he's told.
When Naoki and the Director reunited at Kamen Rider Drive, where Naoki starred in a guest episode, the Director was impressed by how much Naoki grew. Another staff came up to the Director and expressed feeling joy but in a way that alluded to their impression of being a robot being overturned. lol
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shitennouland · 4 months
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They talked about some fun behind-the-scene stuff from filming Special Act, fitting Naoki into a high school uniform, the staff being used to fill in as guests in Usagi and Mamoru's wedding, and how "beautifully" (lol) the collective staff was cut out from the scene. lol
I THINK they are discussing Naoki quitting acting as a child after PGSM and the reason behind it. Naoki was working on PGSM and another show simultaneously and it was rough for a kid especially impacting his school life because it made staying and playing with friends hard to manage.
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shitennouland · 4 months
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Naoki was asked what led him to return to the entertainment world. He said it coincided with career talks at high school and he couldn't decide, and so decided to turn back to acting, preferring it than being a "salaryman" lol
I think the Director teased him for setting the bar low or something like this. lol
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shitennouland · 4 months
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Pretty sure they are discussing Act 39 filming the scene where Shingo was about to fall off a bridge, being scared being put into a harness and the staff joking about if he fall's he's fine and will be rescued, but Naoki didn't want to fall at all. lol
Naoki remembered really looking up to Jouji as an older brother.
And then they talked about Act 48 when Mio signed on Shingo's stomach. lol
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Co-host Miyuu got teased for drinking a bunch again. lol
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shitennouland · 4 months
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They discussed what type of character Naoki would want to act in other tokusatsu series to respond to guest submitted questions.
To summarize, basically, Naoki would want to plan a villain-side Rider in a Rider series, or a late-joining member in a Super Sentai series.
Especially, Naoki mentioned how the villain Riders always have hardcore power, and it's cool when they turned to become a good-ish person in the series, even if they don't always side or conform to the hero's way.
In a Sentai (like power rangers), the late joining member (Senshi) always has a different style of dress and way of transforming, and better powers, and it makes them stand out to be really cool looking and he likes that.
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shitennouland · 4 months
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I am SO glad I didn't ask the omelette question, coz Naoki volunteered to talk about it.
He was disgusted by the colour and shared it tasted bad. Said it contributed to him not liking the acting shoots much.
They couldn't remember which episode it was so I posted in the chat about the blue sauce and green sauce omelette's episode and it got read out. <3
Naoki remember blue sauce, but not the green sauce episode. lol
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shitennouland · 4 months
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My question is the last question!
Naoki shared he hasn't spoken with Yume and Kaede about PGSM, but with Satomi he recalled saying something like she's his older sister coz Satomi was Usagi and Naoki played Shingo, etc.
Naoki mentioned most of the time the men hang out with the men and women with the women in backstage so he hasn't spoken with them as much.
LOL I said in the chat that I was indeed watching the broadcast at near 5am and it'll be bad for going to work the next day, Director told me I should be sleeping. I'm dying from laughing.
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shitennouland · 5 months
EDIT on Jan 3rd: SORRY. I couldn't stand how many mistakes I see in my edit despite multiple checks I've done before Jan 1st... I ended up reuploading the videos instead. Can't guarantee it's perfect now, but it's much better (from the creator's perspective.) Anyone who reblogged before Jan 3rd will have the old link that's now broken.
This is the TV version, aired on CBC in Japan on December 25th, 2023.
Due to YouTube's upload length limit, the show has been split into 3 parts based on the provided commercial breaks. The videos are unlisted on YouTube, so cannot be searched, instead only accessed by the proper web link.
Some notes & disclaimer:
1. I’m not a fluent Japanese speaker, but I do know Hiragana, Katakana, basic Japanese grammar and kanji, and a few good tools to use for translation. All’s to say, all mistakes are mine. Sorry if there’s any!
2. I’m also not a professional translator. Due to the grammar differences between Japanese and English, some sentences will sound awkward in English for the conversation to make sense.
3. This really was a casual chat for the ladies, so they kept talking over each other. I tried to highlight all the chit-chats with colour-coded subtitles matching their Senshi colours. Because of this I tried different formatting and decided on the layout you see now, even if it's still a bit messy, and some subtitles are quite fast-paced. Sorry if it doesn't look good or is tough to read. :(
4. The character “会”(kai) in “戦士会” (senshi-kai) can be translated into: - “Club”, a noun for group; - “Meetup” or “reunion”, a noun and synonym for “event”. Depending on context, you will see “戦士会” (senshi-kai) translated into “Senshi Club” or “Senshi Reunion.”
I will be working on a subtitled version of Miyuu's behind-the-scene video of this program. (JAN 7th EDIT: The subbed version is available here!)
A Director's Cut version will be made available in Japan on Jan 9, 2024. I'll keep an eye out if there's a copy floating around. If there's any difference in that version, I'll also make a subtitled version for sharing as well. If there are any translation mistakes I've made in this current round of subtitling, I'll also take the chance to rectify them in the new version.
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shitennouland · 1 year
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Dukes of Hell and a Handbasket of Trouble.
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shitennouland · 2 years
AO3/FF.net Stats Quiz
Thanks @hikamaus​ for tagging me! Especially considering I’ve not published anything new chapters or stories for over a decade, and only mention me *struggling* to write here and there. lol
➼ What is your total posted word count on AO3?
So I opened an AO3 account planning to migrate things from FF.net to AO3, but haven’t gotten around to doing it yet.  On FF.net though, my posted word count is 241,711.
➼ How often do you write?
Weekly I’m hashing out and rehashing out plot points and key dialogues I have in mind for any stories I have building.  But in terms of actually writing the stories, I go in waves - e.g. I had a really good run of writing during all of my free times daily from Dec 2021 - Mar 2022, and then I hit a slump and then the flow stopped, and now I’m back to maybe writing a paragraph here or there every weekend. 
➼ Do you have a routine for writing?
Not really.  Mainly just putting headphones on with music that reflects the mood of the chapter/content I want to write, and then fully going at it.  I have multiple fanfic writing playlists for such a purpose on my iTunes. lol
➼ What are your favourite tropes/pairings?
Tropes - not really. I don’t really care about or look for any specific tropes, I’m more picky in choosing stories with good character portrayal.  That being said, hurt/comfort stories are typically the easiest to get me hooked.
Reinako. Duh. lol
I also used to read a lot of SwanQueen fanfiction.
➼ Do you have a favourite fic of yours?
… Sadly nope.
I definitely have high hopes of where I want to get Echoes of Time to but the fact I’m in the process of rewriting everything because I cringe in reading my old writing tell you what I think about the story at this moment.  That being said, Echoes of Times is the only one I’m thinking of rewriting out of everything I’ve posted, so it definitely holds a very special place in my heart.
➼ Your fic with the most kudos / reviews?
Echoes of Time. But that’s probably also because it’s my longest fic.  195 reviews for 25 chapters… On average 7.8 reviews per chapter, doesn’t seem too shabby for a small community?
➼ Anything you don’t like about your writing?
Lots of run on sentences. lol  I’m sure there’re many other small things that bugs me when I read my old work, but most significant is what I can think of.
➼ Now something you do like?
I don’t see this too much in reading PGSM fanfic, but I do appreciate the amount of action I’ve already got written into Echoes of Times.  As well, I like how I try to put emphasis on all the Senshi and Shitennous in the story even though Rei and Minako are my main characters.  I wanted Echoes of Time to be my vision of a PGSM sequel, which meant I would respect and follow the original material as much as I can in pacing, story development, character dynamics, and more importantly, putting emphasis on where Usagi and Mamoru should be the actual main player of why and how things happen, but I’m still trying to write the story in Rei and Minako’s perspective.  Striking that balance has been a challenge, but despite all the issues I’ve had with my old writing, balancing perspectives and character roles and involvements hasn’t been an issue I feel like I had yet.  So in that sense, I’m quite proud of myself!
Since this is a PGSM blog, but I’ve longed since stopped reading new PGSM/Sailor Moon fanfictions, and I rarely engage with fanfic writing on Tumblr, I don’t really know who writes what and who to tag… 
@lilkearnsie - I know you’ve not written PGSM fanfic in a long time (possibly fanfiction altogether), but I’ve always enjoyed revisiting your Reinako stories.
@shitennouland - I also don’t know if you’ve written recently? But thanks for being my beta when I first started writing! <3
@primasylph - I seem to recall you write fanfiction as well? And I def know you love Ami x Nephrite in PGSM. :)
Otherwise, for anyone that does write fanfiction and visits this blogs, if you are interested in doing this tag game, please feel free to consider yourself tagged by me!  Especially if you actively write PGSM fanfiction, I’d love to know!
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shitennouland · 2 years
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Our shop is open until May 30th!  If you want to snag up a bundle, please be quick! 
And if you want to support us in unlocking more stretch goals, please reblog and signal boost this post so we can reach as many Moonies as possible! Every sale counts!
Drops of Moonlight is a limited edition, multi-volume, non-profit charity zine featuring fanart, fanfiction, essays, cosplay, fan manga and more by 350+ contributors from 40 countries. Visit our shop to find out more!
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shitennouland · 2 years
How could I have only one favourite character? For the senshi, Rei Hino/Sailor Mars, for the villains, the PGSM Shitennou!
Win a FREE Chaos Digital Zine Bundle!
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We here at the Drops of Moonlight Zine Mod Team are excited to announce that we are doing a giveaway for a FREE Chaos Digital Zine bundle! The Chaos Digital Bundle comes with online access to all of the volumes of the zine and all digital extras such as wallpapers, emotes, and much more.
Giveaway will close and winners will be drawn on SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, 11:59 p.m. EST
Who Can Participate: The giveaway is open internationally! Supporters and zine contributors* alike can enter for this giveaway.
How to Enter:
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There will be a limit of ONE entry per platform.
This giveaway will be available on all of our social media platforms and we will select a winner randomly from each platform (Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, and Tumblr).
In total, four Chaos Digital Zine Bundles will be given away.
Terms and Conditions:
The giveaway prize of a Chaos Digital Bundle will be given to winners in the form of a $15 voucher that can be applied during checkout on our Shopify store. This $15 voucher can be applied for all bundles, not just the Chaos Bundle. The Chaos Bundle is not required to be in your shopping cart or bought for the voucher to be applied; it can be used for a discount on any of the available bundles. Shipping is NOT included with the voucher if a winner decides to use it for another bundle that will require shipping. Shipping will still be paid by the buyer. Participants must be 18 or older to participate in this giveaway. By entering this giveaway, you are bound to the terms and conditions of our website
*Contributors: the $15 voucher will also work in the contributor shop and will be added in addition to any contributor discount that we may be able to offer.
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shitennouland · 2 years
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PGSM References in Kishiryu Sentai Ryusoulger!
Beyond casting Miyuu (Usagi/Moon), Jouji (Mamoru/Tux), Masaya (Motoki) and Ayaka (Minako/Venus) in the series, even the content itself included some subtle (well, maybe not THAT subtle) references to the cast’s PGSM background! 
I’ve been meaning to compile them for awhile now. Sadly I didn’t notice any turtles around Masaya (Motoki). lol Master Red was more similar to his character Hongo Takeshi/Kamen Rider #1 in Kamen Rider The First, which he is much more known for.
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shitennouland · 2 years
PGSM Aino Minako & Director Guest Talk - Full Fan Translation
PHEW! I finished translating the whole guest talk between Ayaka and Director Suzumura that took place on Feb 26, 2022.   It was so awesome to hear them talk about the live action with such fondness still 18 years later!  
For context, Director Suzumura Nobuhiro filmed these episodes: Acts 9, 10, 15, 16, 35, 36, 43, 44, 47, 48.
Part 1 Translation Part 2 Translation
PGSM topics highlight to note:
In more than a few occasions, Ayaka talked about her experience filming PGSM.
Ayaka thinks of the other 4 Senshi as “family” instead of just “friends”. <3
Ayaka’s most memorable dialogue from her time as Aino Minako was “Strawberry is left for the end” from Act 12.
Ayaka talked about the connection between Sayonara ~Sweet Days and Act 12. 
They talked about Kirari Super Live and filming for Act 35 at the event.
They talked about Act 47 and how heart wrenching it is.
Miyuu really is acknowledged as very Usagi-like.
Ayaka talked about attending Brazil anime con and singing C’est La Vie with fans there. 
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shitennouland · 2 years
Cringe queers are the richest part of our community
Baby butches who really like star wars, trans catgirls, socially awkward twinks who may never be graceful enough to be fabulous, trans guys with weird hair, goths of many flavors
These are the everyday people who give us flavor and color. Not everyone can be a tv drag queen or a hot muscle butch on Instagram, and those who aren't, those who are loud and unapologetic, unhip and truly Queer in both senses of the word are the ones who you well meet, and often the ones who will make a difference
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