shitmybrother · 12 years
From ages ago but it still makes me laugh.
I talk to my brother for advice on guys and this is what he gives me.
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shitmybrother · 12 years
Definitely something Blair would say.
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shitmybrother · 12 years
Mom: Didn't your mother ever teach you that?
Me: She's trying to get at "You are what you eat."
Blair: Well in that case, I guess I'm a vagina.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
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shitmybrother · 13 years
"Well, now Orion will have someone his size to chase around the sky at night. Rest easy, Andy."
In regards to the sudden passing of a fellow band member from high school.
You'll be missed Andy. Don't forget us wherever you are. <3
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shitmybrother · 13 years
Hey guys, sorry I haven't posted much
I've been busy with school and hanging out with my girl and stuff.
The good news is, however, that Blair should be moving in with me temporarily starting Monday, for about three months.
So that should lead to a few good stories while he's here. Although I don't know how much I'll see him because he'll be working the late shift, while I work all day. Hell, I may not even see him once after he moves here. lol. Oh well. We shall see.
Don't forget you can submit stories, pictures, and videos!!
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shitmybrother · 13 years
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Homecoming Spirit week. I think his sophomore year. It was…I think Rockstar day, and he went way classic with a Sinatra impression.
I took the photo, tried to make it as much like the album cover as possible. A different backdrop would have been nice, but that’s alright.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
When asked to do something by our parents years ago, Blair's most common reply was "I busy"
"Blair come here, we need to change your diaper." "I Busy"
"Blair, pick up your toys" "I busy"
[Blair hits me] "It was an accident!" "Tell your sister you're sorry." "I busy"
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shitmybrother · 13 years
The awkward moment when your brother tells you he's looking into a job that has a base pay of $40/hr.
That little shit.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
If anyone can locate the Dancing Queen video, please please submit!!
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shitmybrother · 13 years
Oh jesus. Where do I start?
Start with that Christmas video.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
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Blair's sophomore year in band.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
Yo mama so fat, the hat sorted her into the house of pancakes.
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shitmybrother · 13 years
When do you think he will come out of the closet?
Well he's already worn a dress before, and we've all seen him dancing to ABBA.
Is it safe to say he's already out and we just didn't notice?
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shitmybrother · 13 years
Confucius say: gay dinosaur called Megasoreass
Blair (the text that started it all)
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