shittyblurryghost · 3 years
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shittyblurryghost · 4 years
If this crash is to be true to life I have to drive off a bridge for this so sorry to any fish under that
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shittyblurryghost · 4 years
my goal is to get my license so I can finally fulfill those nightmarea I have of dying(had to llok that up!) in a fucking car crash.
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shittyblurryghost · 4 years
like just when I was starting to feel like a real adult with friends and people to talk to, everyone disappeared
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shittyblurryghost · 4 years
Compared to last year of college, I want to kill myself twice as much.
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shittyblurryghost · 4 years
I can make this a personal private thoughts place hello
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shittyblurryghost · 5 years
This post on r/AmItheAsshole (and the OP’s follow-up responses) have me cry-laughing – please enjoy
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shittyblurryghost · 5 years
Godly gift the Uber on your team shares stats in accordance to slot location look it up on Smogon if you want more info.
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shittyblurryghost · 6 years
The more conventional use of my favorite team  with everyone's favorite tool switching out
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shittyblurryghost · 6 years
A win using the more unconventional side of my usual team any questions about my team I can answer 
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shittyblurryghost · 6 years
One of my few wins with one of my most fun teams named though the team has no real competitive value (yet) I like to use it as a secondary addition to my main team on battlespotsingles
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shittyblurryghost · 6 years
Hey new Blog
Gonna put some pokemon showdown battles here for whatever format probably battlespotsingles, for now, will try out more formats by request maybe
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