shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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Did you know? The strict linearity of the early-game can all be blamed on One Person.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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“I see we’re saying ‘fuck’ today.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Where the hell had Aluvya been before now, who knows but it really didn’t matter at the moment. This.. whatever it was, needed defeated. He hadn’t seen what had happened but he knew this much. And countless people and pokemon were putting themselves in danger trying to do so. He’d be damned it he didn’t do the same or at least help the ones who were. 
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He’d seen the boy take the hit and it hurt his heart to see the young human struggle to breath, his companions clearly worried about him. The sword toting Gardevoir would teleport over to the boy giving Erza a look to reassure he was only here to help. 
He kneels beside them setting his sword aside and attempts to use Healing Pulse. Admittedly he’d never tried using a move like that on a human before but he did hope it’d work. If not all he could do was attempt to bandage a few wounds.
All Emerson would sense right now, was a slow warmth pumping through his body... Slowly, ever so slowly, the rhythmic thumping of his heartbeat throughout his body began to dull...
Elpis and Ryujin move in between the monstrousity and this Gardevoir that was helping his friend.
There was a twitch in the boy’s fingers...
                                             And a rumbling at the boy’s belt.
From out of the other Pokeballs, popped a Boltund, barking and growling furiously as she joined Elpis and Ryujin. A Theivul, already beginning to hone her claws on the stone surface she stood on, and lastly, a Cinderace... also bruised, but in better condition that his trainer.
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The boy attempted to gently prop himself up, weakly turning to look at the Gardevoir. The intent was obvious, and a smile shuddered across his face.
   “...You... remind me of a Gallade... I raised from a Ralts...”
In the meantime... catching a glance at the new entourage, Necroernatus would screech defiantly. Elpis, already pushing itself to its limit using Iron Defense, would leap out in front as another swipe from its tail headed toward the lot.
Behind the legendary canine, were the rest of this trainer’s companions, helping to brace Elpis for impact behind its shield. Their will was one... make sure ALL of them make it out alive.
A pained yelp rung out as the attack stuck home, the whole of Emerson’s team, sans Erza, jolting backward from the impact and falling flat.
Emerson, looking over at his team, felt his heart well up in fear. He attempted to reach for his bag, but winced in pain. No cigar... not yet.
   “...P-please... I need to make it to them... they need my help...”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
The Corviknight flies back, a Cinderace in her talons, looking... thoroughly in pain, and exhausted. Emerson takes the injured Pokemon in his arms as Elpis bounds back over to him.
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“You did swimmingly out there, mate. I’m proud of you. Get a bit of rest, alright?”
He holds out a fist to Trailblazer, who bumps it with his own. A gesture dating back to when the two first met, all the way back in Postwick. Emerson can’t help but smile at the memory.
“Promise, I’ll give ya a front row seat when we finish this. Swear on me mum.”
With that, he returns Trailblazer to their Pokeball for now. He turns to Erza and Elpis with grim determination in his eyes.
“We’ve still got a ways to go, team. Let’s fuck ‘em up.”
He pulls an Ultra Ball from his belt. Tossing it up, a Gyarados bursts from the capsule with a roar.
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   “Ryujin! It’s all you, mate! Hydro Pump this bitch!”
He turns to Elpis.
   “Try to blind it with Dazzling Gleam!”
The Zamazenta takes a leap straight into the air with powerful legs, and right in its face, lets out a burst of blinding light from the shield around its neck. 
Rearing back, it bellows in Elpis’ face... only to get blasted from below with a stream of water. This would only serve to enrage the monster further, and with a sweep of its tail, strikes not only the two larger Pokemon, but their trainer as well, with the latter barely managing to brace himself with his arms before being slammed with immense force.
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             It hurt.
                                           It hurt like hell.
With a screech of fear, Erza would catch her trainer on her back as the redhead attempted to breathe... with only choked gasps and sobs emerging.
Elpis and Ryujin...? They were tough. They were big, and they were strong. They were already getting back up to fight on instinct. But him? 
                  He was just a kid.
                                                His whole body throbbed.
            He could barely breathe.
                                               Was he going to die here...?
           ...No... there was still fight in the boy’s battered and bruised body.
        “...c... can’t... g-give...up...”
                                                               “...i... c-can’t....”
                        “...i don’t want to die...”
                                                       “...i don’t want anyone else to die...”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
The trio makes their way up Mount Lanakila. It’s surprising how far adrenaline and pure unyielding rage can take you... 
Lungs burning, muscles straining, the redheaded champion known as Emerson scrambles up a rock, releasing Erza from her Pokeball. The Corviknight immediately in flight, Emerson looks into her eyes, an understanding passing between them: “don’t let us die”.
With Trailblazer and Elpis stopping at either side of him, the trainer gave out his first directions, chest heaving.
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   “Elpis! Yeet Trailblazer overtop of the bastard! Trailblazer, use Pyro Ball, then land on him usin’ Bounce!”
The Cinderace gives a noise of approval, already hopping onto the Zamazenta’s snout, the latter springboarding him into the air along with a small stone, that the former would bounce between his feet with precision, working it into a ball of flame.
Kicking the attack into the monster’s face would get Necrozma’s attention, giving a roar of defiance. Trailblazer would falter as a pulse of energy began to charge in its maw.
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   “Elpis! Behemoth Bash! Knock its aim off!!”
The legendary beast would howl ominously, eyes burning a fierce orange as the shield around its neck locked into place. Elpis would then launch itself, surrounded with a blazing energy, straight into the side of Eternecrozma’s head(?), just as a powerful Dragon Pulse burst from its maw, narrowly missing its target.
With renewed spirit and a sigh of relief, Trailblazer would frontflip as he fell, slamming feet-first into the top of their opponent’s head.
Elpis would land first, and would coincidentally notice the lack of any significant damage, howling out a warning to both trainer and Cinderace. 
Emerson turned, panicked, at his companion’s warnings, and called to Erza.
   “Catch Trailblazer!”
Startled, Erza would take of with a flap of her wings, but not before Eternecrozma would slam its gigantic head into the Cinderace in midair, sending his beloved partner hurtling away, pursued by the Corviknight.
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   “...Oh Arceus...this is a nightmare...”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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                                                     ENTER: NECROERNATUS
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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This. This might be. Too much. Witnessing such a vicious murder...
                             Followed by their situation getting so. So much worse.
“...a warning for any of you heroes who may get any ideas.”
A threat. A threat, along with a murder. Along with the implication of yet another murder. Along with the threat of the entire world being conquered.
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   “...No... This isn’t fair...”
The boy bristles, tears staining his glasses. The Cinderace and Zamazenta at his side coo softly in worry, as their trainer’s despair begins to quickly channel into something different...
                                            ...something reckless.
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The Galarian Champion begins bolting, full-sprint, tears of fury pouring down their face-
                                  -stumbling over his own legs-
          -as he screeches in pure rage- in DEFIANCE... 
...of the girl who decided to make the world he’d fought and helped to save from the Darkest Day, her own little plaything.
                As he runs, his two companions rush to catch up to be by his side.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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The boy watches as another squad of Riot Control falls... only for a voice to take the place of all the noise of battle. Everything falling eerily silent. His Rotom Phone bursts out of his pocket, expression distressed as it turns the screen to display a livestream.
Emerson watches, silently, as he finally gets SOME answers... alternate universes... what was this, some bad scifi movie?
Then. The figure. Damocles. Raises a Master Ball.
                                                                               And it opens.
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   “...You have got t’be rattlin’ my chains...”
As the Eternamaxed Eternatus comes into full view, alongside its blinding, almost ethereal counterpart- Ultra Necrozma.
        Elpis and Trailblazer glower up at the spiraling dragon over the mountain.
They both remember what it took to take it down.
                                                              But now... it had help.
                  This war was only just beginning.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Come and hit on my muse. Do it. I dare you.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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   ...He’s having flashbacks to the Tomato Berry Curry Disaster.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
Me: im gonna be active !! Im gonna fuck up the dash !! Im gonna-!
The adrenaline in my body , depleting:
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
galar-rin replied to your post “   “Transphobes are banned from the Gym Challenge. I don’t make the...”
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   “N’ take the tram off Galar while you’re at it.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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   “Transphobes are banned from the Gym Challenge. I don’t make the rules.”
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
this is a transgender zone you either support trans rights or you die dude
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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you did this, i am only the vessel used to create this fucking garbage
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
rose's announcement basically
Rose: I've come to make an announcement, Leon the champion's a bitch ass motherfucker. He pissed on my fucking plans for Galar's future and he said his dick was "this big" and I said "that's disgusting" so I'm making a callout post on my twitter dot com. Leon the champion, you got a small dick. It's the size of this monster except way small
Rose, releasing Eternatus: And guess what, here's what my dong looks like. That's right baby. All point. No quills. No pillows. Look at that it looks like two balls and a bong. He fucked my plans for Galar's future so guess what. I'm gonna fuck Galar. That's right this is what you get. My super laser piss! Except I'm not gonna piss on Galar, I'm gonna PISS ON THE DARKEST DAY
Rose: THAT'S RIGHT HOW DO YOU LIKE THAT LEON! I PISSED ON THE DARKEST DAY YOU IDIOT! You have 23 hours before the piss droplets hit the fucking earth. Now get out of my fucking sight, before I piss on you, too.
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shixlded-chxmp · 5 years
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