shobiejuesna · 27 days
Wishing someones happiness and success, even you no longer part of the choices they made is love.
I am hopelessly and irrevocably in love to a rainbow.
To the man i am in love. If the parallel world exist. I will still choose to love you all over again, no matter how much it hurts and die with the smile on my face without regrets.
I love expressing my unsaid feeling and thoughts, through the characters i made in every story i create.
A warrior and survivor, that went through to silent battles inside the chaos of my mind.
Was wreck after being drown and found the achor that gave me hope no matter how overwhelming the waves are.
Fearless, eccentric and funny
A girl living for dreams and to dearest poochie.
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
VI. The Mysterious Treasure Map
Once upon a time, in a small town called Oakville, where the vibrant green grass (visual) and valleys are alive there lived a group of adventurous friends named Alex, Emma, and Max. One hot sunny day(thermal), they stumbled upon an old, dusty book in the attic of their grandmother's house. The book contained a mysterious treasure map that led them Excitedly, the friends gathered around the map and started deciphering the clues. The first clue led them to the town's historic library. As they entered, the smell of old paper invaded thier nostril (olfactory). They were greeted by the librarian, Mrs. Jenkins, who had been waiting for them. shell are her hand
"Welcome, young explorers!" Mrs. Jenkins said with a smile. Showing her teeth that white as pearl(simile). Mrs. Jenkins maybe had an angelic face( metaphor) but the children should know better "To find the next clue, you must solve a word hunt. All you have do is search for clue and it so easy(understatement) which the following vocabulary words hidden in these book titles: adventure, quest, treasure, discovery, and mystery." The place wa engulfed by deafening silence(oxymoron). The friends eagerly scanned the shelves, the library was full of thuds and loud stomp of feets running( auditory) searching for the hidden words. The children almost went crazy searching!(hyperbole) After a few minutes, they found all the books and arranged them in the correct order. Mrs. Jenkins was impressed by their determination and handed them the next clue.
The second clue took them to the town's park, where the trees are big and old. The way the branch dance through the wind.(personification)
It help the children to calm the nerve of children to continue the journey where they had to complete a vocabulary challenge. They had to find objects in the park that matched the given vocabulary words: explore, ancient, valuable, uncover, and enigma. Each time they found an object, they had to use it in a sentence to demonstrate its meaning. the friends completed the challenge, they felt their vocabulary skills growing stronger. They thanked Mrs. Jenkins for her guidance and eagerly followed the next clue.
The third clue led them deep into the forest. The forest is known for big and rough stones(tactile). Where they had to solve a riddle using vocabulary words. The riddle went like this:
"I am a hidden treasure, buried in the ground, unearth me carefully, for I am quite profundity ancient markings and a gleam so bright, I hold the secrets of the past, shining in the light. What am I?" After some brainstorming, the riddle is not hard it's challenging(euphamism). The friends realized that the answer was an artifact. They dug in the indicated spot and found a small, ancient artifact that shimmered in the sunlight.
Excitedly, they returned to their grandmother's house, where they discovered a hidden compartment in the attic and the children can't believe this compartment exist inside(irony)!, they found a chest filled with gold coins, precious gems, and a note that read, "Congratulations, brave adventurers! You have successfully completed the word hunt and found the treasure. Use your newfound vocabulary skills to continue exploring the world!"
The children ate a sweet desserts(gustatory) as celebration. The friends celebrated their victory, knowing that their vocabulary journey had just begun.They thanked each other for being always giving a hand( syncedoche) their teamwork and promised to embark on more exciting adventures together. The group of friends will need new blood (metonymy) for next future journey.
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
She was introduced to the man name Juanito by one of her girlfriend. The first word came to my mom mind the moment she laid her eyes on the guy was fallen angel (metaphor). The man has a brown curly hair, a sharp jawline, a pointed nose, a plump lips, a tan complexion and very tall. Mom felt her chest beating so fast and loud that she wouldn`t be shock if earthquake will happen (hyperbole). My teenage mom didn`t have the idea it was love-at-first-sight. She had chit-chat to the guy, but her brain (synecdoche) doesn`t seem functioning. It was the most unforgettable summer of my mom. When my mom was 18, it was the time she accepted the fact that she was victim of arrow of cupid (metonymy). As the year passed, my mom was been always spending her summertime in San Carlos. Growing up mom and Juanito was being paired up, their been tease up by everyone. She was 18 when Juanito courted her and when she was 19 when they come official. The guy proved he was deserving of my mom affection. He was very patient to my mom, whenever my mom immaturity creeping up. He was the kind of guy that will cook food for my mom, whenever my mom was sick. He never raised his voice to my mom, no matter how heated the argument was. The kind of guy that will patiently wait to my mom. A kind of guy that always save a seat for my mom. The man that willing to travel a miles just to see my mom (understatement). The kind of man that will ask for permission to my grandmother, to my mom's sisters and to her brother-in-laws. He did not only win my mom's heart but also my mom's family. Everyone expected them ended up tieing the knot. During those almost 4 years relationship, the only time they were together during summertime. My mom's early twenties years was spent at work, her works takes different far places. My mom was exposed to different worlds and lifestyle. As she got older her perspective towards life change, her wants and dreams also change. It was the bitter-sweet reality (oxymoron). To the point she lost interest (euphemism) to the relationship she had. She no longer imagined herself settling to the town. Regardless in her losing her interest and falling-out-of-love, my mom still stayed that relationship anyway. Mom was just waiting to guy to give up, she sometimes would not answer the letter of the guy for months. My mom really making feel the guy she lost her interest, but Juanito was still consistent. He kept sending my mom letters and flowers in every occasion. Juanito still stayed at the town of San Carlos, since his life was there. Year 1998, when Juanito ask my mom's hand for marriage. My mom rejected the proposal, even my mom's family and his family already do the pamamanhikan since they assume my mom will say yes. My mom thought she was too young to get married, to start a family, and she's in the age where she's still discovering what life really is. My mom want to experience everything in her 20's in order to grow. Despite of almost 4 years, she rejected the marriage much to everyone's disappointment (irony). After the marriage proposal rejection, it was the last time my mom footsteps in that town. She also cut off her communication to everyone she knew to that town-because of embarrassment of disappointing them; except her eldest sister and brother-in-law. It was also the last time my mom and Juanito talk and saw each other. My mom continued to work and she kept her self, far as possible to the town. Her family respected her decision and they let her be. Years passed her family sometimes bring up a topic about Juanito, but she hang up the call or sometimes changing the topic. It was her biggest mistake. It was year 2005; she came back to the town together with her first child. She accidentally bump with the mother of Juanito. The mother of Juanito was genuinely happy to see her. They talk and catch up. My mom apologized to Juanito's mother to happen in the past. My mom finally had the chance to ask about Juanito. The mother of Juanito just smiled sadly and replied "he died 6 years ago".
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
It was year 1993, when my mom met juanito. It was the year when fate decided to play (personification). She was 16 that time, young and naïve. It was scorching heat of summer (thermal), when my mom first time visiting her brother-in-law hometown. It was small town in San Carlos, the town was surrounded by wide green color (visual) and old trees that old as Spanish colonization (simile). Every morning my mom woken up by the sound of loud screams of people and the sound of chirping birds (auditory). The people of town common job were farming, since the town has hecre of lands that owned by the De la Merced family. Descendants of former Spaniard, which once ruled the town during the Spanish colonization period. The rough hands (tactile) of people in town are the testament of their hard work. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee (olfactory) and sweet delicacies (gustatory) in the morning is common breakfast in the town. Mom at that time living her life, partying every night was her thing, since she`s only on vacation. My teenage mom circle of friend was also a party goer. It was the cousins and neighbors of her brother-in-law. One night, on the way to the baile-baile (disco night) of the town that happen every Saturday night.
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
"Loving the imperfections"
You sad, you always
Hate your brown eyes (visual)
And wish the color
Sky and ocean
How you loathed your
Voice, cause it`s remind
You of rattling sound
Of thousands thunders (auditory)
But for me, I always
Loved your voice hence
It calms the raging
Storm in me (symbolism)
I always loved the
Your dark smooth (tactile)
Hair; the way it
Dance to the air (personification)
The way your smile
“The way you talk
And say my name!(allusion)
The beast tame (rhyme)
Being in your arms
It feels like heaven (simile)
And being with a
Sweet angel (metaphor)
Hush, hush, hush, hush(repetition)
That tame every
Fiber of my being;
“It just chaos in my mind” (understatement)
The strong smell musk; reminder of (olfactory)
Of the warm space (thermal)
You made me feel
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
CONTACT INFORMATION: Shobie Juesna Magalang Pampanga, Philippines
Cast of Character
Rosanne (my mom): the main lead of the story and Juanito's great love.
Juanito: my mom ex-boyfriend for almost 4 years.
Nina: Rosanne mother.
Minerva: Rosanne eldest sister
Theodore: Rosanne brother-in-law and husband of Minerva
Christina: Theodore's cousin and Rosanne best friend
Annalise: Juanito's older sister
Felicia: Juanito's youngest sister
Lucia: Juanito's mother
Simon: Juanito's father
May of 1993.
While we are young, we sometimes found love that just bound to hurt and teach us. We met someone that we thought "the one" or "the girl\boy before the one". Imagining, ourselves growing old with that someone to the rest of our lives. Year 1993 at the small town of San Carlos, there was two young lovers. As the time passed their love and fidelity was tested. Would they end up together or biggest regret and lesson to each other?
SETTING: Silay city, Nina's inside room in her house
AT RISE: Rossane and Nina facing each other on the bed, while Rossane reading the letter out loud.
Why you can't take a vacation too? You promise ate and kuya to visit this summer. (In her upset voice and shoulders drop)
I can't leave this time ga (love), your aunt Lena needs me here.
(She affectionately pats her youngest daughter head)
Uncle Samuel could take care of her. Carmen will be upset too. C'mon let's just go! (In verge of crying to Nina)
Get up and stop crying already. Your cousin will come anytime soon to fetch you
(She firmly told her daughter and left the bed to get Rosanne luggage)
SETTING: in front of Minerva and Theodore house at San Carlos
AT RISE: the married couple facing Rosanne in four seater table
Look at you, you've grown! We miss you! Let's go inside for you to eat and i could hear your tummy making earth shuttering noises (hyperbole)
(She beamed happily after she hugged her youngest sister tight. Guiding her to enter the house while Theodore takes the luggage to put in the room for Rosanne)
You never change. You still eat, like someone will steal your food (simile)
(She affectionately looking to her youngest sister while holding her husband arms)
Eat slowly San. The food won't run (personification)
(He reprimand Rosanne when Rosanne accidentally drop the fork)
Sorry about that. I was travelling for 9 hours straight and my muscles are aching (metonymy) because the wheels (synecdoche) had been moving nonstop.
(She apologized after she drank water)
And the whole journey had been hell since I was been with Carlos the devil (metaphor). He kept doing all those stupid pranks! I could even sleep!
(She whines being her usual self and the married couple just laugh)
Saturday night May of 1993.
While we are young, we sometimes found love that just bound to hurt and teach us. We met someone that we thought "the one" or "the girl boy before the one". Imagining, ourselves growing old with that someone to the rest of our lives. Year 1993 at the small town of San Carlos, there was two young lovers. As the time passed their love and fidelity was tested. Would they end up together or biggest regret and lesson to each other?
SETTING: terrace of Christina's parents
AT RISE: Rosanne seated on the bench facing the front yard and beside her was Christina
They got married last year. I mean they fight tooth and nail and they tied a knot (irony). Looking at them I still can't believe it!
(Christina animatedly narrating what Rosanne miss last year summer)
Lia went home last summer. Her dad was sick and wishes to return to this hometown. I miss her nonstop mouth. On her last letter, her father was getting better and might come back here before Christmas-
(Christina stop suddenly talking and waved her hands to the boy just enter)
What took you so long? We've been waiting for you for almost two hours.
(Christina asked the boy and the boy scratch the back of his head)
By the way this is Minerva youngest sister. Juanito meet Rosanne.
(Juanito offer a handshake to Rosanne and shyly accept it)
N-nice to m-meet you
(She stuttered out of nervousness and Christina fake a cough since she notice how her friend reacted to Juanito's sudden presence)
May of 1993.
While we are young, we sometimes found love that just bound to hurt and teach us. We met someone that we thought "the one" or "the girl boy before the one". Imagining, ourselves growing old with that someone to the rest of our lives. Year 1993 at the small town of San Carlos, there was two young lovers. As the time passed their love and fidelity was tested. Would they end up together or biggest regret and lesson to each other?
SETTING: at the rivers town
AT RISING: Rosanne and Christina seated on the picnic blanket near the river where all their friends swimming
He's achingly handsome isn't he? (Oxymoron)
(She teasingly poking Rosanne cheeks. When she caught it stealing glances)
He is... especially when he smile and the way his crinkles.
(She mindlessly replied still looking at Juanito)
He's also soft spoken and really attentive when I talk. He just really deserved to be the "crush ng bayan" (understatement). Too bad, I'm going home next week. I can't here for long since mama needs me.
I know that look. I won’t let that Ursula lure your man (euphemism). I got your back and keep you posted in the next few months.
(In her promising and determining voice)
While we are young, we sometimes found love that just bound to hurt and teach us. We met someone that we thought "the one" or "the girl boy before the one". Imagining, ourselves growing old with that someone to the rest of our lives. Year 1993 at the small town of San Carlos, there was two young lovers. As the time passed their love and fidelity was tested. Would they end up together or biggest regret and lesson to each other?
SETTING: garden's house of Lucia and Simon house
AT RISING: Rosanne and Juanito facing his family at the dinner table
Finally, my son has brought a girl to introduce as his girlfriend. Nice to meet you hija
(She smiled sweetly that gave warmth feeling to the chest of Rosanne)
Tonight's cold but look at him ma, blushing like some teenage boy (thermal)
(She teases his brother when he notices his brother looking at Rosanne like lovesick fool)
Here taste this fresh pickly sweet persimmon hija
(He gives the basket of persimmon to Rosanne and Rosanne shyly took a piece)
Are you getting married to kuya? Like kuya Paulo?
(The youngest blurted out and the table has awkward silence)
So you're leaving this weekend hija?
(Lucia broke the awkward air and Rosanne nod)
Sad to say but yes tita, since final semester is about to end. I need to review and pass the entire final requirement before to graduate. My mom does also need me to manage the farm that my father left to us.
(She frustrated covered her face remembering all the task she need to do when she get home)
We'll probably see each other again after 8 months. Since my job was call of duty too. I thought after college, there will be more time for me to rest! Our general been deploying us to far places. I can't even say considering it's my duty as an army. I sometimes regret this profession, since I can't have the time to spare to talk to my girlfriend!
(His parent just laughed to his rants)
Look at them. Back in the days, were just like them. But look at us fighting all the odds and still together after all this year
(He stared lovingly to his beloved wife)
You need more patient son. Being away from each other will test your loyalty that will strengthen your relationship. It worth the wait after all
(Advising the young couple and the couple took the advice in their hearts and looks each other smiling)
While we are young, we sometimes found love that just bound to hurt and teach us. We met someone that we thought "the one" or "the girl boy before the one". Imagining, ourselves growing old with that someone to the rest of our lives. Year 1993 at the small town of San Carlos, there was two young lovers. As the time passed their love and fidelity was tested. Would they end up together or biggest regret and lesson to each other?
SETTING: At the restaurant
AT RISING: Seated in a fancy table, facing each other
I still remember the summertime when I first met you. I remember cursing Tina inside my head for being so persistent to invite me to join her at the disco night. Also the time I overhead you saying you like me, making me wide awake all night.
(Chuckling with the reminiscing look)
I thought your feelings will fade away, since you only sixteen at that time. The happiness, I felt you said yes after courting you for one year and seven months. For almost four years, those emotions you made me felt still here.
(Looking intensely at her eyes and resume)
The happiness I feel, whenever I see your smile. You never cease to make my heart throbbed with your simple, "I love you". How you can give me peace, no matter the world give noise. How your soft hands (tactile) and you soothing voice (auditory), can calm the rage of storm in me. How to you can turn the bitterness into sweet (gustatory). How your heart (metonymy), can fix the shambles...
(He paused when Rosanne sob even more and he shakingly popped the question)
Will you accept this ring and let's liver under the same roof (synecdoche) for eternity?
(Rosanne keep sobbing and abruptly stand and walked out. Juanito followed her outside in panic. He got her hand that made Rosanne stopped)
Did I do something wrong? Did I offend you? Am i rushing things again?
(he asked in furrowed brows. Rosanne finally face him, tears streaming in her cheeks)
I'm s-sorry... I t-tried... I s-swear!
(Stammering in weak voice avoiding his gaze, while keep trying to stop her tears)
I just wake up one day... I become different, a version of me i did not expect to be. I no longer perceive myself in this town. I no longer desire the life I told myself that I want to be with you back when I was that young, stupid and wild girl I used to be.
(She bravely bring out everything in the light, even though her tears betraying her)
As I kept denying the truth I no longer feel the same. I kept convincing myself to stay, hoping perhaps I could bring it back. I made it worst, I lied! I lied to myself and to you...and i'm so sorry I can't make the dreams and promises we once live for.
(As her tears continue to flow, Juanito shaking his head)
You don't have to reciprocate. As long as you stay! I would stay, to give everything no matter what. I don't want a world without you and what the sense of this mere existence not having you what's the significant of having the success and owning the medals of recognition, without you. I would catch a bullet in every war, if you ask me to. I could survive every battle field, but not a world without you.
(He shamelessly begged and did not mind to be vulnerable)
I would never forgive myself if I continue to lie and hurt you. Please love someone that also willing to give up the world to you
(And Rosanne left but Juanito stay where she left him. Maimed, Lost, Scarred, and unmoving.)
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
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shobiejuesna · 27 days
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